HomeMy WebLinkAbout59- Fridley, Right-of-Way Agreement " , io' . II. 'I:" I':: . , .. .. llIGlfl'ooOF-WU AGRBlUIBlI'1' '-" THIS AQUlUIBlft', Made and entered 1nto this 29th day of May A. I). 1959, by and between MBA rUDL8Y, a widow, of Bozeman, Montana, party of the f1rat part, herelnafter called the Grantor, uQ the CIn OF ,BgZBMAS, . a. municipal corporation of the county of Gallatin, State of M.oft~..a, par:ty of the aecOl'ld part, bere1a- after called. the Grante., W 1 Y B B S S . T B. 1'hat Where.s '-he OI'..1:OI:owa. the Bast Wi of the southeaat Quarter (~...) of lectloa seveD (7), Township Three (3) south, Range 'Lx (6) Bast, M.P..., throuvh which the Grot.. destres to construct and Mifttain . ftoad to 1 taaoutha1c1e water ahed, ud That Whereas the Grant.. i- pl"eseatly 8I\gaged La 11.,01:1at1n9 with the united States For..t 'erv1ce, an a<<;JeIley of the Uft1ted stat.. GoverDlt\8nt, for a tracte of certain lands owned by the Grantee in the Gallatin ..tlonal Fore.t for certain united Stat.. Governntent l,anda within the Gallatin 1Iat10Dal Forest raoreparticu- larly deseribed as the South Half of the lIortbweat Quarter (~) of Section Bight (s),Towaahlp 'J!hJ:".e (3) SoU'th, 1lal1ge Six (6) East, M.P.H., and 'that Whereas when and 1f the afor__t1oned trade of laads bet... the Graat:.. aDdtbe UAited.,.t.. FOl'es' Service is cam- pleted, it i. the 1atcmticm and apeement of the parties hereto that \he Gl'ut.. will ~tJ:..d. 'tbe tract received by it from the unitedSta-tea Government, and above described, for ~he tract f1rst here1na))ove aeacr1bed. o.ed by the Grant.X', ud that such trade between the part i.. hereto would 00.81:1\l1t8 full payment for theriqht-of-way eaa..nt herein g-ranted, and 'fhat whereas if the 1::1:ad. of land between the Grantee and tbe united .tate. por.at Service is Dot oompleted, the Grantor . L.: "!I. ,,' f, ~' would be c......at.d for the 1tivht",of"'way ea__t here1n gruated "S beataafter: Mr. fully apec1!1ecl. New, 'l'DUFOU, 1ft ~1d...at1on of the sum of one Dollar and other valuable eOll.1d.~ai:1oa ($1.00 OVCl), paid to the GrantoJ: by t.be G~..t.., the receipt Whereof 1s hereby aclcfto'Wledged, and ln fUl'ther coaa1d.rat1on of the covenants and agreements on the ~ .,_tle........ __ ..... kept.cl ........d, the (Jh1l~1' hereby grants and conveys to the Grante., its successors and as.1vns, the followlag r1ghts and privileges, to-wit. 1. A petpetual easemeat and ri9ht....of...way for the p\.1:pose of in.talling, aaln" repatring, replac1Jlg' and It\a1ntain.1ng an eighty foot (80') roadway more particularly described as follow, to-wit. Be911ul11\9 at a point 1a the .... "ot1oa " 'fOWllah1p'lhr.. {3 ) South, ltu"eSu ( 6) hat, said point be111;g' 445.5 feet North and 1119.5 f..' ...t of the ...., Quartel' Com... of sud ..et.1ol\ 1, a r1,b,,-0:f-way .t:r1p80 feet in 'Width be1at' 40 feet oa each .1ae of. 'the fol~ow- tag ctescr1bed aen'erlutfu Prom said point of beginning S 31.53' East a distance of 25 feet, 84'.321 ...ta d..taoe of 95.6 f.et, thac. a .trip 100 . fee' in td.4_h bein9 50 feet on each 81de of the cent.ria. I 1S.25' Ba.t a distance of 127 f..t, thence South 35013' Bast . diatance of 122 fe.t, th_oe ...trip 110 feet in W1dth, 40 fe.t to the 1'1,ht and 70 feet to the left of the fOl1ow1afcenterliae .8 26.12' Ba8t a 41stuce of 120 fe.t, thence' 20016' Bas. . d1atan.ce of 50 fe.t, more or 1..., to a po1n.t OIl the lIOutb l1ae of the _ Sec:t.1oa 7, 8.14 pout be1R.9 852.8 fe" west: of the ...tqu.rter aOl1\er of .aid sect1on7, thence coatiltui.ng with the &bOYe 110 foot strip S 20016' laat a distance of 50 feet, thence' '.3'7' Bast a distance of 90t..t, tbeaG. I 19015' ...t a distuce of 104.5 feet, 1:11_0. a strip 60 f.et 111 wi.4th 30 feet on each aLd. of the following center- 11ne I 5029' w..t . 41a,..ce of 133 f..t, thacs .. SO .foot s'trip, 40 fefrt Oft each alde of 'the follow1n9 centerline' 15-14' ...t . d1at1aace of 116.5 fee~J thence S SOlSt Bast a distance of 10 f..t, theao. a 100 foot strip, 40 feet to the r1vht and 60 feet to the left of tbe folloW11\g' oent..1J..ae . 21003 'Baat .. distanc. of 81 fee1uthence 8 3-01' .e.t a distance of 108 teet, thence. 10.09' las' a distance of 80 feet, thelle.' 28011' Bast a di.tance of 60 feet, thence a .trip 80 feet1n width, 40 feet Ot\ 81th_side of tbe fo11ow1Jl9 ccterline S 9049' ..st a d1ataace of 94 feet, iheace . 110 30' Ba.t a d1st...",a of 1$2 faet, theDce S 0.56' W..t .. U.UDce of 81 teet, thence' 3. 37' we8t a 41stanae of 27Sf..t, thence a strip 100 f.et -1- .- f, '. " -, 1ft width, 40 t..t OIl the ri,ht Dd 60 f..' on the left a14. of the fOllow1ft, cental'l1De S 170 36' ..at . diatMea of lJS f.et, thence' 0.28' BUt. & 41s'uO. of 80 fe.t, tbeace . 33.07' ~ a ellataaca of 58 '.et, theace 8 50.331 BUt . cU.atu.ca of 103 'Mt' tlumce . 37.0'1 Bast a cU.,ab.Dce of eJ f..', 1:beDce . 14.421 kat a diatana. of 210 f..', tbehCe S 180211 Baat a cU.atanc. of 87 "atl ,~c. S 10351 Baat a diatance of 152 f..t, thence 8 29.041 Bast a d1atuce of 117 f..t, thence S 57.291 Baat a distance of 119 feet, thence S 480221 East a .......&., ....,.,~... ..11'_....' distanc. of 55 f..t, thence 8 15.031 Bast a diatance of 96 f..t, Il101'. or 1..., to a point on the south 11n. of the BJsaIt of section 7, Township Thre. (3) south, Raft"8 Six (6) Bast, said pcbt beiDg 1.21.0 feet _at of tlle South...., C:Ol'l1er of aa14 Iect10D Se._ (1). situate 1ft Gallatia COUl\ty, HoItt,ana. The' rJ.9ht of lag..... and 4191'... to and from aaid tract 2. of land at all reasoaable 'tmeB for the p~po..Of ta.tall1a" u8lft9', l'epa1r.t.1l9, replaoJ.a9 and aa.ata.t.aug 8a14 80 1 roadway. In cOD.Lei.ration. of the paat.t.n9 by the GrOilor of sa1d ea.e- ..nt utd r191at-of-way, the Grante. hU'eby covenants and agre.. .s follows, to-witt 1. '1'b.at l' will Clon8'tnc:. said roadway, otaaus. the -... to be oODatruc:ted, 1& a good an4 wor'kman11ke manner and With the least po.sible damage to the propeZ't:lf 0 f the Gran1:or. 2. That in the aoaatl'UCtion u.d use of aa1d roadway it: will hold 'the GrantOX' .free .d hu:ale.. of and from any l1abil1ty foJ:' 1nj ur1.8to J)el'aona OX' pt'opel"ty. 3. That if it complet.. ~he trade Of land with the united .tate. F()Z'..t Sarvice .. bea:-ein'before mentioned, it will upon cam- ple,10ft of such '2:'&4. CQllvey to t'be Ql'antol' the SOuth Half of the N'orth".at ouarter (S~) of seetin Bl4Jht (8), !'OWn.hip 'fhx'.. (3) South, 1\an.CJ. eix (6) ....t. M..P.M., iDreturn for wh1ah Grantor will oonvey 110 the Gl'ant.. the Bast Half of the Southwest Quarter (BlttlW'c) ofs.crttoa s.van ('7), 'l'OWAshJ.p 'l'hree(3) South, Ranie Six (6) a.at, M.P.M., Which aaid '1'.. of land shall be and constitute full P8f11l8Dt to the allant.- for the right....of-way 4asement here11\ vrDte4. -3- ... (. ,. . 1 .' 4. 'that 1n the .vat that the afor_.t1oaed trade of lane! between the (lrant.. aad the t:b1 te4 Stat.. For..t Service is not aompleted withLA three (3) years from the date hereof, thtltG2rant.. will P*Y to the ClJt..,or thAt apprai..d value of aalel r19ht-of-way e.a..t, the apprai...d value to be fixed by a board of appraiser., one of WClIIl shall be appointed by the Gran1:ee, OM _*lua_dtor:, .... ..the-.hUd .,. 'b.'.'QI*u.ea:-$ 80 appoiated, and the flad1n98 of auch board of appraisers as to the value afth. 8.14 r19bt-of-way e...ment ancl any damage Whioh may ba.. )a.en caused to the Gr. tor' 8 land Item $.a1d easement and road coastrw:t1on thete_ shall hecOl\elusiv. and binding upon the partie. hereto. fte Gtaatol:' herUy aoveJUmts with the Grant.. that if the Grant.e .hall parton and ob..rve the covenants and cOIld1 t10l'18 on ita part to :be pd.4, kept: _4 perfomed, it may peaceably hold and enjoy the r1g-b.t8 and privileges h.rein granted without any i.-.npt;1oa by ~. CI~_t.o" .GI'. b.eX' heuat: exeoutors, aQm1n18tratoJ:'8 O~ as.1cpl.. Xt 18 further unde:\:'s'tood and agr..d by and between the parti.s her.to 'khat this aIr.....' aball be'bia4ta, upon the hetra, exeou- tor., .dm1a1.tra~., ...c..aora .-d a..19na of the party .1 the 111:'8' put, aC! upon ~he _lICee.soX's llM a..ltns of the pa:rty of the aecoad part. IN 1I'r.mBSS 1IBIR:IOF, ~ Qr_tor baa hereu.ntosat her hand and th* Grant.., the C11;f' of BOze~, baa hereunto .et :.Lt8 band by,. J,ta Mayot' _4 ,1" CleO of ,he C..tt:y' C~l..:.LOl\, each thereunto duly authorized, and bas caused .its corporate seal to he aff1xed a-a-~oftha~ay and year fir.t hereinabove written. ~ ~ Anna .rmi:; . CI.n OF BOZEMAN. it . By ~~~LJ - ~~ , Mayor .APJllJtOVIJ) , C1qr Aitoner -4- . '-- .....' I' ~,. .. ,. .. , 1 " . It ."; ,. STA.'1'B O~ MOlI'tAITA) ) .... County of Gall.tta) Otlthis 1st day of June A. D. 1959, before me. the underaic;ned, a Hotary Public foX' the State of Montana, persona.lly appearea AmlA nIDLBY, DOwn to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me tlIa1l .. ....4;*' 'thAt .... IN wnus, WHBUOF, I have bereunto set my hand and seal the day and year f1~s~ above ~1~~. ~tary P Montaaa Re81cU.D9 at Boa.., My Commission expir 1-9-111 . ftNtB OF MOWAlIA) ) ... County of Gall~~1D) //} "'bie ~' ..daJ'.f ~/ undersigned, a Notary P~1C for the A. .. 1919. _for. _. t.ae state of Montana, personally H01fAl\t) JIRWIN and L. G.. SW\DOAN, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission, respectivelY, of the City of Bozeman, the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that: such cOl'poration executed the same.. IN wrft1B8S trHJmBOl", I bave here a\to set rcrz hand a.nd seal the day and year first above writ1:en.. ,--d&O.~ /h:-~ ~pUb11C for the State of Montaa. Residing at Bozeman, Montana .My Commission eX~_"""if ,.,,,' "", '~.' ".r..,~,;<i ~:.:~'n'\>..i~ 1\r '~'.,.1r,,~(i':C ,-:.:!;'::'t,.'."")\ !In C()M~I,;;'"I'-'N EMIIILS (..(;i'. I., 19!>"