HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4852 Adopting the Bozeman Strategic PlanPage 1 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 Vision and Vision Statements Vision Bozeman remains a safe, inclusive community, fostering civic engagement and creativity, with a thriving diversified economy, a strong environmental ethic, and a high quality of life as our community grows and changes. Vision Statements 1. An Engaged Community. We foster a culture of engagement and civic leadership based on innovation and best practices involving community members of all backgrounds and perspectives. 2. An Innovative Economy. We grow a diversified and innovative economy leveraging our natural amenities, skilled and creative people, and educational resources to generate economic opportunities. 3. A Safe, Welcoming Community. We embrace a safe, healthy, welcoming and inclusive community. 4. A Well-Planned City. We consistently improve our community’s quality of life as it grows and changes, honoring our sense of place and the ‘Bozeman feel’ as we plan for a livable, affordable, more connected city. 5. A Creative, Learning Culture. We expand learning, education, arts, expression and creativity for all ages. 6. A Sustainable Environment. We cultivate a strong environmental ethic, protecting our clean air, water, open spaces and climate, and promote environmentally sustainable businesses and lifestyles. 7. A High Performance Organization. We operate as an ethical, high performance organization anticipating future needs, utilizing best practices, and striving for continuous improvement. Page 2 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 1. An Engaged Community We foster a culture of engagement and civic leadership based on innovation and best practices involving community members of all backgrounds and perspectives. 1.1 Outreach - Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. a) City Communication Plan and Protocol. Develop, implement, and train for, a City-wide communications protocol and outreach plan. b) Dramatically increase transparency and create access to all city documents. 1.2 Community Engagement - Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. a) Enhance City Committees and Advisory Boards. Restructure or combine City boards and committees to more effectively advise the City and engage the public. b) Community Engagement Plan. Develop a plan to increase community engagement in city decision-making processes. c) Create a Standard Boards and Commission Onboarding and Education Process. Increase education for boards, advisory boards and the zoning commission. 1.3 Public Agencies Collaboration - Foster successful collaboration with other public agencies and build on these successes. a) Quarterly City/County Commission Meetings. Establish regularly scheduled meetings between the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County Commission as well as an annual meeting with the City of Belgrade. b) Enhance our relationship with Bozeman School District #7. c) Enhance our relationship with Montana State University. d) Enhance our relationship with Gallatin College. e) Enhance our relationship with State and Federal Agencies. f) Develop and support a legislative agenda. 1.4 Business and Institutional Partnerships - Explore opportunities for partnerships with key business groups and non-profit organizations. Page 3 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 2. An Innovative Economy We grow a diversified and innovative economy leveraging our natural amenities, skilled and creative people, and educational resources to generate economic opportunities. 2.1 Business Growth - Support retention and growth of both the traded and local business sectors while welcoming and encouraging new and existing businesses, in coordination with the Economic Development Plan. 2.2 Infrastructure Investments - Strategically invest in infrastructure as a mechanism to encourage economic development. a) Identify Commercial/Industrial Infrastructure Needs. Identify sites for new or redevelopment in areas that lack adequate infrastructure and develop new financing strategies to fund these investments. 2.3 Workforce Development - Support education and workforce development initiatives to improve the skills of our citizens. Page 4 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 3. A Safe, Welcoming Community We embrace a safe, healthy, welcoming and inclusive community. 3.1 Public Safety - Support high quality public safety programs, emergency preparedness, facilities, and leadership. a) Develop a Criminal Justice Facility Plan. b) Improve Emergency Preparedness Programs. Improve our community’s emergency preparedness by implementing outreach programs to include information and planning to assist residents in self preparedness. c) Implement the Fire Station Location Plan. d) Update Public Safety Technology Systems. Work with Gallatin County to fund and implement necessary new technology systems for Police and Fire Departments. e) Adopt, Fund and Implement Staffing Plan for Police. Augment staffing to improve efficiencies and police service delivery to the community consistent with the findings of staffing analysis. f) Obtain Fire Department Accreditation. Pursue Fire Department accreditation through the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI). 3.2 Health & Safety Action - Work with our partners to improve education, public awareness, and to coordinate programs concerning emergency services, criminal justice, and important social services. a) Strengthen Community Service Networks. Hire an employee to coordinate and strengthen existing community networks for those with mental health, substance abuse and addiction, and housing challenges. b) Perform a Community Risk Assessment. Assess the community’s risk for natural, health or human disasters in order to identify relevant needs for preparedness and recovery. c) Develop a City/County Social Service Network. Work with Gallatin County and other community partners to identify needs, develop, and appropriately fund a comprehensive strategy for addressing mental health, substance abuse and addiction, homelessness, and housing challenges. 3.3 Friendly Community - Ensure Bozeman continues to welcome diversity through policies and public awareness. a) Anticipate, celebrate, and incorporate an increasingly diverse population into the community, city advisory boards, and city staff. Page 5 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 b) Review the feasibility of all city vendors and suppliers to establish and enforce a gender pay equality policy. 3.4 Active Recreation – Facilitate and promote recreational opportunities and active health programs and facilities. Page 6 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 4. A Well-Planned City We consistently improve our community’s quality of life as it grows and changes, honoring our sense of place and the ‘Bozeman feel’ as we plan for a livable, affordable, more connected city. 4.1 Informed Conversation on Growth - Continue developing an in-depth understanding of how Bozeman is growing and changing and proactively address change in a balanced and coordinated manner. a) Adopt a New Growth Policy Based on Sustainable Growth Principles. Direct and guide sustainable growth through appropriate planning, annexation, land use, and a streamlined development review process. b) Develop and Align Infill Policies. Develop, adopt and align city policies for infill and redevelopment, economic development and public infrastructure. c) GIS Land Use & Infrastructure Development Tracking. Provide easy-to-use, accurate and informative tracking of land-use and infrastructure development trends and project-specific progress for use across the organization to inform strategic infrastructure investments. 4.2 High Quality Urban Approach - Continue to support high-quality planning, ranging from building design to neighborhood layouts, while pursuing urban approaches to issues such as multimodal transportation, infill, density, connected trails and parks, and walkable neighborhoods. a) Manage Growth Adjacent to City (Donut). Prioritize continuing to allocate resources to address growth in the greater Bozeman area. b) Complete Unified Development Code, Phase 2. Once the updated Unified Development Code (UDC) for growth and infrastructure is adopted by City Commission, begin Phase 2 of UDC to address parking standards and affordable housing and sign code. c) Parking Management by District. Develop a comprehensive, integrated approach to parking management for the downtown, midtown, university, and other districts. Consider a range of solutions including both on-street parking and parking garages. d) Update Historic Preservation Guidelines. Update the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) guidelines for historic preservation in downtownand other commercial districts and neighborhood centers. Promote continued investment in the city's inventory of historic structures relative to ongoing infill and redevelopment. 4.3 Strategic Infrastructure Choices - Prioritize long-term investment and maintenance for existing and new infrastructure. a) Develop a Comprehensive Parks Maintenance and Facilities Funding Program. b) Increase Capacity of Sewer Pipes to Accommodate Development Projects. Projects include: North Frontage Road sewer project, Front Street sewer project and Davis Lane. Page 7 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 c) Complete a Downtown Infrastructure Plan. Complete a plan for downtown infrastructure and prioritize improvements in the various Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs). d) Explore Sustainable Technology. Explore technologies to advance environmental sustainability. Examples include Advanced Metering Infrastructure, performance management systems also known as community “dashboards,” indoor and outdoor lighting controls, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, and data analytics. e) Annexation of Islands and Critical Adjacent Lands. Investigate the development of new annexation policies to address long term tax fairness for public services, locations of infrastructure, and locations for future infill and growth. f) Prepare for Metropolitan Planning Organization Designation. Begin advance planning and preparation for Bozeman’s anticipated designation as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Coordinate with other regional governments on inter-local agreements, transportation planning functions, and required development for the City as an MPO. 4.4 Vibrant Downtown, Districts & Centers - Promote a healthy, vibrant Downtown, Midtown, and other commercial districts and neighborhood centers – including higher densities and intensification of use in these key areas. a) Update the Downtown Plan. 4.5 Housing and Transportation Choices - Vigorously encourage, through a wide variety of actions, the development of sustainable and lasting housing options for underserved individuals and families and improve mobility options that accommodate all travel modes. a) Enhance Non-motorized Transportation. b) Develop a Comprehensive Affordable Housing Action Plan that includes, but is not limited to: 1. Mandates the creation of affordable housing across all dwelling unit types. 2. Provides prescribed flexibility in the manner in which the mandate can be accomplished. 3. Provides a substantial, broad-based and reliable source of funding for the construction of affordable housing and for affordable housing loans. 4. Actively encourages Bozeman’s major employers to develop workforce housing programs for their employees. Page 8 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 5. A Creative, Learning Culture We expand learning, education, arts, expression, and creativity for all ages. 5.1 Civic and Cultural Infrastructure - Expand Bozeman’s civic and cultural “infrastructure” as the city grows. a) Library Expansion Planning. Ensure library services and facilities meet the demands of the city. 5.2 Support for Public Art - Encourage and support partnerships for public art and other arts and cultural initiatives in the city. a) Document and Create an Art Trail Map. Partner with existing organizations to create a bike and trail map that showcases public art throughout the City. b) Explore an Outdoor Music Venue. c) Create a municipal percent for arts. 5.3 Partnerships for Education and Learning – Strengthen and support partnerships for arts and culture with a wide variety of individuals, organizations, and institutions to enhance and improve education and learning in Bozeman. a) Strategic Educational and Arts Partnerships. Develop and strengthen partnerships with the School District and Montana State University to further the arts. Page 9 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 6. A Sustainable Environment We cultivate a strong environmental ethic; protect our clean air, water, open spaces and climate; and promote environmentally sustainable businesses and lifestyles. 6.1 Clean Water Supplies - Ensure adequate supplies of clean water for today and tomorrow. a) Watershed Management. Develop and implement a regional watershed approach to manage water quantity and quality. 6.2 Protect Local Air Quality - Protect local air quality. a) Apply for state funding for a study to monitor air quality. 6.3 Climate Action - Reduce community and municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, increase the supply of clean and renewable energy; foster related businesses. a) Update the Climate Action Plan. Update the Climate Action Plan and revisit greenhouse gas emissions inventories, review reduction targets, and explore a voluntary energy efficiency incentive program or stretch code to encourage new residential and commercial construction to exceed the performance standards of the currently adopted building energy code. b) Increase Solid Waste Recycling Services. Adopt incentive programs to increase the public’s utilization of city recycling and solid waste services. c) Create Solar Energy Policies. Review three-year data from NorthWestern Energy’s Community Solar Installation to inform planning and policies. d) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Increase the community’s resiliency and preparedness in response to climate change. 6.5 Parks, Trails & Open Space - Support the maintenance and expansion of an interconnected system of parks, trails and open spaces. a) Update Parks & Recreation Strategic Plan. Develop the next iteration of the Bozeman Parks & Recreation Strategic Plan (PROST). Use this plan to help inform the other City departmental planning. 6.6 Habitat – Work with partner organizations to identify at-risk, environmentally sensitive parcels contribute to water quality, wildlife corridors, and wildlife habitat. Page 10 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 7. A High Performance Organization We operate as an ethical high performance organization, anticipating future needs, utilizing best practices and striving for continuous improvement. 7.1 Values-Driven Culture - Promote a values-driven organizational culture that reinforces ethical behavior, exercises transparency and maintains the community’s trust. a) Develop a Cross-Functional Team Culture. Use cross-functional teams to meet Bozeman’s future opportunities and challenges. b) Create a culture of innovation. 7.2 Employee Excellence - Recruit, retain and value a diverse, well-trained, qualified and motivated team capable of delivering superior performance. Be accountable and expect accountability from others. Make demonstrated use of good judgement a part of the evaluation process for promotions. a) Be a “Best in Class” Employer. Enhance the attractiveness of the City as a place to work through salary and benefit packages, workplace amenities and facilities, as well as professional development. b) Develop and Implement an Innovative Onboarding Program for New Employees. Work with partners to develop new tools to recruit and provide assistance to new employees so they feel welcome and prepared. c) Implement an Employee Excellence Recognition Program. d) Set Diversity Goals. Define the type of diversity the City seeks to achieve as an organization (e.g. reflecting the community-at-large) and develop a program to achieve these goals. 7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight - Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. a) Implement Department Staffing Plans. Compile departmental staffing plans and create a system to implement the plans to address current and future work load. b) System Integration. Identify key systems that if integrated would improve efficiency and effectiveness. c) Improve Departmental Collaboration. Identify opportunities to improve collaboration between City departments and create subgroups on communications, community interactions, long-range planning, and other matters of common concern. d) Update Departmental Plans. Proceed with updates of the next generation of departmental plans scheduled for review and update during the 5-year timeframe of this strategic plan. Page 11 of 11 Adopted April 16, 2018 e) High-level Policy Conversations. Develop a structure to foster regular, ongoing dialogue on innovative ideas and information to assist the Commission with high level policy deliberation and decisions. 7.4 Performance Metrics - Utilize key performance and cost measures to monitor, track and improve the planning and delivery of City programs and services, and promote greater accountability, effectiveness and efficiency. Learn from those outside city government and measure specific tasks for performance. a) Develop Data Analysis Tools. Develop more sophisticated analytical tools to access, monitor, measure, and analyze data to inform decision making. b) Set Performance Measures. Set performance measures that align with the Strategic Plan. c) Analyze and Collect Data from Performance Measures. Analyze and collect data from performance measures to ensure implementation of the Strategic Plan, and redesign measures as needed. d) Strategic Municipal Service Delivery Expectations. Strategically manage community and employee expectations about the City’s capacity to deliver services. 7.5. Funding and Delivery of City Services - Use equitable and sustainable sources of funding for appropriate City services, and deliver them in a lean and efficient manner. Prioritization of Strategic Plan: 1. Community Outreach 2. Affordable Housing 3. Planning and Land Use Initiatives 4. Annexation Analysis and Study 5. Parks Maintenance District 6. Partnerships for Education and Learning 7. Public Law and Justice Center