HomeMy WebLinkAbout38- Northern Pacific Railway Co. -, ,- - - - . T.) -,r 38D3 ., . " . NOh'llnEHN PACIJ.'IC EAIV;ILY Cm/IPJ'.l'JY, a 0isconsin corpor~- tion, in consideration of the sura of '['en Dollars ( ::)1 (). 00 ) to it ~ "1/ pa iel , tbe receipt whereof' is ackno'f11edged, and of the agreelnents '" It ,,,, ~/ herein contained, does hereby brant to the C i t:/ 0 j~ '~)! 0 ~,~}:~ 1'"j ~'~, ~'tf,I-,e of lvlontanH, permission, save as herein liIflJted, to use for and con- struct thereon 8. public stroet ,u1d for no other p,H'p~;Sf" tl1() s e po1'- ;::l tions of its right of way in the County of Gal1Htin and sta te of 0 j 'd . Montana described as 1'01101[13 : c. , '0 i () ! 'n , ~:hHt portion of Lot eight (G) in Bloc;.( thJ.,pty-one \) ! :~ i (31 ) of Nortl1ern Pacific Pddition to Bozeman, ::1ontana, '. :;) ,j .... '"-, according to the recorded nlat thereof, shovl!1 colored '>'l '-:: '. ':'d~f red on the map hereto attached and made a pErt hereof. ~~! ~) ; ~ I '1'he Hailv!ay COlapa,ny 1'0 serve s the ri2:'nt to 1>l8intt"l in and o I .... I 0.. I ~ I operate its present track across the h\nd R bove de scribed p,nd to " . constrll,ct, maintain. Rnd oUBrate future tracks acrOflS tr.e sa'tI1e. 1'he City shall not grant to any person 01' c or,1peu,'/ per- mission to con:!ltruct or illaint;~in a pole liac on any portion of the above described r:i..'.c~ht of V/D,y and the Haili'lf't",y COnlT)nny 1'0 serve s to it- self thB right to Grant s UCll perr,LL t s pt'ov ided the pole lines are sO located as not to interfere with the use of the street for public travel. The rights hereby granted shall continue so long as said street is fl18.intained by the City. Da ted thi s p----;l'7L day of -7\~ 193t1. -- 'iIitnesses: HOH1'Hl:m,J PJ.,CIFIC IL~ IL\:llY CO:,'Pi\ NY ('~~" By~~J::- . ~ \ , - ;,-~e.--L- Vtce fre s den, ----"\ ~-- -- --- -(Qi~: --, {,ttest: ~r::~ . . . , c_ () ---I._",<L-<'y 1--u t/ A/i ~ s 78n t 0ecre t9.ry ~ / I I I I I i / ; / i .~~ Ii , -..; / .09 1.9 / h,...1 ,~ 'S~ ~. .......--.....-..- <"6 / ~~ I -, L,_'___ ,__, _,_ _,_, / ._.....J ~O'O ~ -.--... ...------, J .- r-----'- .., ..,-, -----r / , i I / I / / / I ! I , , -l-j: /' / , / '0& ( ; ~ tit .. -- . ~ <9 / .J L --.A; ------- ---------------------_ J i <2. "0 MENDENHALL --- L_~_',__,______ --~, - 51 o_~ -'.-"l r..-.. . r, --'---.--- ----.--, .;"} i i W.".. VlOIS~~i~~P.;- . ---."'.....---.. -..-...----- ~f-:'I Co, '-<>,'. " \ lHUc t:nd : 41i: C(J _---"" t,.:,:-~o7, i H,l3,fO tnd : S10' f + I I I "III -.-- ..---. -: / I r I: I I i__..___ -. --..---.- .---.-.-. .--.-.- ~--_._..... r ----- . ---- N.?Ry. Easement to i...l ty or b02eman for STree~ Wla~nl ng aT Broadway and Mendenhall St. BOZEMAN, MONT. Scale: 1"'= 100' Office or Chid Enq'f. St.Poul. March 10,1935. Easement Shown