HomeMy WebLinkAbout85- Story Public Road Easement "'f" ,W' FILM 90PAGE2750 PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT Peter R. Story and Eileen Story, husband and wife; The Cox Company, a Montana general partnership; Michael H. Hruska, a married man; and Hruska-Langel, a Montana joint venture, consisting of Michael H. Hruska and Thomas H. Langel, GRANTORS, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10) ano other gooo ano valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant to The Public, GRANTEES, for the public use, a perpetual road easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a strip of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being the true point of beginning on the boundary between Tract B and Lot 32 B as described on Certificate of Survey No. 35 K, said point also bears South 72008'12" East a distance of 30.00 feet from the Southwest corner of said Lot 32 B, thence South 72008'12" East a distance of 314.72 feet along the boundary between said Tract B and Lot 32 B thence South 62012'34" West a distance of 22.82 feet, thence South 83039'35" West a distance of 62.73 feet, thence North 67058'52" West a distance of 149.42 feet, thence South 88035'28" West a distance of 59.65 feet, thence South 56015'45" West a distance of 94.17 feet, thence South 77012'12" West a distance of 43.39 feet, thence North 84021'53" West a distance of 132.14 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way boundary of Big Gulch Road said point bears North 77049'01" East a distance of 210.00 feet from the center of curve number 6 as described on Certificate of Survey No. 35, sheet 2 of 6, thence northerly along a non-tangent right-of-way curve to the left for a distance of 67.66 feet, said curve having a chord bearing North 21024'50" West with length of 67.37 feet and radius of 210.00 feet, thence South 84021'53" East a distance of 153.06 feet, thence North 77011'45" East a distance of 22.56 feet, thence North 56015'45" East a distance of 100.47 feet to the true point of beginning. Certificates of Survey No. 35K and No. 35 are on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. The GRANTORS agree that Russ M. Kramer shall construct and maintain the road in accordance with the specifications of the City of Bozeman. Said maintenance shall continue unless or until the road becomes a part of the street, road or highway system of an appropriate governmental entity. ,~ J ftLM 9OfAGE2751 The GRANTORS warrant that they are lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that they have a lawful right to convey the property, or any part of it, and that they will forever defend the title to this property against the claims of all persons. The GRANTORS further agree that the GRANTEES may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTORS. The terms, covenants and provisions of this easement and agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this J9~ day of ~---, 1985. GRANTORS Ckl<,~ Peter R. Story, iHE. Cox Company .,. ~&feItAL.. C:' 1\LL....:!It:- ~ --- ~c~~ himself Hruska-Langel ~"'~" ," (.....- 1 ";""./ ,,,..-' , oLe :4 t<. ," I ..- ',,--; M~chael H. Hruska '_~" ~ \_C-'~") (:~:~~"'"', ~ /' . ,-- ,"'" .:::::--. ~~....-~ Thoma~ H. Langel - -2- . I'> - filM 90P.!GE2752 I hereby accept and agree to construct and maintain the road as specified in this Public Road Easement. J *~.~;~~ / __....-r.--. STATE OF MONTANA SSe County of Gallatin /0 C_/J, " f.? On the /' day of /' l,,(fL..C0! ltel:..L!, <--. , 1985, before me, a Notary Public fot the State of Montana, personally appeared Russ M. Kramer, known to me to be the individual that executed the foregoing Public Road Easement and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. . ,( t. ~{ ".1 ~t '..~.' t.... (~ j .f . ..J I..A ,/. >".~ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the dC..dr;;,~sQ~:;/ , ". l [', t ~1. -<.. (St-AL): Notary publ' f r State ofl ntana Residing at. t2-~:J. c..;{-4 ontana My Commission e res: /()- /0 _;?!? ",\ .... .... .. .,' .,-:.. ,.' ... - ~ ,~, '..,.c'.... STi\"r:E'" OF MONTANA SSe County of Gallatin On the )7 day of IU~1/,j?4h/U>L- , 1985, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Eileen Story and Peter R. Story, known to me to be the individuals that executed the foregoing Public Road Easement and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS affi?fltttl/I'm)1 seal ',' \\ ':... C }\ t At ,1~/~,;',; . .~/ ' . ~ . . r . . ..... ril', ...,~ .' t,. , . ~ ~ ~ I".. ~ ..,~ '~"..~ ~..h! .f, .,,\f:,~"'-:.,; .'-,;j "',Ii"..".:. '. r"-: ::;(',SE~) i\ J ~ C'~ .-l . S }~}^Ls."-: l ~ . ~~ ~ ~ ,': .',.-,. ~; ,::.~,::~:~.,:./ I,. . .\' , , . . I j I ~ I I . I \ \ WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and on the day and year first written above. )" '/. i:X/l'/)t0.-,--r <<:. Iy'-t~i fZt-lJ-L) tfL~? No ary Public ~or State of Montana Residing at ,C).c4.6??LA-"7L.- , Montana My Commis sion e.*pires: ~l ),:9, IF? ~E OF MONTANA Coun~ of Gallatin " ~......, On the day of before me ,a~'i'(.ptary Public for the personally appear,~.d to be the "-.-., executed the foregoing to me that he executed corporation. SSe ~/ ,.---/ ..--/ , 1985, Stat~~f Montana, // , known to me /' of Cox Company that ad Easement and acknowledged e for and on behalf of said ,....,...~, "- ............ have hereUnto set my hand and and year firse~ritten above. '~ /' IN WITNESS WH.EREOF, I affixed my s~~ the day (/ Notary Public for State of Residing at My Commission expires: -3- ,. , FILM 90P~GE2753 STATE OF MONTANA ss. County of Gallatin On the /9 day of '. .>"/C. '(,<:- }1.,lc-i .'---- , 1985, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Michael H. Hruska, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Public Road Easement and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. ,,_. I ( '~. i::;)i(~>,. ,,' r'I"""'<;\\' ( S~AL l i. l. .... ~ .. .., v : :: ("..., ~-~~ {\ ~ : ," , L_~ -".";" ,,J. .: . . ..... . '. ' :, ~' '~.~ :', .:..: :~<>,.'. ,,' .,/ _.."....,"--"} ................."; -..-..... .1. ( J,I i ,,/' Z /1 // "..,9~",;-:..-~"..61...U..j ""./'.~-<:,,/' ..'' '-'~<'l"'7-:,;::::",:-/' Notary PubliQ';:-f0r State of Mo9jtana Residing a t(X)p~f2I]??(-;'----" 'M<lrltana" ,. My Commission expires: / t) - / c{. -- l?(9 STATE OF MONTANA 55. County of Gallatin , 0 (.--/?, 1 On the /"/ day of //cPI<-rfJU/:.cc7'l ,1985, before me, a ~otary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Michael H. Hruska and Thomas H. Langel, the co-ventures in Hruska-Langel, a Montana joint venture, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Public Road Easement and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. ) " ,I (SEAL' (""~""-'.', --) /1 (//'-==) ---r" / \, /1.' .1 --/) Af // ~~t"~~~Li:-;~<:~6l'~S'~-:t;~;':-~~;n~ Residing at ,~'-::;lJt..t.--1'T-Mbntana My Commission res: /()., /b'. !? f? '. ,,~< ~:I, ,/ ;.. {, ,,' )j:' ".1-' .~ .....~ ,~~ , , .', \ ~....... -4- . . .. ," , , FlU" 90PAGE2754 STATE OF MONTANA 55. County of 9~/L)~rtJM~ On the /z;t... day of 'j)~/!J~ , 198$"', before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared JAOoI;'I(,D L. '1 US .c.I€ ~ GJ}( known to me to be (one of) the partners of the firm of The Cox Company and known to me to be the person(s) who executed the foregoing instrument in the partnership name, and acknowledged to me that r he V executed the same as the act and deed of the partnership. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal on the day and year first written above. ('flr"'t. .' U'< "\;' _ .... jI'.... ..."'...... .t, ~ . .:.,r..". (. ~ "'" t. ..I"", .,. '" ~ J3F.kL) ,j',.. r'\ \. f\ fT[- I .' ,\ \,- ..,. :. ~ ~ ;. f" -f\. i"t ;: , ", \. I.A : :.. . .. ~fIo." ..I\. ""~f ::....... 1/&..;...... .,...... 'tr or ..' '" ' Notary Residi My Co /' t/r-~- t. o-cett?/ lic~f~r State of Montana at t2:::!:LL:.~ ' Montana ssion exp~es: i .17 81 . ~ .! .' ;. 149308 ~~ State of Montana I County of Gallatin f 55. Filed .T,qmlAry lrd ,19 86 at 10. 29 A ____M., and Recorded in book___--.9.~_of --.11ISCELLANEOUS ._tc:l&.e-1.Z.?O ~--,_.~-~,-~~ ,/~ (\.J\.~ Clerk & Recorder BY~__c..Z22(-€- D8pu1y fee $ 25.00 Rt: City of Bozeman -5-