HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Thompson, Public Street Easement, 2002 Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISe 18.00 . .. , ',. ~ ./ · 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~:t~~:~~, , -. PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT - ?~h1l1e I ShAW ~l~~RANTOR, in consideration of $ 1.00 and for other and valuable /IJ;lf7H fJ IE v/ t. T!1ol1, considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a strip ofland situated in Gallatin County, Montana, 7 feet wide to be located on the following described real property: 5~e. E~ h.: b; + A. The easement is more particularly described on the attached Exhibit(s) A which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR states that he possesses the real property described above and that he has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this ~day of -----'tfrll . 2 0'D1-:- €Il'=\= Ofi"OOl:EM*N GRANTOR By ///////////////////// STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this L!eday of c~;--", } , 2Do~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, ~ersonal.lY appeared ~~ J f-IpPr~)'T/~07I , known to me to be the person whose name IS subscnbed to the wIthm th~rliffi~nl, lrlH'a<!lillowledged to me that he did execute the same. . .. . 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 g~~~~:~: Shallav Vanoa-Gallatln Co MT MISC 18,00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) ~ .-:~. Notary Public~the State of Montana Residing at . c) b-nl a-----? My Commission expires / /'-25 -0 Z- .. .:~,i"" r /"t,'-'" .:, .'.,...........'0 '. .. ~..... (\; r:..., ~ ....', ,..., A '.' ~ 0 ~ : ^ :,... ,,-'" ,- ,;::, ". II>;'': ;;:- : ,')) .'.', '..'\' '"', .. ..:h ). '., . '. ,;-' ,,,' ,"t~;............ ~ ".1 ~ O~" ACCEPTED: \-L- CITY OF BOZEMAN by its City Manager 'j C~~i~@~~fitission , /', .'.....--. 0'"" ,", .~,.. J.' (,'1).1'\ _,' STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. ) County of Gallatin ,..., On this /~ day of , 2tJtJ.J, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appe CLARK V. JOHNSON and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. * t .~ ~.\." ,.,..",..Ol..~'l" , ".'" .~r.. ';'. ..'.'l.'.~.~WlTNlJf:SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the (' 'da, \,')tear firM above written. ';;" jl;,,' ~ ~ ,'7',::: 1'< ~;;E'....Zi ?/J.tP lU;i) +':'J~~' .I '('-'or " ". ,.' ...) $ '. AI .",,,.' It, ,..~_,If,I' L otary Public for State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires: 6-/..;-';?ttJ1 SClenllsts' Engineers. Inventors 2S NORTH WillSON, SUITE F, BOZEMAN, MONTANA WI1', 406-586-2289 FAX 586-2335 PROJECT: TRIPLE T WOODW SHEET TITLE: SIDEWALK EASEMENT DATE: 04-18-2002 SHEET NO: 1 - 1 P,.TP ARl!; '8Y .. . . FLU I ,D Y N E SCALE: 1"" 10' DRAWN BY: CHAS EXH TA , ~ . fill) ypc ~<I \ \(:~~ , 1\ " \ i \, ') , ,I \ . r SVEWALK \ "__J\//) i (~~ 1/ EASB.ENT --''\\ I )/~~ '~ "j' \I~ ""- , 1--1-' \ \ '" /--\.:\+~kJ I'~ /',( "\ ~I, \/"" i I~ / \ ~. I, : ,_~:~) A\ )~'--'\~:I\ ", / I'U! I I \, " I ,. \ I /: ) I I .:A.~ / i~~ ! / (p,;.B. SIDEWALK EASEMENT A portion of Lot 32B in Block 10S of the Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozemon os described in the Amended Subdivision Plot, Book C. Page 23-Z, located in the Southeast ~ of Section 6, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, P,M.M., Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of said Lot 32B which bears NOO.01 '51 "w, 27.00 feet, from the Southwest Corner of Lot 32B; thence northerly along said westerly line, NOO.01 '51 "w, 3900 feet; thence leaving said westerly line, S45.01'51 "E, 9,90 feet; thence SOO.01 '51 "E, parallel with the westerly line of said Lot 328, 25.00 feet; thence S44.58'09"W, 9,90 feet, to the point of beginning, a: It) N Mi G N<'>- -<'> NO:i: .... <'> ~ nCSl .... : ~ N:~ / ~CSl ~CSl Said portion contains 0.005 acres, more or less, and is subject to any easements either of record or implied. ~ ~ :j ~ ~~ Jifif'/li..../I_,'~//~~4' ~tr t4- T.A, -,,,,'0',, ,~1 0 A. cO" A", ' ...-..... . V -.:' ~" S" ..- .... -.-.;) ."c ~. '" J" .... f -::0, f! ( CI~AIG L. \ ~, ~ N. ~ ~ * E:3ROW j * ::: % ' 113 71 LS . ~ ~ ' I ~ ..... <,'... ,,0) ,.' Q;- \' >-::. "11'...~l:G/ST'<-\\".".4,<:> \,i;' .... .. ('. , I) ........ '-J" II' SUR 111/11111 1" ~/. -02- LOr 32B AMENDED SUBDIVISION PLAT, BOOK C. PAGE 23~Z - - ~ - =u -en _E iiiiiiiiiiiiiii I- -:0:: ~o _u -5 -... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " -.... -.... -" -", -, =. _0 =c -" -> ~,.. -. -.... -. ~.s::. _en AD!) ~ No 11371 LS ~ SW ~ LO~ 328_ . _ _ . _ _ . := FIIHtilAR (BEIlIl-- - - -- l , _ J- / k'c__" 1- BASIS OF BEARING: West line Lot 328 NOO'01'51 "Was shown on Amended Subdivision Plat, Book C, Page 23-Z 10 5 0 10 ~ I SCALE 1 '= 10' C01iONWOOD Sf