HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Right of Way Easement C OHP(j 1\../\ 'IE R I G. :..:rJ"! - 0 1~"1_1,~r}\ '\{ ~~~Pi~) 1<~,: r'~:<' r . . ..,' -" , '\>" i 0'1 , (,::'1 C():cr)(>r,~lttc,)r"''i "._~'-~~;Yi:.tlirE;u;tr;.lT1--6T-$T:-()~;)-;--[U'lG._() t 11 t~-i7-""T!;-l)(}:j':ii-;-2i'-'-'v~--T-:!:',::T-(:--(-~' , :: l ( I I r' LL U T.I, L : ; ,,,(,d pal d, the reeeipt of which 1.3 hereby acl<.nowlE:cl cd, /r,relY:!;:;. c:nrlVc.'y:Ci, "'Jld wnrrar,ti:.~ '~~o THE MONTANA POWE:R COMPAI'i'f, a c:oY'f)Ol'ut.Lon, Wi'\Cl;;'-' I'C;":, ()f'c'I(:(~ a.djrt,<;::; 1:3 Uutte, l-1orltana, and to it[;: succes~;cr~), a::;~'.:Lgr~f; i-1TlU !. l,'rr.'ii, ';, ';If r:Lsh t to cons truct, maintain, oper[J, te and remove ar'i,:-~1-:ec'l'\lpi:e,~er~,~~~4" cO~*l.u:)..,Lr:a:t.;~i-~.:~ ;'E:~. a gas pire lice (; ',I e~' .:.tt. g a::1 d .... fo"" \ 1 9 ;.~:('(\S f; 1.:-13ot c cr,,:,ain COUi'lty, ~1o>ita.'(:,n i"lnj re;~l P_~'(Ypt:Y~,",', ll~~'~r'\t.i,"',~,~, J...1": p .'~: .rt .I, c~.- ~:". :~J. .~" ~ 0.; r'~ f,:'. .:' ',:~' j," ~ ':,' I,' '''.1 <" ,'. ,"'... 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'-'~-_._-""~'''-'''------..~-'._'''-_._'-'._~''-'~' ,."-~,_.- '--1';(-~-}H7r wi th the right of access to said right of' way over and \1.J er',:: :,,, :1ting roads and trails and the right to clear and remove all tini"uer and ;' ; D :'1 :rom the right of way I C feet on each side 01' said transmLs s lon -.: ,0':; and to cut and remove such trees outside c::':' s'lch right of' 'day 'vlllich ~n endanger said line or lines. l)i'tted th,ts 24th da,y of October ~l n "'9 , , ;7._'...:.._,____, ;'l The C:it) of BOZ,f;'~'~aan /\; L" -~\ F~:":" r~' : ............ ,-.'''.------.-...;;...---.-., .'/, ./ . ~er{IM~}tttrfj1- 3y _;.- \' (,__'_'__ u"" -.. --'-.b'~~N~~"';'~, ," ",__, __-",",::,"_~_,__,___,_, '_ . ,(I, _ r l"t!'U!).S;"," ..,t,H C"I(:rk 0':. 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