HomeMy WebLinkAbout70- Wood Release and Satisfaction R E LEA S E AND SAT I S F ACT ION The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $1.106.39 as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipe line by the City of Bozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem- ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Easement and Right-of-way Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer Pipe Line" dated the 9th day of April 1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana in Book 4 of Miscellaneous page~. The undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all covenants to be kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfac- tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all liabil- ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each and all of the aforesaid covenants. Dated this ~ day of & e.----~~ ' 1970. J ,67 /J ~} ~../ By: /1~..<--c-<-.-c; ROLFE & WOOD, INC. STATE OF MONTANA ) ( ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ~ _ On this~ day Of()Y~19~ before me, the undersigned a NO~y ~~b~..p_~t~t~~_Montana, person:~~~n ai~e::e~o be the persons ~and who ~~he foregoing instrument as Grantor and acknowledged to me that ~ had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. Notary Publicfi--- th tate of Montana Residing at eman, Mo~ana My Commission Expires ~_ / ~; /'l7tJ c7 / -1 , ,"r f) r"' (~ f.." ..iV' --.. .. : .; I EASEMENT AND RIGHT-oF~WAY AGREEY~NT FOR A SANITARY SE'NER PIPE LI~ffi THIS AGREEMENT, Wide and entered into t,hif; 9th day of April A. D. 1969 , by nnd between Rolfe pnd Wood, Ioc. party of the first p'lrt, hereinpfter CAlled the Grpntor, and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the St.3te of hont"ll!), in Gallatin County, the p;:>rty of the sf)cond part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : v-nmPEAS, The Grantor is the legel record title ovmer of portions of the NE~ of Section Thirty~five (J5) TIS, R5E, M.P.N. and W'1mrCM3, the Gr;mteo, in the exercise of its power and authori Ly p s a municipality of the Stn.te of Ivlont;ma, proposes to constnct. and iost3.11 p sanitary sewer interceptor trunk line to collect "od trC1.nsport sewClF':e and domestic wa stes from various a.reF1S within the Cit:y of Bozeman to the new sewage disposal plAnt 8i te located in the SEi, NW~, and swi, NSi. Section 26, Tl::;, R5E, M.P.Iv:. and would run across the Gr;mtor land; and WHEREAS, the Grantee desires to "'couire frorr the Gr,"ntor, and the Grantor if willing to grant to the Grc,ntee pn easerr:Emt And right-of-'tleoy '"CTOfS the pbove de9cribed property of the Gri?nLor, and hL~' heirs, executor" adwLids- tratol'f'., f;ucce"sors -"nd ass1gns, for the pllrpoc-e of lf1staI1i.ng, 0ror-otinr;, using, repairing, replacing, maintiJining, ,snd removing seid sanitary sewer pipe line and for such other rights of c:ccess ,"nd incident'll rightf a" c.re hereinafter described, pll eos hereinafter more DArticul~rly provided. l'JOVJ, TfilWEFORE, in cOW31rjenticn of the SlJm of <'50.00 in hcmd p8id hy the City of Rozerr,'''n, the rscoipt whereof is herehy acknowledf~ed, and in further consirleration of the coven."nts and rgreements hetween the f\"'rties hereto, th", Grc:ntor ha,s granted, h-"rg::dned, sold. conveyed, And ccnf:Lrmed, and by thcge presents does hereby F':r?nt, barg'll,n, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grl'mtee and its succe~:1sors and aSciigns the followinz right s and privileges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right-of~wa.y for the purpose of lnst?lhng, oper!3ting, lJfdng, repniring, replacing, ffiaintflininp; and removing " s"lniU.ry ~3e\over pi.pe 11ne thereto upon Rod Rcross the above des~ribed property cft,he Gr'mtor lying vJithin the Northeast Quarter (NE,~) of Eection Thirty-five (35) TIS, R5E, M.P.M. and more particularly descri~ed as an casement thirty (30) feet in width, fifteen (15) feet on either side of the following des~ribed centerline: -1- :--.... ~ I ~ ~"": :2iO Deginn~Lng at -e. point on the east line of sal d Sedion Thirty-five (3S) five hundred ~8vent:,-four (574) feet more or less North oi' U;0 Ens\:' Q1l"Tter cornr~r of s"~d ,'3edion Thirty-five (5) "nd fHt,A'Cn (15) feet, we",tedy of the southwestiJighw'lY right.-of-wa;y Lire of Interstf'te 90 f1~, centerline Station 1564 + 84 as now constructed; thence North ~wo degrees twenLy-!~even minutes !:nd forty-four f,econds VJest (N 020 27' 1j,4" 'd) fifteen (15) feet from And par"llel to the Southwest highway right-of-WAY line of Inter?tate 90, " distAnce of one hundred forty-four (14L) feet more cr lcs~, to highway centerli..ne P.T. Station 1563 + 39.97; thence l\orthwes:,:J;r'l~" fifteen (15) feet distnnt frOlIc and p'lNlllel to the ssid :_Jouthl'1lPstc:rl:i rir:ht.- of-way Lin", of Interstate 90 plong a four thousand one h'~mdred ~'?v~nt;;.'-two and five tenths (4172.5) feet r~dius curve to the left p distance cf one hundred eighty-six and forty-five hundredths (lf~6. L.5) feet to co rcir:t c:' intpt'section with the westerl:l riGht.....of-way line of the co'mt:' ro"d, 1-:'cin,'; centerline :.:~t"tiOi1 1561 + )+7.95 of Jnter,,:tate 9() as new constrl)J~+,ed and b8ing the tn,_", point of bec;:Lnni ng; thence continuing !lorthwester.ly fifteen (15) feet distcmt from and parallel to the south\.,resterly right-or-way line of said Interstate 90, along a four thousand one hundred seventy two and five tenths (h172.5) feet radius curve to the left p dist""ce of one thousand fift~l-::ix ;mcl thirty-nine hundredths (1056.1=1) feet tOg point on the south bank of the Jpcksor-Luce IrriGPtion Ditch; being th0 CCIT,mon !'~('pert;'l line between the Rolfe A.nd Wood propertY' ~'nd the nropert;;/ of .Jpmes "T.'md F:. ,Jpne vvalker, hrving a tot2l cent.erline of epsement dist"'nce or one Uwusnnri [ift,y-slx And thirty-nine hundredths (1056.39) feeL Also c triangular trE'tct of lcmd lying within the westerly right-Of-wa;y line of the cO\mty rOed and a line drawn pcrp~llel to and thirty (30) feet distAnt southerly of the westerly right-of-way line of Inters.tate 90 between Interstate Hi..ghway Station 1561 + h7.95 and 1562 + 98.97 together with a temporary right to enter and occupy during construction of the sanitr;,ry sewer an 2dditional thirt,y (30) feet of width westerly of and ad,jacent to the above described e?sement, as shown on the attached exhibit. 2. The perpetupl right of ingress and egress to and fro~ said tract of '1.nd r>t ell re2son",ble times for the purpoce of in!':tplling, opere>ting, using, repairing, replacing and maintpining s~ld sanitary sewer pipe line and oth er 'J,ppurtenpnces pnd for the removin[~ of sarr.e if pnd W~(?'l desi red b;y the Grp.ntee, it? successors ,gnd asc,ig,ns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE above described right-of-way with all the appurtenanr:es and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its succes- sors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with thr:- Grant"r AS fo1101'S: 1. That, in connection with the installing, operating, using, repAir- ing, replacing, mpintaining and removing of said sanitary sewer pipe line it will replA,ce, at its sole expense, All existing fences, ditches ;md other appurtenAnces of said lnnd thc>t mey be disturbed by its operation on a condition equal to the condition thereof existinG before s~id operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible. 2. That, during operAtions involving exc'J.V:~tion, it will remove the top:,-'Oil from the trench Area to g depth of one foot, or to t.he full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil a,way from the 2ite any lRrge rocks or surplus eXC!W".ted material or any kind of debris that ill,:'!y have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is completed, and will leave the finished surface in subst'lntially the same condition th?t existed prior to the begirning of operations ex~ept thpt the slJrf'c!ce of backfilled are,?s may be n;ounded sufficientl:' to rrcver.t the formation of depressions after final settlement hps taken place. 3. To install SAid sanitary sewer pipe line at such" reason-'1ble depth below the surface of the earth as will permit norrr:pl culti- v"tion of the ground. -2- ~ ,'"r 211 ( . . - '.. 4. To operate, use and mn,int,'3in said sanit,;;Jry sewer pipe line in 81Jch manner '1.5 will not hinder or; prevent the proper cultiv'ltion of the tract through which this right~of~wpy is hereby r;rcmted. 5. That upon completion of construction end inst911a.tion of seid SAnitary sewer pipe line the grAntee will pay to the grantor, in addition to the above specified money con~i.rler'3tion fer this easement, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents (t,1.50) per lineal foot, for the first one hundred (100) feet R.nd one dolla.r (~,1.')O) per lineal foot for the balance of the footage crosFing the property of the gr'3.ntor as rneasured on the centerline of the right-of~way, for damage to the premises and crops by virtue of the gr,<>ntee's entry thereon. The payment herein specified for dlJ.mrl,ges and creps shall canst itu,te full payment to the grantor for any such damage caused to the grantor's premises and current crops, as an incident to the initiAl construction end inda llation of the sanita..ry sewer pipe line and appurten;mces. 6. In the event that it should becorr,e necessary for the Gra.ntee to reenter the Gr~ntor's premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing s;:mitary sewer pipe line, the Grantee will reimburse the Grantor for'iny actual damage done to the GrAntor's premises or crops. The Grantor hereb;y covenants and agrees with the Grantee AS follows: 1. Tha.t at no time will he build, construct, erect or maintain any permanent structure over or e.bove the said sanitAry sewer pipe line unless such structure is built, constructed and maintained in such '3 manner that it would not interfere with the oper:,tion, use, repAir, maintenance, repl.s.cement end remov?l of said sani.t';ry sewer pipe line. 2. ThAt the Grantee may pea.cably hold and enjoy the rights and privile,ges herein granted without Any interruption l~y the Grpnt0r or his successors and assigns. 3. Thc:t he h<'s been lA.wfully seized of :'i2j.d premises; thst he hps good right 2nd lclwful ;:mthority to sell the same cnd thAt he And his heirs, executors, AdministrAtors, successors and assigns, shell warrant and defend the title to said premises unto sRid Grantee, and :Lts successors and assigns forever, ag;ojnst the Ipwf1;1 claim and demAnd of all persons whomsoever. It is understood ~nd agreed by and hetween the parties hereto that this Agreement shRll be binding upon the heirs, executor2, administrators, successors and assigns of the Grantor ?nd upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. IN 'iiITl'lESS WHEREOF, the Grentor ha:o hereunto set his hand anrl Feal and the Crentee, The City of Bozeman, h? s hereunto set its hand, liy its Mayor and it2. Clerk of the City Commission, each thereunto duly authori7.ed, and has caused its corpor?te seal to (o;,e affixed, all on this 9th day of April , 196 9 . .," jo.'.\ i) II", , "''', (/. ',':.-::'::~ ;J:?"::~'":'< ' ..-...] :', ~') ,If'!' t.... ~. ' ". ';""t ~' ,:; " f",r-i rt "r. i. :: '. : ,(:'! ,\ l ). ~~;: *,~ , ", '. I,) "J ,- , .... :: '~'_~;." 1 (' ,,1 ..... ;:~ :.-:' "'" .:' ',.. ~ "'''. ;, I I. ~ ,," ';.~~~:.r'J"",..,~' ",' //I,'I7!- ,(\ r "-', "", II., I't i j j i 11.-. \ \' i \ \ ~ RCLFE AND WOOD, INC. By: ~ 4 k)"""D j ~3- If . . .. .. .. ~ 1"-[- . 'j. 212 . ATTEST: CITY OF BOZEMAN ,/// By:I&h~~ R. Harry MOU ,'Ma r APPROVED: . ( I ~) r> /" ,~-~. "J-- e_. ~, 1< L \.. L", '''/ )r JJi:j~ Ben_...E/. Berg,'Attorncy' j/ " STATE OF MONTANA ) ) S8 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this ~ day of April ,1969 before me, the undersigned a Notary public for the State of Montana, personally appeared William A. Rolfe & Lucile B. Wood known to me to be the persons described in and who signed the foregoing instrument as Grantor and acknowledged to me that they had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. '11'ffllf,. . ;. \ ' (.'\~...., I I I "...,.....'":\0 ~\t 6) I..~, t'l.J\ , . .....4... -1.;4 .."., - \ ~ .. ~ 4~ ('\"~ l\ 1'11., '.. -\ '~'1 . \~'.'" .Ai(": :.,: rc,~ 0 ~~ .' ./ ) . ",.\ : E A L . . _ '<;/, J .10.... ~ ' ......... ."" ," -,- ~~.... . -- c.,. ,',V" I'" I , , I , ~ , 1 \ I, 1 \ ' . / -",., -.L/ <n " </h->' ,,./ '\ "V/j~ /j / (-(;c.(,/J-rt$/Z"", , J..~-."tVZ?'.--C,"1-' Notary Public foi the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires August 17, 1969 STATE OF MONTANA ) ) 5S COUNTY OF GALLATIN) On this 10th day of April, 1969 , 1969, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared R. Harry Morrow and Erna V. Harding, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in thise Certificate fir~ above wri,~ten'l ',:: h.. . Cj ;;.. ,\).' ' ", ". ":,'. , , -, , '\ Nota Public for the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commiss ion Expires ~~lgUS t 17, 1969 "1,'1 d.' . " / " [~C/\L "'I, ~' . ( 'if. \{""1- ~'f~ INDEXED ( ~,:mMr,;"i:~.~.. PLATTED -A State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 58 Filed for record , Apri 1 17 i'1969 at~: 45~M., and recorded in Book 4 of "MISCELLANEOUS page~9 ~AH~ L. STUCKY Recorder. By~~eG'ci? t7 ff 7""L' C:/"Oeputy Rt: City of Bozeman 'p1/Jr 0 /)e.. - --~JAt, tll,?-I;