HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- Ferguson Ave. Public Street and Utility Easement ':> ., ... 1111111111111111111111 ~~;~i~:l:~~, Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISC 18,00 PUBLIC STREET AND lJTILITY EASEMENT (Ferguson Avenue) Michael W. Delaney and Ileana Indreland, of 101 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715, GRANTORS, in consideration of$I.00 and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montmla, with offices at 411 East Main Street, P,O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual public street and utility easement for the use of the public, over, under, and across, a strip of land 50.00 feet wide situated in Gallatin County, Montana, and located on the following described property: Tract B, Certificate of Survey No. 1872, located in the S W 1/4 of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East ofP.M.M.. Said casement is the east 50.00 feet of said Tract B, and is more particularly shown and described on the attached "Easement Exhibit B", which by this reference is made a part of this document. The GRAN'T'ORS state that they possess the real property described above and that they have a lawful right to grant an easement thereon, The GRANTORS further agree that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representati ves, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto, DA TED this /',(/~y of d~_.___.._, 2000, GRANTORS: 7-~- '^JJ\. ~ --:> Michael W" Delaney J~~ Ileana Indrcland STATE 01" MONTANA } } ss. County of Gallatin } On this J1-z;1...dayof AA./'A ,2000, bet()fe me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State ofMon~na, personally appeared Michael W. Delancy and Ileana Indreland, known to me to be the persl:ms whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same, ... 1111111111111111111111 ~~;~~~?:~~p Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 18,00 .'<Ii ~ .... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and Year first above written",,'\'''~'!''iI'';' \\ ", ..... ~~ 1 l' J; ;" .,1",. j ~(i"'" ~. ,,~,,'" '.....:...............41...,.. .,:, -'''" .;: .:..~;...~t.. ~,' ..,~v".....:-- ; ;'~'l1 W: 3 S'" -y':, ~'K -.%' Y.',~ ~ C'~ ~ :\:,;~\ ,," ,>:. ' rr- '~:~, i' '.. ""","J'-I' ~~., .~,:, ~~~>:"''''*'4!lIII,lQ'''''''''''..~' "~ , /'>...,r.....'/".. "'~"."'Ifollll'.~ ~,. ,_' ", ' t'.'" It..........., ~ ~-1A fi?cay}4ft'~ N' TARY PUBLI " FOR THE S IA I h Of MONI ANA Residing at ef"~~.,. H1'- My Commissio xpires _.s... -,;7 () , D -3 SEAL li"'-:I'll .", ACCEPTED BY Crry OF BOZl':MAN: ,,', .,..,.=-'\.--"""'-----'-- by: Clark V. Johnson, City Manager ATTEST: ~ ~. .. . .@ . .-- ... Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of City Commission STATE OF MONTANA } }ss. COUNTY OF GALLA TIN } On this 19- day of /J.., 11 Y , 2000, beflxe me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, persona~;ppeared Clark V. Johnson and Robin L. Sullivan, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same, for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written, ozeman, Montana ission expires Inl/tjal ~ 0 r,.1 ~ \',' -..' , ,~~,.." ". .....~.;I.~ ,', ...~.,~ t)7' ,,~'v ~f""',,:~~' SEAL '. ~ ~ \, ~ -/, ~.~ i 0 d. l-r.~ :~! ,.,... 0,.,. .' So- -:t- rA ,>: .f ~ /' ~. "'i"..j. .,.' ~'<, :' .( ~ '...".' ...' ,.,.' · "". ~;~ Y' .,.' " ' . .\\' ',",:-,.t<:.""""4I" g:\c&h\99\99I 63\ofticc\Dclancy Fascmcnl2 . ~ ~ EASEMENT EXHIBIT B TRACT ~ cas NO. 1872 LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. OF P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA , . .~ ~ 41 " - 50 VVIDE PUGue STREET AND UTILiTY EA,SEME~T Po. 50.00 foot wide 6aSerT,ent for pubHc street .:Jnd utilities lFERGUSON AVENUE), located ~n Tract 8, Certificate of Sur-ley ho. ~ 872, according to the plat thereof. on me and cf record irl the office of the Clerk an" Recorder, Gallatin County, MontGrla. a t1G located in ttce SOUUhV€st Quarter of Sl3cfon 10, T. 2 S" R. 5 E. of P. M.M. Sa'd easement is described os follows, g:N GIS (D-- ;;;(o)~ goN 51-~ 51lo> ~ ~ m ~ 'tl I R-] I COS No, 161 1"rorl ~ 1 DeiI::rey 3: Corr.por:,. ,-C1/4W" S<<.lIJ / f~__c. /L- ~-=- _ - If Babcock Street ~-- "i~ ~~'.-r W Ln. ~, " s-j r; ~oog rs 1 BEGINNING ZOI-.JED R-4 I ~~~ ~~l ~ East C;;; L'i' --....... ~>, ~~~ "-"~ \, oio,!l> OIN lD _Sjf'l ~~8 en '-' I ! o i L,___ i Ravalli Street I - ~- - LCT 1 ~ "BLOC!< :2 Kr li!C1oFr ~ Z UJ <.) {{l '" '" '-' LOT BLo....i': ZONEJ LOT E!LOCK ',j r'\_ POINT OF' z o ij; :> Ei m ::l {{l o COS NO.!005 360_00<,>. 119 Fm oW2.3 ----~- .-J West Babcock Strl?et ,,,",," I _ I ""'.", ---------I-~I-----------~ I~ --: iDSTlfS 'Ii M:i: iI.Ca:5IS N<<J 1..'lIi.:l~{ E.~ fER .oos ~.u7'" . /XI I !' ')ED R-O i ; / ~46'''-'t'T'I ~! cm''It ! I i ! ! ZONED R-O 11 ~ ~ 111 g '" ~ ~ ;;; .. .. Q ., ;;l l: '" ... 1 g ~ ; , I [S89'48'33-E] I 09011'27" 50.00 \, ! \1, ,...., w. . -I"- ili~1t) ~~g g8N ZO '-' D < o It: - ---L- '" -- D~ :;:;0: f-~ UJ ",,,, 1!"2 "'0- ,,:z ~~ "-< ~~ . :J of "':J ZCNED R-O TRACT A. cas NO. 187 C 886.317 SQ Zl' 2:0.347-0 AGR ES -~~ - - TRA,CT B cos NO. 1872 4-.224,237 so FT 96.9751 ACRES j i . \ i -t I ] I [ . ........."'"'1_ I I 'oo==- L_~=... I "_ I-- - "__ ~~~"II I , , I'T" 1 i I I I I ! i I liS TR,4CT 2 c:os ~m. 1 e4S ,,'-- U~ ~ ~~~ U~ I 1 1 I I I TRACT 1 lcos NO. lS106 J ~W Holding i 1 I I I I Iii \, j E [' \. 1 150 90, '--- - - S Fallon Street i-ZONED ~-p !, ' k~' .,~L -JL , ~ ~ Va.Uey CIJ:!~ DriVe r ~$I .- el g !& I 8 ., .,L ~ ~ i i !YEN SPACE 1t: ,IUJIL G"P {Iob:1Io(I :e "'------ - R/41'1i...<,~- _ 19.7-4/ .tt.:l3 ~ \ 27O"OO'Z;:~ 2S5"M"10~ 50.00 MSU F~tIO/'; [_"'00] ,,,,,",0"0] 7<roo'20~ [N89'59' 4Q.W' #991 c,3. ZONED B-P ~ .30"9-;' r.500.J8 ~~ W ~ Huffine Lane-[:''':~ -=--.- _ - ~ -(U.&1Hght.lf.rqjlfo.ffJO- - - M.J..4. Gou-,i Vd<b'ltI ~'lo.. [\m'J4'<n1 , 1 I ,i I I I ZOf,ED 8-P ~ ~ l :Rid) HoIdln~ ! I I I I I on! 001 rl - j ~ffJ.62 '1' I 136.+6 1 j 2e!r.l5".J5. " J 2'j'3--W'1O'" i: Ift--L- ~ ~~ \IE~Ia"WJ stf(~~9<<.1C- 1 - ~~)~~ ": 2~~]55. ~ F. ~~untz [57~ I I I I I ,I 'OJ ,0:; ,0 I~ ,'OJ Ig I~ .s - I~ / FUr= I ~ ......, ! LOT 3 i El...Cl()o~ :5 ! // ;,~>-: of i!l i it; I " 1 ~ ~-N 1 ~J8 I ""," ~ I ;i , m. I ,~ ~. I '.....,~ ''-----,I .... ~ 1 ~ I 111 Quane U.S. Highwny I.jo. ; 9 1 (Huffir.e Lon e 8 iine of the Southwest Commencing -at the Center Q uGrter Corner of said Sedion -1 0; the nee southerly 18iJ 26' 51", assumed azimuth 'from north, 442,96 feet along the east of said SecUon 10 to the pOfnt of begin !ling oi the easement to be descr;bed; thence continuing southerly 180~ 26' 5 fl azimuth 2 ~ OO~41 feet along Said east I~ne: tl1erlce westerly 270' 00' 20. ,oz'muth 50.00 feet alc-n';J the north right of ,,-oy !irle c-i thence northerly 000' 26' S1. azimuth 2100.S7 feet; thence easterly 09C. 11' 27" azimutrl SO.OO feet along the north line of said Tract to the point d beginning. LOT -E!t..(Q: AREA= 105,024 SO FT 0'- 2.4110 ACRES OWI,ERS: MICHAEL IV" OELAND ILE4NA iNDRELANO :N'" I I Scale In Feet 40C) 0 4 CJiJ i ! ~ i 1](1 0 120 Scale Tn Meters Ce.,HENGINEERING ANDI SURVEYING, INC. . Cir:il Engm~erlug . Structural EngWeerlug . Land Surve"rlng 2415 "est Main Street, Suite 1 Bozeman, }Ion tana 59'71 B She e t 1 of 1 <<16\587-1115. Fax: (400}587-9768 ~ r&he" .&