HomeMy WebLinkAbout55- Dawes, Cross walk sign ~ . . "'" -: a Ja:aual'1 1966 R.. Earl Dawes. A&ent Wilbur E. Smith 1410. TraCT Bose.n,Montana Dear S1rl For the protection of pedestrians Md thlJ promotion ot" traffic eereV, The City of Bosemen proposes to install a "Cros. Walk" e1gn, 8uspended on a ct\\ble over Main Street in the blook between Bouman fUld Roue. Avenue.. '!'he exact location will b. :in front of t.b.e premise. at 240 El. Main Street, of which TOU baYe charge, and which are now oocupied by the Eleotric Se,...10. Center OIl the west alde. The Illost dea1rable ..y in which to Mlte this inatallation will be to attach one end of the oable, from whioh the81gn or 8igna are to be auspended, to the building de8cribed above and to attaoh the other end of the cable to the bullding direotly aoroa. Main Street, at 231 E. Main Street. which 18 now oocupied by the Bozeman Carburetor and Electrio Co.pa~. This letter 18 to request your permi..ion and authority for the City of Bol.-.ato ..ttaoa or 1natall .. _bl. 011 thepr..1... at UO I.. Mala Street, .s d.soribed md tor the purpose aa outlined. abaTe. If such per- m1adon 18 ,ranted, the City of Bozeman willi 1. Make the installation herein desoribed entirely at ita expense.. 2. Make thia inat&llatiOli in a first ola.., workmanlike manner 80 that it will be ..te ed 80 that it will cause no temporary or permaneJ1tu.age to the building or bulldlJ1g. on which it 18 installed. and ao that no hazard. w111 be created to any person or person. from the installat10n. 3. Be wholly respoulble tor proper care and maintenanoe ot the propo.ed installation. 4. Hold the owners, a,en" and oocupant. of the premi.es on which the instalbtlon is _de wholly free and harmleas trom any 1088 or dama,e which aight 8.r1.. from suoh installation. 6.. At any time when changes or additions are desired to be made to the buildings d..oribed herein which would be interfered with .- . T , .~ R. Earl Dawes, Ae)ent wn bur E. Smith 3 January 1966 Page 2 by the cable propo.ed herein to be in.talled, the City of Bozeman will, at its expense, have such cable removed and fully repair any and all damage whioh has been caused by the cable having been installed and maintained on the building. We respeotfully reque.t that, it you grant and authorize the request herein made, you 80 indioate by signing the endorsement made below on this letter and returning one copy of the letter to us. Respeotfully yours, M. E. ImWDERSON, City Manager KEH1WS Bozeman, Montana ~ - #-/<f J.). date City of Boceman BOE aman, Montana Permission 18 hereby granted to the City of Bozeman to inatall oable a8 desoribed in the foregoing letter and in aooordanoe wi th the terma set forth therein. Your' truly, lJJ~ ~ YJ~ ~i CR. ~~~ ~.