HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- Addison, Gardner-Simmental Plaza Subdivision Easement < - - ". l'-larch 18, 1981 Mr. Paul R. Addison Regional Real Estate Manager united Parcel Service 7171 Mercy Road, I~oom 432 Omaha, Nebraska 68106 Re: Utility Easement, Lots 3 and 4, Gardncr-Simmental Plaza Subdivision Dear Mr. Addison: You are hereby advised that, by thjs letter, we arc releasing all of our right, title, and interest to that utility ease- ment which is ten feet on either side of the common boundary line between the below described contiguous parcels of real property, to wit: Lots 3 and 4 of Tract 7 of Gardner-Simmental Plaza, a tract of land located in the E 1/2 of Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereof on file and o[ record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. By this letter we are intending to give up all right to use said easement. It is our understanding that, at some future date, you may extend your proposed building across the common boundary line of the above-described contiguous parcels of real property and, by this letter, we would have no objection to such actions. It is our further understanding that we are only relin- quishing our rights to that utility easement above described and that all other utility easements on the above-described parcels of real property, including but not limited to the utility easements ten feet in width on the south boundary of both parcels and a thirty-foot utility easement on the west end of tract 3 shall remain in full force and effect. c~a, ,,In,.'~,,,, /I~ /~ :: Robek..'.~. Br iney, Manager Community Tole-Communications, Inc. 511 W. Mendenhall Bozeman, Montana 59715 dg . , - - ':)rop~rty As~essment Division Mitchell Building ~e'ena, Montana 59601 STATE OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ':1Al! l'lIiill';II!N', (0., fH~~N,5.. MONT. REALTY TRANSFER CERTIFICATE !N~.,rRUCTIONS: The Realty Transfer Act, Chapter 528, laws of 1975, requires thot information regarding the transfer of real 'xoperty must be provided to the Department of Revenue before an instrument concerning the transfer may be recorded or the 'lame of the owner changed on the tax assessment roll. Informotion in Pdrt 1 regilrding 011 transfers must be completed. The :::ounty Clerk and Recorder prepores Section 3 and transmits the certificilte to the Depilrtment of Revenue. All information rer, raining to sales consideration is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Section 84-7310, R.C.M. 19.-17, "A person convicted of violating any i)rovision of this act shall be fined not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) or be imrri$Oned in the county j(}il for any term not to exceed six (6) months or both." PART 1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR All TRANSFERS . '0 be completed by purchaser ond seller or their representatives: Sales Dale ~arne of Seller(s)Comnunity Tele_comrrrunications, Inc. Addre";<; S11 W. Mendenhall, P.ozeffi:m, Montana Jame of Purdlilser(s) Lentana Corporation Add ny, 51 Weaver St., Greenwich Office Park #5, Greenwich, Ct. 06830 >escr:ption of Property: Municipality Addition , Ellock Lot )ther description See attached Exhibit "1\" Property use is Inainly (Check One): o Vacant residential lot 0 Other v,xant lot n Commercial [] Industrial [-'1 Agriculturill [J Residenti a I [1 1 irnllel' [] T,}x Exempt by Law PART 2 EXEMPTIONS rhis 5iJle exempt from the provisions of the Realty Traw,fer Act hecdusc =.J Property is agricultural land which will rernain in that use. ] Purchaser is U.S., State or other governmental (lgency. ] Transfer is to correct, rnodify or supplement (J previously recorded instrument. NO ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION IS MADE, ::::J Transfer is pursuant to a courl decree. ] TrMlsfer is pursuant to a merger, consolid,)tion or reorc]<lIliliJtion of d buslnc",s entity J Transfer is from a subsidiury tu a parent corporation without dctual considcltlliorl. '] '1 rdnsfer is purSUdnt to a decedent's e~itatc. J Transfer is a gift. ] Transfer is between husband and wife or parent and child with no/ninal dctUdl consideration. J Purch(l~;er and seller are identical parties. J TrJnsfer is pursuant to delinquent taxes, sheriff sdle, bankruptcy or foreclo',IJr", l Trdnsfer is ITldde in contelllpl,llion of dCdth without (xtu,)1 consideration, Instrurnent does not trclllSter realty: o Mineral interest, lease or lOyidty LJ A~,signment of intercst dS cull,iler,lI PART 3 COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER Instrument recorded in Book P,)ge Dzile Iype of In~.trument: Deeds: Other: l] Warranty ['] Grimt [--I Quit <Idilll [I Contract for Deed n Decldrdtion of Interest [I Decree I I Asc"igllll1enl of Minerdl Rigfil<; or ROYdlty PART 4 SALES INFORMATION ""ctual Consideration $ _ Value of any personal property included i!1 sales price $ 'inancing: ''__CASH FHA VA CONV. CONTRACT Down Payment $ Have SID's been paid Interest Rate Name: Yes No If 'No', amount due $ Berg, Coil, Stokes & Tollefson Term Prepared by: (Signed) Address: P. O. Box 5~0, EDzcrnan, !bntana 59715 . , - - EXHIBI'l' "1\" That utility casement being ten Feet (10') on each side of the common boundary 1 ine between LoU, 3 and 4 of Trac t 7 of Gardner-Simmental Plaza, a tract of lund located in the E 1/2 of Section 35, ':i.'ownship I. South, Ean(~e S East_, rLP.r~., Gallatin County, r10ntana, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, I1ontana. ~,:~.'~l:",",,"_'~"'~'I~""" .~'''.,,"'''iL"'','''''~'''''__' ._..._~, .1 ..~"I-o/Io,'t~"'!' __ i.......,.'... 11II1II ...... r._:::-.,.~~~',[1B~ ,'j"' I~i~e(l!.- 1.aI 'I I! L II I: Ii :i II I II COMMUNITY 'l'ELE-CmiTMUNICATIONS, INC. ! a Nevada corporation I . '., -"..,.."" ___,_ __.)c.__\....~,j... ..m___.___ ___.. (SEAL) : / / '" ,,1 By' ,:! I " i ,',' .....1.. .. ------- --~. iob~'it---,:r:~'tJB.r iri~Y.~' ....- ------ -- (SEAL) Han<wer / ! / , - . S-T ATE OF MO.N~NA l ss. C oUTli.y ot.......______,__G.Q.,;l..l~ttn__________..... Filcd for rccord this"...m__day 01....,..,.....,..._________"..___.......,....19......__ aL..___o.clocl{........M. and Recorded iTl Bool{..........of Dceds on Pagc.._,_,....of the Records of CountJJ 01......,............._....._.........". State of M OTltaTla,.....__......_..."________..___,..___,__... , Clcrl? and Hecordcr By___,_______,__,.....__.._,..____...,.._,..... No, 14 - QlllT CI.AIM DEED, .I1AT~ ~IJBL"HIN~ 1;0,. HH,I!N.... 1110"1. THIS INDENTURE. Made thc....--,..-----..-,--daJJ ol----,--,_________.____...".....__._____in the J;car of our Lord one thousand nine hundred ancl..__..__Q _i.gD_t-.Y:-:-9XW ___' ____........ _____ .between______,_. __ __,.. __.._. ____.......... .CQMMUNJ:T.Y...TEL.E:-:-c,m.'lMUNJ:CATIONS -,__.XNC_,--,__.;1 .NGva/I.?...<;:.9!'PQX_~lj~,j.,QD.1 . ,__, __'........ .( I I :1 \ ~ __...."'_ __. __ _..__ _, _. __. __ ...__.._ ___ __ __,. __. __ __.. __.. _,.....". __ __...., __ __, __ __.. __ __ __ __ __ _", __" __ __the part. ,y....... 0/ thc first part and ,_,__LEUTZlNl\., _c.Q:ReOMT.J:ON~__ ,~.. MQD.ti+n,Q._.. G,Q ;LPQX~ t_,:!"QD.L y.-rh9_~ q, __?~J.Q.:r:~_~~__, t?... "~,J...~~_a.~~,~,, ,:?, ~,~,~9,t l....0. ~,~~n-_~?:_c::J~___9r~J~ 9___~ ar}(" 1~ ,5 '. _..~ !:~.~~~ ~~,~!....S:~,r:.~~_<?~_~-,<::-':l,!=: ' ..~.~.~}~..........,...........'...m__..._______.___...____,__......_____,_______ __ _____.thc partY.__. of the SECOND PART, WITNESSETH: That the .said parLY..__,.of the FIHST PART for and in cOTlSideratioTl of the sum of.., ONE., WLIl\l:\, ,Q.UQ.._0.thex" :V9111,9b.J'c__ _C_Qus_.:i..deT_Q._t':!'.QQ_ _, __.., ,:lJJiJi1iiZ. ($, ,1_0 0, ,OllC_ n) to .......,:!.'t......n..'._..nmu................m...._...____"__......__,.........,__...__________....,_..._,__,in hand paid bJ; the said parLy..., of the SECOND PAR T. reeei'Jt 01 lohich is hcrcb.\1 acltTIOIl)ledged; do__e.f? hereby convey. remise. release and forever quitclaim unto the said parL"y,__, of tlrc second part. and to___,__.___it.s_____,__ hd(~xnf1l. assigns. all right. title and intcrcst in and to the follon,iTlg described real estate. situated in the on.........____.___.._'" ,____......,......, ___n.._......' .__"'_.".,.,.. __ _,___ ('o/lnt:y 0/____ _, "" ,0.0.:!-_ ~9_t i:J!_..., _" _ _u.. _".., _, _'''''''..__ and State of Montana. to-wit: Th9.t...1J.tj.J.j,t-Y..Q-':l_::'>~.TI\eI)J.:,__l:JE:Jng__.t_~_n__J~,E?_t_..(;I,.Q__'_L.9D-m __e.a.c.h._ ,side_. QL.th_C'". G_QromQD.,.b9,\-lJ)..d.9,:r_y__1J_n~, . })<;,,_tw.~ ~D., . 1.9 t_$, __ _J" ~m~L A, _9. f..,rrf.~,9. t ,,7..,Qf__ Gax,dn,c;(:-:-_Simme_n:t;,<;1.:L,r 1_9,;;< 9.1__ __Q.___t;J;',9.~_t" qt._ J a)10 "J.9.~_0_t ~,q _.JJ;'L.t.h-~, .,~" ,;I,!} ,9.t..~q,c:.t.~.Qn_.).~.I._.,rQy.Z~!?J:~~E__;.___~9,~:t:,l:11.._13.a.~ g,e . ,5.. Eel ~,t!___ ,~,~,~ ,'. ~~..,:,..~?, ]}_'?-_!=:_~_r:.___._.. __CQl1_ntyJ____M9nt_0J1~.I_ __9_9.~,9.rg,iD-g_, :1;-,9. ...thg __gtr ~ C::,i, ~ J . .I?J, ?!,t...tl:IE;ff~QJ", 9.1! _ J t1.~,..?-,~d .Qf..XB_CQX,Q" .i.n,_,tb_e. _, Q,ff,.i.G~...R_t'.,. t,h~_._~QllXI, tY., _~Jgr)~ ...<;mg...B-.E?_9.9.~g.9, ~ ...9.L .G?J;I,9,t in __~Q.l:1.~:t;. y. .I,...I:1-9,l!::t:,~,~~,:"" ...., __._ _ _...._...... ,..._, ,._._._._' ,______ _" ,___ ___ _, ___.. _____ ___... _, __,' ________ ,__.__".,." ,.._..."...., :.: .! :i ~ i I toge/her with all the tenemcnts. hereditaments. and alJpurtenances thcrelo belonging. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainder.~. rcnts, issues and proj'its thereof: and also all the estate, right. title. interesl....m.._...,.,.........._........nm..........n...m._property. possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well iTl law as in equity, 0/ the said parLY....... of the first part. of. in or to the said premises and everj} part and parcel thereo 1 _.. '....., _.., _..,.. .....n.._ n.. ... -.... -- --, -, - -- - -- - --, - -'..' -- --, ---........., .__n -- n.._'..'.. _" ,_ __ ,_ __..n TO H AVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises. UJith the a[Jpurtenanees unto thc said parL.y....__. of the second parL.and._i:ts...,lii1i:lnfa$as.signs forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. thc said party.__._..., of the first part h"h.~,f? hereunto set.....~.-t;._?.. hand___.....,... and seaL....______ the day and J;ear first above Dnillen, Signed. Scaled and Delivered in tile Presence of ;: " " COUnlYS: ~~~~~::~~~~~..........}". On this..../,~, ..:'..':.......day ol.,,~ .:.._ ._.. _, ./_..___,ninctcctl hundred and_,..~~g,~:t:y~?,~~...,....., n ...,... before me___-'.__.__....._,_____th9..,1m,qE;J;,~:t9_~~_~1.1_..a.__,__, ___...,...__ ___________...._....."..a Notary Public for the State 01 M on/ana. [Jcr.sutla 11.1) llfJ!JCilTcd __B.9.l?~).r: t.. ,J, _'__ JI ,in (~y I. . ~1q._n, q. 9,~',~.. C(::>Jnnlll Tl, i.~ Y... __ _____ _:~'.~~~?,~C~_?~l_lnll~!';l_i_s:~.!:,~_?,r~,~L J~'?, ~,-,_,__iJ___~~Y0,~1-,1.,. corpo ,a ~: ~,~)~~L, __ ,,__, .___' ,____, '__'__. '.... ::' II known to TTlC,..'n...._.______._____..__________.'_____a,..".......__. ...__' II II I (or proved to me VTl oath 01__,,____..___..___...........,..__,..,..""'_,__,..,..________________,...._____) to be the person__,..." whose Tlame...,__,:t_~.___n__subscribed to the within instrument. and aclUlOwledged to me that ..,.,,_,..he......u.. executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hal'e hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and JJear in this certificate first above nrrillen, . _ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _.. _ r' _ _ _ _ _ _ _..~... _ __._ _ _ ..!:~_. __. ~ ~ _ ._. ~_ _;;~._ ~__ _~ ~.._ ___ ~~ ~I~_ ~ _ _ ____~__ N o (aT.1) Public for the Staie of M ontona. Residing at. .,:_____ ___.,a_."_..,.;:..,.___,:"_, ,___ :,_ _,__ ___..____..__M.y Commission expires.... , _,.,__"..., __.:.,. ,.... , 9,:....) i' ;, 'i ;., ,I 1! q II ! I I I II 11 Ii ! i , I i I SY'ATE OF MONTANA } County of . ..uuuummm.._..m.mm._u.m ss. Filed for record this._.uumday of.,..m.....m..uummu.m'hmumu/9h'hm aL"hno'clockn...mM. and Recorded in Book.....,.mof Deeds on Pagem.._.mof the Records of County ofm....mmmm..m..__...__.m'. State of M ontana......mmmu.._u....nmm_m..mm. Clerk and Recorder By.nhmmmu...___u......____mm..... No, 14 - QUIT CLAIM DEED. nAll P'UIIU'HING co., HELI:N.... MONT. THIS INDENTURE. Made the........m..mm,day of....n..m..muumhm..mumuin the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and...um~Jgg.tY,:-.Qn-.f?_h.uu._mnmum.between.___muummmm....mmm ..c;:};,~X.. ,~!!," ~,C? ~~.~~,~ !,. "~" !:~~?_~ ~_~_J;> ~_~ _ _ _'?_~EJ?,? ~ ~_!:~,?~, ~.__. ._. ,..., ..,.,.".." "."", ..........._..__.__.u..,'.uu......n.n__......n.........un.nnnunu....__..uu..nu..,_,.___.".u,the parCr,....n of the first part and .~~,N?;,A~~,. Q.9.~~.Q~~.~.Q~.t, ,..~...~J.<?~.~.~~.?-_..~9,~J?,? ~~,,!=:~_?~ .!.. .~T~~ _~,,,::,, ,~~9E~.~.~.,'~~ ,..?.~ "VJe..aver:...S tree t"...Gr,een w ich ,.Q.f,fi.ce.,]? ar k, - f. 5. + ,. ,Gr.eenwi.ch.,...C.Qnnec,ti$::,ut.,., ... ..Qf??;'?'9mnnmmnnm....mmunmmumumuumnmnmm..m..m,..the parLy'un of the SECOND PART. WITNESSETH: That the said parLy.nmmof the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum of DNE,_DDLLAR..andu.otherm31aluabJ..e.uconside.ratidJ>nlM~ ($u.l..O.o,..O.v.c) to mhmm.m.mm..i.t.mmnm...umm.um.mnmmm.mm.mm'mm........h.......h...in hand paid by the said parL.y.m of the SECOND PART. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; do~.9n hereby convey. remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said parLYnm, of the second part. and to...itsu..u.._mu hxixsx.xtid assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate. situated in the ...n""""'" ,.....u' '......u...'u.u..uu..'.'..u 00 ._u.u uuuu '00" County of 00.... _ ~,~ ~,~ ~_~.~:r?-. '00' _ _ ,_, _, _ uuu, uu_,unu....., and State of Montana. to-wit: ____1'.hg.,t..uJ,1,t;i,.J,i,t-Y..,~,~[:1~.m~I1.t__,:Q~.iJ1gmt~_:n___:R~.~.t'mO"9_,'.L_S?.!:l __each" side., ,Q.f.u:t.heu ,CQmro.o.uu ,Q.QJ.l.:n9.g, r:y., J in~" ,Q.~.t..w~,~Dm1Q.t e., _~_._9:D-fL, ,400.9 J_..~.f~,c; t ., 7.,..Q-+." G.su::g,l} ~,J;:::.$,~~~!.J..t~J.. ,J?~~,~.~.!.._~,., t_~ ~.r;.~".c~ t..;J;~,~g.. .}~s: ~,t:~9,__~_l!:.. ~_~~_ __~.u~{? . .Q.f...~,~ ~.t..iQX~.,.:?~.(n'1',QYm,2h),.p...,J, ..,~_Q~,tn.,I.. _R~.:ng~_. _ ~.., ~ ,~_~ tt_. .~;~~.?, ~,~~, ~ ,I,.. .~~ ,~,~~.'!=:~ !.1.,..,., .. Q.<?~!.1.ty.t.n~~~~_t:~!.1.~,~ _ _.~~_~~E~,~.~~_..~9." ~.~~_._~,~ ~ _~_~ ~.~~ _ _ _p._~.~~_._~!":_~ ~~.~~" .~?,., ~.~~ ~,..~.~d ._ g,f...:r;:~g.Qf9: _ ,j..~ _,t..hg_ _ _ S?.:f.~~_s:~,. .~r "~~~...c;~9,~!.1,ty,,, ~ ~.~~ ~._9.l!:~.._~~_<?~_~_~ ~E. _ 9. ~"'~ ~,~, ~~.~ i n . ,C,oun ty.,...Mont ana,. _" '." ,un...u., '._ .......... ........,.. _", __" _"" ....., _ _ _,_,...... ,_._.. _ _ _ _. _. "_00 00.... __,.,.".., 00.. 00"00' together with all the tenements. hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents. issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate. right, title, interesL.......u,...ummm,mmunmmm..u..m...uproperty, possession. claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equit)), of the said partY,m.m of the first part. of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof ...00000000'.'.".00.00.00..00..00 ___..... ..... ,.... .00....", ...u.n...,u... '.' ,..,._ _............ '.n.....nn.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises. with the appurtenances unto the said partYmmn of the second parL9.:D-.9~mi.t.9_m.~~~ assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said partY..,mm of the first part h.~.f2..m hereunto seL_t.t,~,m hand____m,m. and seaL,.....m the day and ))ear first above writt . CITY OF BOZEMA , a Hun'cipal Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of corpor t' n By__:. _, ,.._..__..__.___. _h,n..uu..uunu""""n (SEAL) Duncan MacNab, Mayor ._._...h ,-- _ -.., 00"'''' ,.." '00...." ....... 00..00. ...n 00..... (SEAL) STATE OF MONTANA } ss. C ounty of...mu~9)J:,<:t:.t~.D:.m.mu....mmuu On thism..m"'....m......da}) of-..m..m.._n__u._,mnineteen hundred and..mei,ght.y:::.Qn~.m.m____n..,_ before me..,..m,m....tne-..under:signed~.m.umum,..m.u....______.._mmn.._mma N o tar}) Public for the State of Montana. personally aPpeared__.RV~~,~~m~~~Pl\J?.!"___~~Y.~~___~_~___:t:-!::E.':...<'::~_~Y__,<:~,__:?9_~~!TIan , .na.l'iurl i.cipal..cnrp.Qr ati,Qn,'n.,__ ___,_uu,_".... _ _, _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _, _ __. __. _ _,'.,.,.. n. _" 00 _,..",._..". _...,. _ __ ___ _ 'u_ _.._ _._.. knoD,n to me _.. _, _._,..., _"" 00" ..."" ",.." _ __ a_n_ _ _'.__' _" ..00., _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _._., .__.. _ _.__,.. _",.. _.",.. ,.. _ 00'.."""., ,.. _.., (or proved to me on oath o/._____,_..__u..__u........u..,.......,____________,...___._.______'_'..um_..) to be the person__,..... whose name_is_m,.........subscribed to the u,ithiTl instrument. and acknowledged to me that mmm_he..u..._.. executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set m'y hand and affixed m'y Official Seal the day and 'year in this certificalc first ab01'e 1JJrittcn, Notary Public for the State of Montana. Residing aLm..mm...mmnm_m_m__mm'm"mmmh.A1:y Commission expires_,________m....."...",._. /9..__..__