HomeMy WebLinkAbout55- 237 E. Main Cross walk sign
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:5 January 1965
Frank iii. Gray, Adainlltraioor
The Estate of Hary L. :sag.r
Story Building
'Bozeman, MoIltaDa
0&81' Sire
For the proteotion of' 1'ede.tr18>>8 and the promotion of traffio 18 fety ,
the Cl ty of Boze_n propo... to lnatall . "ero.. ..lk- lip, au.pended
on a cable over Maln Street in the block between Boze.n and Rou.e
Avenues. the exact 100at10n will be in front ot the pram!.e. at 231 E.
>>ain Street. of whioh you haTe charge. IlJ1d which are nOW ocoupied OJ
the Bo.eaR Carbure'tor and Electr10 COllpey. The 1108t dedrable ..,. in
whieb to ake th18 installation will be to attach one end of the cable,
from which tbeei91 or .i91s are to be auepeeleel, to the building
elesoribed .bo.... aBel to attach the otb.erend of theeable to the build..
iB& directly &0I'Q8. Main Street. .t 2'40 E. Main Street. the weat part
of which 18 no. occupied by theglectric Servioe Center.
This letter 18 to reque.t your penaiulon and authority for the City of
Bozeman to attaoh or inatall a oabl. on the prea1s.. at 231 E. )fain
Street. as described and for the purpose &s outlined above. If such
permt.a1011 i8 ,ranted. the City ot BoaeMtl will.
1. Ilake the inatallation here~n described entirely at ita expense.
2. Kek_ thia inetalla tion in .. first clan. worloaanl1ke me.nner 80
that it will be .at.and 80 that it will caUBe no temporary or
permanent damage to the build ing or buildings on which 1 t 18
instaUed and 80 that DO hazard will be oreated to any person
or per8on8 from the installation.
3. Be wholly responsible for proper oare and maintenance of the
proposed. installation.
4. Hold the owner., agent. and oocuplllllta of the prembea on which
the in.taU.tion iaud. wholly free and harmless ['rom any Iou
or daaage which might ari.. trom such install.tion.
6. At any time 1lIben changes or additiona are deaired to be ....to
the buildings desorib.4 herein whioh would b. interfered. with
,.;:;",'~~'Wo: :,~"o-'~_........._,,_
~... .....
Frank M. Gray, Admini8trator
The E.tate of Mary L. Eagar
Z January 1966
Page 2
by the oable proposed herein to be installed, the City of Bozeman
will. at its expense, have suoh oable removed and fUlly repair any
and all damage whioh haa been oav..d by the oabl. hav1nE been
installed and maintain.don the building.
We respeotfully request that, if you grant and authorize the request herein
made, you so indicate by signing the endor8ement made below on this letter
and returning one oopy of the letter to va.
City llanager
City of BOleman
Bozeman, Montana
Permi8sion i8 hereby granted to the City of Boseman to install cable .s
described in the foregoing letter and in acoordanoe wi th the terms set
forth therein.
Yours truly.
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