HomeMy WebLinkAbout18- Task Order 5 - Leland Consulting Group - Economic Development Marketing Task Order Number 05 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement with Leland Consulting Group for Economic Development and Corridor Revitalization Services in the Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal District dated September 19, 2016 ("Agreement"). This Task Order is dated March 14, 2018 between City of Bozeman (City) and Leland Consulting Group (Contractor). The parties agree as follows: The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine Contractor: Alisa Pyszka, Leland Consulting Group SCOPE OF WORK: Contractor agrees to perform the work for Task Order No. 5 (the "Work") as detailed in the attached letter dated March 13, 2018 regarding Economic Development Marketing Services incorporated herein and made a part of the Agreement by this reference. COMPENSATION: Leland Consulting Group's total billing for the scope of services included with this task order is not to exceed $13,810. Leland Consulting Group shall submit invoices to the Client for work completed during the prior calendar month. Invoices will be due and payable 30 days after receipt of the invoice by the City. The provisions of the Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Contractor By: B Title: �� 1 \ Title: Managing Principal Date: vZl Date: March 14, 2018 Midtown Task Order Number 05 1 LELAND CONSULTING GROUP March 13,2018 Mr. David Fine Economic Development Director CITY OF BOZEMAN PO Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771 Re: Economic Development Marketing Dear David, Thank you for engaging Leland Consulting Group to prepare economic development marketing materials to assist staff in preparation of upcoming opportunities. We understand that the City of Bozeman is talking to various tech companies considering potential new locations in Bozeman.At the same time,the city is increasingly communicating with business attraction partners regarding potential new companies considering the area. The city would like to proactively prepare for these opportunities with synthesized data, marketing materials, a system for pitching the city for these opportunities. LCG has prepared the following scope of work to address the city's needs. SCOPE OF WORK LCG with Steven Pedigo will prepare city staff for specific company visits and inquires to business attraction partners with targeted marketing materials. This information will also serve as foundational information to create economic development marketing materials that consistently evolve with new information,feedback from clients and updated data. The information will be provided in a format that can be easily modified and updated. Existing data applied to the economic development strategy and economic profile report will be utilized to the greatest extent possible. Preparation of the following information will allow for two sets of comments by staff and stakeholders. Comments will be compiled into one set by one individual with conflicting opinions resolved prior to submittal to LCG. 1) General Bozeman ED Pitch: This is the overall economic development story of what makes Bozeman unique compared to other Montana cities such as Missoula or Billings. This information will also begin to convey to local stakeholders how economic development marketing is distinct from tourism marketing. In addition,the city's economic development website does not quickly convey the distinct assets of Bozeman to an external business audience. We recommend that the data and messages compiled for this task are also presented on a webpage to engage businesses considering the area as a new location. Deliverables: • Compile the unique economic data points that make a company want to invest in the city. Public data sources will be provided so they can be updated by staff in the future. • 11x17 pdf of information that can be used as talking points when meeting with site selectors/companies. This material can reside with business attraction partners for meetings with prospects not attended by Bozeman representatives. • The LCG team will prepare a one-page website template for economic development that uses above data to quickly convey"Why Bozeman"to an external business audience. The initial information simply can be a .pdf document that is posted on a website page to minimize efforts. People Places Prosperity I vmw lelandconsulting corn 610 SW Alder Street,Suite 1200,Portland,Oregon 97205 1 503 222,1600 I q * LELAND CONSULTING GROUP 2) Industry specific information: Beyond the general information, different types of industry want different information. LCG will prepare a template for the technology industry in a manner that can be replicated by staff for other industries such as outdoor gear or manufacturing. Deliverables: • Defined set of data that companies/site selectors need pertaining to the tech industry. Some of this data may be primary data from MSU and local companies that staff will need to obtain. • 8.5 x11 pdf insert into the 11x17 that gives a deep dive on tech. Staff may need to supplement the template with additional research. 3) Site specific information: Companies considering a location in Bozeman will want to know where they can go for how much and when. Different industries will desire different locations for different reasons and this will be considered in developing the information. Deliverable: • 8.5 A 1 pdf insert into the 1 1x1 7 that is a template of building or site information for prospect. 4) Company visit itinerary: Based on our experience of touring companies looking to establish a new location, we can provide a recommended approach to informing the client. Deliverable: • Detailed one-day itinerary of key individuals and organizations to engage in visit. PROJECT TEAM I will serve as the primary point of contact throughout the assignment and our strategic advisor, Steven Pedigo,will support our technical work. Sam Brookham and Jane St. Michael will provide graphic layout, data visualization and mapping services. SCHEDULE We estimate that the scope of work can be completed within a 60-day timeframe. '"v ' v, awl elandconsulting.com 610 SW Alder Street,Suite 1200,Portland,Oregon 97205 '503.222.1600 LELAND CONSULTING GROUP FEES We can complete the above work for a not-to-exceed fee of$13,810, against which we would bill hourly using our standard billing rates, below.We send out progress invoices at the end of each month that clearly describe the work completed and progress toward completion of the assignment. Pyszka Pedigo Brookham Jane Hours Budget $175 $175 $115 $95 by Task by Task Task 1.General 46 $6,890 Data visulization and mapping 0 6 6 0 12 $1,740 11x17 8 4 0 6 18 $2,670 Webpage 8 4 0 4 16 $2,480 Task 2.Industry r 28F $4,220 Data visulization and mapping 0 6 6 0 12 $1,740 8.5 x11 8 4 0 4 16 $2,480 Task 3.Site Information P, 16r $2,000 8.5 x11 4 0 8 4 16 $2,000 Task 4.Company Visit 4F $700 Itenerary 4 0 0 0 4 $700 Total Hours 32 24 20 r 18 94 Fee Budget $5,600 $4,200 $2,300 $1,710 $13,810 Budget Summary Fees $13,810 Total Budget"not to exceed" $13,810 Thank you for reaching out to us for assistance on this project. We respect and enjoy working with you and the City of Bozeman and look forward to helping you define the genuine economic development opportunities throughout the community. Sincerely, LELAND CONSULTING GROUP Alisa Pyszka Principal People Places Prosperity I wwaw lelandconsulting.com 610 SW Alder Street,Suite 1200,Portland,Oregon 97205 '503.222.1600