HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A4. Resolution 4845, CILP for Sandan Park Picnic ShelterCommission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Carolyn Poissant – Trails, Open Space, and Parks Development Manager Mitch Overton – Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Resolution 4845 – Allocation of Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication Funds for Sandan Park Picnic Shelter MEETING DATE: March 19, 2018 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 4845 allocating $36,514.50 in cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funds (received from Sandan, LLC in 2005) for installation of a picnic shelter in Sandan Park (located in Cattail Creek subdivision), in accordance with the approved park master plan. RECOMMENDED MOTION: In consideration of public input and materials presented to date, I hereby move to adopt Resolution 4845 allocating $36,514.50 in cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funds for installation of a picnic shelter in Sandan Park, in accordance with the approved park master plan. BACKGROUND: Section 38.27.030 (F.)(1.) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, (“Cash Donation in lieu of Land Dedication”) states: “The city shall use a cash donation for development or acquisition of parks to serve the development.” The plat for Cattail Subdivision 2A/2B includes “Sandan Park,” a 3.12-acre dedicated public park bounded by Fen Way, Downy Lane, Blackbird Drive, and Savannah Street. A deposit to the cash in lieu of parkland dedication account for $36,514.50 was made by Sandan, LLC, developers of Cattail Creek subdivision, on 9/28/2005 according to Finance Department records. The park master plan includes a picnic shelter in the park (Attachment A). The Cattail Creek Community Owners Association (“Cattail Creek COA”) has submitted an application for the use of $36,514.50 in cash-in-lieu of funds for installation of a picnic shelter in Sandan Park (Attachment B). The total cost of the project is approximately $65,000. Cattail Creek COA will make up the difference with a cash contribution. The Parks Division will coordinate with the architect hired by the Cattail Creek COA to ensure the picnic shelter is installed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. The architect will also obtain a building permit for the shelter. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board unanimously approved (7-0) the following motion at their regular meeting of September 14, 2017: 454 “Having considered all information presented and public input received to date, I hereby move to recommend that the City Commission approve the allocation of $36,514.50 from the Cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account to the Sandan Park improvement (picnic shelter) project;” UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: Per Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: An allocation of $36,514.50 to this project will leave an unallocated balance of $529,860.90 in the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 4845 Attachment A – Cattail Creek Subdivision Park Master Plan Attachment B - Application for Use of Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Dedication Funds Report compiled: February 19, 2018 455 Page 1 of 2 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4845 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND DEDICATION FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO SANDAN PARK WHEREAS, the Cattail Creek Community Owners Association has submitted an application for the use of cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funds for construction of a picnic shelter in Sandan Park in the Cattail Creek subdivision; and WHEREAS, a cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication contribution of $36,514.50 from “Sandan LLC” was deposited 9/29/2005 per Finance Department records; and WHEREAS, Section 38.27.030 (F.)(1.) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, (“Cash Donation in lieu of Land Dedication”) specifies criteria for which these funds may be utilized; and WHEREAS, the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board at their regular meeting of September 14, 2017 unanimously passed a motion recommending that Commission approve the allocation of $36,514.50 from the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account to the Sandan Park improvement (picnic shelter) project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, Section 1 – Municipal Code Reference In accordance with Section 38.27.030 (F.)(1.) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, the source of cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funding obtained from “Sandan LLC” is appropriate for Sandan Park improvements in Cattail Creek subdivision; and 456 Page 2 of 2 Section 2 – Funding Authorization The allocation of $36,514.50 from the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account is hereby approved for the Sandan Park improvement project. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of March 2018. ___________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 457 +:>, AREAS, EASEMENTS �'Oil:: LAYOUTS. AND SETBACKS Dll,lENSIONS, ARE SUBJECT SCHEMA nc TO �·A CHANGE l\/RE OF DUE THIS TO Pl AN. SEE REGULA CURRENT no.�s. CITY FINAL LAND PLATS USE AND CURRENT DESIGN REGULATIONS COVENANTS, FOR Bi'LA\\"5 SPECIF!AND :; l.�FOR.I! A TIO.�. PHASE 111 j ZONING / LAND USE KEY LIGHT MANUFACl\/RING DISTRICT o M-1 NElGHBORHOOO BUSINESS DISTRICT o B-1 R£SIDWTIAL OFF/CE DISTRICT o R-0 RESID[NnAL o R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY D!STIRICT RESIDENTIAL TWO-HOUSEMOLD MWIUM o R-2 DENSITY 015 iRI CT RESIDE�'TIAL SINQ.E-HOUSEHOLD LOW o R-1 DENSITY OISiRICT PARKS/COMIION OPEN SPACE WETLANDS/PONDS inurtns1k A.RC�l"."ECTURE '"-""""'-''"'• I, 'J;'D�H � BAXTER MEADOWS P.U.D. "!�'S )�l_::f . �� � ·, .. '" •-s - CATIAJL LAKE R-• PHASE II s - ELEI.IENTAJ<V SCHOOL SITE (PU) - PHASE !J-7 :1-S A Schematic Master Plan NTS January 2008 Draft Revised 8-2 COSTCO Ill CASH-IN-LIEU FUNDING APPLICATION Please complete all sections of the application. Attach additional pages as necessary. Contact the TOP Manager if you need assistance (phone: 582-2908). Park Name: (l( Name of Project: = I Location of project within the park and nearest cross-streets: -er. Please provide a brief description of the project. Describe existing conditions in the park, proposed improvements, why they are needed, and a desired time frame for completion. 459 460 461 -- - TARGET BOB WAJ<OS PET9.IAAT STA=S GALLATIN c.&HA.i. 1=1 f - -- 1 S-P _:fi c.,:.��f.£1 ATTACHMENT A - CATTAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION PARK MASTER PLAN 458