HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- Derzay Public Street Easement ..."\-, " ~. ~ J~i4rrl~ I , " "' II II III 1111 "" II ~~.~~F?~: Snelley Vanee-Gallatln Ce MT MISC 18,00 .." .' PUBLIC STREET II~ASEMENT t'v'licheal and Kat',' Derzay GRANTOR, in consideration of $ l.00 and for other ancl valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to Ih.~ City of Bozem.HU, a municipal corporatiun of the State of rvlontana. with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59771. (J(i40, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement flll. the use of the public, in, through, ,1I1d across a strip of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, 9-5 feet wide to be located on the {()lIowing described real property: That Tract of land shown and descri bed on 17 fm 1594 plat, Gallatin County Records, located in the Southwest one-quarter of Section 35, 'T'ownship 1 South, Range 5 East, \',f'v1.!\L (;,dlalin County Montana, The casement is more particularly described on the attached Exhibit(s) A which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR states that he possesses the real property described a.bove and that he has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon, The GR^NTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR, The krllls. covenants, and provisions of this easelllent shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors. administrators, personal representatives, SLlccessors, and assigns of the parties herdo. DATED this L day of '~. ~~~2000_, CITY OF BOZEMAN Z~Pry- By STA'fE OF MONTANA ) )ss. ) County of Gallatin On this ~ day of --1)~ , 2000, bC1(HC me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared , -1'!l\.L'v~.,"ffiL1J...li2.z~"_m__"' known to me to be the persun \,hose name is subscribed to the within instrument, kind acknowledged to me that he did execute the same, , t 1111111111111111111111 ~~;~~~:~ ~p . ShllllY Vanol-Gallatin Co MT MISC 19.00 "\- IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. \\1\11111/// \\\ /11 ,,"\'.~~. .q~XpUA?''/ " ,~', "Y....-, ,.. "'- <::J'" ' Y' ..- f .:~OTAR/~~", % :. *: -'-., : * :: ;_ {f),x'." SEA L, ,:'~ ! -:-. .d/'.." , . -<-"" .;: -' 1 1::'- ' .' ~\ ... , ,,- . . .. . \-- ....... ">" OF MO ...,' 1'// \\\ /1/111 1\111 (S EA L) 'f::?;A""O. ))g ffN)~ Nutary Public /'(ll' the S dte 01 Montana Residing at C"'""",i.i.',,^o~^,,,,- My COlllmission expires /Jv/v 16 ~ct?~ I T NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Montana Residing at Bozema~. Montana My Commission Expires July 16,2003 ^CCEI~TEDl -1 CITY OF BOZEMAN by its (}l12~ Clerk of the City Commission STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss, County of Gallatin ) <f'1 1.tW/ On this jL.,. day of mn. . 20(~ before rne, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appe,' CLARK V, JOHNSON and ROBIN L. SULLlV AN. known to me to be the City Manager;: d Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same I(lr and 011 behalf of the City of Bozelllan, IN WITNLSS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aHixcd my official seal the (~lY ,1ild year first above written, ~ . ' ',> ""j , . ". ,.s! (SF:AL) J . /\ j \ '"' , .~ Notary Public {or State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana 1\11y Commission Expires:__;L::c..)- -():? .tl. P~EPAR:;O BY: FLUIDYNE Set.nll.f.' Engln..r.' Inv.ntor.. 25 NORm WILLSON, SUITE F, BOZEMAN, MONfANA 59715 M 406-586-2289 FAX 586-2335 -q- PROJECT: DERZA Y PUBUC STREET EASEMENT SCALE: 1'-100' SHEET TITLE: EXHIBIT A DATE: 09-20-00 SHEET NO: 1-1 DRAWN BY: CHJ'I~, 0. .... ~ I'f) .;,;. N<'>6J sog ~<'>~ 4r'II .. ~ -..- N"tO 0.... Ii! I BAXTER LANE SUBOIVlSON No.1 LQL1 JAljES O. &: BONNIE L SECOR 0,9093 ACRES UIJ I ~5 , I 00 I i ~ I I I I o II> ... Ii: l- E o o I: &! j BAXTER LANE SUBllMSON No,1 J.QLZ RIa1ARD S, a: ROBIN 8, WILiER 0,90113 ACRES .. --< --< .. c.r I . o I: " :>- ,.. . - AS R, ARROTTA ,9119 ZONH) AS ROB't'N OARVlS 1851m 1982 ZONH) AS KAlHY &: toIICHAEL DERZAY 10Jfm 3351 2.00 ACRES I,... F .&1 I II" <> ..., I~ I~ 1 1 I I 1 I ZOffil: Rl K1NDor.t HAlL 116fm 2551 2.57-4 ACRES I I I I I I I ~L I \ . ~ II> -seiJ-woo'W . 1i5,:i6'"" . s1/4 CORNER SECTION ~ BOZEMAN CITY LIMITS 100 50 0 ~ SCALE 1 '= 100 I 100' 200 I Z(HO AS Xl. UllllEO PARlNERSHIP 179fm 2076 PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT DESCRIPTION The South 45 feet of that Tract of land shown and described on 17fm 1594 plot, Gallatin County Records, located In the Southwest One-Quarter of Section 35. Township 1 South. Range 5 East. P.M.M., Gallatin County. Montano.