HomeMy WebLinkAbout44- Petition 11 , . . P E T I T r 0 N TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE or TY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA: The undersigned, Henry A. Scandrett, Walter J. Cummlngs-QDd George I. Haight, as TrUstees of the property and operating the railroad of CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, respectfully represent and show, as follows: 1. That in the orderly operation of said Railroad and the service of the public thereby, it becomes necessary to construct a railroad track over and across Curtiss Street in the City of Bozeman at a point between Wallace Street and Church Street therein. 2. That the trackage is for the most part upon privately owned property, but in order to reach the premises of the shipper to be served a perpetual easement for railroad trackage only is required to the extent and at the location hereinafter describea, that is to say: A strip or belt of land S! feet in width, being 4! feet on each side of the follow- ing described centerline: Beginning at a point on the south line of Curtiss Street, which _said point is7~_!3f~et west_of the northeast corner of Lot 40 in Block E6f'--------- Rouse's Second Addition to the City of Bozeman, Galla tin County, Montana, and which said point is also 93.7 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 40; thence on a line from said point on a 60 curve left to a point on the north side of Curtiss street, which is 65.4 feet west of the southeast corner of Lot 11" Block D, Rouse's Second Addition to the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and which point on the north side of said Curtiss Street 1s 99.6 feet east of the southwest corner of said Lot 11 in said Block D, all as more fully appears from the colored sketch 1n triplicate filed herewith, showing the portion of Curtiss Street involved in easement neces- sary for industrial spur herein described. 3. Your Petitioners represent that it is their purpose and intention to lay a railroad track at grade with said street over and across the strip 8~ f~e~ wide, hereinabove described, and to use the same solely and exclusively for railroad purposes and your Peti tioners respectfully peti tion and herein make application for the right, privilege and easement to occupy said strip or belt of land hereinabove aescribed, to construct thereon a standard gauge railroad spur at grade and to use and enjoy the ~ . , i .- same and operate trains and engines and cars thereover, as required by the business and convenient and orderly operation or said railroad, said easement to continue so long as the same is used forrall!-oad purposes, but to revert to the C1 ty or Bozeman or to the pUblic if, as and when the same ceases to be used for such railroa.d purpose. "-.- 4. Your Petitioners respectrully petition the Mayor and Ci ty Couml'l of the City or Bozeman to take such steps and to adopt such measures as may be required to grant to the Trustees hereinabove mentioned and to Chicago, Milwaukee, st. Paul an'd Pacific Railroad Company and to their and its successors and assigns a perpetual right to use and enjoy said strip and the easement thereover so long as the same is used for rail- road purposes. Dated a t Butte, Montana, this j;r- day of April, 1944. Henry A. Scandrett Walter J. Cummings George I. Haight As Trustees of the property or CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY . -~'. ,....,.,-~~.~.'~., ....... ',- -_.~.,,'-"-' -,. ,,"--...............',-""'--"" ..... --~_.,- - ~-~- .,---~". By A. C. o 1 ase, Superintendent of Rocky Mountain Division, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroa d Company, and Agent for the above named Trustee of the property of said Company