HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- Walker Release and Satisfaction Dated this ('".) -\ day of I-..J 1)1Ou.A-~v ?- , 197-6. -- .. R E LEA S E AND SAT I S F ACT ION The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $1,935.40 as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipe line by the City of Bozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem- ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Easement and Right-of-way Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer Pipe Line" dated the 11th day of June 1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana in Book 4 of Miscellaneous page~. The undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all covenants to be kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfac- tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all 1iabil- ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each and all of the aforesaid covenants. STATE OF MONTANA ) ( ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this ~ day of ~ .fpJ ,19l:2--before me, the undersigned a No_tary publiC for the State of Montana, p;;;onally appeared -r~1IlA-.. 'J' 1- ,._ C:\\f\\;!: m__~) ~_4--_ __n___ ____~__,_"_~~ known to me to be the persons described in and who si~ed the foregoing instrument as Grantor and acknowledged to me that l~BV had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Notarial Seal on the day and year set my hand and affixed my ertificate f rst above written. N tary Public fo the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires CJ -/5 "71 ,. '\ -Ii ._. r \.''[:tnaJ EASEl'<ENT AIm RIGHT-Of-WAY ACHZEV1E;NT FOR A SANITARY SEw2R PIPE LIt~ THIS AGEEE~1ENT, M.?de <'nd entered jnto thi.s 11 th d.?;'t of June A.D. 196 9, b;y and bcb,een J.3mes J. g. E. Janeiv"lker Jv'rUes of the first ps,rt, hereinClfter called the Grsntors,<>nd THE CITY OF m1'S}-"'\~J, n lT1unicirrl ccrpor'3tion of the St2te of MonU,nA, in G~ll"tir. County, the p~, rty of the second 1='<' rt, herei_nafter CA,lled the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS The Grantors are the legRl record title cwners of portions of the NE~, KEL, 3ccticn rhirtJI-five (35) -"lnd the s'/hL jJ~~~, '>::ctionThirty-six (3:,) TIS, R5E, F. P .1';. .,{lei ~1JHEli.EAS, the CrenLee, in the exerci.se of its power nnd R.\H,hority 8S R nnm-Lcipality of the State of HontpnR, proposes to construct Anu install ."l sanitRr;y sewer trunk line to collert and LN1IlSport spwage and domestic wastes from various .qreas within the City of Bozer:'1Rn to the rH~l,'1 ~8W'" ge dispo:cal rb,nt s:ite located in the 3E1;:, NHL ,:md Sv-l~, f,,",'1-_ .l.1!..L.J iT' Section 26, TIS, R5E, LP.l:. Haul;:] run Across the Grantors Ipnd; and I'vHEREAS, the GrAntee desires to acquire from the G:::,,"ntors, "r:d th,~ Gr"n',e r':c ;;Y'o. "r~ ll.ing te, ":[',,nt to the Grcmt,"e "n C'J::"''T,::':'t ,"T,"; rLgLt-cf'--..,-<',; RcroS3 thp !'ibove described property of the Grantors, and their heire', executor?, Adrllinistr,'}tors, successors And assigns, for the purpose of jnstcllli~g, oper- ating, using, repairing, repl~cing, maj.ntaining, and removi~g said sanitary sewer pipe line and for such other riGht s of access end incirlent"l rights as are hereinafter described, all 25 hereinRfter r.lOre p<'Jrticu,lRrly provided. NO vi, THEHEFOhE, in consideration of the sum of 1.!50.00 in hpnd ppid b,y lhe City of BozemC'n, the receipt whereof is hererlJ' :Jcknowledged, end in further considerC'tion of the cOVfmrmts and agreement s bet\'1een the perties hereto, the Grantors have granted, bRrgained, sold, conveyed, ')nd confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grant, b,"lrgain, sell, convey, and confirm unLo the said Grantee anu itf; successors cmd assigns the following rights and pr:ivileges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right-of-way for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing p sanitary sewer pipe Line and appurtenances there to upon cmd Ficross the ,,'Dove described properties of the Grantors. ~ _._4 ;; i':" 1084 TRACT "A" A S::mit2-ry Sewer easement and right~or-way lying wi.t.hi.il the Northeclst. Querter of the NortheRst Quarter (NE~ NE~) of Section l'hirty.,.,five (35) and the Southeast QU2rter of the Southeast Quarter of Section TwentJ'-six, TIS, R5E, :r<.P.l.'.. Rnd more particularly descrilJed as'" thirty (30) foot wide 8esement fifteen (15) feet on either side of the following described centerline: Beginning ilt 2 point on the south hqnk of the Jackson-Luce Irrigation ditch, 85 now constructed and lyin8 in the Northeast Quarter of the North- east Quarter (NEk NE~) of said Section Thirty-five (35), sajd point lying on the common property line between the Rolfe and Wood properties and the propert;y of .JRmes J. 2nd E. Jane Walker 2nd lying fifteen (15) feet 'N'esterly of the Southwest !-iii~hway High t-of..,Jday line ~,r lnter2td,e 90" :;t,pt ion 1550 + 60; thence l'Jorthvresterly fifteen (15) feet from and p8TRllel to thFl ;.Jouth-, \iest Highway Hight-of-Way line of Interstate 90 along a four thousc-md one hundred seventy-two and five tenths (4,172.5) feet radius curve GO the left a distRnce of eleven hundred twenty-six and thirty five htmdredths (1126.35) feet to Highway Stption 1539 + 00; thence Northwesterly fifteen (15) feet distant from and p2ra11e1 to the Highway Right-of-'day line of InterstAte 90 A distance of fifty-~even Rnd seventy five hundredths (57.75) to Highl-J-ay Station 1538 + 40; thence continuing Northwesterly fifteen (15) feet distant from Hnd parallel to Highway Right-of ";'We,y line of said Interstpte 90 ,glong a four thousand one hundred fifty-seven and five tenths (4157.5) feet radius curve to the left a. distance of six hundred seventy-six and three tenths (676.3) feet more or less to Highway Right-of-Way StRtion 1531 + L,O.99 being a point on westerly line of the Southeast ~uarter of the Southe2st Quarter (SE~ SE~) of Section Twenty-six (26) T1S, R5E, }f..P.M. being the westerly line of the James J. and E. Jane Walker property. Total centerline distance of easement 1~60.4 feet, together with a temporary right to enter and occupy during construction And installation of a. Sanitnry Sewer an 8dditionRl thirt;Y" (30) feel, of width westerly of and adjacent.. to the :,bove desoribed easement as sho\'ffi on Exhibit "A". TRACT "B" A S . t S t d . ht f ]. . t }. e co',:. 'fT<' 1 Flnl ,ar;y ewer eR,semen an rlg -0_ -way __.Y11"1;:': lr. ,l >_)i"h,., l<'_, '-1-' :;ecticn 36, '1'lS, E5E, F.P.I<. more pRrt.ioul;orly dsscrU,ed as ('cllm.rs: A triangular tract of lend containing approximc-1tely seven hundred twenty (720) square feet of land lying between the northeasterly right-of-way line of U.S. 1110 8S now constructed and the following described lines: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly right-of-WAY line of U.S. 1110 8S now constructed, said point lying one hundred feet (100') northeasterly from the point of tangency of a circular curve to the left with ~ radius of six hundred thirty six and seven tenths feet (h36.7') s')id point hevinp; the centerline st;:1tioning of 57 + 88.5 in Project US'vlPGCP I~o. ~{PG[-! J+4-A RS now constructed. Thence southeasterly alonp; the right-of-way tangent extended to the point of intersection of said tangent with the eRst line of said swL NEl;:. Thence Southerly alon8 said one sixteenth (1/16) line to the point of intersection of said line with the northeasterly right-of-way line of U.S. //10. Also the temporery right to enter and occupy during construction and ins,tallation of the Sanitary Sewer an additional thirty foot (JO') wide strip of land lying parallel to and ad,lacent northerly to the above described tract of land as shown on Exhibit "BlI. 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said trect of land at 211 reasonable times for the purpose of instAlling, oper.qtir;g, using repairinp;, replncins, end meintainin~ spid s~nitary sewer pipe line and other necessRr;y' Appurten:mce thereto and for the removing of same if and when desired hy tbe Grantee, its suocessors and assigns: -2- "" .,~ 'i""- 1085 ~. TO f!AV~'; M:D TO HGLL) The above ~Iepcritpc; rigl,t-c-d'-way ",rith all ::,:,p npr:1r- tenances 8.ncl rrivilegefJ unto the :,'aid Grantee and to H,p <'IICC'f'C':ccrs a,~c] as:::li.~:.;n~' fo r8V(~r it Tb,e (~raYltee here1JY ~ovenant~ and agrees I.vi.th the Gr1antcY"::=- as t'o11o':fs: I.. ThC1,t, in"oLneC'~i(m wiU, thc;in:cta11in.'r, orer8:U_n::, u'i'~::, rerairini!, r'erlacln::;, maintail~ir.~ ar.d. rF:m.cvin,s of sa;c; san~ta::':,' :C8-wer f-ir'8 line it will 1"8[1aoe, '9.~, its s"}" exrc;rl:''', all eX"Lst- l n;; .::'encw;, d.it el,r;s and other' anurtenllr"~e~' r:' :caj_d lan-IU':a ~ ;;:a~:" ~::~~.l di~t u.rt',ed b~,,.: its Crsr"a't,j,(;;'] C~"'. a "-.~cY;J~j,,,,'/i0r: '~c:'..1.al ~,("": 1--,;'1~; :::: c rlf i-t,} on 1..1 h,~ r(~c- _~ s:\~..~:-' t i ~"', . - ~'C r c '~"l '? (""' a._~, '": --', ":-"0 :~',3. t- .~_" ", > C '\'Jt-.=~ Y"tL'.':;:- -":: , ox' a;-: ne:('3"r thS',l,,';.-~:L/I~: 8:.'": ~'b.al.l 1-'(} r~::a5o,r:~.a}ll~i r-,(",'":'(",;l",l.r:101 2. That, during operations involving excavation it will remove the topsoil frnrr the trench area and also thp area t,e 'e ~over8d ':e:^-poraril:' l~' ',liP e:,'cpvate'd ~a~,'"ria 1, ~'(' i '-,-, _"'_.:.:1.1 r1s~-' > .-~ t~1r::) tor?~oil. an~ 3~-/)c\'_rile saj_,.'; j. ~.-""'\~:',o'~~, A.\\ra;~~' ~,"":e S"1.'~ s a.~'~.'.-~ te, rr"rrcvs frnr., U's "it,? a!:,' 1ar:"'.8 r('c1:":.-,1' 21 t',,:LIlS p.~':.:>1.-,'~r- co' ::aterial or any ;:-'Lncl of dd:ri" t:,aL r'''':;' \a'1'-' tC"'~r ':z-;::o:ed to,:,' ~J)e exel'-l.vation a,ncl rerr,aining af't,pI' r"'ck[,:Ll~_ir:',:l.c conrleted, "'rd will leave tl,e finished Slly'f'a':cjr, "'1b~'.!:antjal1,\ I'~ie sane condition t.hat exi~ted prior to ~hc heginnin~ of oreratjonc ex~e:pt that the surface of ba(~l<rilled areas E:a:,' ~'e n,c-:nc1ecl :",,-I"fi- cienl-.l:y t,o prevent the forrr'at.i en o~' dc:r-rpp",icn:" a"",8, final sett lement has taken place. ~. To inst.all sai ~ cani tar" 2e'tfCr pi_pe Ji::-:'2 at "'1"h a reascnabl'" depth '2('1(;,.'1 t:;e ",1;rfaee or the carLh a, "ri_ll rJ;c':it nurrral~uJ_t,-'- vaticll of t[;e gr'lli..'1c:. 1.\-. Tc OTl8rat!.?, 1.~,:'-,e all_(~_ r(a,.ir,J:~,ai.:~ ~a',l ':.l ~a'ri':J.,tar=.7 '=c.:\:~r'~~ r41'r; ~ '~nc in F~,1.]ch 'iT.A.n:-:er af: "wil2. not 1~i;;,:,j_p-("' OY' D:'''~V0~~t. tl"IS r~(1rl"r (~'iLJ\~'"j'\Jati(~n of' the trC1ct -;-,hrou"h Alien this riC'ht-rr--^,a:~ j,' h8rc'\-;~ :T8,',,:-e:i. 1-5. rr-~aJ) l,}:.(-~\'-~ c,:,:,n':~',,'~J,.,;.: I. .j....~>n t~. ~ CI-:-:1-; ct,.r~~:~'~'",:~,.("1~ an'.-l ~ r~ :-',t,,q lla:f~,~: C) caid sanitary ~;.e\'Jer pipe line the r;rantee will ray to L'e: ;;ra.nL.y:r, i'1 addition to the above specified mone;y con:c:ideration for th~2 easerne'lt, the sum nf one dollar and fifty cent s (:~ L 50) per lineal fcot for the first one hundrrd (100) feet and one dollar Cl. 00) per lineal foot fcr the rala;'.c0 (f' Us i'adage cr( -'sirl~ the DrCrpt'ty of the grantor as """'asc11"pd (\]' +1-w c"'nt.erl'lnc c" the rir;bt-of-'.,ray, fct' dAJT'P'''' t.o tleP r'rprisE'~ And ~:ro;'" '0:' virt.'J": ef tll':~ '"r"nLse's, ",reLry tl-1Pceon. The p,,:.;r'?'y:-, her"-:.n C'C''2cifL8d for dn.mllges :'nd crop=- sl-inll ccnptit.ul-,e {";ll ,_~'-ymenL -t.e the ''',rcu;trr' for Any S:)c!-: d:"rf!(l'~C cAu~ied to t.h,'" crr"'ntc':" '" prerj",esc'n'-! 2I,-n'er:t cror,~), as :m incident t.o t.he initi:c} cCLC'tr1J'~t,ion 'ond ir.si,pll_'-'LLor' of the s'mi t0ry sewer pj_pe line and '1ppl1 rtcn"nces. 6. Tn the even!, th"'t it ShOl,ld becc'IT'p neses::;'-'r~- reI' tJ,':c Cr:mt",e t.e, >"eent.er the Grr'nt.cr's premises fer the puqX):'8 of rer1irirl':., repl?cin~, m"intAinin~ or removing s1nit~ry "ewer pipe line, tl'::" Grpnt'"e "rill nd mbllTse t.he Gr::mL,erc- for poy 9CtlV; 1 d"nl" ire done to the Grcmtors' premi"e~' or (~rop2. The Grnntors her8by covennnL "nd tpree ;.rith the Gr,"r.I~ee 25 follow:,,: ;. Theet "t, no tirc,c will they t:->l1ild, construct., prer:t r:r j;,'-'~r:_ t.'~,'j r> .cn(l ppr:~;,~""f":"lt. t':"t,r1_:~L r':'~ ('\,r~~ r"~ ab,-\,\:,"r~ ~J'~:s =-.~ i < :~Y1~_~.:I-r~ ~"Cl.~.r~.:)!' r,)l,pf) l..~!:_n,:' :_~.n'LF?f.~~"~ p,lJ.~r: ~~t.:-'~,:~i,~,'Ll~,:-'C" -i:-:-, ~''!..~ It, ~.0rl(".~,,;:--:.1~t.r:c1, "'0d F',1.intcd_ned ill E' cr; rr:cmnpr th"t. ii, '","o'IId Vlet :i:",+,ecfere\^JiU--! the opey."tion, 1.u-e, rep,-'j:r, p.lPintenall(Ce, rcpl'-:c';n'en+, <'nel. rREiDV"l ,of s::>id scmit.".ry se-wr pipe line. - .-,,- .. ~ .~ . -, ~> ii',? iC86 2. Th'lt the Grantee mny peacably hold and enjo;y the rightc:) Clnd privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantors or their successors cmd<Jssignc:,. be 18'1. 3. That they hav8^lawfully seized of said premises; that they have good right and lawful authority to sell the same and that they and the:l.r heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, shall WClrNlnt and defend the title to said premises unto spid Gr;:mtee, rmd its successors oDd assigns forever, against the Ipwfl;l cl:Jlm ,"nd demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties her~tc that thi~ Agreement c;h'3.11 'be r)ind,ine: UT)on the heirs, executors ,"dr; ni sLntors, SLCC8SS0rf:; and assigns of the Grantors 2nd upon the succes~'ors and .9 sE',igns of the Grantee. IN \VITj\JES~3 ~','HEREOF, t]--,e Gr<'J.ntors have hereunto set their hands and seals nnd the Grant0.e, The Cit;}' of B07.eman, hAS hereunto set its hand, by its Mayor rmd it.s Clerk of the City Commission, each thereunto duly autJ-wr- ized, and has caused its corporelte seal to be affixed, all on this ~~ d",<y of .June , 196~. , J )i / ,! ".. ,/( ,,,/ ,0:;;>' VCJ~O:::"~:{ . ' ./ .&t:.?: CL'7 /JAmes J. 'da 'er C':. ,';i ,: ./'.-, .. t.. ' . (;.--_.~~ "\ CC-:. ! E AT1'E:<::'T: , '!- r~ :,. '~ . f,l .' CITY OF cT C (\'/~,\~ ,.'. ,,--,..,.j By: ssion . '.. ,. Jj. ...'\.....t,T....' ,". APPFOVED: ,:':1 ',(/1 '-"city<dt~;;~~y ,. ,,/ ~. jC::/ ,.1 " . -! 1 -";X //1 - I ){? . -Ll- ... ,o. . .. , , :1 U,r,r :t087 STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this r~ J day of , 1911.2_ before me, the undersigned a Not,qry Public for the State MontPlna, personAlly appeared ,Jp.mes ,J. and E. Jane vJalker known to me t be the perscn8 described in and who signed the foregoing instrument as Grantors and acknO'....-ledp;;ed to me thc>t they had executed the SEune freely C1nd volunt?Tily, for the uses and purpose, therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, I have hereunto set r.1y h"nd Plnd t'ffixed IT.y Notarial ,'" ,,~,~,~:l on the day and year in this Certificete fi.rst .'1bovE:' written. . "J " ~ \ ... ~ .'j /1 , ......,,\...... ".,' - .... ~ . . . . . .,,: ./ /). .::~(~\ J!. II J /..> .:::' . , <': : ~ (/): ff~'''''''''-' : "" ; ~. ~'l \ ),) .',( "t). L( ,: .~ ~~.". ''I< ~,_ '. " .,:. '<.~ ......... "''\. ~... ... '" ...., /~ .....'11...... ,\"" " " ',:""~,, ~T~'r::::: OF MONTANA rl!::1l:'- c~ -..............~........._. /' NotAr P .lie for theSt:'1te of Fon ,:ma Re~i.Hi at Bo:,',errnn, Lont-"DPI !Vj~mmission ::xpircs, r1l~~3 J, 197/ ) ) ss COUNTY OF GALLATI~ On this // - day of n'/h.J2. , 1962-, before me, the undersigned a Not aT;)' Public for the Stet~ Montana, personp.lly appeared R. Harry JViorrow and Erna V. HC'_rding, lmown to me to be the Jv:ayor rmd Clerk of the Cit.;yr Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whcse nc>mes are s\Jbs~ribed to the within instrument '~nd ?cknowledged to me that they executed the sr'n;e for rmd on behalf of B~id City. NOT/\':'i ;oU"/r',: ~'~r :.k 'c ":~.- C"C-:hc;r,C1 1~~;3J'..;inf~ ~!~ C:::").~,:I~.f.;.~";.), >1~...::-r~(.~n~1 My Camrni~~:o'l F.jp-'-:" C::tGc,',r :~l, 1971, I]if~VITNES~ 'NHEEEOF, I hpve hereunto set my hand and'lff1xed my Notn.rial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. " \ \ ~ 1 ~ : 11 " ;.,., ! I \\~ 11. lJ .;.}I,." ~,' ~.~ ',.,...........' ~'.~:.,~'>~ ,": \) \ A. n I,' , " .-.\ ". .; : "'> 1 ( .~...-.'\; .."..... ~O~:'! : :; : . .3 ~, c~". SEA L . ... ' \..~: :',: .;~.. .;: ~:~~ ../ '1\' ') / // /' ..,/ / :../ )," , , Not,' Y Public for the State of Residing et Bozeman, M~a ~y Commission Expires 1;1; MontAna Ift"~ / ':1' '~', 1(~! (""'j f-.-;:I INDEXED PLATTED t. ,.".......--. St.ate of Mont., County of Gallatin. 58 Filed for record June 17 . 1969 at 11: 35 A. M., and recorded in Sook 4 of MISCELLANEOUS pageJQ.83 Will C~~i1 L. STUCKY Recorder. By .:..~ "'"' {"e:-? (11;/;;1 /~,.,,:,(/' Deputy PLAT IN FILE AS 4 - l083-A -5- ..~ () /~~' \f>< v : A'>-OJ ,>~%""t' ,<~~q'<' ! ""(?(~ ,/ <( y"J....~ // ~~~0/ ~..", ..'~ "..\ .. \, .' /,./ .: '. X 00 ,00' ' ~~' / ' ~, ",9 / - -' ' ".&" '"'\'-- - -"~ .,~> " ~ ., . . -L -. " -~--- \ \ \'. ' ----\.- \ :- '. . \ ~ 0\ , - - .'\ / Ii) . i d 0, ~ ;;/1 I ---------- f - ~-:- - -- -"-!--Qr:igifk31 ~' , " ------------------- j, - - - c3 (n L !T)e o i J~~__ _1_ _ --.::.::, t7) ... 1,1 __________ _--'-------. _ _ _.,: _ __ __ f'... / I,' r--_____ I I g '____ I I ",l I / I l , gO s: - - -!.. '" t-:' 653 3,3 // ~-- n. I ___::..1 ~/ / I 10.' // I'- ' J +'1, __ ./ ~: / ./ <:'/ n: / ,?,y ../ r-..v ~ hi /(f).1 fb" N ,x '''v' ;1 / lI) 1 ~ . \" / / / / / ./ ,/ / / ~Vj <v -<.,\"J ~ro x,V ; e. 0 !0<V\\ S0\c.< ./ /' / (', w -..j' () l..... ~ ~~f).~ It; )1<>15 /~ /.Y- ."" o ~ /~V) o't,~' 'Z.~ '1-Q. C\..,~ ~(v , '/'- Go";' ~. T \ \ \ , '\ \ \, \ \ \ " \, \ \, -7 :::1 \ ry<'v ~ ",,0 .---. "\...(0"" u :J <'V Z t". G. o+-. 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