HomeMy WebLinkAbout307 S Black 2012 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD For the Montana National Register of Historic Places Program and State Antiquities Database Montana State Historic Preservation Office Montana Historical Society PO Box 201202,r410 8th Ave Helena,MT 59620-1202 i Property Address: 307 South Black Avenue Site Number: i (An historic district number may also apply.) Historic Address(if applicable): Same i City/Town: Bozeman County: Gallatin Historic Name: Luce Residence Legal Location Original Owner(s): Unknown PM: Montana Township: 02 S Range: o6 E i Current Ownership ® Private ❑ Public % '/a '/ of Section: 07 i Current Property Name: i Lot(s): Lot 3-4, S. 23'of Lot 5. i Owner(s): Dennis Steinhauer Block(s): Block F i Owner Address: PO Box 1167 Addition: Black's Addition Year of Addition: Bozeman, MT 59771 i USGS Quad Name: Year: Phone: 406-585-7770 '• i Historic Use: Residence UTM Reference www.nris.mt.gov/touofmder2 i Current Use: Residential ❑NAD 27 or ❑NAD 83(preferred) i Construction Date: prior to 1889 ® Estimated ❑ f Zone: Easting: Northing: Actual i ® Original Location ❑Moved Date Moved: ....................................................... .--.--._.._.._....................................................._................................ i National Register of Historic Places I Date of this document: May 25, 2012 i NRHP Listing Date: 1 Form Prepared by: Courtney Kramer, HPO i Historic District: ? Address: PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 i NRHP Eligible: ❑Yes ®No Daytime Phone: 406-582-2260 i i MT SHPO USE ONLY i Comments: Eligible for NRHP: ❑yes o no Criteria: ❑ A ❑B ❑C o D i Date: ' Evaluator: i MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE a Architectural Description Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION Architectural Style: Other: If Other,specify: Original style unknown; various remodels Property Type: Residential Specific Property Type: Architect: Unknown Architectural Firm/City/State: NIA Builder/Contractor: Unknown Company/City/State: NIA Source of Information: N/A The residence at 307 South Black Avenue faces east,with the principal roof line running parallel to South Black Avenue. A single dormer, in the Minimal Traditional architectural style, runs perpindicular to the street, MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 3 Architectural Description Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: The one and one-half-story residence at 307 South Black Avenue faces east, with the principal roof line running parallel to the street. The building's sill plate is low to the ground, thus making the foundation materials difficult to discern. On the main floor, the structure is divided into three bays. To the south is what was likely a porch area, now glassed-in with 2/1 hung windows through which a staircase to a second floor dwelling unit is visible. This area is accessed through a storm door. In the center is a large fixed-pane window, with five internal mullions across the top of the window and two along the sides. The front fagade is completed on the north with a recessed porch under which is a wood storm door with transom and 1/1 hung window. Square wood columns support the roof and the porch floor is wood. The second story is located entirely under the roof rafters, with 1/1 windows visible at either end of the gable roof. Decorative craftsman knee braces accentuate the gable ends. The entire building is sheathed in white aluminum siding. On the roof a single gable dormer, in the Minimal Traditional architectural Style, sits perpendicular to the ridgeline facing the street. The window centered in this roof dormer includes vertical casement windows divided into fourths, arranged around a central large pane of glass. The roof is sheathed in grey asphalt shingles. The general style of the residence reads as Craftsman, with Minimal Traditional modifications. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 4 History of Property Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: HISTORY OF PROPERTY The residence at 307 South Black Avenue first appears on the 1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for the City of Bozeman. The structure may have existed when the 1883 Sanborn Map was created,however this section of South Black Avenue is outside of the 1883 map limits. Deed research, which may further pinpoint a date of original construction,has not been conducted on this property. Polk Directories, available for Bozeman beginning in 1901, list Llewellyn Luce, and his wife Lucretia and daughter Gertrude as residence of 307 South Black Avenue. Originally of Kennebec County, Maine, Luce married Lucretia Jones of Saratoga County,NY in 1863.The Luce's followed real estate speculation opportunities in Delaware and West Virginia,before relocating to Washington DC where Luce worked in the office of the assistant attorney general for the department of the interior. In 1881 Luce was made chairman of the commission sent to Montana Territory to negotiate the sale of portions of the Crow Reservation to the Northern Pacific Railway order to enable completion of the transcontinental line. In 1882 Luce moved his family to Bozeman and established a law practice. In 1889 Luce served as a member of Montana's constitutional convention. Luce brought his son, John A. Luce, into the legal partnership of Luce and Luce in the same year. It was apparently a family affair, as Polk Directories list daughter Gertrude and John A. Luce's daughter Permilla as stenographers at Luce & Luce. Llewellyn Luce was nominated in 1894 by the Democratic Party for the Montana Supreme Court. Luce died at the age of 65 on Sunday, January 4, 1903 in his home as the family prepared to attend church services, reported The Bozeman Chronicle reported. The newspaper went on to describe the Masonic rites given Luce during the burial, and that "the stores of the city were generally kept closed as a mark of respect." Polk Directories indicate that Lucretia and Gertrude Luce continued to live at 307 South Black Avenue until Lucretia's death on June 24, 1912 at the age of 70. By 1916 Gertrude Luce was living down the street with her brother John A. Luce's family, at 319 South Black Avenue. John A. Luce served as Mayor of the City of Bozeman at this time, and the Polk Directory lists Gertrude as the Deputy City Clerk at City Hall. John A. Luce died suddenly at the age of 50 on September 2, 1916. Between 1918 and 1940, Arthur and Margaret Allen are listed as residents of 307 South Black Avenue. Allen's occupations are alternatively listed a carpenter and real estate agent. Alma Allen, a nurse, was listed as living at 307 South Black in the 1922 Polk directory. Frank and Elizabeth Miller were the only residents of the house from 1950 to 1958. It is assumed that the residence was split into three apartments sometime around 1958, after which Frank Miller and a variety of other people are listed as living at 307 South Black. Occupations included mechanics, store clerks and students. By 1985 Les Denning, a manager for Rocky Mountain Real Estate is listed in apartment 1, with a variety of other residents until Denning's departure in 2008, after which the present owner is listed. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 5 Information Sources/Bibliography Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: INFORMATION SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY "Application and Record of Water Connection: 307 South Black Avenue." Bozeman, Montana, March 19, 1910. Bozeman Chronicle. "Death of Hon. L.A. Luce." January 6, 1903, p. 3. Bozeman Chronicle. "Mrs. L.A. Luce Dies at Her Home Last Night. " June 26, 1912, p. 4. Kappler, Charles J. Indian Affaris: Laws and Treaties. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904. R. H. Polk. Bozeman[Montana] City Directory; Including Gallatin County. City Directory, Bozeman, Montana: R.H. Polk & Company, 1900-01, 1902-03, 1904-05, 1906-07, 1908-09, 1910-11, 1912-13, 1916-17, 1918-19, 22, 1928, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1917-18, 1940, 1942, 1944, 1947, 1950,1954, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1985-2010 . Sanborn Fire Insurance Company. "Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana." New York: Sanborn Fire Insurance Company, 1943. —. "Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana." New York City: Sanborn Map Company, 1889. —. "Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana New York City: Sanborn Map Company, 1912. —. "Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana."New York City: Sanborn Map Company, September 1927. —. "Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana." New York City: Sanborn Map Company, September 1943. —. "Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana." New York: Sanborn Map Company, 1957. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 6 Statement of Significance Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES NRHP Listing Date: NRHP Eligibility: ❑Yes ❑No ❑Individually ❑ Contributing to Historic District ®Noncontributing to Historic District NRHP Criteria: ❑A ❑B ❑ C ❑ D Area of Significance: Period of Significance: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The residence at 307 South Black Avenue is located within the South Tracy/ South Black Historic District, an area notable for its eclectic mix of vernacular architecture spanning from the earliest construction in Bozeman through the 1940's. The 1987 National Register evaluation for the South Tracy/ South Black Historic District denoted the property at 307 South Black Avenue as non-contributing,probably due to loss of historic integrity. The document indicates dates of construction on the site as "1885, 1920's and ca. 1975."This updated Site Form is in advance of redevelopment plans to demolish the existing structure in favor of the new construction of two residences on the site. The Site Form finds the determination made in 1987 to remain true. Due to the extent of alterations on the structure, the residence is not eligible under Criteria A "Events in our history" or Criteria C "Design." Research into the property indicates that the residence does have historic merit under Criteria B for its historic association with Llewellyn Luce. The extent of alterations, however, disconnects the current physical building from its design during Mr. Luce's residence in the property. The residence, thus, is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria B. Investigation into Criteria D, the site's ability to provide information is incomplete at this time, though it is likely that ground disturbance during the construction of the residence as well as South Black Avenue have disturbed any archeological information on the site. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 7 Integrity Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: INTEGRITY(location,design, setting,materials,workmanship,feeling,association) The original shape and architectural origin of the structure is difficult to ascertain. The 1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps indicate a structure of the same general shape at 307 South Black Avenue. The height and architectural origin of the building is impossible to discern from the Sanborn Maps. Two accessory structures between the residence and the alley are noted as 2 1/2 stories in height. The 1890 and 1891 Sanborn Maps indicate a rapid succession of porches added, enclosed, and removed By January 1904 the general shape of the residence remains the same as the original, and one of the accessory structures is listed as 307 %2 South Black; likely indicating a rental unit in this structure. The 1912 Sanborn Map shows a generally more square structure and the residence gained its current shape in time for the 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map. It is likely that the residence was "Craftsman-ized" sometime between 1912 and 1920. The roof dormer facing the street is in a decidedly Minimal Traditional style, as indicated by the lack of eves on the gable dormer and the window design. It's possible this alteration occurred sometime around 1958, when Frank Miller expanded the residence into three dwelling units. The final alterations to the residence,the addition of metal siding, occurred sometime in the 1970's. Interviews with the owner indicate that various construction methods and foundation materials are evident in the residence, indicating a variety of remodels over time. The accessory structures on the rear of the site were removed sometime after 1951. Historic integrity, especially in terms of the property's historic significant association with Llewellyn Luce, is low. The structure retains the original location,but design, setting materials, workmanship, feeling and association have all been obscured by alterations to the structure. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 8 Photographs Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: , y BLACK 41 r r i TE M PLAR AV. Feature# Description: 1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Facing: a �4+ Feature# Description: 307 South Black Avenue Facing: from SE looking NW MONTANA HISTORIC • RECORD PAGE 9 Site Map 11rolwi-ty Name: Luce Residence Site Number: � •, i� �-'`' r� jam- �-.-,,, 't�M'� • • a •i I�' MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE io Topographic Map Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: BLACK r & 41 n Y .d r ! f -6 llV. av Af ,. i, TCM DI AD July 1890 Sanborn Map 6 yD t a H Y 41 � � 9 • yj November 1891 Sanborn MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE n Topographic Map Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: y R � n 9 I � ---- --- --- -- --- BLACK AV. S._--�+��_—.------._. 60' v L a' 40 4i F- D Y IX L ' 3 January 1904 Sanborn Map A En y0 W-vo BLACK AV. 5. Wl ': rrrrarr • ar r.rra rrrrarrara�rrr rya sir , ti ft----•JTj J MN ` 1 sNi Y w x a x z 91 lie x � September 1912 Sanborn Map MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 12 Topographic Map Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: �■ x K 11S •� - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -BLACK - - -- - -AV.- - -- -- 5.- ti 6 VA ii / N ✓ a s ?I . N / U) bi• V s p A 765 — — / IG y A /. W ' + / J Yw a ^ a, r J September 1927 Sanborn Map 'Lill .. Y ,Z. f+ 27 jW, s V, - - - - - -- - - _ - _ _ - - - -- - - -- -BLACK - --- - -AV- - -- - .r/v. UA • M . � r LQ A 76 W. F W A q A 'zkY N a , •Y 5FLM August 1943 Sanborn Map MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 13 Topographic Map Property Name: Luce Residence Site Number: 716 I IL7�J rl;l 76 v t I �A? —BLACK 1 • �rw/� r !1Jlf �' yr D a �LISTfr w.y (n L) ot 1 , I y TJ i / . N • I ,y I t I f K 11 m 1951 Sanborn Map 30 7 a', ,&4 Cl< Application For Sewer Connection No.___9_��_____----_. Bozeman,Montana— -----------------1���--- To the Sewer Commissioner. The undercioned W ent of] -------------- --------------------------------------------- the owner of Lots fs_Block.----------t-------------- LL -------------------------,- 1.9_ .R-�S---------------------Jddi,tion Pre.772lses No. ____3 0�______------ , Hereby applies for a per7nit for a-_1--__,inch connection,front the Sarzil ary Sewer on ---------S#,�et to the above Premises. Depth of server at buildll;-f to be __________________feet below----------------------floor,according to plan hereto attached. All work to be done iiri,acrordatwe with the City Ordina72ce, and subject to the inspection and approval of the City Sewer Cornn2i.ssioner. Y •S t a 12 + 6 ------------- ---- ---- -------• Owner --------- -'�' --- -- - - ----•-----------------, Jffent File by Number [over] 1 i r, RECORD OF WATER SERVICE Address 3 d -7 i Sfub New Renewal Repair Owner -__ _� _ _ rgir VfJnr` La f Blocl ' I i Addition —' .307s 3�c ervice from mein on Stub Fee U Inside P.L C'l°N`�✓ fa Pvmf. Cuf t a ' Ce r iTOTAL Jew e>t ! Appl. No. j '1 Defe: i i rfQ r �ztea. 4v_�b �ntarcad�•M ixrve 3o7 IN Z = O � W U Y U �• `'� - Y 1 I N M c Z = 5 " _ O O O + + r a FYI � 31 2 . = r ssM 1 ` yZj = � ` c Y k 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 r� ` n S O O O W F F \. d d 0 O 0 �1 d r � � < M� nO d d m �! W 0 m u C. 0 03 ` 2 0 Ll 0 < 7 M t o U u U U U i D: t U 1� rl SIX -- - TY Teldcodned teaethsr t e , t ttr ; IIa ' + DEM' OF ROL L. A. OCR too his miry $� ears and than dr.Lc r°psi& the inb0i6t-Vu oQW,0u.4in� z — son John A. Lnoe, Into' partnership dB aA Qi111tiIl �i0'f#1,' :'�s 014.00IIn one of •goren,an's Prominent cs yAed'e� *Jt him �y na3 of thb various issues; lff01.5Q per,„" A.•ray on l4nnday Last—Boded 1M ,Mr. Luce was a member- of r �vtw Masonic sonom; ccnaay. Mo taaa'g aonatitutionAl condeptiun.,i countF H eahool� 'a apd ��18 -. j g.. a '1 the. ;b of 6 i"� district 46: The citizens o! Bozeman were'I sad In 89i he,was nominated.by the demo•` Total d6,7S6.72. 1 Part 'tor the supreme bench oil a dened on Sunday last by,the news,that cra is pa y several hundred; e Jan.S Mrs. Maria, Judge L. A: Ldoe, who for about a thi state, and ran Died--On TIIe day, , vot a ahead of his party. 1 U. Anderson,wife of George Wl Ander- �� of years has been one o! Boze- I 1W he married Miss.Lucretia W.. eon,aged 70 years, 3 Months and 20 mania leading citizens, had passeii days. The funeral services will take away,just as they were getting: ready J01 es-.of Saratoga county,N.Y. Four t place this afte con at the family res- to go to church. He died about 10 children were born of th hnA Luce, y idence on racy St., Rev., Don- o'clock, surrounded by all his children of whom are still living, � � Mrs. Anderson was and family,his death having been ex Le a Luce Chandler and Gertrude R. ;s aldaon offio ng born in Huron county,Ohio, and was pected for some time.peat. It is now L ce ; married in the same atate''in 1.857• She about a year since the old friends of A Delightful surprise Party. n came to Bw oman in 1890. She leaves, Judge Luce noticed that he was fall- a besides her husband, two children, ing feet, and for several months his One evening last °week party of 6y Charles B. Anderson, clerk, of the familiar•figure has been missed from yo ng .people, who were looking fbi ' cn court, and Mrs. Cora M. Fries, of Ar- the streets. Regarding his life in so a mild form 'of disaipatWold�bI cadia, Neb., the latter arriving here a Bozeman it is handy necessary,to say cl ded that.a surprise party m few hours after she died. Hers was a anything here, as it was a part of the jut the thing with which to slaughte history of the city, he having been at evening. A bobsleigh was. aoadrd at lovely character, and despite her deli- d and the lids and lassie na cafe health, she was active in church identified .with-the- interests of,$oze ingly. o9L ---. .ty and charitable work till a year ago, man in a prominent way, and his name b udledr in and headed- toward_tPT OPT when she met with an accident,Blip- a familiar one in every house ae g wast.andtw as a little they, ,late in at fife: ping on some ice. Since that time she county. As a, lawyer he g has been confined to the house and mark, and he has always been a lead d stinatron, i. e.,the'home of the au' suffered;greatly. ing spirit in the politics of the county p isees. The house was as dark as 3n- and the state. He had a host of friends first-class article of the Ethiopian Bz" Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan enter- who were tied to him by their strong supposed to be, and by right, ought t s tained at their Cedar View home, Jau. admiration of his coaracter and ability. b . Hammering on the door, halloit as- 2 A number of their young friends, The -funeral took place from the aid various other devices to rouse tl ;wo about twentv•flve, being present. The family residence, Rev. F. B. Lewis dead, were employed, but without su lay guests were the Misses Watson, Miss officiating. It was under the charge class. In their desperation a searohil the Yadons, Miss Alexander, Miss Edan, of the masonic order in which he held I arty was oagauized with instructio iRs, Mfas Irene Watson, I►ifss Corenne high rank, and both the local masonic find some place by which they cou the ghanholtzer. and Meseta• Lou Franke, 1«ig +turned out in force to do honor enter. The kitchen door was tou; Last George-Watson, Grover Watson, Man- to ,: he memory of ther' deceased 4nlocked and the party entered, to ville Nelson, John Murphy, George btother. Many floral tributes were possession of the parlor and procu ,ve. Oscar Wade, Luther Alexan• A real good tii the Morgan, also in evidence of the loving remem Id to make merry. der, Orr Shonholtzer, O. Yarden,and K bmnce of friends. Fred Fielding,F. K. lvas fast developing when.a disturbs cork F. L. Benepe, Dr. White- �actor appeared in the shape of a`sh number of others. The yoangsLes Armstrong, spent the evening in merry game$✓"and fogt, George P. Dior and E. M. Ferris ;un that looked as if it was compot ►rris a pleasant good time until t4W hour acted as pall bearers. At the grave of two forty-inch water mains laid a last tar supper arrived, when tit dining the beautiful ,viaso4ic service was y side, and a gruff voice said "g but room doors were thrown open, and the given by- Eugene ,Hoffman, master of rhey hated to leave most awfully, some guests bid enter. At Alie bountiful the lodge, and Rev. F. B. Lewis, and I they had to move, and they finally < tors, spread oyster soap, tFkey,fruits,cake, thPen the sorrowing procession consist- he total foots up like this: Both f le to etc., was served, ,'After supper the ing of the Masonic fraternity on foot pricers and flier wileesl are mad el case young people retired to the parlor and and a long line of carriages containing through and there will be no,snore A he spent the rectos the evening in con" many of the leading citizens of Boze- that kind of business until it is fI versing and having a general good m n returned from the ceremony, understood that both sides are ag trice time, until the hour for their depart- having consigned the remains of their hble to these surprises. urea Then the congratulations were frier d to the kfiudly eart� During the f her. were was showered upon the host and hostess funeral the stores of the city for the hospitality shown them. The Qeneraily kept closed as a mark of re ryfrie d t,oLne xiuuiy ex�rvi% apon'the host :and hostess feral the stores of the city were; o tality shown, them. 'rhe g rally kept closed as a mark of re rt left for' heir ho;nea sect--� topy hearts and wis tna M'r.and 1 wellyn Augustus Luce was born, hadan long life and a merry, i ©nnebec county; Maine, Nov. lI,' �'E��ORD� then ew.Year. 1 ; {s ancestor fettled in New' play l ' �` LACK•DRAUGI a apEng�and at an early -per d n Ameri-'The Bozeman bar association gave a His grandfat er and whic cats history. 'banquet last Friday evening at the gijat grandfather fought in the war of' as h Bozeman hotel in compliment of Judge the revolution. His father, Atsett mad who was at thAt time about weri Hollowtty, ,-was-born-an=Kenne`6ec�=eau y oN NSTIPA11 to leave foT e -nK- t�mmen a d lived there unti3,his death. mor duties on the supreme'court belch. 1. a ancestors aam9 aror>}England in. :. _ The banquet ."WAs gotten up on very tr'e sixteenth century. They settled " short notice, but Manager Kelly of'the or Wally in Massachusetts and moved hotel, managed to (10 wonders in the 0 1 that state' to Maine. On both time,and a finer spread could hardly o�tipationis nothing more side the family were noted-for the th n a clog gin of the bowels be .wished for than he had provided. 1 evity of its members,-- =• noth u , esgthan-vital stag- - There were present as guests the triem- q� ewellyn A. Luce worked Indus- na ion or death if not relieved. bees,of the bar of Gallatin connty,At- trio sl on the farm of his parents If Id realize that he at s allowing rer torney John T. Smith of Livingston, d r n�the summer months. During po sonous filth 'to remain in his Attorney Miller of Livingston, At- to Inter he snatched what education Y sy tem, he would soon get relief. torney Hatch of' Big Timber and At- a ould from the district school. He C stipation ii}y tw all kind of torney E. M.Hall of the same place. opportunity for the ac co tagion. HeaSUbes, biliob8- i proved every n s, colds and many other ail- JudQe W. R.C.Stewdrt,in'whose name ytisition of knowledge which came m nts disappear when consti- the invitations were issued, presided in his way. In time his reading and ted bowels are relieved. Thed- at the banquet. With so much ability is pwn ambition made him restless d's Bllick-Draught thoroughly P presen�and the proverbial goodfellow- cl ana out the bowels in an easy e wanted to see more of the outer ar d natural manner without the ship of the members of the bar,it is world. p rgingg of calomel or other vio- hardly necessary to say that wit and Captain Crockett, who hadr,married let ca artics. teloquence had its full Swap, and that a cousin of young Luce, took himBe sure that you get the onggi- moat enjoyable time was had by all. n Thedford's Black-Drawgght, _ Aboard his ship, and he went to sea a by The Chattanooga Medi- Every r one made a speech in response with every prospect of having his am ci e Co. Sold byy�all druggists i4 to so a toast,apd Judge Armstrong �itio❑ to see the great world gratified. 2 cent and$1.00 packages• espe0l Ily d1gonguished himself by the art• = fec If1411. �3e sailed coastwise to New Orleans. eaaa *mmm y� j,��t- 1- happy'' vein of his remarks. Resolit From that port he went to Frantz--In nM ad is li=It em�.l~ n tions > Ighly eulogistic Of Judge Ho that ••� that country he n}'itnersed the corona- 1 x„M p.! � olnli'ei or wan,►v icl expreasing the regret of th® ' w to curl. I tafa� 1 0" lion of the great 'wpolerrn. During �..r w, � so ,m RttJ.wt It local I ►r its loving.him, and their non' n f!€lt+ni�r III the blKt1 eI€iwilNoatlonl. he the tlrri[+ he was abmad he saw aawnp !a aetwt.t w btyr trw►W vflh fl• prow things and every tm «f this eimPr I 00 Wt� l�t>1sTL>i1JIIf• v.uul Istako to tho elkwhargo of hip c!u 1 iant�. rarhlrli o11rr€a in hta, wan hF cucf"« hit tlhr Win thy+ oapromo bNlioh,wort fr4►t+wow3 frilly Ir.€aNnraci by two' g„«ratw -- r kAm, trV-r"tzn Im! tr,ti..-rniV4- -Wkrr*t 1 1lc�sp llltrlr►�1+i,t tta M pw it now dmat hr,�n€nt. �t $"►'om thwry he aaefrt 1-c' . rrn s Y� AnM 4,f1 tat t �., 1RW7, V.r. Its 0"i4 r Yll lye U11 A,LsE1p.t RlorllM fw tier 1iv+>-t twt tfVA+111.1t is t-1:.� mw, ll, iX'Ms+ice+'oar ,at, aret Wl t Mr tJ3r 1Citsslas�IwTa #r` 4410, A7 ! �»yrw,'Itbf�N1'IA '14 .1 I,,fkJ�irra fnw .atdrotrlt*1 �nrtt s INf1F' N-1't,a�,vtirrr� !f►,1t#prof is€a €e r €Mr Ir t� Idr� Y3} 1UII• *d'ri4�N'+�ar lY eiri�i, tk. � +fdKt`�trk1�M- 111€$h t►IlnM 1.110 €t,�1t:�`+u+'k:ltlr� tit Ir tYF`�++914r'� �jp M� +'i•t€111� �:)tW�' �1•f GAF � �� r �. + a r,,�srxt+ ?Ir e• wwrr�t sa Ertr it fT T 04 l' ' 1H�,►rl b iU.rl+l l�rt,t "1. 't'r'"++' �Y" ,, r 9few t®€131€9 IVi11inA ,.w t+ r€f�cn».6R #r - '� ► Ir# ftt_� • �pt►�islt�a Lints+lrrk� � �1rr�f i�r•«e 6;rr:h�� f1c3e €` A• r t��w� wfle'' �'htliNAalflNrl�1 ��AAM>w►1G�A� Flti A�, .slflAllM. it: hlMsf !€ f••e+ '0 got, 111 liar+�, pia ��.� ' � r„ t=. ,, r„€►rnyaK .�' ��s� r4>t ' =L+1+! hr'1•Wpa rr �;i�e� .11 �y snnttiAi�+� '1 ti§ a#$ 1r,f r .MlMtd a'.1•ctr� �.,P ( va .i� 14, ivNIMtwA If•• ssa€1 �'! IM.r►n �iWu€ wwwr a IIA�Is •5.nkui�llt+,��(' rs�a+�►aE+a'1n►.«- br^ 61jr to t�t9= .r' 4ta,r F.Iis �Rr of wtfl w wt,7kw�K iittl''� �IN� �( �� t ��It•�11�+,+- M+.94txq .� >,t.Ut. p„ii }.w'y{rf�i • ♦M/, tM r11ti•'!tN'tAwlgM•' .► q 'r r� .►+ i #I.oar€•s fir: r+rEt.e, .ts.;., . €;4r PAW ��of$Anti 1�14s ��♦4Mn�t�h •yl'1{.;. f.a+r4�sM«' .E° r.s• s<.. a�'eE fri rr .-tTo.' tow .N aM4 1� Mw•"Hr «LA. ,',� I,yy. =T. r... � ./ ..bA:: .,t 11•. .ar.�•, •.e.d..+r t.tA• la ,y,�,: t® '�:2.+` -_,t4 , 041•a14"1w ' �1 +nwtr- 4e#++. {I, .• ,. Asr,. +r ail�Panrs: € i WMS- t�r tl�•vw►' �j�;..w,l,r+•br► �. �twir ♦�N�` 1er'�A'ww ti €,r ,,.+.w}},r � - _. �., pr,:�.�1��;__ ,�"y�.�r �-ii�f- 1 A71� '�M=�'W 1t. q.P'1 t14' a• 1'►'Rf'�'yNt � .+ ;;a�411i>t '#�a-�i�': t r A. wi 1�•t1►9., s�4:i` :~a; .+wMIfiR .. 1+ uMi��� '��' '•�'... ���- .lwAM�.wM �1•►�, I.k:a+n-..� ... A. A k"�+ • � � � - ���i� � �.+. - �;.,ell Rke. n ro++ Mi M1� • )-� �:• r� 1 j � - _,,,.. .WIWI M.MR �lrMr �1�MIYIM'ice.�°"'- ��' 4 • �+. •ak' �Mt/► 's` { ��/ / w J. mrrrg lartp�ar.......M �-- a w tta4 n DrorlaeW Y+wa t!a�oar with htpV7 Cwsrta and Utah" ru hfi gnat tj, weilJn Atrgaattts Laos born E►D the> rvs In tht darfbf land Kra-Eawaa luau lift and a marry, tq� ]tennetieo tongty.l[alnw Nov. 11, ��Itsi playing the ahlee war« t�' Va. tarry New year. i$TI Div anuO"evs-�trtt !n NK banvdet wan 1 I ` a splendid ;�7 �i�.. Te a Bngkaa'i at an ea ty� and wbioh the members of the aide? 'a0k was TIa B�Oaaraan bar sol oa'b blatory- 131s M hoeta and waiters and every one w to laat FrdayYvaningatthe r toaght 1n the �R made to tsei at Lome Then the b1 dh � a Hyr�hutel In oatpltnrenE at ia.ltie I6�i is HU fathat. Atastt were cleared away and-daaoing O>( mica away.who•was at that time a� jy��� barn to Ksueebeo eoaa�t7 more ra,umed. The Bozeman be distils•- to Ir►vk tat 13ebaa to eommsaaa ,lived there nntdl his daatt�l in _ thrt(;anJiattoaw dattoa an the Gaplralte court beach 1dw Ir.'astore cams ivory settled as bml vM Tht t)aattoat was gotten Ka cot the tMe sixteenth oantns7r. Z#Yy +tY p>~► t `but Manager 1T ODgi�ly In Dlassachusetts and moved Darr there•was a bat- hotel.managed to do wonder$ In the fscm that sate to Maus' On both m riot$ _ gs. tine.and a Liner spread Wald hardly sides the family were noted for the � t3c ilia w01s Lisa month p�7332,of be wiMed for tbaa he bid proytded ��Inyt vital stag eats the.mom- loogaviti of its Lou$a and death;f Irol toliered. t There wets Dint�� r ewellyn A. Laos worked drive- Harlon or censti red ratderev ilsoted in taxes, 1+ county,At• on the farm of his Parente aHonld:satire�+t v allowino 6,�from Oovttity offiosrs. bars of the bar of Gallatin he summer months. Daring iatlaOna filth to stain to his l' nonr\ s.1PS163R Paid out totally John T.SmitII of Livingston. t Attlnaey Y er of Livingston, At' {u lriatar he snatched what oducaHon �yetem,fro would gokindof Ted during the month. �of Big Timber and At- old from the district school. He cooti�a=iv; es, biliatu- rinlr a balaaoe:of 8108,018- torney contagion. H 1�'• j torney.E M hall of the same Dlaoe• �1 tied ever?oPyortunity for the ao ��d other ail- tar expandilwree during Stewart,in whose name 1>yP ments dip pear wen coned- � Jadit:�1rP _tJ. resided q .ltloG of knowledge which cameDesti pp the in were issued, p tiny. In time big reading and edbowtdeUs Ilertd Tbtd- t /filth ao mach abWty 1 ■Blltck-Dra htthorooghty mnca'1 held a meeting last at the llow spiv wa ambition nisi$ him reotteor: deennit out the els in an oaep �-✓ a !nh vas malniy deioted to Preseui d the proverbial goodie lrs wanted to see more of the outer �d natural manx• "y w'bY without the prop of the members or the bar,it is Ilrgtn Of ealom 1 or other vio- at of the month routine of say that wit and r DD p bills,but at which it was hardly necessary ptaln Crooked.who red' married lent cathartics. and that a 41 rain of young Luca, took him Be alive that yo Bob►hDrae°asgi8t to build a tool house on the eloquefloo had its full away, ryl Thedford's Ong,Meth- -- ,us property at a cost of most eo joyable time was had by all. d his ship,and he went to sot made by The The Committee reoom- Every one made A OPeaoh In reope"se with every PrOspeat Of having his am- tine Co. Bold byy l druggist+in Q!tr 4 leasing of the:waterworks to so a toast,and Judge Armstrong btttau to sec the great world grat►fled. 25 cent and f1.00 pachaQee• =1 iw Y�.e,t Ira7 t6 1e01. D. and L. L..Short-at AL 7 distinguished him""by the go sailed coastwise to New Orleans. tfeedtord`etboam t.e Itlerllase �K*PON rental of 8450,and also in- happYi To of his remarks. Resole- pro jn that port he went to Frsntse In D�+ls+u`taea ne bi °itror Uetaet Bons Ddghly eulogistic of Judge Hello- thud country he Witnessed the Corona- 10 lean. 1l werer yen recommendation for a re- tot the l suer tu`ar.' t WE t Dale water rates subafsntlnlly In wayr and expressing the re6ro ae»r he sale is t wluat It out of water and their con- lion of Lhe Brest Napoleon. During w with the ro� local t1ac in losing him, the 4limo'Lo was abroad he Saw many ��pw�i1�; w1 zm .�1. rillsom After'tha trapase- gdence 1n the high qual;floatlons he ue things and every bit at tbfe per sl�tuaateleC. ►• ae minor bustuPse the coun- wonld',take to the discharge of his du- fends whloh Came to bib way he ogre- yu led ties o4 the eapremebonah,weropassed tut treasured — - 'n%`liP.la .at party was given last night �the aSeembled Buasts. rthe gatethl - w l.n - ue o on ar er lllifrl — rno-i'••"•e row•O Occupants O;, N.Y.,to pah001. Be went oubee• The r•:IR•r Ch Irtj,jm Tro•• Ab..ftd•b/era Tn honor of David r Ogle,who Last lbloodaytthe e�hu ova pdenl q?mietead.From there he Went to a rltors eeeweie•Or aornlug for San Franalaw, in some reepe0 - CM..CAOOSOLAR Dint- ei y and afterward flniehed his $duos- When the Bozem n be r start in to --- Rope tb take the examinattoas ;a the'gourt house fortie next two q e�ltly to the Maine 1Vealeyan univ-er- do anything they C n be yelled on to si'on to the naval school at years.,Sberiff T.J.Fowler hasepp 1 ad. I3e is bright boy and ed u his undoraheriff.E.M.Iteynolde; tl under in ��ed low-wi ti o t-lli-sbape;Cad harefoee- YSYtmIG 1 en atboy n cps an or -1+FOWIOr;' purpriRe to a8pnne to Sod that their Is are Coo o,Thomas M.Sipes. There K ry O. Bean, a Prominent Maine New Year's Christ ae tree distribution y paps the required examin- uty et LoRa was thd-blogest k1 d tl a success. I[ he d So add another boy to the waa ub change in the o($oe of the 1p u11 for numberB of years near itoleted in or, I Santa Claus was s little at repreeenting Bozeman in Clerk of the District Court. end It cbe Y New York,and became T;�aR'Cnthe sCtro :uo NelrYeat's day, Im'9 najy. The party of young will pe conducted as heretotL reMablY t heI home 0 1e parents. and went to - 'he gathered�to-bid hlm-god= Clark,C.B.Anderson and Dep y The Treapuror'a ofddoe Asa saoraf his brother's store. J• r!. K a jolly time,oils of the aurae--eolmlidotleod. ed la the real estate \ties of the evening being a too,rsmalus the Same until fro fleet I 18Ge fro moved to Milford,Del. DSOG jai s GOBS, $-ter he west to West V[r- es contest in which the 1n Mnrob, when Treasurer The he bngag Fare woe by Master Paul Busch elect Flanders takes hold of the Donn• by whets real"ate speculations r go DaVlling ty twit, In the OMOO of the Clerk and gate proflablo for him. He,com- Bxcellent Table I o Dal ling. t boys did thorn` Recorder,Allan A.Cameron is ohisf, pro /Modern In al/DefailS an. ItiarLiu holding down ed p}wtice. He moved to WsaLineton. Reryrrnlshed and Re/lire proud o, New YQar'e day as m% with Ernest Schumacher as drat clerk pletad his law atudias there and eater-• � ere. They had 9itt ia--a—liberal*ad—S iA Jtatel—1n of roast euoktnet g pig, turkey, the other chair. The Assessor, Dave Battering and BumeBe to#ton yearn.a llut• - -7yte-=Led f pad ayaten,oalsry, aandwloIt. Moi Aodl eOcaesde himself,but this 11i 8Usttorla t brae of this tlIDO City 1 f "s net now. Work was to the curve of the aaatetant at t llbM'al supply suss in tbat of0oa S ens-1 for the department of 1 .0mmipanied by apQ tbetr tp", started oR wltb a rush and there-wu tornep R w sad blelar'e. " blo jar to the bualnsee of the I(if t'Rir and mnOb of the hard The Plflce•TOr � Tba oblef to t+ Ptl pyatlY sotM'tslaed. w �N ravine■otlloea. Hume of the new work of tble off11N+tall iris btu Lan e. y ahtrNn/ a hmae mla cal t SILK t0 PA O111' . d/'eFt4>Z UN e3.,;rrt FIZZ$lad ntsrMr'"'elm to thlnk that the curb In 11W1 be war madN abaltwan at the l .♦f „ tit ,� • tydkIL 1, tNw a ONfwrre9 a hill• la MailuUar�wr uwnllit lutu trsaLl whl the ltwd' .Irlre e+ew hetA? All+.11,• [ „N rererinrll,• sirs++•+• . INOMr f "W,wnl w,s,w UtMa Isp\e In HtrL+• f d M, yirno III Ao llln•ternr{LlM )„F•► ))I .II,MIs, U.InnurAlls[atu11W Wlt.lr.I.IIYII �tr11M Ia+llYll►on tIIP NNrtI/NMU 11aAI[IA 1 I UfAwY hie, ,e,�Y„Illy I,weetr• wrouab thole rne. m,r re+Net. n I.wr. 1 t► wptr► ern wr.l'1111W with �YUoar rWtµ�ut wp rr p.A•ewn,l 1 rtwMe ,• wt+t..IIHwA MN1 r,rplJ 1'ItWII ,tulles. yet I.Irat wM j 1,+4r 1►UMI.111\, flu n". Iw4e1r Wlell tlw wrvwtU,h The IIIIIN/1•tY111 t1'aatr I.el•uI i NI M•a1M!rV`t w,A via► soul wl0 owl' w IltMll ul' .•,+"w' el►t .a ep•ues�l �,■ nl/+ t),r Wlt�r'r"/" P'IWelw. rlYlnit� t4wnMr n,mYlltunrrl..�l N+ ANY NMWt e)�' �f n" •"' 1 rb Mlelr►IM"e" e 1I►µ,tl.,/, tub 04'.4 w' euA /u Mlt.fawlrtlp eraN l r N� ► II.MIt.NMI Ills. viva/� Mw �— luar rr\Ir/' � a Ilyetuw ,N tNa 1elt�`v" lit~tl lid 4v A,/lt• IN"I !b• ern'pMleaMri' "'es+ NI+ t RI►rvev rMltlhaa) Idu .net eM Na,••"• �,r..,..p \e dill/ «.► u»Il,tetl• wool 1Me wtlaNu till►. M,t+frl, 'i"', nley MI th• tMr+ flMtllaa �. uIL Lmn. .A Mw '111t ale. vreeaostt. e1WM .wr,"ee016 � r 1,ylrr I Ilh r�+ee+'e~Ile • fly. et�V il..•rr eswa ast. 10 fro IMnitMrl .y. I -1NIIM Yr'M 's�MV all$% In Ups taw It.IrAy MM Me11ta1M tliyt j,,.ew'I+ M/Ale,CeellrraON was►1lflee�w` isvMepA rMl/e/1 tees Rneel paetlbMiMMttt llMw �.-IsIM""' soft „ eye. of,LMI1y er arewlA IYlle M►Me► s' : ii �►.N.,w.wMww I e D, M�+ ►w i Jl i�, 86arJ�lt•L'7r. �iSA1�/LVMr [d W. , � r. � �1 � f h.+,W�yr>y+�!����NM1� 'i ..iRaM•�del«.�dG.bt .tat- the �i lean` i i sforthbi i Pa mitt wim``�yarxrea rim j�u _ hire. Luotedd--Ward Jones. Luse;. _� �. =u� a ironl a visit ;oi ten da�s atshq ; widow of Llewellyn A. Line ► w , f'«OK wanted to waek oh•raX night about ten thirty at her home-on wages, Tng•iirc this office, B, lgerglund and eon Forrest South Black avenue. Her condition had other,Msa.Canavan,spent the been critical for a day or two, and her Pox Rout. at the fish hatchery as guests eon, John A. Luce, who was in Chicago OUSE for rout.' Tpgaire 1t S.Jarvid ir. attendance on the ,national republic # can convention, and her daughter, Mrs. _. Broadway- aeti 6# n g"Ir of tUW'Galiatin R. E. Chandler o4 Stillwater, Oklahoma, Broad left yeaterclsy for :the 33(aOhi"uintie,'n bfil'Ir, ]iad�hoth beea_aeat tos.aad-ass on-the t -5 >�corner of Tracy and I=MM ' way. Mrs. Chandler will, reach Bocce = PN Call n Bell hone 3 E31aGk,-' ey. will finish laying so Thursday--morning, some and_Mr_ `_ - P " r Mon on_ Luce- will be in here this afternoon. S Roc ate, Miss Gertrude.Luce was with her moth• ^--`-- P. Bishop and.family leave er at the time of her death. re. uce- had been in tee vie tir—A this office, ' and Mr. Bishop for several years. Her final .illnes�i �' '. 'J day or two, 1(6R $ALL,-•Cheap-49ad,:q rn to'Bo" ,Qn'Wednedeq lasted only a few days. d1e:horao,'suitable for lath rB will stop"over in Manhattsa Lucretia Ward Jones was born in � � ltie�oitiCe > v days. _ _,: New York state, June 4, 1842; and,was 'sdith Brenemaa and Mies Inez therefore just past seventy years of g ;gSI,E OR RENT age at the time of her death. She was >>,ho*? :to— right. `J. 'Ji ave this morning for Goarbart, — room b, the Bozeman hotel a attend the -northwest confer• an only child. She was married near the Young Woman's Clirietiaa Utica, N. Y., to Llewellyn A. Luce, Sep tember 15, 1863,.. They lived f0r_AOM0 -- -soon: bfi on, as representatives off--the gi �t� -gatiletl=medeirn' 1s�ird!► •liege sesoeiation. .They-: . l be years in Martinsburg, West Vis nia, asp or to b6dt taro v�eek . and-then-for-$-longer-period-u` �0� � � ington, A C. , In 1882 Mr. and Mks. Kirscher of Towend;,who is Luce came to Bozeman and resided here Si :Tw ns 0, Choice sections benel fuser"there,and also soon mir' continuously. Mr, Luce became one of BLEAWN'a CIGAR ARE' -sale, located near` the T f Broadwater county, sa 1 --the leading members of the�Ioal bar. 1aIId Wereburgrailroad- on a large scale, was inj town He died January 3, 1903. eechi; payPrise b peruses yesterday and will 1etnrn dren were born to them, a whom - payment one fourth, balanC wife, who has been visiffft to survive as named above.,• payments;at (l per cent. Tv of weeks with her parent8, Mr. Mrs. Luce, in her die age, was 1 n Rss►lty Co., Throe Forks, Mo,. s. Fred Bull. �• fond of social life an went about free AtteI�`Z ] but in her later. ears sh. kept more 580 `ACRES aubirrigated'x) iyron Story of Pomeroy, :Ohio, y, Ladies - gravelly loam, good'build been spending a few day with and more at ho , and fou d her chief . qb ages.timber,.,,w4 $ 11 ther, Nelson Story, on West Pleasure in h ' family, to' whom 'Sshe Have you,a�gatmaut oy a-�d@iL treet, left yesterday for!Park was'always osely devoted,. sate fatlr►e that needs t careful acres fall wheat, 150 a No arr ements hax� been made for attention Of a good cl nerWl�- • wheat, 120 acres oats, 12 ontana, to visit his Bone, Walter the 4u 1, and none will be until the - have had yes"f ezpe 'ene mA-. .toea• Two miles to tow awes Story. His granddaughter, can do it,right.- rr \ pchool, church. All feucei :fife Williams, who came with arr�vdl °f M� Chandler on Thursday f.•' head cattle and 50- head ho Bozeman, is a guest of.her eou- r4din►ng• Bozeman'.Hat& aning ranch,all at $50 per nary s. A. C. Roether. a Works cash, balance terms. x 'uesday, June 27; 1912, comp► e• `SNo. 7 Daet M iu Eureka, Mgnt. 11- o'clock a, m., there be OmniI - ,;__�� arorYnna harness. gad• naismai -urn nv- nrau- _ - - ellnlllaw rlgnilMg: •I'N.1 /l '[r611•LOT. aiatr.'4W utnr•e it , r •ued now sad!Alt $.3L^I'M7►1'QR: tit. ►Wlnitp,iatitWaont wnuu,le► ilrr-•l iw Nans1 Ynrthae�ets's W wiwrpM ear tit*' . JLLI JNtIVI� u. rslad4 4as'trer ivacurilxL ►i+ice' *VW 411" IM'N, .I IIut1Y 'hp ta"rlu*e am :err Ylxg 'raa� r�i111111rH,the N■rl."Opt ¢tiver gvr, '•�•••w 'to•"r�r •Nose ntwrsr.l lefep rR ,rwnrrllyt inN first riadol 1[trlralr and livanUe. all jlrpltlw Ibis .x rYaaaylc Oswego, Ilettlru iiulvxua.• Oswego, %.Ulwfta'rt which art fully rriwrcrll,while'newsy msd'•vr•r the'•list 'I.xet vt KnKlaud na,.t on onal -uuranee rhlrre tdlraprl .tatrrttity ysghr. Yaw totally yevw tiaraw•. Monsoonal it, rtr+,ng have Nllll many We' elites er/r Itwh�tgetta'drglps.s',rt tar •:urrta tr1 rwVu.'. It a know* !' +illtenefl ur.• t.e.l 'n[t1.:A1 rid wmnt `wrl V, '11i• mat law'. are au -satins" rloolnarsig, This.ntgals,tata'aowirs.t ►e�ass, •rk1 ,e1Msn1 ,ftel»trN rrrr rNx + lyl OOOex"I .rrsnf. Aavr ,lrrffwl • vote IIWrn Isapr. t—Kart gwpt tAr trill' ,rrnrilan rp Irretntge 7ipiuuw �° ° .•cal all r41 q 4y !itnlpbsa its 'Ir I luulwalr was hrx'Mr1 rN rha ilr !rt strlitls rlMlhrr William':Nra al tttrala m'rr ,n AatunDy. 'lke ern r of Iln�' ,.ut°ale 's •wt prWwn. 1'tlr arnvrl of,11 IMrry it. ttlo,fore vt'Ireae Italia rdLL •Nil :wet ,N hr 'na .nnnlnK Matti 'It <'oultrww+•n .„ alllwt .neat•tilt Pitetr'stn loft. W, Kvr,.. �,t 1dlabloW. •Ir 7onu'• ; ___ '� Liu, n►i I+een PNIluwerl ar 'het to roll 'sudldaces rat Il.Inlalta't tro „vu•ew.inl'hrs•.lie flag J Y'rxare 'Ire o0 to ran tower M.tu.s If uregnlea. ,•udwl•.n Polite+Inrrnarl tm.i 'hrrw a•,rsrnl •Al(a ° •tie hurNyr 'tn IyHMt ,.ltl,tna err nriug rasetvrl. L.,..,IR'K .0 yaw jnnr n nnrwrtorxtfytull lists to\r+n'taynn to Mail ,.rrnJ 'A. SnnprNw +bsr rlipnne 'a 'lie tow"uMlr� a"" N Err tfp am.aal •Want eillf 1.. .Hletxl axxuewerneal .t :Nlho of Drat 'M UrtN'h that pens „nmt• nu cure rnrtr itchy. hour /1 KnrrN '1a••i `rerrta „Mn p.v.rn m*ul -st '10, trtlwn.'Vnrnanl. rUt e.It.tyt 'snowy onillsalad 1 o rf n.l, Th„ --ilk •n{wr'wl .0 tlru a -4-111 .gn+nr-05 Irtd a.glnp tla Ar .. a iad •u bye tnrnwd I m "llo a .rwi{t!!,runt 143tr,hrih IN'llr a w •.butt• •c •nrhr,n •I/r.Yw. IN► g Itf rglap l�.,.. ry •tort Pmmlrr 'Mop tYt. hits • 'Y/gn nugitM .,,I,,,..., .,, '•►qe d!A-, rrw tU fp ligatil. Ryon. ampatan map Party a3 a P'uty of Sta btrty 11rc Does, Not M-_wnwl s_iW ok �rwrR xt� �re�� l:5�atiy� Years u„al.. ........ I li„i uluu .,r r,l,,,,.mi ••' •n,,,.nl a all'. , ''w ,, e.l� ,, •.V';I m 1 qu„•,., ,r „ ,,,pl .T,ai ul w ,,,, , , v'i!I•u. uuul „ ,lye, ill I n 'In, ni I-; ,ni,wi 'n �, ,,, I,,lu„�,,, ♦lift'. ,�n I • N I,•uon q,„� n I .��uu' , nuu•'ew nr n.. I,Ir rlt V `'• lit . ,ua, w I I,,:i,u',, u, u' „ 11" n` In•I'•I •' .a , c„ •urn n, u,l a luln•i Unuu � ,tmi,wmr+ctmi In'I !„�Ulpl ,,,I„ n, I., i '•!:' !ltn N•1�1.1 1 II••P ,i!'li ., ., ,ICI,II ,„ ,i. V,., In..l1• 1 ll to hit r' n••a. u•d ,� 1 I uit n. 1 il •n I Yay nuv.r tin•vl .,, n ,i,. .�,n.,1 ,, 1 'la,n•• .wo.i for narevl.l: 1'• ,+(.. , , w I .•, •,'{1. IA nn'I,tI Ir,lfnve u•- fbr„I•,. .•, „If V" il •I,1.1! Ono thrt rrNpitem n.l.ey Vr'r•m+-r. 1., 'x"I •'•.,"` 'It•• •..•nl party .%, oats Narnutj'•.n. ••,b•hgt •m• dm,sf moamres pam InIIrI to .ra*•on nr•• sbn,tty nr6" ll ehr lain tbrerl y.nr•Jt .n,. Nr. Twmviio nnm.nm•+n taint. rlaMd' Irrhte wts I,tay.a; !hf I. "', •..^ aa•r tanat bin a plat it -notlap•p !tin the rho+ 1•'•'L1. urint mntala• prne ttet. Wl:thN rudrna.l hrotA•rh a,': Vn•Ire. hi•: it record at promtlatlaKr<M rn -all off %gar and now u'enalil' :j*.:retarr fetar.GA. y'rr;+,n icon. .ttraetive (e8itlatlan.•' toa,ae•rerary SL-Adnn sal f•utrmnttnr made a Lid free th► il'arr°: ifnrlrmn rrprcrnnt.t the rah by toying tbst •'we;{net and :Ireualty all the member, of ra come near to carte•;the notitieatten nemalitto4, the .lemo•, form of the proglit"ITe crptir national :ommittet' the del"' nor own for we ore}erali,eampaiKa committee and the ar' L., (•neiate campaixii committee of pr -I J0HN A. LUCE. , rebuking foreign•born gressives also was present. as not loyal to the comK Breach and Went End were A LUCE a said: d1,.rirated in nd ♦"bite rm1 blue for A YO R 1®H N t m of a party but Illkr wrnsio° and lhe crow.ie which at- her t blags alike an American tended the ceremony wrrr 11 fesllt•nl M A. mood,smile WWI was seLlmn with• 111/// 7 UDD E N C A L votutton 18 Rtpbt. ,out i aspee lhhe enter the Jay. F'rbr A N p R C its/ Villiers declared that the to him speech he enicomme i1 t myth• C J eldeo in right end shot im"but'sth'ono,tbot he Iombernoof sbis filially AntiC f� modern represent a slntK ��� mr he to ready to ear♦° departig x[or wanbington. The prr.l iliac h e crowd applauded. Ap• will t for Sn VPnnhhtgtsn early;pmar• lion, John A. Luca mnyor of Sort- Mayor Luce anon errble over the of Y r Y d his declaration that row xad after a.luv of shut bnurr will man.died enddenly front heart troublo 'slid came as n terrible ebvok to h r 11 do its part In laying the of rams o'clock. will 6o a .hock also to Ilia friends qll world Itonco. Thr policy Irely for AodKenvllle, Ky.. to deliver 8le hall night shortly after ten o'clock. tawny dlliPhOi' hop 11 island.. t. 1 States in Ilen101g with a Lincoln rprecl! no \loudoe- He w111�,He hod been aslifugoyer ¢Q lbe rights of Amor[caae rows to Weshinptou TurrdaY pftor• ��' ��ie way hwnaawhnne ho wait taken Duly ns°Mpytor of Horenon butDagJn ; t t the European war• the n°°° _ iil and atahprd to the door of Mrs. A. promtuent attorney of the .tato,aQQt llaed thus: - J. Hunter a rexblonce oa Crntrnl eve war t%endnomijanto on the republicancorjon titk t .,.' arty right. cite br vindi•SITOHOOOS ;SSLtlll88 auo aoath. An hit went to trip on the fur the nomination for ocongroi m n, l line for datlnlpo "bon thn�bbtbbrk, )Z/►Tt3ER LAFAH OONT LAt1T dear he full xad n•hon the •luor wpa from btonlsns at the reoont prim '+ pod n0 modern nation can Pet S.—Fronk IT. Hitch' liplilt°II ho fall to the floor pulling an he waiol n outI fee�olrcyInpte 1.largo Da°o 6eea n bat the Chiaapo. {I• hie esllnr null epylnp, '•I anl,dySng• 'a•' ltcale suab olalms, mrntbe,of the rop,tbilean ration. Mrs, 6untor still others in the ho'vo pramilleot mlonlaer of tharo�rst hnatmmd Iv nntnrton h111 collar and lodge of Elk•and was also p cal xdviaory rolntnittee will lonve 1n n K ow drive for n trip through ehr weft VOAIUBE NJURDD �f p .doctors were ottinimrrl hot 111, ?a.. m uiwas ot,IsOf 'h Lure Masoawasobo�r'f in Of tld►rt IIROHEN PAN11 for Internal of 111lghee slid pplr• wen \NoesV1rgInA BeDruery 1rbmnkn lli, will tide rerry •taln ro• dend boforc Ihr dotlora rrailrainatlnnandpwhon a small tboy be w�tKept. 2.Twrnlvdivo'pnrdrd an 'blip or doubtful or where .ehr phvriri its making the bill nronta lhr lnla Judgerircd Inlurod, arvrrnt`thero In Inch of ahrmnny in the lsral nd nlnt the romnrr say that death wan 'slid wKn is WuhfagtonrDr 04 hrnkee roil on thenrpnnlartlioa. Thr rlatra hr oaprrtn ceutra tram hear% tr0'+blr probably sip Imainnn r•Hrord at to rftit art: prarntrA br allarka oneolr ia'�tger he rocrleM I tto ag�mnaear Mrnrelnnr.\Ileh;,l Witrerdn, Nrnlh P lt'orhln too r.".Ilion from which hr 'slid tutfrrnd tic n„th this rf the ty l�aa dnra 1>Ma w nu 1 n \Innlwn•,Irlvlrn, R A,A, Ali 1,0 V I II P A I PI, ,f,i It isi All 41" A,- !'11411-11t ' All"...'A""" Ilk A I I V 1,A A AtOil, A 0 A I III mam 11 ;1kWll "W"'I h, Oomm. A,j it, nk,1�1 g4u nt,Ii -j.1 1611 !Lit! 2 Jaw( .4 ro refle.a t. Bran4th .1 WeS? ed in roll white anAl billo for anion and the crol-L' whid the ceremony werp in lt""VAIVAYOR oHN A . LUCE Ar. Wilson was ""Ill"m with- the day. Prior . 14 smile throughout1,101 speech he entertained at lul.h. ,Od at `shadow It tonight he rentaitLe ANSWE R S S U D D E N C LL with members of his family and sest advisers until time came to 1I r Luce soon spread over the elt:r for Washington. The president John A. Luc�, Inayor of Boze- kyo - Hot'. a terrible shocIt to big ,rive in Washington early-;pnior Winds. It lid after a atay of three hours will n1all. 1lietl suddenly front heart trouble und canto as friends all urday night shortly after terk o'clock. fatuilY an P I nlan A to Ky.. to oleliverlsat will be a shoZ-*k 1.10 is ft for Rod renN A will I He hall been calling on some friends over the Mato he was k own nOt'.- coin speech on Monday. lit Washin ton Tuesday after-Ion the west side of the city anti was 1?n 1ip . way no when he %vark taken. Only as Mayor of Bozeman pt Ai n to ndo prominent attorney of the state and stepp ed to the door of Mrs. A. )ublijan ticket Ventral ave- was a endiduto on the rel 'a residence on J. Hlinter for the nomination for coilgrossifian HCOON ASSUMES uue mouth. As lie went to rap on the from Montano. at the recent primary RATHER LARGE CONTRAOT door he fell and when the oloor Was election, receiving a large vote though floor pulling on 011011041 lie foil to the .ng.I I h was not elected. He halo been a Sept. 2.—PrUnk H. Hitch- his %01y1h1O"O�j,`rOIjIiuejIt member of lea go' 4 collar and saying, "1 61111 the I BOWMAn moutbor of the ropublician nation- Mrs. hunter and others in lit d lodge of Elks and was 9180 Prominent In kittep will leave In a hamtenell to unfasten his collar tit"' of the Masonic lodger, o the city. ilvivory comn, in I and Mrs. Lucolone x days'for ft trip throjigh the Weat (I(wt-or"' were sillift Once 8 John A. Luce was born Martins- lIngbt.11 itild Fair. was 111no atininioned but hfr. ).Oee Own K. he interest Of btirg, Arest Virgla* Fobrus. , It every state re• twill Ito. lie will visit where "Ierill liefore the doctors reached hilin ri jili'll when a =11161 h* led oil (Iona of doubtful Air I (Thr I'llysleing "Ishilig the exitfilit'stiOl.4 bill parents the A. Lure I' In lack kiiiinviv in the lin-1 I.I., the A­nrcmef %1­ 111111 'len0l Wsu wife to W i D. C, WIMM The Alate. he, 1. Pests rft%,.r.j frmn bear' 16us,hir as aild U0111. He nampe fillo,ko ,f In I%Rtqik. lit, roorlivir-1 kip in v1ski air rth.ut-I like 1&0 io 11608ral", All I"00110i". R11111% lost-In I-V ho4i 9tiftert-.1 0.1 WA 1, 1,0 tw-01 LW udmols., lAftbo, 1 0.1 A ir, of t., 0,* lot.....w, uc•„' �"`•."' .. .. 4a1'I+W'is Krrt�'K r u r•,•�_,••• •,•• -- -'• f rib caniaruou, w So tot�,a '•ttur ties', ro uur—1........... .,. _-... pv•\ixti pe rile•1 stereo,Lha'.7+v ! esUon," 1 :l• waet relent.,e ra.Df e4r IttaMtr cna sect nit-tltwe' iwrwe 1.a„r0. haglr. tR ChB Ii10 rlh I.C.{lue sarrirn nt 7:1N1 aft x IeoNoM a i,eresrc t L uke.airawvrr�t dlr�(rlh„+Ih'tlrx+utrlyoi r.'tu t hurl iRA aa► Stolie {� ur All do fanlnrr,l WUA a RaNI tl.a at1„t Vs t- t�l oArwe at ltA f 11¢eo ou kh+k.rll �.1D4�EU18 a11� tul J t v r {kefal n,unio, Ihr ruler, 1t IJr. asl Vra. tt.: Wan,r� Yl+alfy,v 4rgYrrttc.h` 1'hopre 3563 It?< d c �ldritr1a nd in anm, tiu}o hrluR.ISirnoj ��.jjaa L A. a >ol asei \\iRtta riaft n•oo1 to n t:nt't hat} •r,ire. ' yea vrn]abl J4 a..a pad 1.,•.•,.r Be, I4, Ur. nd V( so 'ftrr f K►.ur+. i $a119'II,1'aelor. v+i1. sew fttl i t� K.Traitr aaf I r.l and kl F. F it .t. . uw rare RMUM tt o ureb of ohrtnte ecienttet, Popular Price StOiO for M� lT( 11 t Nr,and 0: lb, r 1 n,•nuv Booth. R, � y".`ty .e+,•qt rhgar Iwrac;hia•h+as and Isti,terat r•rq+► by n te•a Lilt f `rnl, fahc ,t [1uh'v Nnrcirc, nndn, at 11 . o,.,suhJt'e1'li ChUVey& .Jt'Coba 6cr— $tar,Irh•AAA 3 fn+r•� all p++rty at ynn.,1 N 1 lad, vita d1n 1l'114oninl novel ' J 1 at era i at Ir}nt- lh, 1 In t r tr I FRONT � \\ 1 u•q rl} IS CatJ en,yxherv. lase• '1 ur+ i .t•v 1 ern 1 , tent•her �V�,•�� — 6 u Ihrr - ,{R1L {` ln"gtlk-� I ck eo Iowan,opnu to 1I r 1.Ili \\ Ir In aid ktnlnninv .- . 11, nl the Ant f W. It. I I f nu ...3 to t 3n 1, 'it. ii :Ik V n. Ihv r. 11 , r ,t-.t n• _ i All urn' t 10111 , `I , r the late M—t\ it a ,.'> t Jarryyac' fihnrnb. Travel. IK 11 1 a rruedcnd he n o +' Captain E`rastas Williams Attires O)tI s4m) n. , Fldl) 0 1Qri pt. i in Can I mo. II,11,r i• cc.Idrptz of tt tr, , in r Inraf{ )- r l etch l EA S/'r'w 'T Itir ft tt� wan rir'ired.A o• Sd rr Grl l Saturday 1=,rotu Dougina CD I ]1�Onui iluly nriahnrild and npr, ■i Aa 1,4,prc v $bolt 4eave. loco❑ ^t' u 1 nnl F"(Oct,trot." prnVt nod srr ! DEF 4BTNSN't BXTIIitlII7RI3FS J•Ip„rJ,..iirel or A )TOS,OAR BLAY� tall besot,•. )Villinms 11, t'nm �mAll ,cr•roar to rise. et n•{rvit. �Ti, c.r,niul ?fnm;,uu lninn{r),or I 11.1.On F.It11oT,1/,Slii Roolrrl �r.m Uet\ wealth Added la 1J 15 I'll,1•r.t craning III'f 1.1 vt� t tr c d 6t�li � r n. r 1 r h+. tf F�,on er wIES G nn Y,vthrrar Seratco. se roll•d to th `N I •, k/ f ,,I tlfeu U i41 \- i U r nn "d there ill he Hrrnu,n 1,"ldrrnu .or, y� ni. rhtrr n for i. v l r ,>, to n tl t 1, V L 71:a1{e ar r,rstt 11h nN.q'nr t u 1 to LC 1. f1 Iir ,rukl Ile i rt lei • , 1 I i t it dal it 1n an u..af,of the Novnnth VIA the ow Taxatin ers Rich Il,a i dins oral 1 r<uq 1 + tin ,1 bit C r lulnrl roll rtn,r1+Inrn�irnr.I )o0t ti i Il t I hr v 11 L d , 1}! I ,\r rt ) l nll� ir,ilC l - the 1 Jarlt r l ra, h 1 r l j , tie li r t'u l rllr�l 11'11 t \1 Y 1'71 ACfi, Pssf �sm❑teen frr-wpn nt lde It ill t'n\ IL ,1 , 1 rtH +. 0 erity,teem ate;products of the farm, iCcnada has I\ r o-u \\ ltrr n1t oat Onllatln Ohurall: 0 +t rend and made Ihtr nm there brf vul n rl h ,nm I' 2 le a brighter page of history in agriculture-and indUs rnr;n list Pnrrn•t Ioral,Vn oehi.d n i 1 .1 rn h ,I I' Snndn kdtnnl, 16 n0 ale produced. ( e R Prone ing,11;00; oh.j"t, "1'ho\'Ir• Inada. Nearly'a billion'L nShCIn of gr I p n hoa call nror IAr ter} h, ,Icl,,,c. I, ,,u, lull Vn lo,ot•r:?crllrnlie A oriu ! - her f Ihl•bnc+au Ira tit rtnr Ie: e. Wheataveraged g'z:84 bush fls per acre in Alberta. ,0 n ill hn,r n rtrn'- All gory ofrnlso ,i.lrann V Mayor John A. Luce tree 1 1 4N0Wj)1A,•ranter. qC1 yields per acre. -Lope.taxes and no taxe;;nn ittxti,rovc- 1,Cutcnmi, \ il[, Answers Sudden Call,,, ,inr,tn,n m 1 t, do back DI oV88 BRYAN TREATY. w Uh.kir ran,nin a tire, 1 'Inploin p 1' t-p rflw nRnt P(etb elm a A 16— 000d tvaln service and this �J11 S['IARI'OF THIS PRQSPER11 (Oontinnod.from Pago'One) H',0frrl Infd-rt Aorhlcith col Alle N adoyn•f<'orrM ondeneC nl.'Cbr Asset,inlalr brat-alrSua care eervlco I _ - Prase.)- A•bUI to ratify lhe8ryan lraR•,4 lu the world. "TheBouto 1 chi me wet li tl,o hlmlurnn r{(immte ty aiRn J n4 Wnebb!Rton on Dreomlmr1 of tdo Groat Big Baked ley wont dark to N'a.hington,.IiOq� r, ,111 rMnn, iu time for.,I ral,l2nplu4 u, 18, t0 , yotween Ha11nhJ and the the greatest wealth producing era the Dominion has is tinlah hin.ynn r'ov+r n I rndontlr R t i I \Vill}nme am,l. tbaf by cotdd,Ki ko•no tJ,lhal. d{toa,uarooin,f to rubndt 41f• potato. religious liberty. Good Climate. World renowned ISsr f era tb•orgo q hl ptnl,_nni\ir5• frrmue to n Iwrmnnont•h,tnrnndon�ll What i),forront . hoa rase Pairs proveJtis. Here Is your opportupity I{tv,in`\Vnnhipgton, A t t3om n tar, 1 um noel, A ie still lha'rr oh ooni• comini.Son tor,in9uSry.nnJ rofrQrt, Low Round Trip 'tli,it tine ho,�wAA ndmrtlid:to.thu hnrL nu bf tlw arnrk'roglnlenl on lh,l Iior• bean ll aWrod Sn the aertlau rmnotlt•' it your chifdrtfi,in youc``}lresent location "'bete ,anti �ta„prachno law In A[m'iron nu 1 •nr n I' 't;a>tnin 1Vi11Aun soya,so 'G male• tour of rho�neonlj•ohnmhnr. Surntner TBIII16t be needed for years on this virgin soil nrrmdrr uLthrdinu'of).ncq and I nc1 lo�°r' pod In the muilne drill aid train: cell,a ware aoi waltinir,bat on the- FBrl:b - ^- �lvltG his.fother motif the huler s death•li K'.d'tt Is out been in any Ctiun nn,whole his bill iuwua-;A hnvo had nl rn f110 Rinee'thnt ,Lois,ha hn on ,r,:thonah.runoa atmY�U,n ,hough,-oo-il-r rti'oh. -BoJarnl ruonlborr es: THE C.ANr�I)[f\y PACII'IC RAILWAY CO. IHnuod th.in,v praet,r nleuc:_1Le pn >" lptflolsl, prison .tbair rathraetton-und In.QIlo; In affect on cattalo dates .. Ind nt orris time nli ism,try .,torn y;ef,'n,•hIP'„vebny1,are in ezaeRo It a 111us WMt a(tohlR on",I'll r rurroaudinR raon•� For AotnUe oDD1Y?tr 4TY YEARS TO PAY (InlJntin'ronnty, w Ile•(n train hard. leis n aavornmont mnthntra to nt- Kt/ Mri Lneo woe olorriml obtnit iwrntt'In lie ril Q tarn•\Vi1R.mr• alne,C0 lash , Sol to treader whirl' nil" all TheBonmaneMoAgent T FROM $11 TO $30 PER ACRE r}Fh,yrura alto t Mla Torm{ltn hi cep K Pr Irovon InR wore, p oh llozmnmi, n4,0 siovivar;hhu lhvir'tl raalpm,y is 111 enmmnml et Punt I and nz n.wrv,1 the lead for Tree travN iltentu tC Government guarantees your land and water titles. roily eon Llewellyn Luenj of n ,iris-S ire t_rnPnt Mu rib— it,Sheridan. view r to fnrld�r Iwssre dy list.ognuar I A•y OLELANn or cent. Priv- ,;enowri student Af rho Monition stain Ile,ED. - A over nineteen years with interest at Qp 1}rgr. Mr.. Is, A •Luca•morhor of OZUX&N AI881iS1? eHIN88E MYSTERY. oonaral Posen ace Aaaat ibis,IPran+rd,p...rd nwitr'L,IlllRi Qno PrkS,It, Aug. MY-8r.etmudruro of, ilt.Pant,Mlon ed districts,'the company makes a lea i 20 nlptor Mr..it. R. t1huIIdlrr r oflj in ,Jm,a w l 1,:uit. ) • ❑ of $2,000, ( D' Tho +rorinta+l 1'rrw.—Noe route.,. .nndan;'Br• p a.—flea al a flninr.vllly,Nd,ridn add Ihr othnr•.la•'o!llcimm� alrahlirr whirs.r Jed F'nIc• its s rfmuuliu,;Yana AhLkai'e death, leer hlie.Orltrudq 4."ro,In,"heats,hop.htul lnnlghl with Lu, and. the . ,n .t4ry oral soggcstbrg`tlmt ham.,- _.. ler cent—for peWanent improverltente, consisting of iutalorn reatdie. a l rnr,•n11> no Ibotr )) II olthnr kI11rA Idmnelf or was lroiaonrJr' Phone$Zf)for Inlneo the mMher'r 1raN,, his'. INn• ab relive wnp brought down(tu {'Inmra Ihn a u,tu. of elm-Into prrplJont .ro' ro ice irrigated ands close to main lint'towns on the home ,chh ban brolhar and IJ.igmfly', Y hinny now t,tied islet.Ihnt br i.and doaH ai' e•as devoted to his hole uud isle feu,•Inc urllrbd nnnnunv,•nlrnl .. a.l 'blt,� 1 K I OCaI Creek&T being offered for settlement. ,jr Iola sir a,nrinuA home on Black br l n'ade hi.,•x'n m lu n total n �n\, an month � Cr ,an Iwau 1Ar .rr",. of Ibwob. Arm dmpin'd Unl uo�ro,aria ur roily to find out what the Canadian Pacific Railway will 1 govern-1 I r,Eraa literature,Mips,etc.,V/rlt!or cal) Inrany drligblkl! .orinl nffnlrr or In' I Ali offir11lll AIn11 1M r1 r.ara't, 1, 11 ina"n�61111rmRrlMr Ikntrt 'non...ern-1 COAL, 1 µ l`ehy a+W..aUn the issue of Jar Imr•, i•tlhnrlly brfor„ II n?Infk 6, Wolu[ is fanrral and taro,•wl Y n� r - 1nnte nn111 hla mo11^il Iu1tlhnPid�olr.tnvr,unK ;or ondrr. oralni wren ul• ul• Wood and IG !�J & RHOADES prl,the her Uklnit I' of the rely..Iln war also a drvahnl ilarkud by Mnvl`a1 hnrlill1ll'��'��l1',IrokUu. Tld astoundintt clew 1.Irot nmdlnoa Il—_ hhdhrr not only to blr awn Aslrr.dal I few 1'Inrsw rl`u,InIn11.111mW' beau n- faults i Urvwrwo btlo ilhrRl l ei naeruprra. FRA1�'Jli JLYJJrI 11*S GIs. Mea.Una 11a h{.wli•'n elders roue brut born. I 1;61ur n.purl4'rulariy,It."of the cool II lnvngJot r,l for it..iWnoralrAurylhn llulrlurhtl tits ol,�MrllYnhn�rbu hrgrl•If I►1•a1111nn•1 oYl"rnnlly Irrlhivrd hr aonw IanA pLee AIR br.uneunaal ,stet. 1ptuyrnulpW i•/ to el a. [ l ..a I Ixaaco -- 1 Io,e l`chlon, ,e diatrl t slottq, hill Owl � r geatad to VA-Port At 9n 111p� rnervelpuxly tit ornble And for,'i k conditi nu net o, bier a 'jgagy2fTA:IYB-(i LOOA2i PAY?.`R GDMI'A3'Y7f nt n,ul F, ry ecctl t o} the,unto t. , r x }I<f t llainve)3uflcllu$ CRdun1N MAtjiuette B(uld1.U;.IIrstton. \o Iir,00uth unet 1 went the Ant e, j q 1 - Ddtz�lt,Xrwa YF Ru11ElnE. nttlpi{Y cprnvntle nnnit the dome retilrn A, LQ t'he •{ ',pabtkt(yW. qffl . �- .ro ht•,Ing roc„ Fd� 0,nnr lly We It 1 118—Jive lfgaeded to kpvn all a0>»_for Q4Dluy sDaN ttr Wa� Nonjjmeat nil a Guelnr;hr polar and loan• I �tIiINO D!'at�ing rho next Publication, day. TII1t�]]AlA4 }rot group. ho ltc tb n Q4SAtdd every mon,ln)S of rho wank excopt W mdAy'morning. h 4,clan o r rt1, ve in Lha, _7lTRON7.cfI.I1 is i:rinted every Thllreday. <f Pollan nod Gunb,r a Iihree l ,I,, /�, 9fT11Ce Oil d Y. -_ _ �.� ant hotter much—Gut to three days�+„ o t second clam matter Drrrwn,bnt-0. 1911, at the poalofflca ■t ern ehnrini, ilia c m ann proof tt.' tsrotllCrt20ocis for t ]-,Mp1e of 11 ports of t1m I �' .DgraAak,.Yotitaua,.tinder tbo Act of 8►mh_scru,tar.--Groat Y'nlln Trihwro: Ga tfanYa�APf;N co Advert!son. sworn-■trieniai,ts htttilali.d-.0 .I•. _ This- l4frike �+ raparsed• - - _-•--- ---- United States wi '-2Y tiATAY cilioN2ll is on sale by.All new■.dealers P�'esident Wil OD Accepts - 1 pa aau� I��lillAtoa.1178 runner.raid Columbus. 1D fir? ' ` tt YunGll't4am,.na Qn au traslu Ask far "*"° Lincoln Ho estead As 1 ati► a171tIc1>ta-b 1 I • �fhmafol4Nl'and rot the very Llost'-awe National N emorial mighty tr•ing policy lot brick t u.• i vir{$pri tdan4 IintorAnuonnl Inn' the $tilts of ht $""' The final pro` ;•i it, nnl lkc f,utur :of ,tiz< u:. I (Contisusa fro Pogo One.) • pQDROVJ WILSON µlib ro aronca t )icxice 1 think -- - �tlnt the prOddorr'1 n act d wind.. tin c;and n,hearty t oloomo,—nftor wa 'TODe rsy, but whit that TOT Vice prwriden4 1unt6} aad earns only, It w•,n right 1,44 recognirod th W1 at he fini "Match eG�iuld lot'hnvo llhavn road moaa, biogrnpbion �or' OXAS PL MAP -IALL rongmlrrd ouch A lot rdaroup pereoonlity ,Lit ooln; I hove Col ht out Witt$ the (L) The railroads willlne If, r:n 1 do not bdio,n that 'afirh,•oht interest ill men, fntimnlol teep the time of aliment - nS,oiOt t rvovr,noi+'. Mezica in n ntatih,'thnt or tol, o! Gim, the oar aponan8houtbasiSandl — - 11 ronhlc neighbor-Just note but,rttr' r,t r .of nearby fr ends,the skolehee with cash man, maintai ;roMl A,LrlyoE. form conqucnt in net going to make her At JsIonn qunrtorn, iT which those who between the money act' ' h Aott7r:one. Aoth ngnint England hsli the privilege o being.nseocintal trs¢nt basis the it N•it him havo to _I-to doped for P •Add rr�dinta of B"f nth �.ccro-n z�Au!nintlnnt humnn,.etavnr}'�trho Pnitcd - reagiklY.ehbekld an lea r.mg tbnt t a 1 fitstc wurkr,j-m rr,ts talentlon'thronglt. . Iho.very ntna h naelf"in hie ha 'earned upon an 8 hour 1 a1C fan�4cnl) el7,cY.rn to n ti n r-colntloa._and it.„nail A pretty slex Git•an ho lived"; b al 1 hDVO sorMorc to be computed pro rate toll Il'a-reel intlm a of Lincoh,'A,''I iTckQ A-•I;•,fe The"C!3,i ntar.••ta Rlti itn•igg{1rocess. The amounts so she ado io tie_Gatti,'?ea,of th` ov&t. H I -"It 6e item acid that Wileriu.-er na•,hero rat�ho dm caalon'In any nor decision of the Con tniihi "I^asa`s$lhkrh HaEurdny n! at.wldlo a tizat wnA ngninat ropnrcdne+a: Par ant yr or romibisbo .o that the writer' (c)of this mclnorandur r>?!a bomb 1&t11 dapor'a this life-Da } hs I m•aI hat y r mnvinoril^•thnl Gun 'Bt..faa.i poL'4tr Md to floe halm Y+Y Said4 ofkfllfi8vea Ones couldreachateRid tdGgent:,pubhc opioi°it he,chnn of Ireom Itutostoryther °itt of}l.n�Th■t T �'m4� 1QalraCtetlby YlritaL`Ckllel whhd'appn Fafty in ti of hcl unglr in favor of it, g' F I P r dadlstbtl?�:�rx_, phyelc,a Xealtl,;iq-the oral irity of 5te,�i Lhat in the proper thing Yor Our prep l roc hag spirit rej. 11 real t never poyMpr f kiid'rttieb i dro w■x asp eta„cn,:der.a r do. A proshlent defiant of I sec thy impresn n that It never (b) The Interstate 'C oL madV ybt.rk nY hrturr one('alnsn. :I Pahl$ Opinion wonl!i bo a dangetaus.oo'1klhat it 61, iould np 510 reveal itself cent- :I siipeivise the keeping of STitdinxfirtpent.tkeytarnofbinman con ,r nnr•goyCrnmont. Y iner'pedcostOfLho8h ]:e0d fit"AOrum�p:cud wu knnwu o dl t attitiula an the tnnft shows►n4 pplotdy to anyone. - E$vain Vory.-foto� •. -_!_" - ar2r2fy ('ern i'Csidan{',bf the city licliqua opnnnean'of mind. A teriff,2din iy)p1Yir'tnaC ltio --unhtrom-nndbr—':---'- ''I uit cam wu T ls::yer•who Upheld the high ideals mlGrlw, will like the'who'.o ptbblem n 'rallied n n oso vnt titir (ully�Coleman• / 04 a Uchlo piota■sion;'arld wag xvecowfpl jout of polticsr It in my ILope trot tha j "Sth them, as if, in split of,allSt [>o h Willip■iDAe pnd.wllnn><n a baginnrr lrxperts .ill be numbd, and that thQ i inl efforts t•comrAdtAlli, it ^i by,won,nl}rochl�to_d�[•.ir his,father the lboiy will he eontinufng,enet vreled`■1• • 'OIL ■ art, coot, a vieione of daty la LO InirnUyrt`^r"'yr o area Ono of thy,'mast pith lGn dignity of the nnprrma w tic,po mA i-duo cl'on. There la A In submitting c': ha rig 1pwy'aW`of�t,T9iltean. John'"curt. 'a v hot end vor terrible isolotimf ccqq'dRi) Alt ornov of GJ] "They nai•he l,u binodered. Perhapps for':the holy Cavalry prl9an who wat3hingtOn'Sod I to Cann{y.edd'Les eppear11 as Conn., he had ;flat'I notice ()'at he Aaually seeks to road the d sting is affairs!or jtiiiM Of tile2l.COIIniI tf d, Y�p ?':fbgtly.tmpurtant trials:""Ifcat• binndnre fbrwnrd: You can't get 100 . }. otldm u•Well Aa,for himself, r w lr 1algo ahigk ropuwtSatt�rr+. r coat,of fleien 3• Su n domoaracr:T n1'Non.0 w!olh has, in�i vl{I{{lslo.�rbat ff , .raga Ad eoFnlnlondod:,tbo ra ''t know thatwe ought to:waat it. tivaey na man' aIn Iri}tddo ulwn. ,t u�-'rt�lie dCd¢khds in th° epTet o b:DAne6 ■rid the b iP fYe:Nvae ould- mnehinre, cad,war would �'vIonely eearaNS f.t11a sprit for the' (JI ilsenled,in our ud P1 flee too roue of ircedbm. ! •Ira■-yap a iGl 1 ea,and 1t'the pat havo li right perha�tic lot. This ' 7 8m :any:aleptj�, 1gK wrrJpia(pcc(ved ' Ae i deli nil.Sir leaf,.it hu'beon ap cage okld of t e dings kept cent• existing doily periodlab of oetF�� r:nomfpa 0n oa titp fret oat big thing After another i15th p�ay w th'invfsibl things .wu born existing holrla of labor c ro lSOiy{tfote! f rop,zolletiontivw•rn 1Vilbon: S hAve'never known eo many Into no tatimney ut fast.oR its own tion,but for the real p abbgYesa,. isat }•oat he'lace doctcil dtngeroun qucatlena brought up for tie- silently neeombiln opd deploying increase In Kages Of mayor of. liusem►n, defestina..two.elation to uny ions prosidoat. Now;ba tyongkb. lllion Dollars per ann eetimabta ritizena ilia popularity•foe,hall the general strike of the skilled I have Como be today, not to ut• � rnaalfosted cn may other, occasions:railway man,which,if carried ouir will qO a aalogy on L'-coin; he Donnas in In railroad freight train s Aoxemnn'Is` unique institption—tbc.throw the whole connive into confu- alftR!el nonq,bnt andcaror to inter. by the labor organizati( Baum:Pas rarnfrlol—hatL no.firmer Alan audlprove a cildemity that,in car.,Piet tho mending f this gift to the friend or supporter —ha,Mayor recast, tap ovealoal{t1e6 will havo resells nation of the pia o of his birth and _ After careful exarnit and.his last appearance at a public bound to existed over a long period of or{gbr L not this pn alter upon which ane�'continuous consu tuullton was in worthily porforminif tine. fie to Act with his usual wo may lorovor k p alive the vestal _Committee of Manage tail Antfoe elssl ed to the mayor ddiiog'eounsits" ad annity. for of domocraey ■upon a ehrinu at have reached a clear ui the red fattiviNoa 't In my opinion,Mr.IIugGce,it pare• „,hick some o[ is i.topeat and moat of the uestions, and t -4?ale 'an ike cotuolailon me be IAat would.find It difficult to deeido reared hoped O! ankind may from 4 the rycnpathy of the whole-community on the beat bound for the government n((a to sea be re endlottl }or tbast the railioads.and to the . !a'rospoetiacly lingered to the bereaved to take in'his.NWke. Isis capacity for hopes mud coos oilyy be rekindled, of them. widow Dan And sister. To,them.the hindsight,as xe Tarn from his epeecbes, opd only-ileac�w o ljve can rekindle Trustees ,,; kwDwl�'dge tkt!!ttheT'.do`cot mourn it highly developed,hat as 10 his fare. them. Tto only u!I that can retain al000 may serve era balm'to aid in eight,'wo are not equally well inloam• the lito-glvtn``hq Sa the stuff of I+v' As frruatees for the healisg their grit.'Tbo'mcord of a It fa Sung hearts. Aad a hopes of mankind for the great mass of tl wen enellt cad 16e esteem of a halt ItG.Nilson bun now Gad About four .01, boept al o by ward.uI of 3dand■is fhb legacy John Luce Au veers of cx�wn�,and he'hss earned py constitutions s d doelrinoa o!right less than go per cent.o IeR !amity. led,., taflh And fillet,•I do not think it a anti Cattail of lib ty. The object of in the railroad gage 1 t; $xo n ]oat is loved ud useful logical or Ae utild. thing to rh..go to democracy,is to roa arnuto theta Fnto millions of peoplt that I riti rn—fnhn-Into died and, Is IDn Sorxprricnred and tratriad man i'int the Ilfr and nelio et society,the eol6 j. teAal'•sorrowing community. for the nnMa e!ehango,or plitlmut conch doeiol and aolt•w rifieo of bract" mcl, capitol in the bonds halter rrsAona facing given for the and woman willin to make their liver and who through the. >m3fON FOR WII,BON. Change tban I have lantirad. an emhorliarrut right and norvice and insurance Compam •, i "Reoerrrlt was my cholro. lie boa and calightono,t urpaso. Tit. com- extent of millions Of I kaA rlla•Acnrt and is one of the Kral of muadn of Aemorr ,r arc a imiwraliv0, solvency Of the raiiroar Tbnmu A.I?d1Aon, who hu,Leen A Aa,mirono, trot Iho mloehlnteantrallnl me it. privilege. rid apportunllie'e are fi TIA, g rip.WOO, Metal h -1 sro•Irrnranrna pear,wmd,t n��hav� Gim. wide anti gcnrrou Its eompuloion So conscience gurrenderet r'. logo, \ g Thercf.re I loan for N'onirb, P'lleon." a oa no. It-N•111 ke great Anti airy InvOlVed,Apr under'tnk New• ark,Sunday,the following o I 1 atalrmrnt of the ronwns why he In. $bat IIghL nigh or the guldw.oe of that will rc:tull l0 the 4 tead.'(o rote load work for the r Ckt•� p>ftOaP�IYI•II• our own (eet. It Aft trial'worthy to of the country. I tes of preatdour tvllonn: 01J8 AKII IN4 slAnd here it"C. we ouranlvlw be In "Not gixe la4o hu any campaign - -- dead sea In trul real to.,o ruth load The eight-hour de _ made■ a o Ahern rd1 an camppuM NON' loci 1Gt• Wrmnll oG if.., ;late aYrvanta of man Ind, rendv to glvr Involves an.-annual in 'F A loaGm. Tke linter air foe a rrfntr►�Il,ldtary le over aad we coon'thfak o! our —ry lives ,r she irucJam nu�l a re ate of Shay Mill �`r'�',{�� on� lather irthl" tlo'- , 111- /or a brief IlatiY Nod nldrlt 01 axnitnliun f ill- rear g g laiaa in ter rd R nl{rNb• g I - lab or domernr) Ron) 'Aml.rirabA topsr'o. lid as Ynnol,lnr Ihr Nvnd.'rfal great urltun wool h nhclle rn Raid our. of Tnore than as per Ntral 4rop lsrlica And sal 100•0 to big' "Moil'thal Ihr ruurlVv Sr oaJncing. lurro UP. �, already the most'higl fNmtameslal priarlplro- Jr.:r mayor. ur. great a}rihr Ilan of. Th,onn•pa11PM charoYlcr of the pr�r �ty{�, "ymr than to, n111" prasudral M pornadly, posse,$ oaten' end mu •err grAm Na. engrhu lard,by Ihr, mcnilurr The ultimate coat t wq'mr,nerY'IRlwo.ka•I,. 110_4 w)A,11•erlty la .all [uing 1'.IN•rlau•koo� rnr of the!toter'or C ■doe I.,]li gbe.,the e sAro.otdm, •,1 v,•r,.r•,tour irnA.lrm•.•ry,. pmnld-et b•o.t .la to.t (b. pre i'l lon:as numb,e, ly aua of the in this manner of it err ann •.f wM«l. 4r.•Sn.4 Ihr vmml• .aril r.egrok la fn, s lung rnnlblurd rywokon In gill'- Ibe Ilol'of Ilrrw.I.ra Cannot now be tutima I. —V oa,Y/A bar«treat 41aoawa`.,, Y 1- p,yiA rd Lr.nlrorll v, r'agkrllln.. of of Ill,, JAn"an Ina ariur'Ialtuil' ciency of the trannlF gera,roe. $$',lean',4r»i¢aut•w,It,I—` N-14411al so" i'n,F"P"" war W.J. nil POHOCs Hreake Ill l already under 6Cvcre I NSA ggrrH ail oa•••'al.,at+ 'a•r••a•I Jb,ail.. ..,it ' nnr /, r,.Air•1h,+• 10 4, 11.» a•r.l wr tl,• r J but or noun s Ihr• haunt$.„Xtt'•i«ee now moving,and at a 1 •yl, hot ir •• au ,w w rt•N loon• we Ito4eu 1a, l.lyb,ill 1•,ill.A Priam ern• ,n rr gJhl 1cMr'tn the fnm-I 77!N lilt V•uu•w„Ta,� 1u;h•r siren ,ir lro,« «« Gr..N r, tin, fa,n, Al ill, .■1ruod luna4a pinl.l'nnn, tkel - narawlf 1• Nunwua• ,..•Yb• ,po.ones. a., lust,'n•d coo ..runs pr' m.hl!•nt alma$lr uoR illy un h"ur,lura� �n good fait 1u[ In e,l. III on an women echo 1 -- W-t.•4 sin, ail ' 161. oral P,IalAcul-'$ Solve the problel wl.1 r:r. .al iv b« n'-r nl 16Y larp••a, .•Y A, . •m rafb.•red In sett. in pro ereBB VVl1Cl i7 a rot$ RI Icen,nYF, .np,r 1e 1G.•L1nY..1R t• 1.i.�::_' P:T. ��� and Otism Noted Nam, ire etw«tai rain.. In nrn.nn.dda- .. ♦rte�■pllr ann u n,nt. ,r. pro,ld..ul Naa air Pro? (A.40ties Mi i R Fam Sur M,r•r� vr•.Y rdR t m Vhc Rle,iun +,i, r atwr A Jt k.-fa.m In sin m'Iti..J n.. it.n1h, no a 1•.w,•or L.IM.nI.Pali». tar 1h."f"R 2>[•,� 4 '?':! X]'F'G'E:;t!?'it„a?'• Holy- all, rtosit 1 stryyrrd cad My The 1 he strike, - iw.w11.n•r afar r of JAM•vlln' A.. tin Andy ♦'nealh.4•,q, s I-at, class of laburm ,. � ,,, ,,, _ l„•q.L •.•�n'all 'Flf/la el Inos4'�ttt a1V NRIM IIfrH1 MC� Ir.,.,enn b of ♦1.Min lwraaoa., W the ' im transportauo pls,dr meour010 4 1litny a lk. inµ oYaAtl rd e111vnllr$Ile rill l T » ., y I r• I, .,, wean wire vr'A. aaA�tt.'pgsy•ton MIAA. The t Mhr arrr,art atoll A. asarr m r %M. rM art -.,i;, .. * _ .:+ _..,. „- fl• 1».wets you, g�1IyR�11�Yy� Nf> - WA 'Jf.J,fi;MAir and fnndiv to + 9n �■■ 1� s v.. •v ... I 1 W W AN, ght l '• j GEM i o'nlght_J' Re[asting Para, Inc a cite, 3pc �-- - POIS � ,1 Y- IHgronlnu venterdn i� en am' Yer dojo. „ .... ' C 8n{n hill worn -bnnlnan Uvitorn In S ii fnrr,ny_of Falldfun THE"LIGHT S or,NEW I g :t mte a oo + T g N `LOU SEF � ' I 'Unotlenlailous Citfiaa Called Away is� �M.Pir npnnt it fly lit tnA IT",of Voa'll nee how L'danind bird'burnedbit.onr ho and a Hm Vo girl, Canto - the Ripeness of Age After and brtn6 Your, fnnuly, A C1�tnP On1Pty, \(te. Olga 7)ahl nrf,od 1n-ifs tty 0 T'er Burch �, \.10•pnd]9e a Long Decline, we 8[ndnyfrom \Vona. Kn t.l col d-t"� � � © New York .', T7 last •hoFart Filin eal The -Pn Inrirk <:nlh n dlw;d fly ttl n•,j r Onitgn wall Jpn t t rill t C;�,mrbefo Jorge, A+q mordng Ot 11 farnliy tau leneell F •Vnaeed \[n ilnon 55f nO,erD se vlh rh suer, i'A73EXTH, ATZ•ENTZOX: Number Six of.iho. Athletic £oxture Ff)u,, "" -lac -vfrl West nahrnrk lrectr from el midi• h• 10u er 1 t -f tit fsconeln 4 [Each,. nutlono rr tlllnp from ul unr,A n ]q one Flvo er gip1ff A blt6n Faith �tt.nl , I (ul101nnh[ I b o Mr f,tting hehh� iat'. the gaost n! Vle• t,zi l ,ens Cl: Harlon a-!St also ho oxblbtted tomuht. It your boy or girl,`hax not airre.ty - Iut: 5Mn1 year.. AC ut.wiz orkA eostarpa+ to:.her ionic net.\5'hf a n1L °otartM to tlie•n •um,derfal slid-bnnnficim pietrrea, start the,, it, rt ht' I' cy Elticrta Pa eaten, og.,,to suffnrmd n r 11a rip,And row` B Otte.0 l 6 1' p Mien"Kathleen 1Vitson Wt. thl Icy'I raw. Price 10c And 29c Firat.shoW '130, Coo ro aDe:itl ad, '' i 81.if gradually wcakor until the end, for H lowton, Wllero the will be al ,Ilcavy pndk,per lax Horn in County Wirklnw, Ireland,nnl einpllPr sr ` I ill the Nigh rehnot for Ilv AP&.2a, )are Mr. Collodion was ml Un.lnx Rill ttlfa and} lks .1 zt7Mt PoarN, heavy pack him f ,cant. When 3 ycon al ugh r Hl ore t they I�nrh,nn,l '+fnry Omi;eli a A \rA 13rcar "--- bls family crnignt0d to (.nuds,n 'nml but%bey 1nr nfOtnftA to*.�i,inr,ntn,Inn, to,r" , sod fancy stock,per hox__$2:BG acltled noAr Ilntaliloer Out An 78M; xnt.nrore l ho n Oro id the llnite,l S,Atos,-going now, so ,f,an Fl.rrnrn(lrnulnt �ttnr,iay h.r, UCE f CNECAI NEW MILL � .otnl ,hero sin ltl rn h .lu1. 31�S03nPn Whtto.Ea Laugdrr-00 Io'INyaar ghlie cam to BBouipan In 1901, �oneflL o 10.. I )t fff�"far- •- vpnr-lr. the Rpn, nc�Al Co my !h h gyl, FOB R M�{'yI In the ro I estate anrl.lit. Les rmRn Ptalnhle wentlo, (nlr•nn AT HESIOENCE 0OZEllll,ll■ I until coort lbe,Inears 1(oa when +ee ordn\ to r0nur to h0r id t0. an, � until short lhron years ago when he rather of I x.Ht selnnco sir th(e high �hos. rM* rollrod-•bcesyeo of his age He lose �H nNlnol. I I �t n0 I 11. R a & Co. of Mou in 1k9a to Atl- Fmmn G...jnua Attorae n e a ( Stmrnrt,li ` THIS MUNIRG I �I�E1 IU U o! . 1116 Bt Hinge Icy, wh sortnre .hoots ut1 George Pea.o wit Ion e' Phone 4 hint. )lie.If "00, near,reletiven are this nttornoon for Virginia°C ty,on i + 1 I nnphows and nlcoos,nano of whom re. rppppOOM l..e elrto here. ��� Mir" Bnlitmo Boyle came to tl�o.a t. Tho.fnncral f tiny- .Inhn (t:l acid P.M.Parker of Relgisdr has oe,epl The t lneral wan hold Momlay after. f�vtiny from Butte and.eh. fait't -will be held.al thu rasiilonan,.-310:731n<k psi the ngeitfnn N .+per Btlordent sod --{- --- - ---'--- noon, et &o'clock,"from 81, James' nlI OO OA,O O.snm0 day for Cottonwood whom a avonyo month, 'this,`morning At 11 hoaA cnillnr of'thn$tica,+rn MIIIL1g aom•' F,pisao?al church,of,third he hod long nA1 pEtvill tranh,nchonl. o'clock. The romginA „{Illlo In ptotulTTony,,uceoalBig\Fri(,yutherisnd,lobo p00D FIBIHN TAURLE {boon an notice member,the services be- Deb 0, ?ha Dougherty sisters have moved et the residence.from IO to 11 o{oloekt)E.. rcaigno,l After being with,the.com• IOOOD 96IOKIN Tl)BAQ0 1 �Ihg conducted by Rev,fie B.Lewis and O 4rt0'"Their no,v bungalow on Bormm�n when the,casket will lie ol0sed.-An rolty;l puny nor nonrly,tqur yAare,.')ill: and Arv.it.I.Oberholttet. The pgllbeoreu'Op,q 00000Ol avenno north,.built.whore their house olfteo,and plseoar of huunosa n!Iil olosft Its lnmlly will prnAsh{y rAmain I„ 0, 'GOOD CIGARS' 'D PIPES were(:hnrloe'B.Andorson,Alfrod Yet. ens Part fully destroyed by firo�a'fow ,IurinR the fnncral'-son9r.e our, u!-re lnanr Horemnn for n riot 1f noE'iror,l What more could ton wish for. goy, 8.0.'Ptdllipa,F. A. Maxdell,W. I _ +oct to iho»wmar of the inM ,.vor`mnnnnely: W. Onodman, and 6.Y. Patten. 1mo+iihe ago... P Y Mlv Parker h..boon with the,OallAHn Mon :ratio was in W, 8S Evans land C, D. Booker IeL+and nil buoS.e6. of the city ,.•+!t rennc I � SCHl�I11�T BRCS. (rHAlle never seeking proiaieento�In ,he r rdny. Yeator.l.y by.automobile foie a fiehtng timing the hour of tho ..moral, \;etllry diiAing.comp Rny::.i,ta Rolginde; ` Phone 1-W tiny way, Mr. Cullodgo was gnbtio,eons for the post.toll'yeprM,and p nvious toio Aldrlled, and alwa m inletesled In all o wan Ebus•'tr1P'up�Wlrtt(iallntin: They probably �1 --- "� ilia title he-wna e.mlHor for three y the t •r.teinlav, wil1.go as far DR YtllowslonolhnforniREQVEST TO CEASE ,'care in the Pillrt ii'ry• mills of Minns• -_ _„_ that roneerned the welfare,of the city, bile Throe forks(Choy ro urn home,' I nptlln- F<Y a tow wenlin Mr. Porker v _ His choirs,however,was for the quieter and In the'City Miss edge SWilrer of the'Osllatln, ALL CITY BUSINESS �n•il) rmrtin�m hie redAonce.in Belgrade, DREDB OF -YARDS OF sits of Ab homo,and the society of hLlold h �Covo hl h school faculty r htrhod� friends, among whom he was greatly were ty' R o r idvtng back,and forth by automobllo i�. NEW LIN ILEUM loved and respected for,the exceptional a s, home BAtnrday,having epoDt the vaen• FOR MAYORS FUNERAL I while the vroethor.porinit.� �hot 1 "d "7apt-recptVed; v nAonM-see hits accnptal I I *• kAsdtknsarand,ahpp��m of kle eompaalon• knee at Weak-(Ilo.l visiting role oil $he�fadlson short time he.sifts hG-in,uliyexpect to tih a many new Ps rae. We are shipend hoe itality7�` ht onorand (I with friends in Dillow 1t is roquested by'the mrmbern ofs0 ,o into the hty0k hone at the mill sbsdallsta and yo get the ban- P. 9ker Dr,E. 0, Holm',J. R.Tacker;F•;�11. 1,6 cif council that all <it o[ticcw. e!.tha monlh.t Brill o canyon,':whscr integrity, and by nature geaorollP'ind - d baby loft Y 0 Y' l R{ eflL, courteous to nil unusual'degree, I(r day for their {lolnonhmldt and A. L. Taylor. to. lose,and that all City employee tesio Mr.-9ti thprinnd Arta him family are now p',Wsr prices do a t Prevail here. (,unladen mule many warm Irionde who (.toed yesterday- morning.from Rah ork and all city busnees be ouspended presiding, We buy enough a the discounts --•_- o Bear Crook Book Ieko near.Dinon.wlioro-they killed dnligg the time of tho:fnnoral of Mayor• D.onald Parker,son.::'pj_X•_and-Min. some'tb0-"fall-fn-' e. Wi-*all-necerely-monrn-hla•loes. -Ba 1 the docks"the taw nllowe I V� wort) •ham wae.,tp,fke dohlt_A._.Iruno,this moving si-aleven'P,^li{.'�Parkei;0>4ppeepis to onset Ih�', ,ptyy Oop,PprUo p do coos' .-.+ - That lu'WinhRrod' Mood"Kn7]t it o'clock, el'gghth grade spoefai elaumt the Irving Ai, ¢, ACCIDENT IN WISOONBINgrandmoo:mgmbol, of th local school oaahiog By order o4dhe CIty,Counell of the me hoot at the opening'of mehool In Bono• •( hfAN ANDWOMAN SII.LD(f- offer d an official corps,arrival in the eltr_Bunit tromCNv of Roxanne. man Imlay.and he wily make him he.., il tm an Art Store; offer Vostarts Starthe oast. Mina Knl hts s ent he ram• W WEY$KNOWN IN GALLATIN8 P L.LV.TRt7ITT,President of Council, with Mr. and Mr., alter Aitken un- prep( pier at Washington, D. C, and Port ail hie parents move tram Beglnde.r - 80•J lit A.nblek' ■lid Artln,r, Canada, Bowman people sr0' glad to welcome Nows has been reeeivad In Bona They, Miss Lily Schafer arrived in the city NOTICE T 1REMEN. man of an neeident'reeontly in Airl{n, -� and Mr.Porker Otis hip alley. as residonls onle% Aaturdny from Not-Pere, ]dabs, nil of this part of the valley. f �- Wig.,whom William Moon and his slaw An will attend the local high school Firemen are reques ad to report at I .. tar Con wore.killed. They wore in ma0 ' Mine Behnfor will live with liar sister, hen lgtarlern at Ittt80 sharp thla morn- 1" 'Phone 3 for their.ulomobile and were accompaniod oi* Mtn He the ft Imfer:w•ho Is otonogn.ling to attend the llmoral of Mayor W WSON COMPANY by heir friends Miss Nellie Howe end hferf nit and BA,ale.. Bear Creek&Trail Creek g John A.l.uen. Uniforms. ga,.11,. £Awanl ]lows of Osage, T..; on their loc¢I pit Romeo rain In of iho state HARRY HEALEY, CE"BR ITES aaS way home from attending the theater . ., rollsgo, who at t summer at scam (Adv,) Aeting Secretary. 5�TH ANNIVERSARY CO j, lit Berlin,going to their home at Won • >� kome In Bnit Lake y, rlsto,l.w)th i7 iV inane. wig., still in crossing a railroad local Manila yesterday. Nr. Romney MERCHANTS NOTION track they wore bit by a powarger to sit route to Billings.where he will The Willson company is esebrating Woodand Ice r train of the Chicago Milwankeo.end St. be a mombor of the high school faculty the J}ftioth anniversary of its v.tnislieh• Patti road. 'Mr. Moon and his miser,firoe Tho stores will close luring the y company were killed, Mr. Howe was nollmuslylly PI and athlstle director, .tens this a we. The rby Pn a FRANK KYLE funeral 11 Ann. It a A, Luce, which w.■ vf.itod b rnon'0.M.Wilcox.who s•.tnta Ihr oummrr apneiaus afore Y' I In Oros end is In a Aoa rftnl,while Miss cash y will be olle ill It o. m. today from 1 I In Tms„ egnnty and the Clpder party, ehnppern and aightooers ycslerr)sy. N¢Ilia Howe oaraped with only a few (Ant like rcaidenco. nrrlvnd In the pity Sunday In rosumq Dnrigg ilia nttornoon the Lyric orehnm _•� _ __.- - brulesa 8Ao was able to.com an ♦� RY.TAII• MEIU:HAN'fR' - - - I P e. 0 at the Monhnn Nalo cot�(Adr. AtlBIN'IAT]ON, hn, made it at at £.gaga for Fred the Irodios of Aor friends to their bomo.le IIe � logo. ) •ineknon nml Latin Wagner,q landahe,, Ile•fin Glenn Ad nr cent s word 1 Mr. end Mrs. R. 0. Wiggenhern mil nms0. Osneni L. S. Willson, one of AAA l,rd••n, V,.,nd\tea Conn..Ilr..h KABONS ATTIMION." the founders of the well htion•n firm, 1,.0% of Red Lodge,Mr. and Mrs.Mo. n•.. kept busy yesterday rmgciring the r. 1 gulTe and Mn. J. J. Holland of Sol. Rorglimn Lodge No,lit,A.Is.and A. congenh:lationn of frien,le.ond lip wna fry.forma)-tin outpmobSlo party that Ill wilt pipet In opeclal eomllodration the recipient of ninny benutiful boor spent n few noun In Rosentnrr hfondyy.•Ibi■ mornlnp at 10 O'clock to attend gnota of flow0s. 01F T(I They cents hero from liuuter'e Hol Ile. inner.) of stroll o,John A. Love. Springs,whore they had boon oponding (A+N•), Per order W.M• WILL REORGANIZEE-M .�� vu••dnv. NOTIOn TO DLEa, CLUB'IMMEDIATELY k $ lij Mrp. Charlos Hnneoek and little) dnugldnq Itary All". who limit boon lake me ro urotr.l 1. Riots al Ibo •' use r PC lslthtp at tho home of Mrs,ltnue.rk's q, pncaM, Dr, and Il n..�fa, 1'landun, scoot at Inn a r1Ork this morning t. Rrr relnry 1#ernd0 The('omnmrelal rrauttsd Bnl¢•dnv at their honor at A,,Ae.l the f,nernl of�John A.Lure. flub •late. t6n[LtA{0 work of reorgan• So,far this Removal Sale has been a tremendous succes NG L IZittovo me.1 thry wt•r. nr/mnpnn. (Adv.) C. A. FIFTH, Roo'y, ixing tho rinb will brain it ;nlintoly. )ER ns by Iiies irony Pledahuo lobo will, ��` Th.work will be in rhtirgu of A rang want to apo ogize to those people who hai to walk out I": t onch Nagai. In the high school At SHE81T1^a Or mlCne and any m,A who wkbe. to I.owlatown.• RELIEVE THEW HAVE parr„»�re e¢mmltice i.TIVIested to out being Sited upon, Eager buyers kept us busy every I $1.a1)ll� Ito. II. h. Ablor,on and AaupMpr, roumn•STOLEN AUTO odvlmo Mr.ltarndor. ` UUI 1`rlsrilln, nnival t„ il0oa„.a Bnnd.y Mr. llnrnd.r win mail,. a•try eiti- COME FORENOONS IF POSSIBLE. to- terOL front Ilelrnh, and Ikey are heated in The ahrriff•a .ffi" h'mvr a Chat- gpn n conl,Irin .10A rut of Ibe t•o- 1 1 their nrw hems-^n Routh Se"0601 n•c men ant*in IAelr possession that they nrgonirntinn plan,and the shin offirinla nae. of on hoidne o pone to f'r„,ill th{ilk la a .telrn*.r It wu left In rxlwrt it to.Inks,eft'i•rt Cossack fir.(, MEN'S LATE FALL, $U1 uartvl' Amerire on),nsinro sod Mt*s 1MrMA)'h.nl n/the lilrolrir hMrl lit Ildpradr nflrr xhirh new nffieprn will br t•1erfrd. LATE .\IAersnn will tenth„eat Wili^w Creek between 1 and St o'eteek Mon•lay morb• The club ,rill hove .6"eel fmrrans, r all tide ynr. She orp"t4 In'q.fad the as. The,oat bar a 1010 el"I'la,, n oMir linradcr othten if+M nil mod^H, .rek•rn.l with Aer mpthrr"and alarm Ilrnnst nil 11. �•,, la:al; the tar he.a rinb. err op-ales no '(hot oyifem,) laws. c'�w$. \(,rtle ami Prierilla i„itnrrman 1•ris• any hlbre,l Andy and top, which bile In nvpd In be 1hr,mnol ej- $Z2.00 Val s,now, .. . . . .;14.95 I ;35.00 Values,no tilts ra``CrU'In allrnd Ib Vlnnlana ft,miv, There will oleo he a woman'. V Q AA a��. Ntalo rollrgr. .i WANTED. onx)hor'. $27.00 Val a,now. . . . . . . . .$16.95 $5.00 Men's Extra IQ� Tit Retail i.iatt, Nat-will tint• 11vr n.rten ratf"•ntr»wouand V1,•r BIiOULD ADVEHTIBE 'I'fID y'o ehAf rib,"of bnelooa•luring fneenl(•1n11.•r f,., Nab, A taro M LLA mv. f". rn WEST GATIT7 AS-TIIE arftgtn M roapreAl M oar Into macro, •IraAnll mod Tnr< BOAR FOR AIYTOMOBI3.£B I Do o� wear A Hat? - L( IshF A. Lnt•e--• Ae, ,- �fAdr/ 1'RA� i`F.Af'A RF.R. S _ Mes re P'Ir.n err rnna,rpnllr v.l, �p _�_�. __�_._ __ r-�__ -._y_p_ -may-� Y•rr „F nnH 0'.0 ftnu;bnn r.f'r;tons 1`01, T w' �•,` 7°Rr'7•. "n.yn1,piltI It llt.•i ar•1 fu;ni ln"„f 1.••t+v' . .. . . i'n^^'•' `)""°t'' """''"' "'"" Mena Fall efts,that were cot to ;2.95, new , . . . . /w tkr••✓s„trr..no..nf,•7!•aA«r. „•.row, (run a tot•, 4 tbm er«nnwa•.,n« „n.k +' Some dandy good values still Ielt at, .. . . . . .: . . . . . . . . ��� �� ��� , trod«r(ftwb Ir Ism wbytn uJ q,a' ` dart but«I ... 'it ", ami Ile �_- l74Mre 1.law„. rd a m.e, o-.l.,„i 'a B G MEN - LOU MEN Sl aefdldagro, TM,m,flw•lam. u,harvn n m:v )IPof<b. K':rr, C.Ilul u•noel it" y0,a Urwo ,r •hill, ,I,nl.n ill the Ilpefsvwelake sq�vtknees is pliers of tlsaf wtt►tteiull it try the bl► erg yet, ,;.':.I '" 'l; r°,I ,1,4, I6 you on,W size 14 or•�erc =r�;: . „",h: +I.. �17 1-Z we have some I GOOD SMOKING TOBAOOO E. J. Quinn, assi8tani atlemiat in the ,'! FOB&+ GOOD (JIQABS AND PIPE13 experiment ststiont goes to poi ell or Ohtoago What more could man wish for. <,lolumbia for the oar, to take urther c �f work'iwagrioultttra„ hemistry. o will SCHMIDT BROS, be succeeders by Mine Errnn Leq I, w'ho tlio work of the 1;tniHon Regis Phone 71-W grxdt:ated last Juno•from the st to opl:,boaril, loge course in chomistry, proba ly tlib�- Dr. M. J.•Bltall, n grnduyta- (� first yogqng wornnni in the,north eat to,Uni.verhity of Nohtnakn Anil' aacL an appointment. the (1niveraity of l(tnnaad ED ATTRACTION, Two niembera of, the teachin atnfll ossintnnt ehomist is the rx(i roes and to marry, Minn (lertr to \i: tion to take the lase loftS•no i 8"goo o of the ll artnient of tr lish,rocs nation of G. T. Smith', tq J'layers and Sololste. ItAWAII'8 most NOTED FUNERAL ' achwel as Alda $tiith, of rho doPart. to Toronto QTAIt,PRINOTAS ANNIE KRALOHA.in refined ►VID NAKEA, Hawaii's Saeetetlt Tenor; HENRY meat----of hiff W,177 n nomicv. -Mies;-..>inye9Ct1>gOuutxns, Rt U, to is. C}FORQE D. KALANI, Baritone. Schwalbe is followed by Mitts iggori ,at.the state eo�lago rlr ontU 0 MAYOR LUCE Qnat4, a graduate f of the state college tomes instructor to elitori}ol 1fl0i2, and an A M. of bsistant entomolog in the class of ist it, ISM Second show 9'0� P. NI. Columbia unit ersity,-who taught last Mont station'. year in tile'EngBph,depertmeu of the Several student ilsalstants:r., Qission 15c and 25c Butte high sehool,:and for sever 1 years appointed. Gregory Powell;wh in the Carbpn and,Gsilatin'coon y high ated in economics at theI,state -- -- -- JMPR[SSjj[ ihoCa8-$ilflth 9'Yt+gigft4f ntV btty sit MtsaoullC only reccnfly'roc6i_d find h ploce aiatant,in T•nghsh,and oconomloa - �_- has not yet been :fiUe'� ald 11.Cook and,4iss Janelle L George R. Caq�laa c leg so be student aeointants in etiinild tary and.aeeountppt as,sent in bur • Two, fnlportant ehango we, With simple but imoressivo services resignation, but, remain at is frost';during. the tsumgior in the` Yric t funeral of Mayor John A.Luce was at least until Ou )iie place hqr!Lot'sras Ailguata I v"'eld Tuesdav morning at the family yet been filled, orge C Ge ar o.avery sncroaaful fLhome on Black avenue south, a large the department 'secretarial' atudfe's ?boys' end girls' Oullts in:the` Only! number of Bowman citizens as well as I resigned in June its scaept d lace in .ing tho dnat two yoare reafl{ue1( :ia►TR E those from other cities being in attend-i the University'of'Obfo, and h a place further study. and well succell once. The funeral was under the aus-Twill be filled bye+,.Jbseph Ralp Libby, Mr. X.1I AbbsL- frohr thej i]p piece of Lodge No. 18 A. F. da A. M. a graduate of thekktl!•moq Tuck radusto of Went Virg;nis. Mies of which Mr.Luce was a member, The School of Pfntintle at Dartmo ith col- Johson, extonmon lecturer' services at the residence were conducted lope, and a Dartmouth A.B. ecopotnfes.becaniu,hoad'of thin by Rev. F. B.Lewis, and at the came. Prof C. S. Dti'arborni head of the mont,iu 4h@.North Dakotii;:lq tery b�the officers of the lodge. Mica department of mechanical on nearing 'collage. 11or placq wag'1 en• jU Made no Phillips at We piano played resigned, and to take his place Waltor;Bess-Rowe, of the exteutiion 111 Traumerei, Schubert's Serenade and J• SVuhlenberg, algraduato of le Uni• 'the Upiv0 1, Of, 'LLIE BURKE Mendolssohn's Consolation,and,she also voreity, of Nebreaka, and n former Stanley 04 ployal the necompaniment an Carl Widt .teacher in the-Oklahoma state collage periment station ener sang Tennyson's "(Tossing the has been nppointed assistant, ofesaor up his place to afi Bar." The casket was laden with of mechanical ongineering.; ? He ill suecesdodby; Peg beautiful flowers anti the room in which Two men have been added to the de- mar employe of the the body lay In state was filled with partnfent of animal 'indliatry in tft railway. the most beautiful floral tributes, not college rind experiment station, Dr. Wh only from local friends but from all parts of the state E. J.osoph, graduate of Pur a not Tile business houses of the city were veraity, and 'Ph.'A. of tho,U ivoritity BILL PE IE BUB1i IN " Q(f '•1 closed during the funeral and the flag of Illinois; and Assistant Piol• rigor, A. AT THE •LY'RIC nilthe City hall was at half mast 'while C. iilcChord,,nlsa a grhdiiate'of, irdue. ; JNISH HUGHES DOESN'T LIKE 'Their will have the work forme I hen• Ill,, fire boss toilful as the funeral car- T logo passed along Main attclrt and to dial by Mr. R:R. boddrldgs hA'rd rt $ SJm o ftq'the at.tractrveti f Wto eemetorp. The city 'officials at signed Isar .Time Itnd'by Dr B.- H: ft g r tit qoe Triangle, 14ex )PINION WILSON S L �. POLICY Landed the flinernl services in n bed Riley who will now givo.el► hie time to; t$s.��tqn�1�1�ggln orhnM Gnat a' , as did ninny other organizations to pad K BiTltb•1Sltrla!x 'iilinm'11 'Choirs line Martin, Lexington, Ky., $apt. A­Charles E. the last tribute of respect to an.h no —' - w d l+}JU•tftl rom'othbgra'1 for hits st l Womnn's Hughes lit speech here todt►yrondemn. oil mayor. The Polito force in the d ih eharactenznC36n•in.4 ha Mir&pl here today ell "Logislation in ntvanr opinvesti- passed through the room where tho.body Kdjj'YJ'I6 the 'derir old,.Scorch un la lit state, the .firemoa in uniform FOT.CTIDif�anMOt + Tbo 'brings out nrtiatleallw gation,' 'nnd lerlured that-AKi'-LJnited Y out Wilson Rtnten "hall gone very far toward the next, followed by the members of the AjtOt�Y j[�,e t H haul;n646ry spirit of the tuany m? t tD the na- day when wo shell have action under city council with the president L. W. +' �agtalting,'ynd 'fhe gradual aofEe, t-is stun MY pressure instead of in consideration of Truitt !a the load. A largo dologntion oil'hie .nattiWitnder the. influen tiers. This the fartx.' of Rlkx from Bozeman lodge No. 463 The W of the Crony IeOara the girl. Thomas 11. Into dirceto •ts from our The nominee's rrmarko were inter• wag followed by the members of life• for shwa yaxaab who rise ganoral.of the=lace stgdio, pl rrod ntth[, in the 6 east sonic lodge No. 1H and a number Rots 'a Nanny and war hom non seven year ago ill ' rbe:Fa peered by ninny in the audience na nil. g . the a xsaa>/trey lastwa'sae. T p g plying to the Adnntatut law, of members of Mnsonie Lodge No. .U. thei and Soh." W.C. an,IIoeeley,Mo.,wrl Ca• "I '.4 ho woman'e •r We have a now xpirit abroad in A delegation of city oPPicinln ProRt Liv• have mtsad a tamny of four c udran, Williara.Deamond is east ns the pot:ng' unnnge,l by Antorirn," he ani1L "Ii is the spirit iugaton canto nest, the lnenthnrn eP rho and have vedhFnoileoL Monmey I _n fi Scotch miaieter who- wins 'F'egK}'r:. rs of Remo- lion, demands legislation in advance of Gnllritin County Bar nasncintion closing the Dent croup and cough m ulna I heart. At first he is shocked,by,bet;, adore bane the imut lino, ltlnav of these friends have ever used and I have use it for masculine garb and boyish ranks hat;,•. inarptil stints. it ix tbo spirit of form, eight or ten ears,and can r end g y p t thoir fight -nnrehrd with the funeral cortege to the Y en itul^tea- to tier. lovable. 2iiialltien."r- I,t {p not Amerfrnu. it for trot{p.' P e state will cemetery for the srrvicea at the grave. If toward nightfall the lit ones •'I dexin• fair dealing in Thin Donn- Desmond is Irish by birth and was ublican nnd The h tuarnry pull hrnrern were, Fret grow hoarse or Croupy.the their rsath• brought to this county in salsa try hetwoen man nod ouLn. 1 want to ng becomes wheesy and atu , III B Y q otiWout Wfl- Axtell, F. �ivran Ferris. Frank L. Aenr- pre every pnrtirlt. of Anss antagonism them Foley'a Honey and Tar Cc oua has played in"many notable prodfu ' da oCgnilizo- r. Beare I,rhritituL Ooorce 1'. Dier promptly and It will ward off attatrt t;nns Under the BelMsoo $rah an nail;. t nil in the presenre of the nppliention of croup. ,. n4 rn, the No- nud W. W. Lftingntoa..and the active of ,jupt priuclplrs. I'wnul what in If you are awakened by the hour**., Schubert managements.' He played t8t• a, Ilnx gone mil hearnrn were Chnrhw Uhiiiltolm• beau cough that means w .. r rrnannnhlr for lobar. There is one thing Y It leading role is The Bird of Paratlia+ :y. in thinthnt tutdcr8ra nil, and that in that in !'rofdAeot.1. M. Unmilton, F. W. Apple. Foleya Honey and Tar Com n at I once. It will ease the little a uterus for two years. will be tile that on Allen Campron, A. J. Busch sand �p, 01 am effnrlp la secure what Is sal, and"o,cut t Will ak choking h e� Charles Ba1tr who aed distiaot3on arcouragingiae Mir 1 the .rirdrps 'nsitn ion► R. M. Ff¢ar, and anon they wtU #Ilea utry Dr thief i+V his work in.the H� role of 117h0 I from Art-f II 1 Tlir follawing LivingstonoffieW and peaceful Quiet eleeA of M. Tend which .Ihfinguinh o« ns reltr *k tor IMyea>r:via so a igJead. Cgttard," -lies the' juvenile rots lit n free tv.unlry p1ty its atttisd the rite yenned of that , rNr in ette••.la••re oil the fu«real: Ai A.. ti, Itorehor-•••fdold ever one. " It "]air he very ialpotlnnl that heft, n• ,leto,n t•, 11- Knl• Fire t9,irf 1; J. :eat,• Word, nnd there phnll be a ehnnge tli the 1'' _ wave •rase. i et•nnld hr tilt, hype In \f jel.lr, t'!tv Rngi'nref Will lillrUxen nnd (aly Aiorlivir l;llferl Allan Mayor —�iteroQnlsr nnd demand arl.nt is )not." tasfej.hrns of Ra1grade and 10• lam- ` Mr. iloghe. heft here for (Inr{nnati IT anti a Irnm*N.r of.f+r'aminrrnt ritiranp • w � R lal q Qri p m� - "f Tie•lrrratfr klnlr.Atn Tdilar«i unit stir �� LOW I nr. bract Mnnhntlan., lfl'a1 a, n linen OIAL DIIO'109M FW1118THSART ton, rdito, eir bbr Tintto Tlaily T'oal, f=: 111I110 Notbil UP SAIM J101.11 )Logan eel 7oi,•tn¢abo ir n wore afnon i) SOMAN throat, frtrm nut ill the. elty who ration I Pool Pr♦nWpri'. Petit. n—YYMrf, Alton Mr r4ow-falte fen l aXIIt liuriol• funnra7- - af te,t A ulf.•lok ern•••d L.a. "1"! c.11,� om"n � by (a 1,,•+ ,.• Le19r•.,n►, ,1.. .1..f„Ile. 'T'TO ESTABLISH NIGHT ry i Whu". ••rep l". fore hnoF rtilamr Miss dine � • ,rlrae. th. pane.. we...l ,,l«li /,. uefa..,• fj('�{O(�:S �'OR AL1EN5 ■■wwwir lJal• ow+t tar! r..rl• •1 leaf b► Upn h.lul `lip a n«oi• h• tin Nt al lue IIM•�r•t pun _ a•.ealwq will- "Poste lit.. pin it onslil {., h, •'lit ta'lilll«,'r •Illflrr• ¢rite r'rNa.flt n, NP111 n--)MIfeeMe If/e ' q it tt a <N. e•tf IWiM[fuftfb br flit Ifdlfsi{111p1«b'iNffrWU • h. i}n.t. "foil ten 1n elf .-0 rn."iffoa I•, lo"alffjl lids. AtdlltllMlb IN IMrb pMefi nsln lalY•r h. ' tlr r.tf a r ,. Il..m„ aNel a+lt•fell ail /1Nf#fINeN.► i(i tfle -•.e +ri/.fu., t{Nrp•».tt•i' +_ yllU.n, sr7•I.t1111lttefihlt tl9�fVlt••iNe'fs!lllella 4f�• '' �r /s weitt111pr n Ills}t1, eJl�p :kt tel►al.•i 1+,.art., .,ll1a teue. I'll*►" low iWi; ■. I. Car A. y .ill IHtn•, 1., w..r► 1 N Ia,.f.T.tlt.}. fit Mr:•tr 4>p h• *ytNyyt4ll M '40tf a 0Wt*t*M111'I""b4*fWHdM7 ''�tt% a Ma/a` IWr� J.:JWNI:eMlpr, �t PflllNr � t/Mitt �O f