HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A6. Building Board of Appeals Appointments Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Brenda Sweeney, Deputy City Clerk Robin Crough, City Clerk SUBJECT: Appointment(s) to the Building Board of Appeals MEETING DATE: March 19, 2018 MEETING TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to appoint up to three members to the Building Board of Appeals with two terms ending December 31, 2018 and one term ending December 31, 2019. BACKGROUND: The Building Board of Appeals has three vacant positions; two positions with expiration dates of December 31, 2018 and one positions with an expiration date of December 31, 2019. The Board of Appeals was established under Commission Resolution No. 2483, adopted October 3, 1983 to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and to provide reasonable interpretation of the following codes of the City of Bozeman: Building Code, Electrical Code, Mechanical Code, and Plumbing Code. The Board of Appeals only meets as needed. The Board of Appeals shall consist of five members appointed by the City Commission and serving without compensation, which are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction. The Building Official shall be an ex officio member and shall act as Secretary of the Board. Appointments are for a period of three years. This Board currently has three vacancies. The City Clerk’s Office has received four applications, with their relevant qualifications indicated below. 1. Two positions with terms expiring December 31, 2018 | Qualifies: T. Conover, R. Stephens, J. Martel, C. Tate 2. One position with a term expiring December 31, 2019 | Qualifies: T. Conover, R. Stephens, J. Martel, C. Tate Applicants: Ted Conover 468 Randy Stephens Jason Martel Cristie Tate Commissioner I-Ho Pomeroy is the City Commission liaison for this board. Building Board of Appeals appointments are Commission appointments. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Board Applications 469 From:Brenda Sweeney To:Brenda Sweeney Subject:CAB Application - T. Conover Date:Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:31:19 AM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:02/20/2018 5:04 PM Response #:58 Submitter ID:4144 IP address: Time to complete:7 min. , 50 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Theodore Last Name Conover Physical Address 411 E Main St, Suite 101 PO Box (if different from physical address) Not answered City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59715 Primary Phone (406) 922-7131 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation Architect Employer CTA, Inc Email tedc@ctagroup.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Fire Code Board of Appeals Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) Yes 470 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 6-10 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) No Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: I am an Architect, and know building codes fairly well. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 Kurt Ratz 406-922-7102 kurtr@ctagroup.com Kurt is our CTA Bozeman Office Manager, and an Architect Reference 2 Bob Franzen 406-922-7113 bobf@ctagroup.com Bob is a senior project manager in our CTA Bozeman Office The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? through Robert Lashaway Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? Thanks for your consideration If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. 471 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 472 From:Brenda Sweeney To:Brenda Sweeney Subject:CAB Application - Randy Stephens Date:Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:48:41 AM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:02/26/2018 9:33 PM Response #:60 Submitter ID:4339 IP address: Time to complete:21 min. , 10 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Randy Last Name Stephens Physical Address 843 Advance Dr PO Box (if different from physical address) Not answered City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59718 Primary Phone (406) 551-3985 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation University Architect Employer Montana State University Email randymsu13@gmail.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Building Division Board of Appeals (BOA) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) Yes 473 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 1-5 years Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) Yes (If Yes, where and how long?) Wilmington, OH (approx. 3 year term) Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: Registered Architect in State of Montana Was in the practice of architecture for 17 years. Involved in campus planning, design and construction at two major universities for 16 years. Working at a University presents a wide range of building codes issues and interpretations always in balance with a wide range of customer requests. Have always enjoyed building code research and interpretation. Continue to enjoy problem solving and finding workable solutions. Follow my dad's footsteps in public service. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 Bob Lashaway rvljack@gmail.com Reference 2 Walt Banziger wbanziger@montana.edu 406-994-6326 The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? By reference 1 Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? Always try to do what is right and in the best interest of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are 474 included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 475 From:Brenda Sweeney To:Brenda Sweeney Subject:CAB Application - Jason Martel Date:Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:56:36 AM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:02/27/2018 4:55 PM Response #:61 Submitter ID:4355 IP address: Time to complete:20 min. , 18 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Jason Last Name Martel Physical Address 2104 Spring Creek Drive PO Box (if different from physical address) Not answered City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59715 Primary Phone (406) 579-7562 Additional Phone (406) 586-8585 ext. 5521 Current Occupation General Building Contractor Employer Martel Construction Email jmartel@martelconstruction.com Which position are you applying for? (○) Building Division Board of Appeals (BOA) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) Yes 476 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 11 years or more Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) No Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: I have been a principal owner in Martel Construction for over 30 years. I have a broad range of experience in all manner of construction related issues and I have been involved with numerous building code reviews on complex commercial and residential projects. I would bring relevant first hand experience in addressing building code related issues and the process involved with resolving them. I am currently the Chairman of Legacy Insurance witch is a group captive insurance company comprised of some of Montana's leading businesses. I was formerly the Chairman of the North American Hockey League. At the time is was comprised of 12 member franchises across the United States representing the top tier in USA Hockey's Junior program. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 Joe Nelson 406.579-0704 joe.nelson@barnard-inc.com Reference 2 Ray Clark 406.579-0640 rc@riversageinns.com The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Referred by Robert Lashaway Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? I can commit the time necessary to review appeals as needed and look forward to the opportunity to serve our community. If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are 477 included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 478 From:webadmin@bozeman.net To:Agenda Subject:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date:Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:41:22 AM A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted. Form Name:Citizen Advisory Board Application Date & Time:03/01/2018 9:41 AM Response #:62 Submitter ID:4385 IP address: Time to complete:48 min. , 26 sec. Survey Details Page 1 Thank you for applying for a Citizen Advisory Board. The City of Bozeman elected officials and staff believe in the value of public participation and local governance in the process of decision-making. If you are applying for more than one vacancy please submit an individual application for each vacancy. Questions about this process can be directed to the City Clerk's office or phone 406-582-2320. Applicant Information First Name Cristie Last Name Tate Physical Address 84 West Clara Ct PO Box (if different from physical address) Not answered City Bozeman State Montana Zip Code 59718 Primary Phone (406) 209-0154 Additional Phone Not answered Current Occupation Construction Manager/Civil Eng Employer Tate Management, Inc Email CRISTIE@TATEMANAGEMENT.COM Which position are you applying for? (○) Building Division Board of Appeals (BOA) Do You Live in the City Limits? (Some positions do require you live within Bozeman city limits while others do not.) (○) No 479 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? (○) 11 years or more Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? (○) No Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences: Since graduating from Montana State University in Civil Engineering, my experience spans working for a heavy civil contractor building bridges to a structural engineer on design build projects across the United States. Since moving back to Montana in 2005, I was fortunate to work at Morrison Maierle with their structures group before joining my husband at Tate Management doing construction management. My diverse background has exposed me to both good and bad practices and allows me to see the big picture. Having spent half my career working with design codes, I understand that they do not fit every situation. Understanding the background to how the specific code was developed, and what it was intended for, is crucial in how it should be applied and enforced. References: Please provide name, phone, and email contact information for two references. Reference 1 Randy Stephens MSU Architect 994-5463 randy.stephens1@montana.edu Reference 2 Tracy Menuez HRDC 585-4890 tmenuez@hrdc9.org The Bozeman City Charter, voted in by the citizens of Bozeman in 2008, requires yearly ethics training. If appointed, do you understand you will be expected to take online and in person ethics trainings? (○) Yes How did you hear about this board or vacancy? Robert Lashaway Is there any other information that you feel we need to know? Not answered If you have a disability that requires assistance or need accommodations, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that for most Citizen Advisory Boards, materials are distributed electronically for each meeting. Your application and all information submitted is considered a public record. All applications are included in the City Commission’s Meeting materials for consideration which are electronically archived and available to the public. 480 Thank you, City Of Bozeman This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email. 481