HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- Resort Drive Public Street & Utility Easement, Delaney and Co. J 1111111111111111111111 ~!;~;~?i~~, Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 24,00 ~ ~ . PUBLIC STRE~~T ANI> UTILITY EASEMENT (Resort Drive) Delancy and Company, Ine" a Montana Corporation, of 101 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715, and WBW, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, of 6220 141st Av-enu~, SE Bellevue, WA 98006, GRANTORS, in consideration of$I.00 and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main Street, P,O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual public street and utility easement for the use of the public, over, under, and across, a strip of land 60.00 feet wide, situated in Gallatin County, Montana, and located on the following described property: Tract A, Certificate of Survey No. 1872, located in the S W 1/4 of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East ofP.M.M.. Said easement is more particularly shown and described on the attached "Easement Exhibit D", which by this reference is made a part of this document The GRANTORS state that they possess the real property described above and that they have a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTORS further agree that the GRANTb:l--<: may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR, The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representati ves, successors, and assigns of the parties hercto, IJATEIJ this fl;t'<Iay of _____~ GRANTORS: ,2000, DELANEY AND COMPANY, INC. a Montana Corporation WBW, LLC, a Washington I .imited Liability Company Ml\~\ -~- by: Michael W. Delaney, president ,11/ II /1/~ L L c. b' ,<14." '--':?.-te' (, y ....L.,::.~."'~ ~. Its: ----7L. ~:~/7~----.-- : 1111111111111111111111 ~~;~~~:0i~~, Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 24 00 " s'rA TE OF MONT ANA } }ss, County of Gallatin } On this 1-)1 ~ay of .__,.._".__,._.__,2000, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Mont' la, personally appeared Michael W. Delaney, known to me to be the president of Delaney and Company, Inc., a Montana Corporation, and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of said Corporation, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written, TARY PUBLIC OR THE STATE OF MONTANA Residing at. ~/:4W'~ ~ My Commissi./ xpires_.uu.5 '.:70 - ("] 3 SEAL , , ,<:...,',".~.~"t~.:.'t~:' ~ '" ....,. ., ,.... ~... .;' ' -,;''(' a 8\\:'\ .. ':". : r-," ;w, '7:.. :~:. > ,,'- / : " ".' ~ ,.. '. . ~'> t, ". ~ ~.'4 4,.t.'" 'o,~" ,~ ,.~~~,'(.':'.":1II:;1'~.:* t,,- i'),.....:..t" " /:'.. ......:. ~ !I.~l',..i a 4- ~. (' ,....... .. ",' ... ...,..> . '.~it.~ ~ ,', '\ STATE OF WASHINGTON } }ss. County of King } On this d--9._~, day of A~ , 2000, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, personally appeared Melvin G. !leide, known to me to be the Manager ofWBW, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of said limited liability company. ~. i., h,('fz~~ NOTARY PUBLIC FOR, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON R~siding at ~~. My Commission expires IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and anixed my No..tarin-"'~~j..{~lC day and . -': ~,-Ml'r"\ year first above wntten. f.::...<;;' ...........O.y't, ;' 0-...~c;,S\ON 1.2..(-.:' ~ " "" Q: .. ~ .<l'. (" , t - :~ ..\OTARy ~". \" ~ I. : 0 \'" ff\ . I ~ : () -.- CI) : ~ 'I . PUBUC . 1 , ./'\' . ~ "" ,,"..... S ",?- .'0::;;: # ,., . '1 9 v .'~ # SEA"""'~:."',,.:.,.~~" ~ \\\ OFWAS';\'\ _-- ,,',"'-.---- ACCEPTED BY CITY or BOZEMAN: 1_-\ - -- by: Clark V. Johnson, City Manager ~-- ,(qT.~f)-~ ATTEST: (ivt: 2' ~ Robin 1" Sull ivan, Clerk of City Commission . . , "111111111111111111 II ~~;~~?:~~, . Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin eo MT MIse 24,00 ~ STATE OF MONTANA } } ss. I I COUNTY OF GALLATIN On this /x1..;f day of ,2000, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally apll red Clark V. .Johnson and Robin L Sullivan, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITN SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my oIlicial seal the day and yearfirs abo~vew~itte . ,.' 1\ \ L~ -\', " ~ "'~ ,\ ~._~. ~~... I ~ , .','If , '-: ...~ I ,~...... OTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA ~,., ...., ".1- Residing at Bozeman, Montana ;': f ' '. My Commission expires: ~. /f-iJ }- SEAL .~. Co '... " r , ~~, .' '.r ~" \', g:\c&h\9<)\')') I 63\ol1lcc\Delancy I :ascmcnt 4 . a: It) ~ UJ1 ~ ....- 6)-0 N.o~ .... ... ~ um -.0 - Ul- N ..'" 0..0 ( r, a o ... N o ~ E l- E o o r: .--< ... .. - .. CI , . o <: .. > >- . - - . L ell Q ~ Lti~ ~. xi ~~ al~ i~ ~ . ro ~ g ~ ~~~ i': 0 cX::O@ ~f~ ~ 6"~ r-- t.J~) M Z ~~,~ w u" 2 .{c~~ ld t; ~ ~ UJ 2 ~ :; < J-:r, (J) W ''''c",' ~ua )- .t 6 . f-- g -" ~ I ~2 ~ ~ - .. 0 0- f-- ~~ (J) ~ ] Q2:5 ~ Ool..l,J o ,. lJ') Z'. gs ~ <i " cOt;:: <( gbv; ~) I- ~:5N uJ "" c ~: W ~ -~ l~~ It' "t.,- ~ :~~~ ~! 0 ~ u t:1'~ ,.J .~) Q ,~ m ~~.~ J o.c!5 Il .2 ~ 0 ~g~ III OJ ~ ;< Cl ~~~ '" 0 :;: ~ "t~ (f) tv l:i ~ ~lJ,)""'" o "',s_'O ((J g2~ ~.~8 Q"2.2 o 0 (0 u "0 u c <( 0 0 n I n: o ~J 6 "I ;c3S I ~ I ~~ I ~l ~ ~" & I] '~i::~ ..Q ~::J : l -- ~ , ~ '1' I I I ~ z o III "J NOISVlIOlJns trl J.3TIV^ I~I ~ ~,"L, .LN30S3clO ~J o....Q z~~ v') ~ 8 ~ ~"i; r-I\~ S~ ~ / rff/ [>1.",......1 l<l -=' J.. L._._ -.. ,,,,_ .,,___ ___ anUlIlty U08nn.taJl". 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