HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A7. CAHAB Appointments Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Brenda Sweeney, Deputy City Clerk Robin Crough, City Clerk SUBJECT: Appointment(s) to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) MEETING DATE: March 19, 2018 MEETING TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to appoint up to three members to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board to the following positions and terms: One Resides in Low or Moderate Income Housing position with a term expiring June 30, 2020, One Low or Moderate Income Person position with a term expiring June 30, 2020, and/or One Citizen with Demonstrated Interest in Special Needs Housing position with a term expiring June 30, 2018. BACKGROUND: The Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) currently has three vacant positions: 1. Member of the public certifying that he or she currently resides in housing designated as low- or moderate-income housing, expiring June 30, 2020 2. Member of the public certifying that he or she is a low- or moderate-income person as defined by the City’s affordable housing policy, expiring June 30, 2020 3. Citizen with Demonstrated Interest in Special Needs Housing, expiring June 30, 2018 The Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board was created under Commission Resolution No. 3056, superseded by Commission Resolution No. 3540 adopted on September 16, 2002. This Board replaces the former Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Loan Review Committee. Its purpose is to provide recommendations to the Commission on requests for expenditures from the CDBG Revolving Loan Fund (for housing) and from the Community Housing Fund (which is funded through the City's General Fund); to advise the Commission on 482 affordable housing needs, issues, policies, and regulations; to work with the City and other groups to formulate programs and projects for meeting Bozeman's affordable housing needs; and to advise the Commission on affordable housing plans for annexations and any related development proposals. The Board is comprised of eleven members serving staggered three-year terms, with terms to end on June 30 of each year; and a member of City Planning staff shall serve as an ex-officio, non- voting member. Members must be of legal age, and a majority of the members shall be residents of the city. Non-resident members must have a tangible connection with the City by virtue of working in the city or owning property in the city. Members must represent the following: (1) real estate financing (2) real estate sales (3) construction industry (4) organization supporting the availability of low- and moderate-income housing (5) organization providing services to low- and moderate-income persons (6) member of the public certifying that he or she is a low or moderate-income person as defined by the City's affordable housing policy (7) representative from a recognized non-profit affordable housing development organization (8) member of the public certifying that he or she currently resides in housing designated as low- or moderate-income housing (9) member of the public who has demonstrated interest in special needs housing (10) the City's Finance Department (11) building industry professional This Board currently has three vacancies. The City Clerk’s Office has received four applications, with their relevant qualifications (as best determined by the Clerk’s office) indicated below. 1. Member of the public certifying that he or she currently resides in housing designated as low- or moderate-income housing, expiring June 30, 2020 | Qualifies: None 2. Member of the public certifying that he or she is a low- or moderate-income person as defined by the City’s affordable housing policy, expiring June 30, 2020 | Qualifies: D. Collins 3. Citizen with Demonstrated Interest in Special Needs Housing, expiring June 30, 2018 | Qualifies: J. Boyell, J. Schule, B. Burnett Applicants: Dulaney Collins Joshua Boyell 483 Jennisse Schule Bjorn Burnett Commissioner Terry Cunningham is the City Commission liaison for this board. CAHAB appointments are Commission appointments. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Board Applications 484 From:Brenda Sweeney To:Brenda Sweeney Subject:CAB Application - Dulaney Collins Date:Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:31:36 PM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:03/01/2018 1:38 PM Response #:63 Submitter ID:4397 IP address: Time to complete:4 min. , 10 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name DULANEY Last Name COLLINS Physical Address PO BOX 6344 PO Box (if different from physical address) 6344 City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59771 Primary Phone (804) 512-4868 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation retired Employer 1958 Email dncollins09@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) Yes 485 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 6-10 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) No Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: As a low income, retiree with a disability, I am on a fixed income. Affordable housing is non existent in Bozeman for many reasons. Some of which are: Supply & Demand Absentee Owners Tax Incentives for developing housing projects that are not affordable Costs of tax incentives to property owners in Bozeman & Gallatin County Housing Partnerships with MSU, limited to students only Lack of tenant solutions for maintenance requests resulting in landlord retaliation Low wages Vacation Rentals Building Code Failure of landlords/owners and Property to comply with Building, Fire, and Safety codes. I believe that my experience, insight, knowledge and understanding as a low income retiree with a disability certainly would benefit the board. Also, my role, as a former home owner former property manager house sitter and caretaker will serve the board with innovative ideas, compromises as well as solutions. My skills include: Availability for a 3 year term Communicating effectively Communicating respectfully Listening A willingness to compromise Skilled negotiator in seeking resolutions and solutions Success changing and reforming codes, laws and regulations in Virginia and Montana Thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing my application. I look forward to hearing back from you to discuss further my qualifications, along with the possibility of a mutually beneficial partnership on behalf of the CHAB. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. 486 Reference 1 Susan Suda, Vocation Rehabilitation Counselor, (406) 587-0601 ssud2a@mt..gov Reference 2 Michele Letendre Disability/Diversability Coordinator, Bozeman Job Service, ( 406) 582-9200 mletendre@mt.gov The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Chris Mehl & I-Ho Pomeroy Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? My disability doesn't require assistance. The only assistance I need, as do many is finding affordable, safe housing in Bozeman. If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 487 From:webadmin@bozeman.net To:Agenda Subject:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date:Monday, September 11, 2017 10:15:57 PM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:09/11/2017 10:15 PM Response #:9 Submitter ID:2096 IP address: Time to complete:14 min. , 49 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Joshua Last Name Boyell Physical Address 3445 Blackbird Drive, Unit 8 PO Box (if different from physical address) Not answered City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59718 Primary Phone (406) 209-0976 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation HVAC Construction Employer Self Employed Email JBMechanicalMT@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) Yes 488 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 6-10 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) No Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: I have worked in the construction industry for over 10 years. I have owned a small business in the construction industry for almost 2. I believe I could represent a large swath of Bozeman's residents; those that work in the construction industry. These people, myself included, are some in the most need of affordable housing. They also are reliant on keeping construction in Bozeman growing and not over burdened by regulation. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 Alicia Kennedy 302 753 8469 AKennedy@bozeman.net Reference 2 Josh Hellesto 406 599 4071 joshua.hellesto@gmail.com The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? City Council Meeting Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? I am a resident of Bozeman. I own a business in Bozeman. I care about Bozeman's future and want to be able to come to a solution for housing that is beneficial for the residents of Bozeman and the construction industry. If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. 489 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 490 From:Brenda Sweeney To:Brenda Sweeney Subject:CAB Application - Jennisse Schule Date:Friday, December 29, 2017 4:13:32 PM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:12/28/2017 4:55 PM Response #:38 Submitter ID:3343 IP address: Time to complete:12 min. , 13 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Jennisse Last Name Schule Physical Address 10030 Happy Acres Road West PO Box (if different from physical address) 1627 W Main St, #418 City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59715 Primary Phone (406) 249-2577 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation Architect in Training Employer LoveSchack Architecture Email njschule@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) No 491 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 1-5 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) Yes (If Yes, where and how long?) BABAB, less than a year Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: I am a recent graduate from the Architecture school where I focused on sustainable and affordable housing practices. While school prohibited my continued involvement in my previous Advisory Board experience, I am now graduated and would like to continue to work with the Affordable Housing realm for the community of Bozeman. I understand there is a Special Needs seat available. I would like to apply to serve in that capacity. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 Ralph Johnson 406-579-3049 ralphj@montana.edu Reference 2 Lindsay Schack 406-581-5156 lschack@loveschack.com The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Kevin Thane Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? I have a research paper that I did on accessibility on MSU campus. I can send it as an attachment if additional qualifications may be necessary. If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. 492 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 493 From:Brenda Sweeney To:Brenda Sweeney Subject:CAB Application - B. Burnett Date:Tuesday, October 31, 2017 4:35:43 PM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:10/31/2017 4:24 PM Response #:23 Submitter ID:2578 IP address: Time to complete:15 min. , 17 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Bjorn Last Name burnett Physical Address 3828 Blondie st. #101 PO Box (if different from physical address) Not answered City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59718 Primary Phone (510) 333-9140 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation Financial Planner Employer Self/Northwestern Mutual Email bjornbur@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) Yes 494 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 1-5 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) No Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: Every year it gets more and more expensive to rent and buy in Bozeman. I have had many friends and colleagues move away because the cost of living is not keeping pace with wages. So called "affordable" housing only exists if you are living dirt poor, it doesn't take into account recent college grads who are paying loans off or have other financial obligations. There needs to be a focus on the lower middle class, the smart hard working people who make just enough money to not qualify for affordable housing otherwise this workforce will continue to leave. I am just a normal hard working guy who wants to stay in Bozeman but cant afford it. There is a solution, we just need action. I have no experience in local government, I hope this is a way I can get started. If not if someone could help me find a path to participation it would be greatly appreciated. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 John Brandt. 406-539-4932. johnb@thebrandtgroup.com Reference 2 Jessica Braun. 231-690-8985 The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Research Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? If there is not a place on the affordable housing board I would be happy to volunteer in another capacity. If there is anyone who would be willing to reach out to me to help me find where I could be the most useful that would be greatly appreciated. Due to cost of living I am moving to Belgrade but I have my office in Bozeman. If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. 495 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 496