HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- US of America, Bozeman Creek, Switchback Pass, South Fork, Easement , " , EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT, dated this 10th day of June , 1981 from CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, hereinafter called "Grantor," to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter called "Grantee," whose address is Washington, D.C. 20013. , WITNESSETH: Grantor, for and in consideration of $1.00 received by Grantor, does hereby grant to Grantee and its assigns, subject to existing easements and valid rights, a perpetual easement for roads along and across a strip of land, hereinafter defined as the "premises," over and across the following described lands in the Counties of Gallatin and Park, State of Montana: ~ ~ Bozeman Creek Road No. 979 over and across ~NW~, NW~SW~, section 17; ~ NE~N~~ section 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 5, S~NE~, S:ction 27; Lots 1 and 2, & sectlon 35; T. 3 S., R. 6 E., P.M.M.; Lot 2, sectlon 1, T. 4 S., R. 6 E., >=,n ~ P.M.M, Gallatin County, Montana. ;22: r wO.l Ok,j ~o~ 8~ ;?~~ ,n " <:: 7: :.1 . n :'1 r:\ ... " ff~~, iOU~\FOr~ SjU~ RO~dMN~. 1~8\BcOVert andM at cross Lots 1 and 2, section 7, ".,,) " . . ,. . , ... , ar oun y, on ana. ::t:':~ >: Switchback Pass Road No. 1783 over and across lots 3 and 4, SW~N~, section 27, T. 3 S., R. 6 E., P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. South Fork Bozeman Creek Road No. 1784 over and across Lot 2, ~NE~, N~SE~, SE~SE~, section 1, T. 4 S., R. 6 E., P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana; Lot 1, section 7, T. 4 S., R. 7 E., P.M.M., Park County, Montana. The word "premises" when used herein means said strip of land, whether or not there is an existing road located thereon. Except where it is defined more specifically, the word "road" shall mean roads now existing or hereafter constructed on the premises or any segment of such roads. The location of said premises is shown approximately on Exhibit A attached hereto. Said premises shall be 50 feet on each side of the centerline with such additional width as required for accommodation and protection of cuts and fills. If the road is located substantially as described herein, the center- line of said road as constructed is hereby deemed accepted by Grantor and Grantee as the true centerline of the premises granted. If any subsequent survey of the road shows that any portion of the road, although located substantially as described, crosses lands of the Grantor not described herein, the easement shall be amended to include the additional lands traversed; if any lands described herein are not traversed by the road as constructed, the easement traversing the same shall be terminated in the manner hereinafter provided. Th~ acquiring agency is the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. This grant is made subject to the following terms, provisions, and conditions applicable to Grantee, its permittees, contractors, and assigns: A. Except as hereinafter limited, Grantee shall have the right to use the road on the premises without cost for all purposes deemed necessary or desirable by Grantee in connection with the protection, administration, management, and utilization of Grantee's lands or resources, now or hereafter owned or controlled, subject to such traffic-control regulations and rules as Grantee may reasonably impose upon or require of other users of the road. Grantee shall have the right to construct, reconstruct, and maintain roads within the premises. Grantee alone may extend rights and privileges for use of the premises to other Government departments and agencies, States, and local subdivisions thereof, and to other users including members of the public. . ' B. Grantee shall have the right to cut timber upon the premises to the extent necessary for constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining the road. Timber so cut shall, unless otherwise agreed to, be cut into logs of lengths specified by the timber owner and decked along the road for disposal by the owner of such timber. This easement is granted subject to the following reservations by the Grantor, for itself, its permittees, contractors, assigns, and successors in interest: 1. The right to use the existing road described herein for all purposes deemed necessary or desirable by Grantor in connection with the pro- tection, administration, management, and utilization of Grantor's lands or resources now or hereafter owned or controlled, subject, however, to traffic-control regulations as Grantee may reasonably impose and the bearing of road maintenance costs proportionate to use, in each case as authorized and provided by the-regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture and as they may be amended and published in the Code of Federal Regulations. 2. The right to cross and recross the premises and road at any place by any reasonable means and for any purpose in such manner as will not interfere unreasonably with the use of the road. 3. The right to all timber now or hereafter growing on the premises, subject to the Grantee's right to cut timber as hereinbefore pro- vided. If the Regional Forester determines that the road, or any segment thereof, is no longer needed, the easement traversed thereby shall terminate. The ter- mination shall be evidenced by a statement in recordable form furnished by the appropriate Regional Forester to the Grantors or their successors or assigns in interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed on the day and year first above written. r1 --- CI~) ..._ By A ~2V~--"--,___ Duncan S. MacNab Bozeman City Mayor Attest: By &~ 9f tJ~ Title Interim Clerk of the Commission (Corporate Seal) It' ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin) On this 10th day of June , 19~, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Duncan S. MacNab, known to me to be the Mayor of the City of Bozeman, the municipal corporation that executed the within instrument, and aCknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ( SEAL) ~/l ) A.' ~ ;t;~ 71< Notary P~blic for the State Residing at My commission expires of Montana NOMRY PIIRIIC Inr the I:t.tf 1" Montant Residini ~t Bozeman, Montana MY CommISSIOn e~plres January 6, 1984 U.S. OEPARTWNT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST, REGION NO, I lUatt-a-PUT ~ / /;IE\ /4 5>\CU TlS Il6l! I'IfI 1III/4lIII/4 Sl!Cl7. ~/4/toI1/4 =t7. """/4!~1/4 Sfr.17. ns R&I' _ GAlLATIN <XUIIY. ~_ IIOlDWI CII. RD. t<<l. 979 8UIIVEYED f.d'I!~_~_OIF>I 6/fICl C~LC UL ~TE D. ~.IUI.l.lU.U ~LDTTED.o:__I'__ ____' ,____ m__ TII~CED_P:..f~__m'______ CII[CKlD_..r;..~.'~..., fUl R/W ~l'OSF.s TITLE; O"TE' '!lIE SllVlIVlSlrn (JF -mE SfCTlrn l!ml H.lIVIIlJAL ~ uwmll SFLTI(]f('; WAS ~ IlY l'!Ilml.ACTION IN NXXJlIWo(:F: WIll< _ W]ll(JIlS PIlF..<;CR]1lI']) IN ''lItE _",. (JF ,,.,-nuLTIl,ffi fUl 1llE StJM:v oF n.., PUBLIC I...AtD; rE' 'mE Itn11'll STAn::,,~j!. M: ~l.ltVl:;,{ WA."1 lIk1t Clnsl'])' t<<l AOJll'ml'1ft CF 1l1E SlJM:V WAS MAlE. -mE Cf:mfl< Of' mE EXl ,.,,.; llQlI} \IAS IF.mtIItl'D 11) lit: -mE HlI1'OINI' CF 1Il!: 11lAVfl1'J) WAy AS !'llf:SfJ<lLy tutmtl.l:ml. AIL N1IF.5 ANI) aK'UI'ATlONS ARE ON FilE Wl'nf 111': SLft1lVI~.S EJ<<:IleJlIr<<:; oF'FICE OF TIif: GAllATIN NAnaw.... FatEST, Bc::Jl!Ht.H, M:M'ANA.. r4:.'I1llO ~ SlM\fto::V IS 1HFXl.oonF ~ OWN. All tl1!8 .n! rm!!.~ tte~. lJU GIN CF 1IEAlUr<<:; IIY OCUR ollSFJlVAl1 CI>I. ~;:! -.1' . ., '" I -, -,'" ~N ,~ o ~Jl IUI' ,UHJ . lUlIft _ MW) TIm I II I I +--~-- 11'.1/_1/4 SFC 18 ns R6f; eln rF IIOlDWI eln CF __ II 1/4 <UlfI,1l !Of fllNl 1'II.mI.fCml-+ -- - 1III/4.W1/4 ~ 17 I ns__ II ~ 8 <0 ::! ~ .... -<t .., :: ~ ::; ~ i Rlrnt-a-WAY UNIT - ..... - -- CfNmU.IPE OOSTIr<<:; llQ\l) R/W LIHlTS IIfl:Ilfilr<<:; AT 111': 1/4 Sf); <Dl ~ 11) SEe 7, sa:: 8 TJ.S R6f; _. tt.!n.::e ~mt 04 ~gn"("s 44 miI'Utes ~~ 2649.74 feet to lhP t~ point of ~imJ", theoc~ 81mg tM t!!'x1st1n<< rOIIId ciMti!rUn! tilE' followf.. (::0t.It"~1!I ard dt.!'jurre~. ! PI 1IF.Alt1r<<:; PT.~N I 52J-~2F. 2 004-.)60: 3 514-26E . "'J6-:lRW ~S_: 6S_ 7 524-28E: 8 S46-47E: . S17-161': 10 007--4... II 522- w: \2 "'l4.--<l'lF. [) !J)6-m E 14 54 J-J8W IS 512- JIW .6 522--OIW 17 52~n .. 52 'HllE 19 5J7--OOf: . - Dr STAlI;f: ~ 226. 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Ul'H 12n.6 f""t. not found lu:rr 250<: I I T45"6I:_ City of 8n7..enM1 I r--- I SW\NI-:\, ,,'" I T4S "6>: _ ~ I City of _.....n il I +-----;0 I I I I --+-_.-.~-+ I I I I II UNITS ~_I T45 "6E _ City of Boz8Mn pr-ct,...,tod _ _ foonl 1 ~5F.\ See I T4S "(,I': _ CI ty of Boum!n I€ISE\ _ I T45 ~6E _ Clt, of 8oz<mon .A .: '8 . 1 ~l orJ) . --~ ~ j .; .. LEAVE ~/W lid 1784 st.. 704-~.8 I $ElSE}, 50<: 1 T45 "6E _ City of --. sW51'w lliI rod See 12 T4.~ M6E .... U.S. f.avt (Fot'est S!orviee)" MA<MTIC Il!CLlNAllCfl 15" 26' LIlIGIN 01' JlfAlllNG: SOIAIl 01\5",l\1AT1Cfl - - - o - L.,; em "/W lid I 7_ :'1f".a I 'H+fIjt,.7 - U,S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUftE FOREST SERVICE GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST, REGION NO, I NI(HJ 01' WAY PLAT OOm1AN CN. II(WJ 979, CI1Y lDN'LTlCfl It:Wl 17Il4A SOOlll FORK "!J?HWI CM. II(WJ 1784. ~rrH fUll( SlUI It:Wl118411 E~ ~(:. 1 T4~ R&F.: ~I l.,nts 1&2, S 7 't/..S 10'1-: '* (~lArrN Ctl.ttrY I tfWl'ANA PAAK (HtmY. I't'mANA SURVEYED )',.!:':lJ.mMP.,6(lln C.LCUL.T E O~" (tJ"!-#!',; PLOTT EO,__'-':,_~A1____ll,__, TR.CEO!!,,!'Al!":I"mm CHfC~EO_}.':. .<,~AB~ ~.~~_' 28 29 o:lIml RlW lid 1184 >to S'\.{l/.O joc<od . Of ~m~ PIll 1IlloIll1/<l10 1qimJ.rw: .t thl!! ccrrrwT" of ~t.t on 16 T1g MhJo~ _ _<ton ]I ns R1E. lllono. Nort.h 89 ~II 46 m1ru::es ~st alCJnfC t~ s~...tfnn Ilnp . d.ht~ of 1156.6 feet to t~ trtil! poh,t. of t:.a1rn.I'1II. nw.:-. tlv follov1n,t ~curses .... dht.-.c~. .10I'III th! centeor of an e-x.1 st t nK rood. IIf.ARlll:: OJ SToIIa: ~N rn:r 526 4llE ~ 5'5 IJI: 8~. 3 N46 <n: 19.4 NJ5 O'lf: 62.2 NI5 04W 100.9 N31 _ 10.S to tlw I@Ctlrn Hi'll!!! between !ieCt1<T1 36 Tl~ M6t: 3J'd ~tlro J T4..~ Rftr. TI'M.' cot't"M!'r of sectiCIl 36 Tl'l RfX: JII'~ ~tl!1f1 )1 T1S R1F. bear!'> Sot..Ith A9 O/!'jil;'reeS 4b rTl(ntJt.(-~ F:a~t al(.,~ tty. !/.t!'Ctlof1 1l1"lE' a di!ilsJ'1l:p of lS4S.o [pet.. 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IIFAIlI"':: m ST"';F PI !![cH..!..~ _.~'L ~ NlI0 26E 18.1 581 J4E 70.0 NlI0 26E 10.0 NIII 26E 10.0 Sf,Q w: 10.0 5 S64 J4E 10.0 6 '''0 W: 7O.n 1 S!oJ J4E 10.0 8 569 J4E 10.0 9 5&) J4E 10.0 10 s';8 14f: 70.0 11 S4J J4E 10.0 12 517 W: 50.0 13 512 J4E ):).0 I' 545 W 21.0 15 547 }4f; /S.O 16 S49 J4E ){J.o 17 - J4E 21.0 to th@ HC'.tJ.~ 11M' Mtwen s.<<:tioo 1 T4S Ilf#: aRt 8Ktlm 6 T4S IUF... ~ ~tiM curnf!'T cCItltn'l to ~tl(W'15 1 .m 12 T4..~ M.6t MId !ll.'!'Ctl nrt8 6 ..-d 7 1'4.~ lTE ht-_t"'i ~rrn .l~ U"1! ~tt(Wl Hoe a dlsUR::i! of 1201.6 f~t. !Y'Qrr_~WAY SlHWIY NIGff 01' WAY LlHlTS AIlE SO feet Cfl E'.A()t 5HE <F TIlt: AIOIE 1F.o;QlIIlFD LI~S IlCWJ 1/<110 .,W to b<- o..,..J_ 1.27 "",..,. '''''l!t~; 0.105/llle. RlWJ 1184 MIl,; to b<- 8',,",1_ 16. 'Ill ""ro. ~.h; 1.4C)1 .\iQliI!'!I II)AO 11Il4A NIW to be ae.,..J"'" 2.';4 ...,..,. I~hi 0.210 ,,"lp~ ~ 17848 M/W to hP: .cq,.drt'd q. ')0 Acrps (F.lstlnRlt_~; 0.7B4 Hiles JInttD 11H4B R/w to he- ik:::quJ r'E'f'I 0.7'. Acres (Now c.n.,) I.""",h; 0.(161 HlI.. ror"L~.~_l!!__'lf:__...,qnRfD 3i...Q} ACIIl'.~ 11w ~tvhlon of t.... !iec;:t,I(W1~ I."to Imlv:tdlJlll lots and qtMlrler qumrt~t" SoflCtl~ lIMjI;. ~ by protr.:tl~ in l!ICCord4r'IC~ with the 'lJPttul!i prP!1crllwd in !'1"N: ~l of Il'1lIIt1"\Jl;:t;1~ for tt'w! Survi!!'y of 'the Puhllc; 1..IIllft~ of thP lhLted St...@'!~. li:t71', 'JbP. ~y of thP. exJ.st1~ n:lIflCi~ '-!i d(lllf' hy ttwcdo1ltl' ~ ttlKtrontc dist8l'll..:e 11IP.8~'1I'i~ e(fJ,lpnffit. 11lf' sut"'V('y of thf:>. 1WIW rcwt!1 to IJf' c~tna:tll!d w.8 ~ by C(I1pI!1!1 rt"adlfl1; to l'O" t'J.MrtE"r ~ - eIwln. Tho survey. ....... dno<<! t;~ ,he (lll lard net, All tf~ ~'t"f" IN""~ ties. ~ '!~ <0 . OOSTlPC IIlloIll ~ <XHS11U:TI... NIW LlHlTS aJl/D ~ flXN) ClllNFJl roM! NCJ Tl fD ~."~TA' United States ~~\.4J)) Department of ~ Agriculture Forest Service ,Galiatin National Forest P.o. Box 130 Bozeman, Montana 59715 Reply to: 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition Date: Subject: Bozeman Creek Drainage City of Bozeman Easements TO: Art Van I THull City Planning Department P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59715 The appraisal report on the Bozeman Creek right-of-way easements for proposed roads across City of Bozeman property has been approved by my Regional Office, and I am enclosing a Statement and Summary of Estimated Just Compensation for your information and review. Mr. Norman H. Lee, Creek area in May, appraisal report. $1,125. Forest Service Staff Appraiser, visited the Bozeman 1981 to gather site specific information for his His report indicates Estimated Just Compensation to be I am hopeful that you will find the conditions of the enclosed easement acceptable and will grant the United States a right-of-way for the con- sideration ($1,125) as stated in the easement. Mike Tanascu has informed me that you intend to review the proposed ease- ment areas in the field, and I wanted to make certain that you had this information prior to your trip. If the City finds the easement conditions and compensation acceptable, I will, once again, need a Commission Resolution authorizing the new easement. I would appreciate your cooperation in this matter and encourage you to contact Mike Tanascu should you have any questions. As you know, the Bozeman District is planning project activity in this area in August, and I respectfully ask that we try to come to agreement before July 6, 1981. ~ ",.,"'.S,"""" U~S (~,;~ 'V" Art VanlT Hull 2 In closing, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the courtesy and cooperation you extended to my staff while working on our new Memorandum of Understanding. Everyone had a good feeling about our joint effort and the resulting document. Thank Yo~'-'. ,,--~ /" I "", I /-7. / / / ;' <'ic/j,'" 2-1:' i~4%;dCY' .. / {" )7 (.~ JOHN T. DR KE ~~Forest Supervisor Enclosures cc: D-6 STATEMENT AND SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED JUST COMPENSATION Easement Area: A right-of-way easement 100 feet in width for Switchback Pass Road No. 1783, Moser Exchange Road No. 1761, Spur Road No. 979A, City Connection Road No. 1784A, South Fork Stub Road No. 1784B, and Lakeview Road No. 979B, over and across portions of sections 27 and 35, T. 3 S., R. 6 E., P.M.M.; section 1, T. 4 S., R. 6 E., P.M.M.; section 31, 1. 3 S., R. 7 E., P.M.M.; and section 7, T. 4 S., R. 7 E., P.M.M., as more particularly described in the easement and its attached plat. The easement area contains 13.57 acres, more or less. Record Owner: City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation Date of Value Estimate: May 15, 1981 Estimated Just Compensation: Value of disturbed area in right-of-way Damages Benefits Estimated Just Compensation $1,125 none none $1,125 Appraisal Basis: The land appraisal was made by Norman H. Lee, Staff Appraiser, Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, Montana, using principles and techniques recognized by professional appraisal organiza- tions. The appraised value of the easement is the contributing value of the part acquired, plus damages, less benefits. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The City of Bozeman and the Forest Service, Gallatin National Forest, agree to continue joint transportation system planning, including road location, standards, and specifications, within the Bozeman Creek watershed as shown on the attached map, Exhibit A. The United States acknowledges the acquisition of a road easement over the following existing roads which reserves to the City of Bozeman "The right to use the existing road. . ., subject, however, to traffic-control regulations as Grantee may reasonably impose and the bearing of road maintenance costs proportionate to use, in each case as authorized and provided by the regula- tions of the Secretary of Agriculture and as they may be amended and published in the Code of Federal Regulations:" Bozeman Creek Road No. 979 Switchback Pass Road No. 1783 South Fork Bozeman Creek Road No. 1784 South Fork Stub Road No. 1784B Filed for Record in State of Montana, County of Gallatin, on June 11, 1981, and recorded in Book 63 of Miscellaneous, page 1917. Routine maintenance for noncommercial use of Road No. 979 will be shared by the parties performing same as follows: City of Bozeman - "even" numbered years Gallatin National Forest - "odd" numbered years Maintenance required as a result of commercial use of roads within the Bozeman Creek watershed shared as provided by the right-of-way grant instruments. An annual road maintenance meeting will be held by May 15 to agree on the type, standard, and timing of maintenance work required. During this meeting, City and National Forest representatives will inspect Road No. 979 to deter- mine the annual maintenance program needed. The City will have the opportunity under the cost recovery program to del ay bearing its share of road construction cost on roads constructed by the Forest Service until it uses the roads for commercial purposes. Cost recovery will be based on estimates of proportionate share of use. The City will only be responsible for traffic generated by its activities on city lands and/or acti- vities associated with its management and maintenance of the Mystic lake Dam and related facilities. Determination of proportionate cost recovery shares will be made in accordance with National Forest policy and regulations. It is agreed that future National Forest access needs across City lands will be negotiated with the City on the basis of formal right-of-way appraisals prepared by the Forest Service and that the City will receive just compen- sation for the easements granted. In addition, it is understood that the Forest Service will perform all surveys and prepare all plats associated with National Forest access requests across City lands. ... ,"..--" 2 Rights-of-way across City lands within the watershed will be granted to the United States in standard easement form as shown in attached Exhibit B. City initiated access requests across National Forest land within the watershed will be evaluated and negotiated on a case-by-case basis with right-of-way granted to the City in the form of special-use road permits. It is further understood that the City will perform all surveys and prepare all plats associated with City initiated access requests across National Forest lands. It is understood that regulations and policies governing the occupancy and use of National Forest System lands, including the determination of fees, are sub- ject to change. Forest Service authority to issue right-of-way grants is from Secretary of Agriculture's Regulations 36 CFR 251.50-251.64 revised effective July 7, 1980. An annual rental fee based on either five percent (5%) of the fair market land value, or fair market rental value of the rights and privileges authorized determined by Forest Service appraisal, is required under policy and 36 CFR 251.57(a). Scheduled fee reviews are used to evaluate changes in market value of lands involved. In those cases in which the Forest Service deems the proposed road will benefit National Forest management, a Class E road special-use permit may be issued. Such a permit will be for road construction and will terminate when construction is completed to Forest Service satisfaction. The Forest Service will then assume road management responsibility. There will be no fee for this kind of permit . When a road will not benefit National Forest management, a Class 0 (private) road special-use permit may be issued. A fee will be appropriate. but may be waived or reduced at the discretion of the Forest Service pursuant to 36 CFR 251.57(b). In summary, it is our mutual belief that the public can best be served through continued cooperation and coordination of management activities within this watershed and that this Memorandum of Understanding and the provisions of the 1917 cooperative agreement entered into by the City and the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of conserving and protecting the Bozeman water supply will provide direction for continued cooperation. Cpf Bozeman (' ~ By: ~ ~J:~ ~c>lv Mayor Date 2i -~t,,-gl Forest Service, USDA By: Forest Supervisor Gallatin National Forest Date