HomeMy WebLinkAbout93- France & Cape Public Road Easement 4, ~ 'f. ,I 1 .. '. FILM 156 PACf3229 PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT Grace E. France and Joann L. Cape, 4350 Airport Road, Belgrade, Montana, 59714, GRANTORS, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corpora- tion of the State of Montana, GRANTEE, its successors and as- signs, for public road purposes, a perpetual road easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across the following property situated in Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: (See Exhibit A, Legal Description Exhibit B, Site Map) The GRANTORS warrant that they are lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that they have a lawful right to convey the property, or any part of it, and that they will defend the title to this property against the claims of all persons. The GRANTORS further agree that the GRANTEE may peaceable hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted withdut any interruption of the GRANTORS. The GRANTEE agrees to grant the GRANTOR two (2) 70 foot approach access, along with the rights to enjoy and the full use of ap- "-. 1',," J .. proaches. See Exhibit B. filM 156 PAC[3230 The terms, convenants and provisions of this easement and agree- ment shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. A.. II " DATED this ,'::1 \ c , day of filM 156 P~Ct3231 , 19'::~~ ~ /)/) DATED this ~ day of STATE OF MONTANA ) SS. County of ) On this :9\ day of \ \ \,r,. , 1993, before me a N tary Public for the State ~M~tana, personally appeared ,." ~....:....~~'IT~______, known to me to be the individual who ~~' ~ecuted the foregoing Public Road Easement and acknowledged to ~~'<.).. fJ)i't the executed the same. 'CJ ' ..... ~'" () "'\ A.,.i.... {. .<: i~' ~ .:' \ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~t~~ '.1 mr ':, ,,\~on the day and year first above written. ~Cft S~ '.L't, < J_ . . , ;,.I. ....t' ,.~ "\ ,\ _ ...,r,~ .-r ~*I' "0+"; Residing ~~~~\'1.,~:\::e~ State of Montana " '. "'*~'!~'~:",#' ," My Commission expires: -\..(~..(\ <5 '~I.~ STATE OF MONTANA ) ss. County of ) On thisL7 day of \U.-,V\-L.- , 1993, before me a Notary Public for the StateJof Montana, personally appeared --~~\~_~~~~~_______, known to me to be the individual who executed the foregoing Public Road Easement and acknowledged to me that the executed the same. d' '';~~' In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed , ..}. ,,,,,;;Seal, on the day and year first above written. 4., "tJ. ~+ ,,) '~i ll;<:'..",. ,()'\~~'''l.~t'>1Jt> \i ", " \'Q.CeJ "(" 1:" ~~. ~. f '. .('{J"J ' ,1'1' ' for the State of Montana ';~~:,SE:ALJ~ ./ in: e'~~~~CLVL (-"1 Jt"; .,~. '. >' ... "r,,f ',....Jf~,~r" ' \\ .. !# ' ~.. ",'" 0 &" t,\ () . A .", r;,_" " c:\legal\rdeaBe filM 156 PACf3232 '. , 4~ I' lr I A EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A strip of land, 120 feet in width in the East ~ of Northeast ~ of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 2, Thence South 85059'18" West, a distance of 763.20 feet to the true point of beginning. Thence along an arc a distance of 448.50 feet, said arc having a radius of 1849.86 feet and central angle of 13053'29"; Thence along a spiral to the Southeast a distance of 147.80 feet, said spirals centerline has tangent of 677.33 feet and spiral angle of 2015'00"; Thence South 34039'43" East, a distance of 195.62 feet; Thence along a spiral to the Southeast a distance of 152.75 feet, said spirals centerline has a tangent of 613.19 feet and spiral angle of 2037'30"; Thence along an arc a distance of 501.45 feet said arc having a radius of 1697.02 feet a central angle of 16055'49"; Thence South 89044'12" West, a distance of 34.19 feet; Thence South 01042'57" West, a distance of 1263.04 feet; Thence South 84033'38" West, a distance of 12.76 feet; Thence North 01043'28" East, a distance of 698.34 feet; Thence along a spiral to the North, a distance of 147.25 feet, said spirals centerline has a tangent of 613.19 feet and spiral angle of 2037'30"; Thence along an arc to the Northwest a distance of 857.00 feet, A" I"J '" Jl"i.. ! r .. . . f1lM 156 PACf3233 said arc having a radius of 1577.02 feet and central angle of 31008'11"; Thence along a spiral to the Northwest, a distance of 147.25 feet, said spirals centerline has a tangent of 613.19 feet and spiral angle of 2037'30"; Thence North 34039'43" West, a distance of 221.25 feet; Thence along a spiral to the Northwest a distance of 152.20 feet said spirals centerline has a tangent of 677.33 feet and spiral angle of 2015'00"; Thence along an arc a distance of 517.07 feet, said arc having a radius of 1969.86 feet and central angle of 15002'22"; Thence North 89044'41" East, a distance of 125.95 feet to the true point of beginning. Said tract contains 4.30 acres more or less and is subject to all easements of record. c:\legal\exhibita -49-4NDDlvfD I?I? I?/II' 1 I'l .,. T. 2 Cl WfTl l"'1Z 00 ZZ W' )>-' xeD iTl:i! ;u)> I < 01"'1 )>. ^;u "'\JUl ;Ur-v Olol ffl(}l 01 -I~ (fiN -1-""'- )>"'-1 . Ul -' -l (]I)> O. + <0 NO !"+ (}IN Vl!" IJ1 lol c::::J o r- ~ Ul r- l"'1 r 5 8 I/) 0 rtl-' -l -l 0......... '" . -J>. .... ", loll/) TRAC 8 (}1m -' ........ -J>. .~ ~<;,~ ,"" ,q,1,; <,..9> ""~'t.~1,; '" !:i ~& , '" N . I I . . I I . II . I I . . I I . . I I ' . I I ' . I r . r I . II I . . I I . , I I . . I 1 I" I : . I I . i I t I q.o~.\::> . \0'" . ?" '-" ,..:ot> . I. i-- ....;~ !h /~. ~ ',... """~~IV~ ~ ':';;'0 ,," N'6'" ' ",\II ,,"..."'....~ ... ~ II ~~9.~i,<J'.<8.b. '8 oe.~<g-:-,9''o %'6, t . -\>'P",'!',O. , 0 'CS< ~."'. . ~'<6 Z rtl I I/) ('1"\-' 2 0........ -J>. ..., NZ r- ..., l"'1 )> !l! -' z ........ Cl -I>- Z f'l ,.. 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