HomeMy WebLinkAbout80- Milledge Easement and Right of Way Agreement for Street Construction . .. , . e e 'e.:......------- ' . 56 rAGE 1857 . tlU~ EASEMENT AND RIGHT or WAY AGREEMENT FOR Street Construction ..~-~~_._~.,._._,..._"---,-~. ,--- THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this _litJL day of May A. D. 19_30, by and between J~QnaJ d Mill,~d9-~___ -'"~,--_'_--,-,~--"~-'~~.' __-...-----P arty __ of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor and the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Mo'ntana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantor__ ____ is the legal record title owner of Lot 9 - Bomont Subdivision more particuiarly described below, and ~,,~................ WHEREAS, The Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and ins tp 11 aspha 1 ti c pavement and necessary appurtenances to serve various properties iocated wlthin the northeast portion of the City of Gozeman and one or more such-lincs-vJQuld run- across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor , and the Grantor is willing to grant to the Grantee an easf?rne-n-f-and ~-'''-'~ -,.~ right of way across the above described property of the Grantor , and his hei rs, executors, admi ni strators, successors and ass ign-i', for the purpose of installing, operating,. using, repairing, replacing, maintaining, and removing said asphaltlc pavement _ _, __ ,_ and appurtenances and for such other-ri ghts-of--ci-c"cess-a-ncl'Tn'clcfentaT-ri gh ts as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly pro- vided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $ and other considerations in hand paid by the City of Bozeman, th'€.> recefp't whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantor has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed,'--andconfTrnl~ and by these presents does hereby grant, barga in, sell, convey and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the follow- ing rights and privileges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing asphaltic pavement on the property of the Grantor , said easement and right 'of way to consist of a strip of land __-2.D______feef-- in width being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of tangent of a curve No.1, on the aoutherly right-of-way on Gold Avenue, in said Lot 9; thence South 70 35' 22" East, along said southerly righ-of-way, a diotance of 22.0 feet, to the true point of beginning; ;Shence South 19 24' 38" West, a distance of 20.0 feet; ttlence South 70 35' 22" East, a distance of 100.0 feet; thence North 19 24' 38" East, a distance of 20.0 feet, to the southerly right-of-way of Gold Avenue; thence North 700 35' 22" West, along said southerly right-of-way a distance of 100.0 feet, to the true point of beginning, and containing 0.046 acres. e ~ . I , . FIl~ 56 PAGE 1858 2. Thl~ perpetual right of ingress Brd ('grc'ls to "no r'~CL said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purrnse 0f in6tallinr, operatin~, using, repairing, replacing and ffiAintaininy snid ~asphal tic pavement lmd for the removing of ~ame if.~~~-"" when desired by the Grantee, its ~uccesnors and assigns; TO HAVE At."D TO HOLD the above described rieht of 'w:y \vith all the appUi.-tcnHnces and privil2p,es unt('\ the 8::1d Gc.'lntee and to itg successors nnd assigns forever. The Grantee he((~by covenants and agn.esui tll th2 r;J.'dntc'r_,___ as follrn"s: .. 1. That, in connection with tile instulling, opel"{lting, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing, of said asphaltic pavement it will replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of s~id land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof exiBti~g before f'p.id operations were hegun, or Sf' near thereto i15 shall be reasonably possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench, and will remove from the site any large rocks or surpluo excavated 1~1.'IU;rial or any kind of d\;lJris that rn.T'l have lweet expe.,scd by the excDvation and re::laininf, <:fter backflll.,n~: ,_s (';)mp]el:ed and tdllleRve the finished surface f~ ~\1h~-;ta.r'- tinIly th" same cor-dition that existed prior to t:l(> beginn:hL of opcr:.ltio''-,~ CXCl'\,t that the SUrLIC(' ofiJ"ckfilledctrerl':' :))1:; b,,~ mounded 3uffllic'ltly to pnlvcont t~ie formation (,[ ,:c'p~r":-;,,joils nftl'r [irllll scttlern(~nt has taken pl"nce. 3. -;:0 Gp€r<lte, twe Hod maintAin s'dd -'LJph~~_lJ:,~i5:.r.':.i..~'lnQ:~L_"_,. ~____,_'__~,~_ in <weh mRnner llS '"il1. not hinder or pn"Jent Ll1C prcpcl:' cu.ltivaLic~l or Ulf~ tract tllrquf.',h ~"hich tb l" right :'I way is hereby granted. c;. In the event that it shclid become necessary for tll;'; Grantee to re-enter the GrAntors pre~isc8 for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing Baid utility lines the Grantee 1.7ill reimburse the Gn.lntors for any actual dJmage done to the Grantors premt8~s or cropa. -. ,(', - ~ , - 5. FILM 56 PAGE 1859 The Grantor_ hereby cI")venants and agrees with the GrRntee as fol j 0>.'8 : l. That at no time will they build, conBtr-uct, ere c t or 'H!} intain any pennanent structure over or above the said '") ') D h i, 1 [, i c ----...-..... -~--~~-~~- Qdvernent unless such structure is built, ClJllstructed and maintained 10 touch ..1 manner that it -,muld nt: i'1t(',f'O't'<'! with the operetion, Ui'iC, repa! r, ffi.--lint'llinPDCe, rcp l,,:c emf.' n t and removal of said asnhalt'ic pJ.vern(lnt . -............'..............._---.........--........,--,~---,..,'-+,. -~-'---.................--,._-~~,---"--~~.,- '1 'fllat the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights '- . and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantor__ or ~ successors and asaigns. 3. That they have been lawfully o~ized of soid premiaes; that they have good right and lawful ~uthority to sell the same Rnd that they and their heirs, executors, administ"8tMrs, successora and assigns, shall warrant and defend the title . to said premises unto said Grantee, nnd its successors and assigns forev(~r, against the lawful claim Bnd demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the partjc~ hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, odminintratorR, successor and assigns (')f the (;rant.::>ro llnd upon the SlleC€S9or-n and assigns of the Grantee. . e ~ , " FILM 56 PAGE 1fJSO 1 N InTNESS ~.'l~ERE(Jr, tL"h C~ 'Did p;r; I !. 1. c:.; (1 [ l h,' f i ; ( t F' l~ t : I ,"1\,1 t'! hereunto s (' t' their hnnJs Clnd ~;(' n 1 s 1.h,. d,y and year f i t'c,,' <l L Ct';" wriLtL'n. /5 - )~ ,- gL~ '"""-.....- ~ __ ' _ I ~--_._,~ _~~'___'~,_~~r~' ..___.___. _,"_,. _'______~_ __.._._. q-ndLq:zd!&~P/ ST/,TE OF HONTANA ) s~ Cn\lnry \1 fed 1 1 il tin) On t i Ii ~; ___?3~_. ,. day of' .__ May n__'._... 1 ')20 . bc! fcq'C' W.', l~1 lhl1.,'iY pub 1 i c 11) ,q I)( 1 Jnr id :', ., ,i t , ,'" l.- :.: 1,'11,] lly :1FPcnrrc'd .-..--.- ...--__ J,~_9JJ<'!.l(L_~_iJJ~g~ ,_.n, _,_ n ... ,_, It. !1o\,.:n ( ,\ 11"',(. 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'1" Op .,0\' .\", I".~., I ,I'"'' " ~ \ ~~' " - .. . , flL~ 56 PAGE 1861 THE CITY O? lhiZF:H\N C-=&d~'~~ >'.n\, : Aet.l.ng "1""" n 1. !'.::-.i 1 : ~~~ .) '.. (/ Y t.dnc~_~'_ __~ FfWA V. HAP.J:-TNG, r= ll' \' k r. f tt I,: C J :: y l= Or7IUJ i !'l S j n': r'" ;) }.I j.: (17\.,' 1, ~ ~ : .;;.; .;. ---~~r&:;p r;{ ty :,t t (","l"Y S'i.'i,TE OF MONTANA ) : !Hl Co~nty of Call2tin) ,) nth i 1;1 '0 (L'iv C f -~- --.---.".--,- , lJt"_~_ ' i)c for (.! ;'le) t ) 11' ._---_.~._~, ~ ll',.('cl':igncd a N(,t;;r) i'uh1L' "[ .: ~ r Uv S:' n t: e (1 f : j(l;, 1-'1 II~ ) P -2. i" ::: .', '.I d !. i ~/ ~ ,( ['}'(':\ r e"'J~~.~~~!~~,,~~,,.__~~V__. f(~ ________,,____ kIH-i'.:" rn II",.' ~ (~ 0Q th(. HIYI~'r. n;d Cl(>xh of . h., Ci ty Co)I',:' i. fJ~'I:';' ~,. (: ',; !h~ c t i " e 1 > ; , r 'he Ci ty (',f B(1 U::.lt\ \1 , '",hc::'J' rH!Tli,'S ,.re f) :'J:'ic1'-[ bed I,' ;. . _ (~ ~.,/ j. t _ ;, : "1 U " \I\,;tr',r,-'nr- Hlid ,'cltnn\d,cdf',,'d L (~ ~ i: \.' . It :'~ t tlll.:;; i ;-" C. !". 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'74fi()4 State of Mont.. County of Gallatin. S5 t:iled for record J UN E 11 . 19 80 at 9: 00 AM., and recorded in Book 56 ~:;CELLANEOUS. page~~57 ea<dle a:. 8\ic1vt& Recorder. By ~~' RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN l:~~~""..J!;lIo...lio4Ir. "~.:'ll"'~~~""""-I..'''.''''''''Q'''-1'''''''. ,_..'''''';;.....N'.,' ,,""",'.- '. """ .......... ~ ,>,~.,,~ ." ,:. "',., '....."..'.',"', '" ,,,. '", ',. """"'"". ~,., .., I' I r.' t> e' ~~' ,.... ,'''' .. - \ ~ ~... "':'4l I~~., ,"4 .i/liJ '., "\,~ ' ~," \.... It ~ 't~~ P/ ;':';, ~>: : '" '~, ,~ ,0,," . <" t. f 'i. L. . " I.) .~ ,) '...' "-", ".," t 1,.( ~' r".o' "h,{.... !1,~.~,. "..E~l~"...':..."" ,.", !'" ',.. ,..,'. f1lY 56pjGE1862 ~ \. n' tr''l/'H,H1J ~ f "E ~ V. · ,!", y' d " q f .. L, " '. \ ! ,'1 . 11 t ~ .. "".,...._ ~. ...: I...; hi ...,/, vt . ,) ~;.} . . ~ ~ i 1~;,O.' -lC"f;{.II!1 ~~ ~\ 't'~r\ll-l\ ",,'i ~ I !.J' ~ r':' '''''. h . 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