HomeMy WebLinkAbout18- Professional Services Agreement - Think2Perform (D. Meldahl) - Director Retreat Statement of Work for the City of Bozeman High-Performance TeamWork – Presented by Dave Meldahl, M.Ed, Sr.V.P. February 5, 2018 City of Bozeman 2018 Director Team Retreat Statement of Work – 5feb2018 Page 2 of 6 Context and Purpose The leaders and staff of the City of Bozeman aspire to help Bozeman, MT be “the most livable place”. In many respects, the city is well on its way. Among many attributes, it enjoys wonderful recreational opportunities, a growing and diverse economy, and a community-minded citizenry. Guided by its core values of integrity, leadership, service and teamwork, the City of Bozeman has weathered many challenges all the while working diligently to improve its services and impact. As it prepares to build on these improvements and turns the page to 2018, new and unknown challenges and opportunities lie ahead. At the helm leading the city’s staff through these challenges and opportunities is new City Manager Andrea Surratt. As she seeks to guide the organization into the future, Andrea understands that the senior team’s effectiveness is a primary fulcrum upon which superior organizational performance and service hinge. Given the pace of change within the city as it grows in population and demographic diversity, the need for the leadership team to consistently fire on all cylinders has increased in urgency. As such, the purpose of this engagement is to accelerate and deepen the team’s capacity for sustained high performance and cohesion. Ultimately, this process is intended to: • Enhance the ability of colleagues to communicate and work effectively with one another. • Deepen individual team members’ self-awareness and self-management for team success and individual leadership effectiveness. • Elevate team effectiveness skills including behavior that is collaborative, trust- worthy and productive. • Foster increased readiness of senior leaders to lead through change as the pace of change accelerates. • Develop and cultivate a culture within the leadership team that is based on trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability and results. Approach The process of becoming a high-performing team requires a sustained effort over time. Thus, using a variety of tools and methods, think2perform delivers an approach to team and leadership development that is focused on integration and that is practical, results- focused and repeatable. We build the capacity within your team to “lead itself” once a strong foundation is built. That foundation is built on a three-pronged strategy. City of Bozeman 2018 Director Team Retreat Statement of Work – 5feb2018 Page 3 of 6 The scope of work covered by this Statement of Work includes the Clarity and Focus elements. Additional contracting will be required for the Sustained Growth phase. CLARITY 1. Interview each senior team member regarding the team’s current effectiveness. 2. Conduct two assessments: o The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® which combines Lencioni’s “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” and Everything DiSC® personality profiles. o Team Effectiveness (assesses the effectiveness of key teamwork elements including Vision/Purpose, Goals, Roles, Processes and Relationships). FOCUS 3. Facilitate a one-day retreat with the team to help them understand the Clarity results, deepen the sense of who they are as individuals and as a team, foster trust-building among members, and prioritize areas on which to focus future team action. SUSTAINED GROWTH 5. Facilitate up to six additional 2-hour working sessions to deepen team effectiveness and cohesion, integration of new behaviors, implementation of the team’s plan for sustained team effectiveness, and enhance leadership effectiveness through building on the HPO work of 2017. 6. Conduct regular “check-in” meetings with Andrea to reinforce new behaviors, hold her accountable to leading the implementation of the team’s plan over time, and support her leadership of the team. Sustained Growth Focus Clarity City of Bozeman 2018 Director Team Retreat Statement of Work – 5feb2018 Page 4 of 6 7. Calibrate progress through brief (15 minute) “check-in” calls with each team member once in the next 6-9 months; verbally summarize findings with Andrea (and others as warranted). 8. Be available for brief “on the fly” consultation as needed. 9. Observe two “live” team meetings and provide real-time coaching on team effectiveness. 10. (Optional) Measurement of progress through assessment of the team’s “new reality” 1x in next 12 months (2nd round of “check-in” calls with team members, re-administration of the Team Effectiveness assessment, administration of “The Five Behaviors™ Progress Report” for each team member, and a ½ day session with the team to explore the team’s progress and plan next steps). Benefits to the Organization (if Sustained Growth is implemented) Over the long term, the benefits of investing in the leadership team’s development include: • Improved teamwork and productivity within the leadership team as strengths are leveraged, trust is deepened, and communication and collaboration become increasingly effective • Increased collaboration and teamwork across the organization as a more intentional culture is nurtured that fosters these behaviors • Higher (or continued) retention, engagement and performance of staff as they see the leadership team “walking its talk” and serving as role models for the broader organization • Consistent and sustainable achievement of organizational objectives • Increased morale (“The City of Bozeman is an awesome place to work.”) • Heightened “buzz” in the community and among other cities (“The City of Bozeman is doing something special and their staff and services reflect that.”) • Peace of mind and deep satisfaction for leadership team members knowing they are performing up to their potential and part of a team that has grown significantly On the way to achieving these long term benefits several short term milestones will also be reached. When our work together is completed, the leadership team will: City of Bozeman 2018 Director Team Retreat Statement of Work – 5feb2018 Page 5 of 6 • Be significantly more aware regarding its strengths and key opportunities for improvement – so you all know which strengths to leverage, which gaps to fill and which behaviors lead to deepened trust and effective collaboration • Have clarity as to how team members contribute to the team’s effectiveness and how they may at times hinder it – so that everyone appreciates and taps into the unique gifts of teammates and are seeking to grow in areas that matter to the team • Know what to do in practical and concrete ways – so you have confidence that the activities the team is engaged in are going to make a difference in the team’s work together • See quantitatively how the team has progressed in its development as a team – so everyone knows what has improved & what areas still need to be worked on Why think2perform? think2perform is a leader in the field of leadership development, team effectiveness and performance enhancement. Our methodology helps individuals and teams make better decisions aligned with personal values and goals, and the values and goals of their organizations - even in the face of competing emotions and pressure. Emotional and behavioral mistakes (and their consequences) are replaced by thoughtful and aligned decisions and actions. Our proven track record is grounded in these key points of difference: • Unique, research-centric programs based in neuroscience, leadership/team strategies and business "best" practices. • Accountability and actionable activities designed to engage participants during delivery and reinforce long-term professional development. • Senior executive level consultants dedicated to providing superior service and knowledgeable guidance. • A results-driven perspective that delivers transformative methodologies to unleash the highest potential of individuals to sustainably strengthen your organization. Investment • $3,500 due upon receipt of invoice which will be submitted upon acceptance of this Statement of Work City of Bozeman 2018 Director Team Retreat Statement of Work – 5feb2018 Page 6 of 6 think2perform www.think2perform.com Dave Meldahl, M.Ed. dmeldahl@think2perform.com 406-587-5884