HomeMy WebLinkAbout70- Release and Satisfaction
The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $439.50
as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops
proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer
pipe line by the City of Bozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem-
ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Easement and Right-at-way
Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer Pipe Line" dated the ~ day of June
1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of
Gallatin County, Montana in Book
of Miscellaneous page 1078. The
undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all
covenants to he kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to
replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfac-
tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said
sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases
and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all liabil-
ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each
and all of the aforesaid covenants.
Dated this .>:1..
day of 17a1 ~dt/r_)
, 1970.
.. '//1 -7")7
., ("... ,/.1, It Ct u
Helen H. ~'7nl~l
I , I
I,.' /
( 5S
On this ,,,--!:! day of f1JW/;4i, 19ft before me, the undersigned a
Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared ;/tk-x/ ~ 7?rA..r.&.t.1' /
1!:~&~i!~~~-i{:~~Tit;€Qfoi-t:~/~nst~::::t t~sm~r~~t~; ~~~ persons
acknowledged to me that~/~~ had executed the same freely and voluntarily,
for the uses and purpose~ein expressed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written.
l ,-~),
Notar Public for the State of on ana
Residing at Bozeman, Montana
My Commiss ion Expires "("'/j('j,, f ~ /91;}..
.,' ..
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.';A:,):SI,',.s\~T ATm P,I(~!IT-GF-l;JA Y AC,RD';;.?:::~'
FClc A SANTT.I\::1Y ~)E'i,iW F:!:::"~LH'i::
da;,r or'
AGI-C~~~~~,~/i.slj'T, T,':'(1.d e
an:I entpt'ed int,c thi2
A.D. lC)6~, by 'nd between Helen !.. ~Cirley, U. jnt8!'e.ot), D'v-ic] II. }ianle;f,
(~ interec;t) and Marci.l) -M'. Edf!"ll (,'~: interest) rl'1rti"''C ,-d' the fjr:=+, pg.rt,
hereinafter ca,lled the Grentors, 8n~ TH~ CITY OF T'C<~r'A!:,
. . -,
a mnnlcl[:"J.
CGrnor"tion of the S:,::Jte of Ilant. 'rL'3, -in Gcll'1G:i.n ('rwn!:';" t
":"")'. ........t-J
the E?Pcond ['art, he,r;,:,.' n t't"c' c':i.2.e(~ t''l'? C'r,qn::.,..,~".
; ,,/T I If :~,I: T~ ';?J {-1 ~':I\ 1"' 'j.f ..
1,II.mRSAS, The Grntor2 are the 18[':"1 record title O',\".",r:,; of DrrtionG
l'R '"j p y> (co.,';" ;,)
~ ',.t. ..1. 'J .. _ ~ \1.__ 1-;--
ariG. ;.~o.t:.tr.\ SF: f':"~J
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th8 rc 1'th e S,S L
m~ll'''''~'' ,,'ix (':if) 'Pl"'!C".' T p~, ""l'"
1.1. .1. ..J../-')....J....., .)".1 .L "J, ,t,...'..:.":'J, ..:. .1.,. ...t.,'..-t.
vnD,~'~r(1~A5, the G.r::::JT~ee, -in the eX~rr;."J.S(:; cf i'tls .r'!01,'JeT~ ,~nc.l, ~"l"tthor:ity.
":3 a mun:icip"ility of the St"te oi'Eont,"nn, proline,e:, 1:.0 ccn:sl~r'ucl ~'1'J~1
. t 11 . ~
lns 8 a S[~n10~~ry sewer
trnn1, J.Lm~ to collectcrd tr"n~:rort. c=.ewap-e prcJ
cJcr:estic "rp::i[,es frrJTl vRrious eT8as '^ilthir the Cit;y of Bozerr8n to t~8 new
sewage dispos'J.l pl'nt.. site 10catcd in the S:~,~, l'.rN~ and 2:iJ},
1~.r;:~ ".
\1..1 I ;'t.'
26, TiS, :~5E, r-"l.P.I<. "ltrov-ld run pcross tLe G.re,nter l.,"!"'!d; <?n~
nf:<::i-::"SAS, the Gr.<1rLep cJesj.rcs to CC'l.Erp "OJ -1-.:,- Sr"." rr-c; nnriLhe
Grani:,(l1'S '-'1'8 w:S.Llin,: to ,,~r"nt t,e t:~(; GC'r'nt8e an e~',c;e)TIeni:,'n.-J i',_(\
acrO:':'8 the a.bove described propertJ. of the Grantors, and the-ir helN',
executors, p&rinistretors, fuccessors ~rri as~i7n~, fer tho purpose of
.'u12t,pl1ing, oper",tinp;, u2ing, rer;"ir-ing, rAnI' ~i'1", TI',,".r:tairincc, :enci
rc;n,oving said eanitar;y se,fer pipeline "'nei for such CUE>'" r-; n:ht~, of
ac(;e~i8 :end inci.denVl r-L['hts '1S pre herein8fter descril;ed, all 23 her,'~i'J-
aftf:r morA j:J".rticul'1rly provLded.
LOil, THEFGFOHE, i1" consirler;,tion of the ~)UJr of 50/)() in ):o,:mc! jy'id
by th', Cit.y of Ro,~<,"",!?n, the rece-ipt whereof is hcx'c'.oy ;'~!:nmrlcd(,:ed,:ond
in flTther considerpticn of the coven.'.'nts nel a,r':r'epr;lent,~: ]'Ict':l'>m the 1y'rt-
ies hcr~>t,(" the Grantors h:'vesr2.nLecJ, b:;,rg"ined, :ecoId, conveyed, end
confirmed, and hJ thes'c; presentE, do hereb;y e:rant, barped.n, soIl, ccmvoy,
and confirm lJx!.to the st'id Gr?ntee and its successcrs and assi;nc the fol.Jo\tJ-
lng right::1 rmd privileges forever:
1. A perpetual easement ,gnd ri qht-of-way for t.he purpose of :i.r!.2,t-l1-
in's, 0 ;.., pr(~ r.) :~_ 11.:=, lJ s':_ r:~.,:~~ , re~r,r;,~" ri!l..:.~, r~\, r 1 ~.'. c j. l'.f!, ':.:: :'~:' j r: t,~ i.~..; j.r: ~.: 8 11 d Y'p!!l.ovin ,\~
s:nU,Cl~'Y ,se,^,crplp"lJLne and aT'r1J.rtencn::p~' t'~'l,,:,~'(?t() 1 IFf) ''" ,,,,y'd ac r'Ost' the
" . vo d pc' ('Y"l' "'J pd rlY'O't""'rt'l of t )'1'" (''-'<;ll'r '" Y'",l "'1' Y1'-' 1.r-;~ "I'"j n j- h '" 'q" ",- ]')" 'j {' (l<'i,)
al..() ,..' ,A.,.~~...J'.. .1".", ,,'. .'...'.'~~' ,JL; _ , ,J '._'.~'.,~..J\-' .,..~ ....l'r.~ "t,..r":, ,'\,I_\.JJ,."., '-,r,'.~ .1"IO!l.,..!..) CI,....1. '.",:.~:'
of the :'!orthcast iduc'Tter (IJEiD c.nd the Southe,.,s[:, C,!lJeTtol' (::;E,~:) of
Section Thirt~)'-six (36), TIS, H5E, of the M.P.IV,. ,'--nel m0reT1C'rtl ~ulaY'l)'
descr-:l;ed 11 s a U'drty (30) feet 1t!lde ::::trip 8djpcent k And flPTctllel f~o
the Northea.sterly right-of-wa,y line of u.;~;. TIo. 10 Highwo.y.
... ~-
r ~
,~\ I In' :to 73
i:!eginniw,; C't the point. of intersection of t;,e i:ortheasterly ri',;h::,-
Of-W2Y line of the rSorthern P?cific Hailway And tLe ncrthe2sterl~' rig!:t-
Of-W8~~' line of U.5. No. 10 et centerline Stpt50n 52 + 76; thence north;:::
westerly along a seven hundred thL~ty six and seven tenth? (7J6.?) feet
rAdius curve to the lefL, ,") dist"'nce of three rnmdr",d And forty-five (Jh5)
feet more or l,~ss to a, point on the west line of the e<'nt r<;lf (E~) of
the Northeast Quarter (NEt) of s2id Section Thirty-six; thense, I'!orth
along the west line of the eAst h:,lf of the r~C'rtheast (~u :rter of s"id
c',-~ct i on Thirty-six to a point one hU.Ddred thirt:T (11:)) f",et '!o:c'theasterly
p,nd at right "ngles frorr, centerline Station '56 + 15 of fI:i.c(t11dA;T 1). S. 10;
thence southeasterl:; alone,; Cl, s",;ven hundred sixty six <'nd :;even tenths
(766.7) feet radiu2 curve to the right ,q dj?t,"n~o of C'IpJ'oxir.l't,:"l;i four
hundred. and th:i.rty four (h34) feet to the Nocthe<lst.erl:y rir;ht-0f-w2;Y
]j,rw of the Northern P:cc:Lfic RC'ih~<y ; thence Nort)lvf8f',terly ,:'lonf~ the
right-of-way line of the Northern Pa.cific Railwa.y to the si'1d point of
berdnninE: ?nel contpining approxir:18.tely 11,685 squ"re feet. w":th ;on Clprrox-
irr:"te total length of centerline of 3Q9.5 f0et, s sLow!", on tLe"tt<1cr'ed
2. The parpotual ri~ht of ingress and B~rORf' to and from said
tr ct of J."nd nt '11 reason"ble tirr:es fc'r tlll:" p1Jrnor;c of inf'U'llinE~,
oper"t:ing, u;cinp;, repairing, rerlncin:; C'nel maint8ining f''Jid s"nit':r'Y-
seHer pippline and for the removing of same if s,nd when desired by the
Grentec, its successor?, and assigns:
TO HAVE Arm TO HOLD the: above described rip;ht-of-wilJ' with all
the appurtenances ',nd pri viler;es 1mto the said Grant-eo and to
its successors and assigns forever.
The Grantee hereby covenants "nel ?[';rees 'lrith the Gr"ntors as
1. Th,':'t, in connf~Gti.()n 'trith the instpllini", O'Y?Y'pt'in,", \l~i.n~;,
rep"iriil'J;, rcplac:Lno:, maint;:dninr ni remO\l.\.n.':' Of')3~d 2"ni',Y':"
se\lTer pipeline it wi)} replpce, at itf; A('lr, cxpr~n9c., ",II exi ~:t-
in's f(~nces, ditcl'.cc~ ,:md ot.her"ppurtcr"ncer:1 of ~'pjd land t;10t,
m:'-:y be disturbed by its opers1tion on a condition equl11 to the
condition thereof existinr; before said oper:"tions were begun,
or as near thereto 8S 81'1"11 be reason2bly possible.
;2. Th,'1t, dur:Ln:~ operc,tions invclvin:~ excav<1U.cn, i-:-, 1"i1l 1'8,1'OVP
the to)180i.1 from the trench c.' :re? to a dertr of one foot, or
to the f1ll1 depth ~~he Lopsoi.l, WhiCItP,~veri~o If,"s::,o;nd sto, ck-
pile said topsoil. Em ~frorn the site ccny 1-1'r;e rC1cks or :c1.; rplm;
exc?vCltedrnateri-91 or ,'my kind of debris t)pt D;<'Y h;'ve r)',,:en
expo~'ed by the excav[-Jtion and remeinin:o; sfter bpckfilling is
completed, And will leave thp finished sllrf,'3cP in 2u8st.ntially
t,be ;3,<Jwe condition that exi.:;tcd prior to the b8c!,i!lninr:; of oper-
ntiow3 except thAt the surface of backf illeo a:re~'" n,2Y be mounded
Sllfficiently to prevent the formation of depre~,<'ions'fter final
settlement has tpken plnce.
3. To instpl~ s;:Ld sanitary sewer pipeline nt such p re?son~t1e
dejJth ::)8101,'1' the s1Jrfacc of the earth ,JS wi11 perrnit. norm,'ll
C1l1Livat:Lon of the ground.
~ .
<1 i ~;r,:'1080
h. To oper:cte, use and m,-int in s<id spnitcr;,' ?8"fPr' ~')i:'8linp
tr S1.\rch J',"nner 's will not hinder or ,rf'V8r>t~"" procie,' ('u1ti-
v,o>ti.on of UlP eNd throU(~h 1"r-ich this ri.?ht-of-w":,' if:' hereby
5. That uron corrlpletion of construction ,"no inst"lli'tion of
said san} t'TY sewer pipeline the o:r.,nt ee will P"y to the !,tl"i'lntor,
in addition to the above specifi.pd money considertion for thi:,,;
eM;ement, the surn of one dol1"'r 'nd fifty cents Ui1.50) per
linea] foot for the first one hundred (lnn) fpet and one dollar
( 1.00) per Jineal foot for the b~lance of the foot~?D cro2sjn~
UlP I~ro[;~,rt.' of t1-1<:, grentorc:s flea2urpd on thfc centerline of
U'I8 1"5 !~ht-of-I.v';y, for da,m ?iP to the rreri.se", nd cr'oFc virt')',
of the f'T::>ntee's entry thereon. The p"'yrr,ent herein. sr:(;ci.f'i"~d
fer d,"nlaiJ'e~;'lncl Ct'o;-,s shpll concli!,nt,e ft:ll D"yment to f',he
grp.ntor for any such damage caused to the grantor's premises
and current crops, 1"8 pn incident to the initipl 'Construction
end inst'll tion of the sRni t;:~ry 8,",'8er riDe line ar>rl "'~~llrt'?n"n(:es.
f- ~:)"1 th'? event, t!lpt ie, sholJ.lj bpcO'oe n"'cP;o' 'T'/ fer the' r:r'~;:,ee
t~ reenter the Gr~!1tcrs' rremises for the purpose of repairing,
rer,l,:-:~.c.in"s, ?"..;"r,:.t~~~'_:..n:L:l./~i or rerl-Lo'lin~::~ :. r ': ;::,,1,r~ :.~':~;,"l\~';:':' i,,~--:t. <~l.iL,'~.,~,
~he Gr<nLee vrill l'elmr:uI'sc the Gr'?n:J()rE,: for p.n;) pctu'J.. 1:1[,1.:,,:'
do.nc: La thp Gr...'.)r'iiJor~:' rrern:iS(~2' 0 C' ::;:COp~3"
rIle; Gr"nt.Cl'S hereb,y cO'JCD"nt:md Clgrec '"ith the Cr8nte'~ 0.:::; fcllOl~,,:
1. 'I'h" t C't nc timow-i.ll the;; ]--'uild, cor:stiouC-C" erect or ",pi 2"1-
t'in en;y permrmcnt structure over or ,">cve trIC" i'",id s"n'iL'r;;
sewer pipelineunle2s such st ru~turc is bui.lt, eonrctwcted r"')
: "inT,e:,ined in such, r::,'nnPl' Ul"t it would {'Cj:J j ,:t:,err'~l'P Hit,h
the oper"ltion, C1C~e, repair, n-."ir:ter:,"Y1~'?, y'ep l.."se:r.ent ,'1nd rernclr,.1.
of said sanitary sewer pipeline.
2. Thi,t th2 C.L?nt"'~: Ln~ re,q:,cLl~ ~J-<Li !'!.>':
(ld I>c,'j vile,t3:' h':3{'c.,in ..:::::" n"=."i;, 1,'iU;out, . '<I
G r2,~ -i.-, C) ,-;.'" C' () r t h ';:~ ~.. ~ ~:,: -..1 ":~ c e ~~) p. c r'::: nd ~.' ~::, s 5. ~".), :,~ .
1~~ .~l_~
,- '; ::, j:'~ T'rl ],~:~' t! ,j.. (: i.')
L ~.. I""':
:3. nt't they h"ve r,een hVJfully seized of s.--,i d. prer,j2es i Lhat
they h2ve ~ood ri~ht:, and l"'wful authority to sell the 5~ne And
th~t tl.:C~J aIJ.~J thnir heir?, exesutor::, :?d~'_in~~,t,r.. tJor~" Stlcr:~e;)~or~:'
2l1d ::.1;::':= ig.n :~" sr-u-~ l=- l..r~,rr'.' Ylt (lY;d :,~? r e:.~J.'~ ~ 1-; r; ~I:i ~~ Ie t c ~ ~ -=; C;, r:ts~i., :,":0 =:.
n.nLc:' :::'~-.ic.l Gr:.~-~tc8, .~l-.;.d i.t~:: ~;"L.CC.(Cl;:?CY'~ ~~~,-=~ ~~,:,f'""'-~ '-"';:'" fc:\~.;"fT'?r,
a,::'" "_n c;tche l' ,tifc;,l :1, "-:Ti' nel deL" nd o:f' ", li I>.' rc ell? "':ir": .,?C "-'.IF:".
lt i:,; under:,tood 9nd al~recd f:;, "nc; bel:,vw~~n U"'l r" rt,i:<, l,er-c'te +'1. t
this A[!r.-'~cm8nt sh..,'ll l:e bindint~ Ulan the heir:" c;xccutor::;, c"'i:',iLLstraGc~'s,
Sl:Cl;esscrs"'na !'l~3::,i[;ns of the Gr'PYlCOrf ind upon the C'ucce~C:Cl'" 8T!':J
a~;,;:lJ1S of the Gr"nt.ee.
..l....'.j >II1\"~:~I:~: ~'IETC,~':EO:F~, LLr-; Gr':: ntar;.:' 'h,",:~,vc~ ~1erel..~~TlJo ~~,e:~ !jh.:~ ~ ,:.. >,~~,:.,~.(~~?
~~)'I"'J.c1 t e G'rar~Lep, '-.2~ne ~i,L~';'- 01' Pozc~r.l,~~I1., 1'1 s hcren.nto ~et :1,~2! h,:.~n,(:;,
.:,t", r~q;yor "nd i.t" Clerk of t,he Cit.y Comm:i<'don, pe'ch th'"rpun~,c":,ll:.
:i\,t:,jwl'ized, er~d, 112:3 cAusedit~; corpor..~te c3e21 toLe affixed, ,,,:,11 on
th5.s 5 th d":/ of June , 196~
~ ' ""'.
j ,'U- 1081
'1 ')' . \ 1 '
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A'J(,-9!i~';~ #> . ~=;. ,4i ...' /. ~
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,',:mp /1:1' ~1;Qil,.]1~t\.\'. '/
Clerk, ctyt.lr"'!uC::Et:i,.<:;m)L"li~'sion
, , ~ .; ....
5//A1o!~,~)t; UJ~dL:(/
Helen JC:.. ~J9cl1c~y 7 '
Verc5,,<' Y.7fs.':'11
!.,~ .~~ J' 0 x~
:31" }l,TE OF 110ETANA )
) 55
COUNT:HO::h~~;I) d'j 0: (2.. - , l" L, . e:crc ..cc, tee ....odor-
s ec':"' r'Jotpt'~ Pu'tlic for t~ :.':.~' i-.on~',l,r;', :cn'':'o",-L,~ ''J',>:,'PT.;d
J.1 c;ll~:; Iv. :L.an le~", IJ:l"lJid II. L.Anle~" rid I-r~,r"~.:_,~ ) r.. :<d.s~,11 k;~,O'~".T. ~ (! 1T tc b,c:;
tbe persons described in and who signed the foregoinp; instrument a<:;
Grentors 2nd acknowledc;ed to me that they had executed the S"1'n8 freel::
ard voluntprily, for the uses end purposes therein expressecJ.
T~ln T''-R~r '-[f 1""'"0'--
. ;+1\1, '~.J~ .l,,~~)\:,) /l~.~.ill .l~',
N::',"i~?Y~;;~/;':'-l. on the ej,",S
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I h,"v',' r-:,?rc;un to C'et ~E:, 11' nc: enc: .'If fi.xe:l ..,
~nd y'eR,l~ i.rl this Ccrtl~i~~te ~i.~st ?bovs
','11'1 l.J.t(:~n.
Y ,;;?
/;://-t:'~ ,; J
NGtar.~ P1l1'U.: fO~~ :r-'iont"nO'
R,eSjdin, f~',t BOj:emen, ]\;~n"."'nA. ~
~L, n 'n'" . c> c>' " To" e C' / -'7/'.0 '..9
("~' vG."LJl"-"-,l.O,, ,uxpl.r,..c _ 0 T~
) ss
On t.hi:, I/i day of \\) .;:::__, 19h9..-, r-,,d'ore tl:e, tbe t:nr;1er-
:oign8d <], NotpY'Y Pul~liG for th~e of Montcm?, per:'onql1y appepred
H. Hprry Eorrow and Ern:", V. Harding, known to me to [)(') the JC~,'\yor and
Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozerru'.n, whose
n,<'Tl'e s ;JT8 ~:nJr sr: rired to t 1-, "C vr-:.. tLiL ie] CO ~ rU;Lar. I" C1rY;,sc::~nc:\.;} erl 'rc~d iJ, f'''
.,*Lot'tr~,F.\~' executed the sane fee pnd on [-i"h;olI' 0[' s,J.U ';:1.
,-' ;:J, " :':.', , '},>1:::': ;~;~.l'; ':', ,.': ''-, ;'rs' 1" .,,'r-'-r..-.
~ ' " ,', IV.l.~-'--"'" dJ.c. i,C;Ah, I h;lve hereunto, set n~ (:"nri ?nd 2fLi,xed, rr;y
,'<;'....-:~~t--.f'rli:fZ'~;.;;;;~ on the day and :'c?r in th9 Ccrtificpte f9;e,t, ':[,ove wriL.ten.
:; ;i f ..~," ~ Q -~ ~.: / /// /(:/
~- . ",'.-'" ..., \.. ... ~ . .,,=,..,.":J, r.'/'-/~/ .ed"
':', ...St:.i",...~' '" ;-~.~
.. . " ' " No r" PublJ.c for the f:t,-te 0.1 ~':cntan.-o
" ""'-~,',:'~ ,: ",~" '''',: . . ;,t.~.,'~:"." J
P.esj.cIing at Bc":cman, ]I~cnV)na
Ey COJl,-"'li2 sian Expire:,) i~ /Z /,9~
. ! ; I ~ 1 I 1 ; .
, .'
'. lit'
1 w,iOS2
1) It is further understood and agreed that the Grantee will allow
the Grantors, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
assigns to connect to said sanitary sewer pipeline, at no additional
cost other than the normal connection charge, conditional only upon the
property to be served being within the corporate limits of the City of
Bozeman at the time of connection.
." ~
2) The Grantee further agrees to ingress and egress along the ease-
proper ~ ~lvub ~U.l .~_ 1 , - __ U~:>l.gll<1...__J 'J.' ro . ,~
t._~_~ ~V"""llt"nr!'l gt'l...;~~~~ __, ......\,;\,;I;:::I::IUI:::I i;llll.l .....-10"-'
3. The Grantee further agrees to evenly replace the entire amount
of topsoil that is removed from the trench area.
~ 'm~ . /
, 7 /;,.-'4..'. ' -- .~/.4C;~,';t.-
Helen M. ~an ey //
David H:41e
~. ~
,. Marc ,Edsall
"..' ~,
State of Mont., County of Gallatin. S5 filed for record June 17 , 1969
at 11: 30 A. M.. and recorded In Book 4. of J MISCELLANEOUS page.J:Q78
CARL L. STUCKY Recorder. By ,-:;:;{.,.:-,:- a:: ?t. ;;:Y{(f~l'>( Dc? Deputy
. (
Will Call
3 June 1969
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