HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Graf's First Subdivision, " ,,~. ~ GQAF'S FIQST .~ ~>fiD;: B Son t\. ALLE6f2A 5 U D I V I ( 0 N ~ "ty..'o' E U G E N I A v\\ STEf?ANZOFF ! ..' J PERMANENT EASEM:;:} . .-: 5 1,<:"'''1 CONS TR.ue TIOI\I ~,/~' ?>~A II nLM 389 / EASEMENT .' .~,~'--}:~ '2y //~~$~L~~' fV, '-''-',,''',' ,:Iv / 4 I 0.. '" ' / ~ , ", 'j., , , ~l~~, ,",'"",',,,:','l,,',,',,<~'> ~~. ;1 . "'~>/<(/ "'~"'- I ~',>;/ 20 ~ ~"'v1// 6 ",~'- , ,";, ',1"", / '-,,'-..... " ". .;( "'-""-" "" "" /' " ~<+,'~ \ z ,', ~ />",\ '-..., ,"L ~ ~'<'\"/'\ o ~}l "'" ~/, 1'0 0 '" ",,_____ / / :i '~~\~.\ ~\/:/\ "\""~,, '//,\ ' ~,,~-j / ~ ~~~~L:~A27T~-._._- 0: ~~" / /\ STE PANZ~~~E. NA Q ",,~y) 2 ~ i . ~1 / I FILM 389 r:y. _ , ~~-r~~ ~MENr . '. Q r g~ 22 '.?O",~ ,r--r~__ - -. · / If "~i / GQAF ~\ / / I 7 / (~') ,~v; I I II / 1<'~"'0(\J f I I ~'" ~ 'j , .;;::". , / / ",t j C"\ , .-'''n vJ ,JI.c.-.- ,:",.; -... ~ 6q~ I / /1 / / I ( ! a L.r) ~ '~, 4 "3 WAL T[fl € MAI2TEL I DEANNE L. MIIQTEL a l(') w > ~ a z o >- z w ~ ~O" 'b. ---~ t:::), -~ ~. . rti~' I" ...', c'"" u J dJ: WALTER MARTEL & DEANNE L. MARTEL EASEMENT LOT 3, BLOCK 4, GRAF'S FIRST SUB-DIVISION A permanent utility easement, 30 feet northerly, parallel and contiguous to the following described line, with a construction easement, 15 feet northerly, parallel and contiguous to the permanent utility easement. Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence North 650 12' DO" West, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 3, a distance of 143.0 feet; thence North 280 29' 00" West, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 3, a distance of 92.4 feet, to the northwest corner of said Lot 3. .\::,.."t1 . ",.' J