HomeMy WebLinkAbout63- Easement Grant .. ....... .' _~ _' I .... "- .;. .....- ~ JUII ~.. ...............0 tJdalf,/?'=" . 1.. .., ... Mcweo PII1lLlPS .1. ~AII'l. a _1~4-~ ... edatlAa ...... tM t.- of eM ltaca o! III . ....C 720 .... ___.-......... ~. ,.rtY of tM fint ,.e. .. the C11'I' . _.... . .-klpal ~ )I4ICt.oD of tM ltate Of II ~ --. puCJ of eM ..0Dd pert; WIT.IISIT.: ~~ ~-r "r;';:' ~~""':~-~~" -' -: " --.....;..:'.:!It.""""" -- '.~ n_' - that tM pan-, of tbe firat--part-, for and in' cooa.trei.dD:r-{..'"l.""'';<--''~ die .. of OM ..1_ (fl..) a.fal .I.i.. of ta. ua1Ud sue- d....w. ... odlft _fMatS- to it: t.a .... Mid .., eM ..w ~ d die ..... JII8rt. die nc~ -...0'- b b-"'" ... -ll~-". Ma an-t". .....~. .ow ... c --,-...., ~ ~_u .... ~l .....ia. -eU ... cfJflWf"'1. ..co tt.. ..14 paty of the Me'" part ~ die UN of eM ....:.1c. - ....--..- lor ac:nec .. !in t aL.:t..-" ewer .... ac.roea die DGrtb ddrty fee (]OI) of tile tol "cribed piece" pare. 1 of t..d albae. ill eM JIOC'tlMue QllUter of Sectu. 1. T.....hip 2 Saada, .... 5 IMc. 11.'.11. 1a Galletta CouDty. 1IoDt.... co-wit: "'~"". at a pobt OIl the ...t.dy ript of tMY u... of IatencaC. ~Z 1-90-6 (13) 296. LiBe .....I_....t..cb poillt U -.ell "'00'00 V..c,. 41auace of l4Z1..JY feet, - ..... alalia tile SOUth 11.. of the IIortIMut ..-quarte of Mid Section 1, _id liDe bei. alao the ~h cl~ U.ita Uae of tbe tiC, of Ioa~. llaataaa. ... IIorth 01 16']0" Baat, oa ... al00& the Veetl'l'ly r~ of -, of Uae "E", lDt.nt.ta JU&bllay 1-90-6 (Ul 296. a diac.ce of 325.00 feet to . point _dted bJ a' pJr' aet ill coocret. .ub · ...... cap. J ~. elXlcillulD& Borth 01.16'30" East, 00 and .1ona said riKbt of way, a aiatanee of ~48.05 feet to a concrete post ...a bra.s cap. Theoce OIl aDd al00a tbe ri&ht of vay 1in_ of the M~' a.>t.tn Lane 1. on II circular curve to tbe right bavi~ . ra4iua of UO.'s feet.... tbrouah a cl!lltra1 ang..e 01 13 03' alCMJ& tbe arc..a diauace of 153.38 f",c to .. point ..riled by II 5"" l"elNir. '-- Tbeoc~ Wortb 01"'1" 30" Kast. 00 and along said N_ J,a'll;ter ..... r1&bt of ..y, a diataDCe of 38. 80 fec~ to a point ..riled by a 5/8" rebaI'. TheDee lIorcb 88"00'00" West.a dutanee of 249.80 feet. , a point ...rUd by a 5/8" rebar. Ttwmce South 01"16'30" West, 1I diat.mee of 300.84 fHlt t(l II point ..rk!ld by a It" pipe. set tn concrete with .. bra.. csp. Thence South 88"00'00" East, a diaunce ot 33~.() het to the point ..rked by 8 ~" pipe set in concrete with II b~.li.l\s cap, tbe point of bpginnln&. 10 HAVE Arm TO MOLD, an .nd stngubr the said pnalaea t.og~th~r ~.._ __~ ,.2tI , ~ ..iJ"_~'.d_ . """ J f~:l J71 ..... eM IJJ IllCc---r- aco tM ..I.d partJ of tbe It-=- ,.n ... t:e ita .tIO~..M' ... ...ta- forner. ~..t.... 1 I!f. tile put, of tM firat put baa ~.'1''' lU ...... _ to ... .-.c:riW .... ita oorpGl'aee ...1 to be ...... "' 1C8 ,.;.._ off1cen1 c.......to dul, _tboru". - _ .. _ ,.. fint ..... WI' tUII. J'II'I'1I TP.; 'I'IIIOLIIII ~MI. · _~~~__'O,~ "__ ...-,_...,.' ..~ ~ ~ i). ~~-~ "' ~lnl. 0' 1&I..Md' ) ) 55. ccrny Of lWHIJIJroII ) On thu /...I'~ _ of ~.-_.L,{~" .'1.....r... tAtare -!. a ()" (..,L r liOU11'7 r,lci.J.~ Vl.ti1in oani lar _1... .,......~ ....1 ......'-". ""'''''''''':''4 arpearea ~ I:L.L-~ ,17 ,/ t.c> ae person":l" >::'\0_. Who, t t"l-r.g (':0- - dll:"'''' !nlC~ dl-d .., tnat he lS the T. - -.. _h J' 'J;."-/ ,;' :o.'lIpuv'. that aaid in!lt!"\JlM!nt ~t' ex~:-;,....._~,1 :'!""i t.......,..4L~ C',~ s.~j :'""!"'t'.~~.- o~ ',!,\'" sal",s >>~uaert c.! i't1: ~::..~ co PO': -, :~Wll ~' . ~ ,;..... ,;'" ----......-.,,- )~ l.t,s Board of Jire:,~t{)rs, ani j'-\~.i ..:,.. , ...,(,J'.....~ ~.....J: ~nst.~t \.(' :t" . r... fr"'" Ole', ar:U~~i.-~ s.;..' ~ e~~r.tH'T\. " '1r, '-:-P i..i.I..:. '1<: r:" t,v .\:.c.no". ~.'l"'P'~: l ~ 1 -:-.c.1 ~ i. ,'pO ;!!...'. , ;..R~- \, 0"""",/ . - , . "Q '.... . , . ~,0 ~'J.('... ~~ :a:..~~."'... ...:.,j.. ~t."."....~ ....."". ''W ........r--......,. ~ -v' -,..... - - . Cj(V'<' .;.....: . 'c'. . . ';I', \ ....~.....- . ~... t...- _~._ ,_r--'t. ,__ Nc,t!\''': ,\,' <: ~ Iii...:. "t;;~. ._~ c-,.~~ ~ -... ,"- ~,f"-"':'T - '.; t'.::T~ J -' '7~.\'''''''~; _r~,~ r lJtltte of Mom.. Coufl ., of O,llllltl". 811 '"ed for l'W'(:om et.....1,..;,I+O P .M.. and ,~co 'I,. :" Co')\< ) of ,.- _CARl. L. :;:,~KY_~Ro..-~r, Ety .~(:. t!.\.. (\I) ~,.! It t; H.. (: . 'J ' L"''-l ry Box .)6" 8:..:t.te, /IInnt. >: c"'''ter ~ :)E:~' ;; --". ::.A ,.. J':' (' . (. (, ..~,.. , ,< o..tI -2- "',(,.1 .. .~' ~~. <41'1''' .............$ ,,~ ..w........... ,,"'1. I.. ,. .~~T Qll(A'.$$. ItA". 41ft.&) . . . E I! I :I ~o~'.i.. ..-.........4-..... ..~ ~~ . a" ' . ~ '.' ...,.--, . J . ' .', ,H>" :.' '. : ., ""'N"""'.. N~ll :::, ;.:. "~1n'.;;:H:!:: ...-_ I.L .... ......... .. 6- ur.... _ '- ," 'u-=:-:.: ~ ........ ............... - 11 . -'.... ...... .. 4..... "ioIl~ .,., t.... ........ ~ ......... taT .. .-cMTI _I'lf ... sa UP ....- ....co.c.ay. ....T .__ CAP. d IIIR sc:- COIItMTE __I ...... CAP , l -~ I. i . f ... ;~ . . -, Z! ] i , ~ CW "'" Q I .. o 0'" 0: . - - .. - ... I" E Neo PROPERTY I I f 1 i i ~-'--'~ ~ I ~ .-; 8: :1 :!f ...., .. vi ... . . !