HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A2. Costco Addition PUD and Site Plan17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PPUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Date: Design Review Board, January 24, 2018, at 5:30 pm. City Commission, March 19, 2018, at 6:00 pm. Project Description: A Site Plan and Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) application to allow a 24,000 square foot expansion of the existing 126,000 square foot Costco warehouse facility with parking, open space, and related site improvements. The site is located on 18.41 acres zoned B-2 and within the Class 1 I-90 entryway corridor. Project Location: 2505 Catron Street. The parcels are legally described Lot 1 Minor Subdivision No. 210, Bozeman, Montana, and Tract E-1 Certificate of Survey 1827, located in the Northeast ¼ of S35, T01 S, R05 E, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. Recommendation: Approval with conditions and code corrections Recommend Motions: Planned Unit Development Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17412 and move to approve the preliminary planned unit development subject to conditions and all applicable code provisions. Site Plan Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17413 and move to approve the site plan application subject to conditions and all applicable code provisions. Report Date: March 5, 2018 Staff Contact: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner Shawn Kohtz, Development Review Engineer Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues There are no unresolved issues with the application. Project Summary The property owner and applicant made application to expand the existing Costco warehouse. The expansion includes an additional 24,000 square feet of floor area, 150 246 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 2 of 41 additional parking spaces, and related site improvements include stormwater retention, landscaping and street improvements. The subject property is within the I-90 Class 1 Entryway Corridor and due to the size of the building triggers the design requirements of large scale retail under section 38.22.180, BMC. The subject property is also with the North 19th Avenue and Oak Street Corridor Master Plan area. Two relaxations are required with the application. First, permission to exceed maximum size of retail stores, section 38.22.180.B, BMC. The existing building is 126,297 square feet with a proposed addition of 24,000 square feet totaling 150,297 square feet. This standard has been removed from the municipal code in the recently adopted revisions to the Unified Development Code but is not yet in effect, therefore the relaxation is needed. The second relaxation is allow the parking area to exceed 125% of the minimum parking requirements. See section, BMC. Currently there are 495 parking spaces with an additional 105 spaces proposed totaling 663 spaces. Minimum parking for the Costco Warehouse is 425 spaces, 125 percent of minimum requirements is 531. The request is to exceed minimum parking by 132 parking spaces, or 156 percent over minimum. The relaxations to exceed maximum parking and retail space requirements may be granted with a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The criteria for granting a PUD are found section 38.20.090.E, BMC. Minimum design standards for both the Entryway Corridor and large scale retail apply. Therefore, the application requires a three tier design standard metric for approval. Tier one in a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for the Entryway Corridor. Tier two is the standards for large scale retail. Tier three are the additional requirements associated with the PUD to grant the excess parking and retail store square footage. A PUD is a discretionary approval and the review authority must find that the overall development is superior to that offered by the basic existing zoning standards. See Section 38.20.030.A.4, BMC. The intent of a PUD is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in development proposals within the City. The applicants can request relaxations from the UDC in exchange for a higher quality of design. The obligation to show a superior outcome is the responsibility of the applicant. The applicant asserts that the overall outcome of the proposal is superior to what would be obtained from the application of the default B-2 district. The outcome will be a large-scale retail operation designed to: relate to the local community; be supportive of nearby neighborhood development scales, service and amenity needs, and connectivity requirements; and demonstrate innovative, high quality features. In addition, the project is subject to design review for conformance with the adopted Design Objectives Plan (DOP). Upon completion of the subject addition, landscaping and open 247 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 3 of 41 space provisions, and related existing design refresh, where warranted, the project will be an aesthetically pleasing development in one of the most prominent commercial areas within the I-90 entryway corridor and more contextually, for residents in adjacent neighborhoods. The Design Review Board (DRB) considered the application on October 11, 2017, In addition, the Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed and provided comments on the application. Based on these comments Costco revised the building design and numerous site plan components and submitted revised plans on December 21, 2017. Administrative Design Review (ADR) met on December 28, 2017 and found the revised plans generally complies with the standards and intent of the Entryway Corridor COA criteria. The DRC considered the revised application on January 10, 2018. The DRC identified a number of code corrections and suggested conditions of approval. With code corrections and conditions of approval the DRC is forwarding a recommendation to the City Commission to approve the application. Prior to final Site Plan approval, a final PUD application is required which must address the conditions of approval in order for the applicant to be granted site plan approval. On January 24, 2018 the DRB reviewed the revised PUD application and made a recommendation that the City Commission approve the application finding the proposal generally met the requirements and design standards of the Entryway Corridor and included sufficient design and community benefit to grant the two deviations requested. Revised PUD performance analysis and building re-use plan was submitted on March 8, 2018. This information is attached to this report and integrated into this report. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the report findings and the recommended conditions of approval; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions and/or modifications to the report findings; 3. Deny the application based on the City Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the review on the application with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. 248 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 4 of 41 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 2 - REQUESTED RELAXATION / DEVIATIONS / VARIANCES .................. 20 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL .................................... 20 SECTION 4 – CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ............... 21 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ...................................... 24 SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ........................................................... 24 Planned Unit Development Review Criteria, Section 38.20.090.E, BMC. ...................... 24 Entryway Overlay District Review Criteria, Section 38.17.060 BMC. ............................ 30 Large-scale retail, size limitations and design and site development guidelines and requirements, Section 38.22.180, BMC. ........................................................................... 30 Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. .............................................................. 31 APPENDIX A –PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY................................ 38 APPENDIX B – PROJECT BACKGROUND ....................................................................... 39 APPENDIX C- NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ..................................................... 39 APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ........................... 39 APPENDIX E –PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT ........................................... 40 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 41 249 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 5 of 41 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Zoning Classification 250 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 6 of 41 Growth policy designation 251 252 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 8 of 41 253 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 9 of 41 254 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 10 of 41 255 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 11 of 41 256 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 12 of 41 257 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 13 of 41 258 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 14 of 41 259 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 15 of 41 260 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 16 of 41 261 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 17 of 41 262 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 18 of 41 263 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Plan (SP) Applications Page 19 of 41 264 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 20 of 41 SECTION 2 - REQUESTED RELAXATION / DEVIATIONS / VARIANCES a. Section 38.22.180.B, BMC, exceed maximum retail store size. Maximum allowed is 75,000 square feet. Relaxation will allow a building not to exceed 151,000 sq. ft. b. Section 25.040.2b, BMC, exceed maximum allowable parking. Maximum allowed is 125% of required parking. Relaxation will allow 663 spaces. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. Conditions approval provided below are within the purview of the DRB. Additional conditions of approval and code corrections are required and will be included with the final report provided to the City Commission. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2. The applicant shall submit a written narrative outlining how each of the conditions of approval and code provisions has been satisfied with the final plan application. 3. Prior to Site Plan approval, the Costco Annexation, Application No. 17067, must be fully executed by the City. 4. Prior to final occupancy, the shared use path along East Valley Center Road must be constructed of permeable pavers to provide a surface equivalent to a sidewalk as the path is replacing sidewalk that is otherwise required adjacent to East Valley Center Road. Alternatively, the applicant may construct the surface as a concrete path, but a concrete path is not allowed in the Zone 2 watercourse setback in the proposed location. If constructed as a concrete path, it must be located outside the Zone 2 watercourse setback per BMC 38.23.100.A.2. 5. Preliminary Site Plan has the incorrect scale on the first page (sheet DD11-09). In addition, it appears all sheet were printed slightly off scale. Staff is unable to confirm accuracy of the proposed plan set. Please correct. 6. Section 38.25.010.A.a. Parking. Parking is calculated at 85 percent of the gross floor area. The parking demand provided in the submittal uses the total gross floor area. The plans are under stating the parking relaxation requested. Revise the calculations and update the PUD performance analysis to reflect the increased relation request. 7. Revised analysis showing compliance with required PUD performance was omitted with the revised plans. 8. Clarify water source for all irrigation. If an exempt well is proposed and allowed, all irrigation wells located within the exterior boundaries of the development shall include 265 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 21 of 41 Montana DNRC certificates which shall be provided to the City prior to final plan approval. All wells shall include a meter or other device to determine consumption. 9. Per section 39.19.120 with final plan submittal, written verification that complete and accurate utility easements for proposed private and public utilities have been recorded for all phases of the development. 10. Prior to final plan approval, a description of proposed watering methods including any use of high efficiency irrigation technologies and best practice, source of irrigation water and estimated amount of water consumption broken down by vegetation type (e.g. turf, shrubs, trees) and total estimated water consumption. 11. If not already filed with the annexation, the applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID’s) for the following: a. Street improvements to Catamount Street including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and storm drainage. b. Street improvements to N. 27th Avenue including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and storm drainage. c. Street improvements to E. Valley Center Drive including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and storm drainage. d. Intersection improvements to the intersection of Catamount Street and E. Valley Center Drive. e. Intersection improvements to the intersection of Catamount Street and N. 27th Avenue. f. Intersection improvements to the intersection of E. Valley Center Drive and N. 19th Avenue. g. Intersection improvements to the intersection of Max Avenue and Catron Street. The document filed shall specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide this item prior to final plat approval. 12. The applicant must complete the lot aggregation of the northern and southern lots as described in the applicant’s narrative prior to site plan approval. SECTION 4 – CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS 1. Overflow parking must be designed to minimize stormwater runoff. LID integration is required to meet the standards of the Design Objective Plan. This is a minimum standard, any requested PUD performance points must show a superior design. This provision was noted in the correspondence dated September 15, 2017. The City respectfully disagrees that the parking areas exceeding the maximum of 125 percent is defined as “overflow” parking. Revise the parking area that exceeds the maximum to include LID designs. 266 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 22 of 41 2. Section 38.23.180. Cash-in-Lieu of water right. The transfer of water rights or the payment of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights shall be provided. CIL of water rights due prior to each site plan approval. 3. 38.23.170.A.4. Construction waste enclosure. A designated temporary enclosed refuse storage area on the site plan, including a typical detail with dimensions and type of materials, for the storage and collection of building material debris during the construction phase of the project, and that said debris area is shown accordingly on the final site plan. The plans do not include a details for a designated temporary enclosed refuse storage area on the site plan. Provide the necessary details. 4. Pursuant to section 38.23.160 all outdoor storage of materials, supplies, merchandise or other similar matter not on display for direct sale, rental or lease must be screened from view. The revised narrative states there is no outdoor storage, however, packaging materials, refuse, recycling and other storage is located on the west side of the building adjacent to residential uses. No screening is shown on the plans. 5. Preliminary Site Plan sheet DD11-09 states the County Planning Department and the City has jurisdictional authority over the property. Upon annexation only the City will have authority. Revise to state only the City of Bozeman. 6. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.23.060.A states: Where determined to be necessary, public and/or private easements shall be provided for private and public utilities, drainage, vehicular or pedestrian access, etc. • The applicant must provide a street easement for Catamount Street located from the right-of-way (ROW) line to 50-feet from the street centerline where Catamount Street is adjacent to the property line consistent with the City’s minor arterial street standard. The applicant must execute and deliver the original, signed easement on City standard easement form prior to site plan approval. The original easement must be delivered to the City Engineering Division. The applicant may obtain a copy of the easement template from the City Engineering Division. The applicant noted an easement of 42.28-feet from the centerline of Catamount Street. However, the easement must be 50-feet from the centerline of Catamount Street. • The applicant must provide a public access easement over the shared use path located outside public right-of-way prior to site plan approval. The applicant must execute and deliver the original, signed easement on City standard easement form prior to site plan approval. The original easement must be delivered to the City Engineering Division. 7. BMC 38.24.010.A states: All streets shall be provided in accordance with the adopted growth policy and/or transportation plan. The arrangement, type, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety, and to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. • Catamount Street and the associated appurtenances must be constructed from its current complete section near the western Costco property boundary to the intersection with E. Valley Center Drive prior to the applicant receiving an occupancy permit, and building permits will be issued prior to construction of the Catamount 267 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 23 of 41 Street improvement only if the applicant demonstrates all requirements of BMC 38.39.030.C. The City’s current understanding is the applicant will lead the construction of Catamount Street. As such, the applicant and the City must enter into an impact fee reimbursement agreement that defines reimbursement of the City’s portion of the street improvements prior to construction of Catamount Street. The applicant is advised to contact the City Engineering Department (Shawn Kohtz) to initiate the agreement. • The applicant’s traffic impact study indicates severe deterioration of traffic conditions during the peak-hours at the intersection of Max Avenue and Catron Street. The applicant must upgrade the intersection and show intersection upgrades on the drawings prior to site plan approval. This improvement qualifies for planned unit development points to offset other requested code relaxations. 8. BMC Section 38.23.060.C.1 states: A public utility easement shall be granted for all public utility mains not located within public street right-of-way. The applicant must provide a water main easement where the water main will be relocated north of the proposed building expansion. The applicant must execute and deliver the original, signed easement on the City standard easement form prior to site plan approval. The original easement must be delivered to the City Engineering Division. The applicant may obtain a copy of the easement template from the City Engineering Division. 9. BMC 38.24.080.A states: City standard sidewalks (including a concrete sidewalk section through all private drive approaches) shall be constructed in all developments on all public and private street frontages, except for alleys. The requirements of the city design standards and specifications policy and the city modifications to state public works standard specifications shall apply. The proposed shared use path along E. Valley Center Road must be constructed of permeable pavers to provide a surface equivalent to a sidewalk as the path is replacing sidewalk that is otherwise required adjacent to E. Valley Center Road. Alternatively, the applicant may construct the surface as a concrete path, but a concrete path is not allowed in the Zone 2 watercourse setback in the proposed location. If constructed as a concrete path, it must be located outside the Zone 2 watercourse setback per BMC 38.23.100.A.2. 10. BMC Section 38.23.180 states: the transfer of water rights or the payment of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights shall be provided. The applicant must pay CIL of water rights as defined in the application prior to site plan approval. 11. BMC Section 38.39.030.C.1.c.(1) and (3) states: (1)…are the subject of an irrevocable offer of dedication to the city upon completion of the project… and (2) Approval of the final engineering design, including location and grade, for the infrastructure project must be obtained from the engineering department, and the state department of environmental quality when applicable, prior to issuance of any building permit for the development… The applicant must provide the executed Irrevocable Offer of Dedication prior to approval of concurrent construction. The applicant must have an approved, final engineering design from the City Engineering Department and from Montana Department of Environmental Quality prior to approval of concurrent construction. 268 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 24 of 41 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Administrative Design Review (ADR) met on December 28, 2017 and found the revised plans generally complies with the standards and intent of the Entryway Corridor COA criteria. The Design Review Board (DRB) considered the application on October 11, 2017 and revised application on January 24, 2018. The DRB reviewed the revised PUD application and made a recommendation that the City Commission approve the application finding the proposal generally met the requirements and design standards of the Entryway Corridor and included sufficient design and community benefit to grant the two deviations requested. The Design Review Board public meeting occurred at 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT, in the City Commission room at 5:30 p.m. The Development Review Committee (DRC) considered the Planned Unit Development and Site Plan applications September 13, 2017 and found the applications inadequate for review. The applications were revised on December 21, 2017. The Development Review Committee (DRC) considered the revised applications on January 10, 2018. The DRC and identified a number of code correction and suggested conditions of approval. With code corrections and conditions of approval the DRC is forwarding a recommendation to the City Commission to approve the application. Prior to final Site Plan approval, a final PUD application is required which must address the conditions of approval in order for the applicant to be granted site plan approval. The City Commission will consider the proposal on March 19, 2018. The City Commission public hearing will occur at 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT, in the City Commission room at 6 p.m. SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. Planned Unit Development Review Criteria, Section 38.20.090.E, BMC. Section 4.03C of the application presents the applicant’s response to these criteria. 269 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 25 of 41 a. All development. All land uses within a proposed planned unit development shall be reviewed against, and comply with, the applicable objectives and criteria of the mandatory "all development" group. (1) Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? Except for those standards proposed for relaxation, identified code corrections and applicable conditions of approval, the application conforms. (2) Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The project requires modification of existing wetlands, re-routing a water course, filling wetlands, and re-establishing landscaping in the disturbed areas. All applicable permits have been secured. A watercourse planting plan was submitted with this application. The plan proposes connecting existing trails with proposed trail networks in the PROST Plan. These included connecting the parking area with the natural area on the west side of the property and completing the pathway on the east side of the property between Catamount and Catron Streets. The site has been substantially disturbed by previous development. There will be substantial placement of new vegetation within the open spaces and parking areas. The master plan includes overall landscaping proposed for setback, common parking and open space areas. (3) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? Yes, the revised plan proposal appears cohesive and has a variety of coordinating elements ranging from design standards to physical site, circulation, open space and landscape configurations. In particular the augmented pedestrian circulation system provides a safe and connected system to reach desired destinations and is more integrated in the adjacent properties by complete lot frontage walkways and connecting the trail system surrounding the site. (4) Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g., building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The project is configured to be favorable to installation of solar systems. Such systems are not proposed at this time. As noted in the application Costco will improve energy efficiency by up-dating refrigeration and lighting fixtures. 270 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 26 of 41 The site will be integrated in to the existing and developing pedestrian and bicycle network which will enable travel without motor vehicles. However, due to the nature of the service provided, utilization of multi-modal transportation by customers is likely to be infrequent. However, staff may more frequently utilize multi-modal facilities. (5) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? Not applicable. (6) Park land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by section 38.27.020. Commercial development is not required to provide parkland. No parkland is proposed with this development. (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points. With a PUD, Section 38.20.090.E.2.a.7 requires at least 20 performance points for the subject property. In addition, as noted above, the project is with the North 19th Avenue and Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. Therefore, a total of 30 performance points must be met. There are 11 options provided in the UDC to meet this requirement. Points can be met using any combination of on-site and off-site open space or other options listed in the code. The Preliminary PUD must specify how the performance points are being met. Chapter 3 of the applicant’s submittal includes an analysis of the proposed performance point summary. ON March 8, 2018 Costco provided a revised performance analysis based on their final design plans for the Costco expansion. The majority of performance plans stems from providing 3.15 acres or 18.11 percent private open space, equivalent to 18.1 points. Pursuant to section 38.20.090.E.2(7), one point for each percent of the project area that is provided as non-public open space; or 1¼ points for each percent of the project area that is provided as publicly accessible open space. In addition, higher design will be integrated through Low Impact Design (LID) for stormwater management in the parking area, sustainable design and construction, water use reduction, integration of wayfinding, on-site recycling transfer station, and streetscape improvements. The design elements being proposed for streetscape improvements must be within the street right of way to qualify. Pursuant to section 38.20.090.E.2(7)(k), streetscape improvements may achieve up to six (6) additional PUD performance points and streetscape design features that exceed the minimum street standards including street furniture, pedestrian lighting, low- impact development techniques, on-street parking standards, crosswalks, landscape and 271 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 27 of 41 planting, way-finding, public art or other design elements. Such elements must be installed as part of the street infrastructure. A summary of the performance measures: Description Points Earned 1. On-site storm-water retention/detention 2.0 2. Open space 18.1 3. Planting plan 1.0 4. Irrigation systems 1.0 5. Limited (none) sod 1.0 6. Sustainable design and construction 2.0 7. Water use reduction 1.0 8. Covenants and design guidelines 1.0 9. Solar 0.5 10. Coordinated wayfinding 4.0 11. Public transport bus station or enhanced bus stop 1.0 12. Streetscape improvements 6.0 The City must review and approve the streetscape design provisions prior to final approval. Currently, some of the streetscape improvements are shown on Costco private property and therefore, would not count towards their performance calculation. However, the proposed design meets the minimum standards without this option. Costco has committed to making the improvements by relocating proposed improvements into the street ROW. (8) Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The application proposes expanding an existing facility. The original Costco Warehouse was reviewed and approved prior to the Bozeman Large Scale retail ordinance and the corresponding application of the Entryway Corridor overlay, and the Design Objectives Plan to the site. The existing condition created an isolated development with limited connectivity to adjacent properties and residential development. The use is and will continue to be heavily automobile dependent. The proposed expansion improves the connectivity and integration into the community. This is achieved by constructing lot frontage pathways, completing trail networks in and through the site, integrating stormwater facilities into the design, and the substantially revised internal circulation that will improve safety and access to the entrance. Clear pedestrian pathways are integrated to connect parking areas to the single entrance. The reworking of the wetlands allowed full connectivity to the PROST trail on the west side of the property. The trail, with the associated landscaping, provides a buffer from the residential developments to the west. 272 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 28 of 41 The site will be bounded on all sides by functioning sidewalks and walkways. The pathways more fully integrate with existing and proposed development adjacent to the property including the residential development to the west, the Holiday Inn Express on the southeast, Comfort Suites on the north side of Catamount Street, and other services in the vicinity. c. Commercial. Planned unit developments in commercial areas (B-1, B-2, B-3 and UMU zoning districts) may include either commercial or multi-household development, however adequate but controlled access to arterial streets is essential. Activities would include a broad range of retail and service establishments designed to serve consumer demands of the city area. (1) If the project contains any use intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, does it meet the requirements for adult businesses? No adult amusement or entertainment is proposed. (2) Is the project contiguous to an arterial street, and has adequate but controlled access been provided? The project is at the intersection of an arterial street and two local streets: Catamount, and Catron Streets. East Valley Center Road provides primary access to the two local streets. Max Avenue completes access to the site. Catamount will be constructed to a local street cross section. Staff is requiring the intersection of Max Avenue and Catron Street be improved prior to site plan approval to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the expansion. Please refer to Plan Review criterion No. 5 below for more detail. 273 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 29 of 41 (3) Is the project on at least two acres of land? Yes, the Costco property includes the existing and proposed site lot areas, 13.731 and 4.68 acres respectively. These parcels will be aggregated through the appropriate aggregation mechanism prior to final plan approval. (4) If the project contains two or more significant uses (for instance, retail, office, residential, hotel/motel and recreation), do the uses relate to each other in terms of location within the PUD, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, architectural design, utilization of common open space and facilities, etc.? Not applicable. (5) Is it compatible with and does it reflect the unique character of the surrounding area? Neutral. The area in question has evolved to be Bozeman’s large scale retail center. The proposed expansion further solidifies that character. (6) Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten spaces? Yes. The proposed expansion improves the connectivity and integration of the parking area. Improved internal pedestrian facilities are proposed to connect each parking pod with the primary entrance. Greater wayfinding is provided to guide customers through the site. The design considers the size and volume of products moved through the site by offering wider pedestrian pathways and allowing for greater vehicle overhangs to minimize pedestrian / vehicle interaction. In addition, the site will be bounded on all sides by functioning sidewalks and walkways. The pathways more fully integrate with existing and proposed development adjacent to the property including the residential development to the west, the Holiday Inn Express on the southeast, Comfort Suites on the north side of Catamount Street, and other services in the vicinity. Off-site parking is not proposed for this development. (7) Does the project encourage infill, or does the project otherwise demonstrate compliance with the land use guidelines of the city growth policy? The project demonstrates compliance with the land use guidelines of the city growth policy with conditions and code corrections. The project further develops an already existing site and therefore is infill. (8) Does the project provide for outdoor recreational areas (such as additional landscaped areas, open spaces, trails or picnic areas) for the use and enjoyment of those living in, working in or visiting the development? Yes. The development proposes pedestrian plaza adjacent to the front of the building to create a haven between the building and drive access and parking areas. This space improves safety and connectivity to the expanded parking area. Full pedestrian facilities permeate the 274 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 30 of 41 site and provide direct access to and from adjacent developments to the north, west, east, and south. The natural area and wetlands located on the northwest corner of the property are designed to provide recreation activities for customers, and residence near the site. This area completes pedestrian pathways as shown in the PROST Plan and to the existing trail network in the vicinity. In addition, Costco will complete the pedestrian trail adjacent to East Valley Center to the path partially constructed by Holiday Inn Express, see condition 4. Completion of missing links in the trail network enhances the overall utility of the network. Entryway Overlay District Review Criteria, Section 38.17.060 BMC. The site is located within the Class I, I-90 Entryway Corridor Overlay District. ADR staff has reviewed the proposal for conformance with the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Entryway Corridors. Staff finds the proposal to be in general conformance with the 2005 Bozeman Design Guidelines for Entryway Corridors. None have been identified. Large-scale retail, size limitations and design and site development guidelines and requirements, Section 38.22.180, BMC. No retail building, utilized by a single tenant, shall exceed 75,000 square feet. The current building is 126,297 square feet. The addition will add another 24,000 square feet to total 150,297 square feet. The applicant requests relaxation of standards for large-scale retail size. While this request may be considered by the review authority, other aspects of large-scale development code must still demonstrate conformance in the PUD. Code provisions identified during DRC review and related to report sections on building design and connectivity include: 1. Section 38.22.180.C.5. Design criteria and development standards. Large-scale retail. C.5 requires such a project to meet the City’s design criteria and development standards contained in Article 17 of Chapter 38, as relates to entryway corridor overlay district locations, and including the general design objectives and guidelines contained in the City’s Design Objectives Plan. Said design criteria and development standards shall be exceeded through design practices such as additional architectural detailing, exceptional landscape design, improved public spaces, use of renewable energy and/or recycled construction materials, and provisions for alternative modes of transportation. The review authority shall determine whether established design criteria and development standards have been exceeded based on a recommendation from the Design Review Board. 275 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 31 of 41 2. Sec.38.22.180.C.6. Adaptability for re-use/compartmentation. The building design shall include specific elements for adaptation for future multi-tenant reuse, compartmentalized building systems, adaptable facades, multiple entrances, site design that complements multiple entrances, and modulation or division of the exterior and interior designs to define separate future uses. The PPUD should show how this requirement will be met. 3. Sec.28.22.180.D.1. Rehabilitation plan. A rehabilitation or redevelopment plan must be provided and approved by the review authority. Please refer to the Entryway Corridor review above. In addition, Staff finds the application meets the intent of the Large Scale retail design standards and site development guidelines. Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. As provided in the executive summary, for an analysis of the CUP criteria, Staff must evaluate the accompanying site plan. The purpose of this section is to provide analysis that is incorporated into and supports the analysis of the CUP criteria and also to stand alone as a review of the site plan. The City Commission and applicant are advised that the following review summarizes issues applicable to identified criteria. If a specific item or requirement is not listed it does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy Neutral. The proposed expansion of a large scale retail business generally comports with the Bozeman Community Plan. The Bozeman Community Plan designates the subject property as Community Commercial Mixed Use and Regional Commercial and Services according to Figure 3-1 (Future Land Use Map). The Costco Warehouse site falls within a large scale commercial node. Large scale commercial nodes are intended to service the larger community as well as adjacent neighborhoods and are typically distributed on a one mile radius. This large scale node designation has been in place since 2001 and established to provide services to the entire NW quadrant of the community. Smaller Community Commercial areas are usually in the 10 to 15 acre size range and are intended to provide primarily local service to an area of approximately one-half mile radius. The area has established itself as a large scale retail center for Southwest Montana with Target, Staples, Ross, Petsmart, Bob Wards, and similar retailers in the immediate vicinity. 276 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 32 of 41 The use and zoning standard are met. Adoption of the zoning district requires conformance with the Growth Policy. Staff has analyzed the application against the Growth Policy and finds the application in general conformance with applicable policies and objectives. Relevant goals include:  Goal C-2: Community Circulation - Create a circulation system both vehicular and pedestrian that is fully connected, integrated, and designed for ease of use.  Goal C-4: Design Guidelines - Create illustrated design guidelines to give clear direction in design and review of residential and non-residential neighborhoods without unduly constraining architectural style and innovation  Goal C-6: Support Sustainability - Provide a framework to integrate the functional systems of a development into the site planning and building architecture.  Goal ED-1: Promote and encourage the continued development of Bozeman as a vital economic center.  Goal E-1: Continue protecting critical lands as valuable resources for the Community. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations Met. The current and prosed use are permitted in the B-2 zoning district. There are no known zoning violations on the property. The area the building will be expanded on underwent annexation and established B-2 zoning. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations Met. This criterion applies to items not included in Chapter 38, Unified Development Code. Beyond what is identified in this report no conflicts have been identified. Additional steps are required to comply with Chapter 38 procedures such as application for final plan/site plan, and building permit which will be addressed as appropriate in the future. The construction plans will be further evaluated against the requirements of the International Building Code at the time application is made for a building permit. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property Met. The proposed development will be required to construct Catamount Street on the north, complete pedestrian pathway on the east side adjacent to Valley Center Drive, construct full internal pedestrian circulation, develop the natural areas of community amenities, and improve circulation and function of the intersection of Max Avenue and Catron Street. As detailed above in the PUD analysis, the proposed expansion improves the connectivity and integration into the community. This is achieved by constructing lot frontage pathways, completing trail networks in and through the site, integrating stormwater facilities into the design, and the substantially revised internal circulation will improve safety and access to the entrance. Clear pedestrian pathways are integrated to connect parking areas to the single entrance. The reworking of the wetlands allowed full connectivity to the PROST trail on the 277 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 33 of 41 west side of the property. The trail, with the landscaping, provides a buffer to the residential developments to the west. The site will be bounded on all sides by functioning sidewalks and walkways. The pathways more fully integrate with existing and proposed development adjacent to the property including the residential development to the west, the Holiday Inn Express on the southeast, Comfort Suites on the north side of Catamount Street, and other services in the vicinity. Finally, the entrance plaza, architectural detailing and building design improves architectural interest for customers and bypasses. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions Met, with conditions of approval. The existing circulation system into and within the site has been modified to meet adopted standards of City development code. These improvement include revising the entrance plaza to provide a safe and functional entrance that deemphasize vehicular travel and elevates pedestrian function. The existing trail system throughout the site will be expanded and improved and will be integrated with the parking areas. The expanded parking area meets all current standards for circulation, landscaping, and internal pedestrian circulation. The second relaxation is to exceed maximum parking requirements. Required parking is calculated to be 425 spaces. 125 percent of 425 is 531 parking spaces. Costco proposes adding an additional 150 spaces to the existing parking area totaling 663 parking spaces or 156 percent of the total required. As required by the Design Objectives Plan, parking areas in excess of 125 percent require low impact design (LID) to mitigate the additional stormwater runoff. With Code Correction No. 1 the Applicant will met this standard. As required by section BMC 38.23.150.C states: Street lighting consists of street lighting and pathway intersection lighting, and shall comply with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy (DSSP). Traffic Access to the site is provided by Valley Center Road to Catron and Catamount Streets, and Max Avenue. Valley Center is a Principal Arterial and Catamount is a Minor Arterial according to the Bozeman Transportation Master Plan, 2017 update. Max Avenue and Catron Street are designated locals streets. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.24.060.B.4 states, “All arterial and collector streets and intersections with arterial and collector streets shall operate at a 278 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 34 of 41 minimum level of service "C" unless specifically exempted by this subsection. Level of service (LOS) values shall be determined by using the methods defined by the most recent edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. A development shall be approved only if the LOS requirements are met in the design year, which shall be a minimum of 15 years following the development application review or construction of mitigation measures if mitigation measures are required to maintain LOS. Intersections shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of "C" for the intersection as a whole.” Pursuant to section 38.24.010.A.2, BMC the developer shall arrange the streets to provide for the continuation of streets between adjacent developed properties when such continuation is necessary for the convenient movement of traffic, effective provision of emergency services and efficient provision of utilities. The data submitted with the application indicate the intersection of Max and Catron will not meet the City’s minimum level of service standards. The application suggests as customers “learn more about the new connection to Catamount Street, it is anticipated that usage at this drives access will increase.” (Chapter 5, infrastructure, page 47). The proposed design improves pedestrian connectivity as required by City code. However, the Applicant chose not to alter the entrance to the building to facilitate functional integration of the additional access from Catamount Street. Without altering the primary, and only, entrance to the building it is unlikely significant change in customer behavior will follow. The Trip Generation Estimate submitted with the Costco application for the fueling station dated August 17, 2006 included two statements germane to the intersection of Max and Catron Road. First, “Costco is a specialized use that cannot adequately be characterized by the generalized land uses commonly found in standard reference manuals used by transportation professionals (such as the ITE Trip Generation Manual).” Secondly, internal trips are heavily influenced by the primary and secondary purpose of a customer’s visit to Costco. In the example provided, the primary purpose of the visit is to the warehouse, however, and customers will stop at the fueling station first and then proceed through the site (internal circulation) to visit the warehouse. The estimates for redistribution of vehicle trips to the new entrance provide that vehicle trip do not appear to consider this analysis submitted by the applicant that standard ITE trip assignments do accurately capture vehicle movement. Staff contacted the Bozeman Police Department and requested accident data for the intersection of Catron Street and Max Avenue. Three collisions have occurred at this intersection in the last 4 years. All were relatively low speed collisions, just one with towable damage. One was in December 2015, one in November 2016, and one January, 2018. To handle traffic during busy periods Costco hires off duty officers to physically direct traffic during the busiest times this past Christmas. 279 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 35 of 41 Finally, the applicant’s traffic impact study indicates severe deterioration of traffic conditions during the peak-hours at the intersection of Max Avenue and Catron Street. The applicant must upgrade the intersection and show intersection upgrades on the drawings prior to site plan approval. This improvement qualifies for planned unit development points to offset other requested code relaxations. See Code Correction No. 7. The Applicant submitted revised analysis of the Traffic Impact Study on March 8, 2018 (attached). Staff has not had the opportunity to review the information as of the date of submitting this report. Upon review staff may provide additional analysis and/or report revisions prior to the public hearing. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress Met. Block length and pedestrian right of way standards are met. Vehicular drive access is provided from Catamount Street to the north and two ingress/egress points from Catron Street on the south. Pedestrian access is provided with each vehicular ingress/egress point and the trail to the west and connect to the surrounding area as shown on the master site plan. As required by City Code bicycle parking will be provided. Please refer to the Pedestrian Connectivity Plan, Sheet L1.4 Landscape Plan included in the map section above. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation Met. Full landscape plans are required and include wetland plantings plan. The pedestrian pathways, external streets, open space, and other areas will require landscape plan and approval with subsequent development. There is sufficient area in each area to meet minimum landscape requirements. 8. Open space Met. Open space is not required for the application. However, Costco proposed using open space to meet part of the PUD performance points to allow for relaxations of building size and parking maximums. Specifically, 2.9 acres of open space is included equaling 15.9 percent of the NET area. Open space performance point may be met with public or private opens pace. In this case the open space will be private with public access for trails. 9. Building location and height Met. The proposed building heights are within permitted standards of Section 38.10.060, BMC building height. Permitted height in the B-2 District are limited to 44 feet with roof pitches of 3:12 or greater. To add in architectural detail there are variable roof pitches. Maximum building height to be constructed is 35 feet. 10. Setbacks Met. Section 38.10.050, BMC, states required yards. All proposed structures and parking areas are within the required front, side and rear yard setbacks. 280 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 36 of 41 11. Lighting Met. The proposed walkway, parking area lights, and building mounted lights conform to the City’s dark sky requirements. The private lighting is subject to the proposed design guidelines which direct use of LED lighting. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities Met. Adequate provision of sewer capacity and storm water facilities are provided. The site is served by existing water and sewer lines. Further, pursuant to section 38.23.060.C.1, public utility easements shall be granted for all public utility mains not located within public street right-of-way. The applicant must provide a water main easement where the water main will be relocated north of the proposed building expansion. The applicant must execute and deliver the original, signed easement on the City standard easement form prior to site plan approval. See Code Correction No 8. 13. Site surface drainage Met. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.23.030.A states: The developer shall install complete drainage facilities in accordance with the requirements of the state department of environmental quality and the city, and shall conform to any applicable facilities plan and the terms of any approved site specific stormwater control plan. The city's requirements are contained in the design standards and specifications policy and the city modifications to state public works standard specifications, and by this reference these standards are incorporated into and made a part of these regulations. City Engineering has reviewed and approved the stormwater system. 14. Loading and unloading areas There is an existing loading area located on the southwest corner of the building. No modifications or expansions to this area are proposed. 15. Grading Met. The site generally slopes south to northeast. Grading is proposed for the construction of the parking areas, stormwater system, and building construction. All applicable grading details were submitted with this application and have been reviewed by the City Engineering Department. 16. Signage Met. No signage is proposed with this application. All new signage must be in compliance with the Bozeman Municipal Development Code and will require a sign permit prior to construction. 281 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 37 of 41 17. Screening Met with code correction. Mechanical, parking lot, and solid waste receptacles, and outdoor storage is required to be screened. All new parking areas meet screening standards through the submitted landscape plan pursuant to Section 38.26.050.C.2, BMC. Pursuant to section 38.23.160 all outdoor storage of materials, supplies, merchandise or other similar matter not on display for direct sale, rental or lease must be screened from view. The revised narrative states there is no outdoor storage, however, packaging materials, refuse, recycling and other storage is located on the west side of the building adjacent to residential uses. See Code Correction No. 4. 18. Overlay district provisions The site is located within the Class I, I-90 Entryway Corridor Overlay District. ADR staff has reviewed the proposal for conformance with the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Entryway Corridors. As noted under the Overlay District section above, staff finds the proposal to be in general conformance with the 2005 Bozeman Design Guidelines for Entryway Corridors. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties No public comment has been received at this time. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. Currently the subject property consists of two parcels. Costco intends to aggregate both parcels into one. As a condition of approval a lot aggregation must be reviewed and approved by the City. See Condition No. 12. The Applicant has submitted the application and it is under review. 21. Compliance with article 43 of chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Not applicable to commercial developments. 22. Phasing of development Met. The project is proposed for construction in one phase. 282 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 38 of 41 APPENDIX A –PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The property is zoned B-2 (community business). The intent of the B-2 community business district is to provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterials. Please note that this lot is not part of the Gallatin Center Development (Target, Ross, Bob Ward’s, etc.). Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The Future Land Use map of the Bozeman Community Plan identifies two designations for the subject area Regional Commercial and Services and Community Commercial Mixed-Use. The existing Costco property is designated as “Regional Commercial and Services.” This classification provides opportunities for activities that serve a multi county region, such as retail, education, health services, public administration, and tourism. The proposed area to be annexed to the existing property is designated as “Community Commercial Mixed Use”. This classification states that activities within this land use category are the basic employment and services necessary for a vibrant community. Establishments located within these categories draw from the community as a whole for their employee and customer base and are sized accordingly. A broad range of functions including retail, education, professional and personal services, offices, residences, and general service activities typify this designation. In the “center-based” land use pattern, Community Commercial Mixed Use areas are integrated with significant transportation corridors, including transit and non-automotive routes, to facilitate efficient travel opportunities. The density of development is expected to be higher than currently seen in most commercial areas in Bozeman and should include multi-story buildings. A Floor Area Ratio in excess of .5 is desired. It is desirable to allow residences on upper floors, in appropriate circumstances. Urban streetscapes, plazas, outdoor seating, public art, and hardscaped open space and park amenities are anticipated, appropriately designed for an urban character. Placed in proximity to significant streets and intersections, an equal emphasis on vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit circulation shall be provided. High density residential areas are expected in close proximity. Including residential units on sites within this category, typically on upper floors, will facilitate the provision of services and opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. The Community Commercial Mixed Use category is distributed at two different scales to serve different purposes. Large Community Commercial Mixed Use areas are significant in size and are activity centers for an area of several square miles surrounding them. These are intended to service the larger community as well as adjacent neighborhoods and are typically distributed on a one mile radius. Smaller Community Commercial areas are usually in the 10- 15 acre size range and are intended to provide primarily local service to an area of 283 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 39 of 41 approximately one-half mile radius. These commercial centers support and help give identity to individual neighborhoods by providing a visible and distinctive focal point. They should typically be located on one or two quadrants of intersections of arterials and/or collectors. Although a broad range of uses may be appropriate in both types of locations the size and scale is to be smaller within the local service placements. Mixed use areas should be developed in an integrated, pedestrian friendly manner and should not be overly dominated by any single land use. Higher intensity employment and residential uses are encouraged in the core of the area or adjacent to significant streets and intersections. As needed, building height transitions should be provided to be compatible with adjacent development. The properties located directly north, south, and east are designated as “Community Commercial Mixed Use”, and “Regional Commercial and Services”. The vacant land to the west is designated as “Residential.” APPENDIX B – PROJECT BACKGROUND The parent tract was created by Minor Subdivision No. 210 filed with the Clerk and Recorder in July, 1997. The original Costco Warehouse was reviewed and approved in 1997. In 2007, the fueling station was reviewed and approved by means of a Conditional Use Permit followed by modifications to the fueling station lighting and canopy in 2014. APPENDIX C- NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing was provided pursuant to Section 38.40.030, BMC. Notice was sent to property owners within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property via USPS first class mail February 22, 2018. Notice was placed in the Bozeman Dailey Chronicle for legal ad on two consecutive Sundays, February 25 and March 4, 2018. Public notice was posted on site on February 22, 2018. No public comment has been received on this application. APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owners: Cutthroat Partners, LLC, 300 East Griffin Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 and Costco Wholesale Corporation, 999 Lake Drive, Issaquah, WA 98029 Applicant: Peter Kahn, Costco Wholesale Corporation, 999 Lake Drive, Issaquah, WA 98029 Representatives: Steve Bullock, MG2, 1101 2nd Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 and Zach Lowe, DOWL, 2090 Stadium Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner 284 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 40 of 41 APPENDIX E –PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT Sec. 38.20.010. Intent. A. It is the intent of the city through the use of the planned unit development (PUD) concept, to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. Specifically, with regard to the improvement and protection of the public health, safety and general welfare, it shall be the intent of this chapter to promote the city's pursuit of the following community objectives: 1. To ensure that future growth and development occurring within the city is in accord with the city's adopted growth policy, its specific elements, and its goals, objectives and policies; 2. To allow opportunities for innovations in land development and redevelopment so that greater opportunities for high quality housing, recreation, shopping and employment may extend to all citizens of the city area; 3. To foster the safe, efficient and economic use of land and transportation and other public facilities; 4. To ensure adequate provision of public services such as water, sewer, electricity, open space and public parks; 5. To avoid inappropriate development of lands and to provide adequate drainage, water quality and reduction of flood damage; 6. To encourage patterns of development which decrease automobile travel and encourage trip consolidation, thereby reducing traffic congestion and degradation of the existing air quality; 7. To promote the use of bicycles and walking as effective modes of transportation; 8. To reduce energy consumption and demand; 9. To minimize adverse environmental impacts of development and to protect special features of the geography; 10. To improve the design, quality and character of new development; 11. To encourage development of vacant properties within developed areas; 12. To protect existing neighborhoods from the harmful encroachment of incompatible developments; 13. To promote logical development patterns of residential, commercial, office and industrial uses that will mutually benefit the developer, the neighborhood and the community as a whole; 14. To promote the efficient use of land resources, full use of urban services, mixed uses, transportation options, and detailed and human-scale design; and 15. To meet the purposes established in section 38.01.040. 285 17412 & 17413 Staff Report for the Costco Addition Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Page 41 of 41 ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. PUD Application Site Plan Application Supplemental TIS Analysis Supplemental information March 8, 2018 286 287 288 289 PUDP Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 1 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS 3 total sets are required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets. Complete and signed development review application form A1. Complete materials required by the SP1 checklist. Materials and plans that include all the required items listed in the preliminary PUD plan checklist below. Standard application sets required plan sizes: 2 sets that include full size 24 x 36 inch plans 1 set that include 11 x 17 inch plans 2-digital versions of all materials (JPEG or PDF) on separate CD-ROM’s or USB drives. Individual files must be provided at 5MB or less in size. Files shall be named according to naming protocol. Notes: All plans must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½ x 11 inches or larger than 24 x 36 inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Plans that are rolled or not bound into sets will not be accepted. NOTICING MATERIALS Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1and materials APPLICATION FEE Base fee $1,616 If includes dwellings add: $94 per dwelling unit If includes nonresidential uses add: $292 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building space. PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN CHECKLIST A Planned United Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan review is the second step in the PUD entitlement process. When a subdivision is proposed in conjunction with a zoning PUD the subdivision review shall be coordinated with the zoning review and a subdivision preliminary plat application shall also be submitted concurrent with this application. 1. Overall project narrative providing a thorough and extensive description of the overall project including design intent, project goals, project timeframe, proposed uses, site improvements and buildings. 2. A complete list of proposed relaxations to the BMC listed by individual section and reason for the relaxation. 3. Name, mailing address and full contact information for project team including: owner, developer, architect, civil engineer, landscape architect/designer and electrical engineer. 4. A title report for subdivision or proposed subdivision guarantee with all current property ownership. 5. Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facilities and utilities and other related general information about proposed uses, adjacent land uses and the uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land both existing and proposed. This shall be in narrative and/or table formats. Provide the following supporting maps: existing land use map, See chapters 1,2 & 3 for required narrative. See chapter 1 for a list of the proposed relaxations. See chapter 1 for a listing of the project team contact information. See appendix A for title report. 290 Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 2 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: community plan land use designation map, city zoning map, neighborhood and entryway overlay map for property showing conditions within 200 feet of the project boundaries. 6. Overall land use ratios for: a. existing footprints of existing buildings and structures b. proposed buildings and structures c. driveways and parking areas d. streets, roads and alleys with areas of rights of way identified separately e. private open spaces for residential uses f. landscape areas g. city parkland 7. Overall project floor area ratio (FAR) and net residential density. 8. Development Schedule. If phasing is proposed, provide narrative clearly describing project phasing with the proposed phasing of all infrastructure, buildings, driveways and parking and landscaping. 9. Phasing Plan exhibit clearly showing all site and infrastructure improvement with phase boundaries including detailed limits of construction and approaches to mitigate any conflicts with phase boundaries and site safety and function. 10. Phasing table that shows phase area and data for each phase including: area in acres and square feet, lot area in acres and square feet, building foot print square feet, building floor area, FAR, street right of way, common opens space, landscaped area, PUD open space square feet and percentage of total, PUD performance points by type and parking space requirements. 11. Table of proposed buildings include phase information, footprint, gross square footage, stories, whether building is existing or proposed, and building use designations by building floor. 12. Colored aerial vicinity map within one-half mile of the site with project site and other significant community facilities, streets, trails, watercourses, railways, highways and other applicable features identified by name. 13. Overall site illustration in color showing all building foot prints, landscaped areas, site circulation including vehicular, bike, and pedestrian facilities. 14. Statements of objectives and conformance to city policy and plans: a. Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman Community Plan, provide specific land use goals and objectives in the Community Plan that are furthered by the proposed PUD; b. Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas and applicant’s intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD; c. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses; d. Description of rational behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant; e. The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable Community Design objectives and Criteria of Section 38.20.090.E, documentation pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use; the applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion; the Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section; any variance from the criterion shall be described; f. Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated; g. Statements of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g. - home/business, utilities, transportation fuel, waste recycling). 15. If not provided by subdivision application materials, physiographic data and summaries for: landforms and geology and soils; hydrology; vegetation; noxious weeds; wildlife and viewsheds. If the project is a brown field site, provide site history, data and copies of any environmental site See chapters 2,4 & 5 for requested information. NA NA NA See Site Plan See Site Plan See Site Plan See chapter 2 See chapter 2, project is not proposed to be a phased project. NA, not a phased project. Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 3 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: assessments that have been completed. An approved noxious weed management plan must be submitted. 16. Narrative descriptions of site access and overall utilities including an overview, parking, existing and proposed condition of the streets providing access to the site, proposed accesses to the site and utilities including water, sewer, storm drainage, solid waste, gas, electric and shallow franchise facilities. 17. Development and Design Guidelines per Section 38.20.070.D.2 BMC. 18. Comprehensive Signage Plan, if applicable. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net See chapter 4 for physical site conditions. Appendix D for Weed Management Plan. See chapter 5 NA, not a phased PUD See appendix C for sign plan. 292 SP1 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 1 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands) Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) SITE PLAN CHECKLIST PLAN REQUIREMENTS ALL INFORMATION AND ITEMS BELOW MUST BE ON THE SITE PLAN SHEETS AND NOT PRESENTED AS SEPARATE ATTACHMENTS, EXCEPT NARRATIVES, LEGAL DOCUMENTS, TRAFFIC STUDIES, STORMWATER, SEWER, WATER AND WETLAND REPORTS, IF PROVIDED. GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project narrative describing the project type, project intent, proposed use scope, size (dwelling units, building size, total number of and type of buildings, number of total parking spaces) and phasing discussion, if applicable. The narrative must include a response to the City’s conceptual or informal review comments. 2. Name of project/development. 3. Name and mailing address of developer and owner. 4. Name and mailing address of project team: engineer, architect, landscape architect, planner, etc. 5. Location of project/development by full street address/full legal description. 6. Location/vicinity map, including area within one-half mile of the site. 7. A construction route map showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. SITE PLAN DATA 8. Boundary line of property with dimensions. 9. Date of plan preparation and changes. 10. North point indicator. 11. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. 12. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet. 13. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use. 14. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage of the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures. b. Driveway circulation and parking areas. c. Landscaped areas. d. Private residential open space, provide boundary/ies and dimensions of each space provided (if residential requirement). Provide a summary total and calculation including all types of dwelling units identified by number of bedrooms and total open space required for each and provided for each. e. City Parkland. f. Other public lands (school sites, public access greenway corridors, trail corridors, etc.). See Chapter 1 of PUD. See Architectural Site Plan. See Chapter 1 of PUD. See Chapter 1 of PUD. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan and Figure 1 - Vicinity Map in PUD. See Civil Site Plan. See sheet 2 of the Civil Site Plans. See Architectural and Civil Site Plans. See Site Plans. See sheet 2 of the Civil Site Plans. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. NA NA Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 2 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 15. Addressing plan for multi-building developments, high density multi-household projects and/or nontraditional frontage/ access lots or building locations. Addressing plan must be coordinated with the Engineering Division and the Fire Department prior to application. 16. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total new and gross residential density and density per residential parcel. The density per parcel must be presented as net residential density per Section 38.42.2020 BMC. SITE PLAN DETAILS The location, identification and dimensions of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance outside the site boundary as specifically stated, exclusive of public rights-of-way. 17. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Director. 18. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, onsite and within 200 feet of the site. 19. Existing zoning onsite and within 200 feet of the site. 20. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet. The full width of the street including curb, gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches, intersections and street lighting must be shown for both sides of any street. 21. On site streets and rights of way. Including curb gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. 22. Ingress and egress points including access details. 23. Traffic flow on site. 24. Traffic flow off site. 25. Calculation of required parking. Must correlate with the areas shown on the building floor plans. All proposed reductions or adjustments must be clearly cited to the BMC and shown in the parking calculation. If part of a larger development with shared parking demonstrate adequate capacity in common parking area and overall parking calculation. Joint use and offsite parking require additional analysis and materials, see Sections 38.25.050 and 38.25.060 BMC. 26. All parking facilities, including parking spaces, driveway circulation aisles, drive accesses, covered and uncovered bicycle parking and bicycle rack type and details, compact spaces, ADA accessible spaces and motorcycle parking, on-street parking (delineated by a 24’ long under interrupted space(s) directly adjacent to the project site outside of site vision triangles and hydrant locations), number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed. 27. Parking facility details including curb, gutter, sidewalk, crosswalks, asphalt, striping, signage (compact, no parking, employee, electric vehicle, etc.) and fire lanes. Fire lane curb painting and signage locations and signage details must be clearly shown. 28. Required yards and setbacks, building footprint(s) and any proposed encroachments. Any yard or property line encroachments must be clearly shown and be noted with encroachment type e.g. awning, cantilever, lighting, eave, etc. 29. Utilities and utility rights of way and easements onsite and within 50 feet of the site, including: a. Electric. b. Natural gas. c. Telephone, cable, fiber and similar utilities. d. Water. e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm). Plans must show all locations of existing and new services showing the connection to the source/main, route to the building and the entrance location into the building. NA NA NA See Topography Survey and Civil Site Plan. See Figure 4 - Zoning Map. See Topography Survey. See Boundary Information Map, Topography Survey Map and Civil Site Plan. See Site Plans. See Architectural and Civil Site Plans for access and parking configuration. See chapter 5 of the narrative for discussion and figures of off site traffic flow. See Architectural Site Plan. Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 3 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 30. Locations of ground mounted equipment including HVAC equipment, condensers, generators or other accessory equipment. Screening details are required under building design. 31. Surface water onsite and within 150 feet of the site, including: a. Ponds, streams and irrigation ditches (include classifications be based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District; note classification of each feature on plans). b Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands (include classifications based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District, Army Corps of Engineers, or wetland delineation report; note classification of each feature on plans). Provide wetland delineation report to support boundary location. Wetland delineations must be in compliance with Section 38.30 BMC. c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100 year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis. d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Section 38.31 BMC. 32. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Division, or in compliance with Section 14 BMC storm drainage ordinance and best management practices manual adopted by the City. All surface stormwater facilities must demonstrate compliance with Section 38.23.080 BMC including providing cross sections identifying depth and slopes for each facility. 33. If off site common subdivision stormwater facilities are proposed to be used to support the site development the engineer must provide a capacity analysis to confirm that the stormwater capacity provided in the subdivision design is adequate to accommodate the project. 34. Stormwater maintenance plans prepared the designing engineer. 35. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate). b. The downstream conditions (developed available drainageways, etc.). c. Any downstream restrictions. 36. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features on site and within 50 feet of the site. 37. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict. 38. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to the designated ADA accessible route(s) including ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, signage and construction details of each and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance. A certification block must be provided on the plan sheets. 39. Fences, retaining or freestanding walls, railings and handrails, including typical details. 40. Permanent trash enclosure and recycling collection areas, including typical details including plan view, door details and elevations. 42. Construction management plan including construction period material staging, spoils location and construction trash enclosure location(s). A trash container type must be provided and detailed (40 yard roll off, fenced enclosure, etc.). If spoils storage is proposed, a timeline for removal must be provided. 43. Sidewalk, curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details. 44. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 45. Location and extent of street vision triangles including adjacent street intersections and all alley and driveway access points. Extend site vision triangles to the center of the street. See Architectural Site Plan. See Topography Survey, Civil Site Plan, and Wetland Delineation Plan. NA, no floodplain in vicinity See appendix H - Flood Hazard Analysis See Grading Plan and Drainage Plan. See Figure 8 - Existing Water Features. NA Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 4 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 46. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species. 47. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites onsite and within100 feet of the site. 48. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, shared use pathways, trails, etc. onsite and within a 200 feet of the site. PARKLAND AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING 49. If residential units are proposed, provide the required parkland for the development, including the parkland calculation per Chapter 38, Article 27 BMC (Park and Recreation Requirements) in a table format, see table format in the PLS form. 50. If cash in lieu is proposed provide the following:, a through calculation including the base parkland requirement and any net based upon maximum density; narrative addressing the findings the Commission must make to grant cash in lieu, and the appraisal per Section 38.27.030 BMC. If approved by the Commission payment may be made prior to final approval. 51. If parkland is proposed on or offsite a park plan must be submitted consistent with Section 38.41.060.A.16 BMC. 52. Source and amount of parkland credit to be used if previously provided. If parkland credit source is from a subdivision confirm the amount provided and provide detailed phase information as required in table format outlined in the PLS document. 53. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any affordable housing requirements of Section 38.43, BMC which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to the Section 38.43, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. If affordable housing is not being provided place that statement on the site plan sheets with the site data in item 14. LIGHTING DETAILS 54. Lighting plan and electrical site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. 55. A photometric lighting plan that contains a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type and extends the photometric information 10 feet past the property boundaries and rights of way. For fueling canopies a separate photometric plan is required to specifically analyze the light output underneath the drip line of the fuel canopy. The property boundary must be clearly shown on all photometric plans. 56. Details for all proposed exterior fixtures that are keyed to the fixtures noted in the lighting electrical plan and the photometric lighting plan. The detail must demonstrate compliance with full cut off requirements in Section 38.23.150. BUILDING DESIGN AND SIGNAGE 57. Front, rear and side elevations of all buildings, structures (accessory buildings, trash enclosures, car ports, etc.), fences and walls that match the topography of the site. Elevations must include the total height dimensions and roof pitches and be labeled by direction (N,S,E,W) for all structures. Show utility panels, gas meters, open stairways, exterior building mounted lighting and weather protection such as awnings and other projections from the exterior building walls. Building elevations must include all proposed exterior building materials for all structures depicted accurately and must be keyed to a color and materials palette. See the PLS form for more information on the color and material palette requirements. See Wetland Delineation Plan. See Appendix K - Montana Historical Society. NA NA NA NA NA See Lighting Plans in Architectural Plan set Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 5 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 58. A section through the building to confirm the floor to ceiling and floor to floor heights on the ground floor and the overall height of the building. If the building includes a tiered ground floor provide sections that show the entirety of the building. 59. Color and material palette keyed to building elevations. Include all exterior siding, trim, roofing, doors, windows, glazing, awnings, stairs, railings, trash enclosure materials, mechanical screening, and fencing. 60. Building floor plans with areas provided in square feet and proposed use denoted for each space. 61. Block frontage designation for each street frontage, if applicable. 62. Provide elevations and details of all ground mounted accessory equipment screening and rooftop mechanical screening. 63. Exterior signs if applicable. Include building frontage dimension(s) and maximum sign area calculation, provide sign dimensions and square footage of each. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for sign area compliance with Section 38.28 BMC. A sign permit must be obtained from the Building Division prior to installtion of any and all signs, addition design guidelines apply for signs within zoning overlay districts. LANDSCAPE PLAN A separate landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the site plan application unless the required landscape information can be included in a clear and uncluttered manner on a site plan with a scale where one inch equals 20 feet. ALL ITEMS REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION ARE REQUIRED TO BE ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN EVEN IF PROVIDED ELSEWHERE IN THE APPLICATION. LANDSCAPE PLAN INFORMATION MUST MATCH CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 64. Project name, street address, and lot and block description. 65. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan. Plan preparer shall be a state registered landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience in the state; or an individual with a degree in a related field (horticulture, botany, plant science, etc.) and at least five years of professional landscape design experience, of which two years have been in the state. 66. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot. 67. Existing and proposed grade that complies with maximum allowable slope and grade. 68. Retaining wall locations and details, if applicable. 69. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of drainage features. If a watercourse setback is present on the lot it must be shown with both zone 1 and zone 2 as described in Section 38.23.100 BMC. 70. Location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines (private shallow utilities and water and sewer), driveways and all sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot. Landscape plans must demonstrate a ten foot separation between all trees and utility mains. 71. Location of all pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters. 72. Show location of existing and/or proposed stormwater drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control including proposed landscaping and seeding as required by Section 38.23.080.H BMC. Landscape planting details and cross section must be provided for each facility. 73. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 74. Location and extent of street vision triangles. Vision triangles must extend to the center of adjacent streets. See Landscape Plans in appendix C 297 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 6 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 75. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing and identification of drought tolerant and/or native and adapted species. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated. 76. Size of planting at the time of installation and at maturity. 77. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces. 78. Street frontage landscaping. 79. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer zones (must designate zones 1 and 2) demonstrating compliance with watercourse setback planting plan requirements per Section 38.23.100 BMC unless previously provided during subdivision review landscape plan. 80. Location, height and material of proposed landscape screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours). 81. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction. Construction protection/mitigation details are required. 82. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features. 83. A description of proposed watering methods including any use of high efficiency irrigation technologies and best practice, source of irrigation water and estimated amount of water consumption broken down by vegetation type (e.g. turf, shrubs, trees) and total estimated water consumption. 84. Areas to be irrigated and type of proposed irrigation and the irrigation system design plan. 85. Tabulation of performance points earned by the plan per Section 38.26.060 BMC. STREETS AND TRAFFIC 86. Traffic study. Street, traffic, and access information required in Section 38.41.060.A.12 BMC or that the requirement is waived in writing by the Engineering Division prior to application submittal. Provide a copy of the waiver if granted. PAYBACK DISTRICTS, WATER AND WATER RIGHTS 87. The applicant must confirm if any payback districts are present on the site. If paybacks are present the applicant must provide the name of the payback district and the payment amount due prior to application submittal and present that amount for approval. Payment may be made prior to final approval. 88. Water rights information. If cash in lieu is proposed, a cash in lieu of water rights calculation and payment amount certified by the Engineering Division must be provided. Payment may be made prior to final approval. 89. If water wells are proposed, a letter from the Department of Natural Resources confirming their intent to issue a permit or exemption. CONCURRENT CONSTRUCTION 90. For eligible projects only, a separate written request to the Development Review Committee for site plan concurrent construction, if concurrent construction of on site or directly adjacent public infrastructure is proposed per Section 38.39.030.C.1 BMC. See Appendix F - Traffic Study. NA, based on City GIS mapping no payback districts located within project. See Appendix A for CIL calculation, no suitable water rights availible for transfer to City. NA See Appendix A. 298 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 7 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 91. The concurrent construction request must be accompanied by a response to the items required in Section 38.39.030.C.1.c (1-4) BMC and a statement that the owner and developer agree that no occupancy, either temporary or final, may be issued until all on-site and off-site water, sewer and street or drive improvements are installed and accepted and approved as applicable by the City. Written approval from the Fire Department is required with the response to code items noted above. DEVIATIONS If the proposal includes a request for a deviation as outlined in Section 38.35.050 BMC the application must be accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce. 92. Either through the site plan requirement above or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to site requirements such as yards/setbacks, lot coverage, parking or other applicable standards. 93. Either through the building elevation requirement above or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to building construction such as height, second story additions, or other applicable standards. 94. For deviations in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay a deviation narrative must be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for deviation, to what extent and include a response to the following: a. How the modification is more historically appropriate for the building and site in question and the adjacent properties, as determined in Section 38.16.050 BMC than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of Chapter 38, BMC; b. How the modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; and c. How the modifications will assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. d. How the requested deviation will encourage restoration and rehabilitation activity that will contribute to the overall historic character of the community. If more than one deviation a response to the criteria must be provided for each deviation. 95. For deviations in the Entryway Corridor Overlay a deviation narrative shall be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for deviation, to what extent and include a response to the following: a. How the deviation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced by the existing standards; b. How the deviation will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Article 17, Chapter 38 BMC; and c. How the deviation will be consistent with the adopted design objectives (City of Bozeman Design Objectives Plan, 2005) for the particular entryway corridor If more than one deviation, a response to the criteria must be provided for each deviation. DEPARTURES 96. For departures, a departure narrative must be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for departure, the scope and extent of the plan proposed for departure and a response to the required departure criteria. If more than one departure, a summary and response to the criteria must be provided for each departure. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net NA NA NA NA NA COSTCO BOZEMAN ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CW #16-0115 Applicant: Costco Wholesale Corporation 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA 98027 TEL: (425) 313-8100 Prepared for: City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Prepared by: 2090 Stadium Drive 1101 Second Ave. Ste. 100 Bozeman, MT 59715 Seattle, WA 98101 August 15, 2017 300 406-586-8834 ■ 800-865-9847 (fax) ■ 2090 Stadium Drive ■ Bozeman, Montana 59715 ■ www.dowl.com August 15, 2017 Rec. No. 4522.11841.01 Ms. Rebecca Owens Planning Office City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: Costco Bozeman Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUDC #17181) Dear Ms. Owens: On behalf of Costco Wholesale, Inc., DOWL and MG2 are pleased to submit the attached preliminary planned unit development for Lot 1 Minor Subdivision No. 210 and Tract E-1 Certificate of Survey 1827, located in the Northeast 1 /4 of Section 35, T1S, R5E, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. This application has been prepared per the PUD Preliminary Plan Checklist ‘PUDP’. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, DOWL Zach Lowe, P.E. Senior Project Manager enclosure(s): As stated c: Steve Bullock (MG2) Peter Kahn (Costco) 301 302 VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 NOT TO SCALE 303 304 305 306 PUDP Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 1 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS 3 total sets are required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets. Complete and signed development review application form A1. Complete materials required by the SP1 checklist. Materials and plans that include all the required items listed in the preliminary PUD plan checklist below. Standard application sets required plan sizes: 2 sets that include full size 24 x 36 inch plans 1 set that include 11 x 17 inch plans 2-digital versions of all materials (JPEG or PDF) on separate CD-ROM’s or USB drives. Individual files must be provided at 5MB or less in size. Files shall be named according to naming protocol. Notes: All plans must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½ x 11 inches or larger than 24 x 36 inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Plans that are rolled or not bound into sets will not be accepted. NOTICING MATERIALS Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1and materials APPLICATION FEE Base fee $1,616 If includes dwellings add: $94 per dwelling unit If includes nonresidential uses add: $292 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building space. PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN CHECKLIST A Planned United Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan review is the second step in the PUD entitlement process. When a subdivision is proposed in conjunction with a zoning PUD the subdivision review shall be coordinated with the zoning review and a subdivision preliminary plat application shall also be submitted concurrent with this application. 1. Overall project narrative providing a thorough and extensive description of the overall project including design intent, project goals, project timeframe, proposed uses, site improvements and buildings. 2. A complete list of proposed relaxations to the BMC listed by individual section and reason for the relaxation. 3. Name, mailing address and full contact information for project team including: owner, developer, architect, civil engineer, landscape architect/designer and electrical engineer. 4. A title report for subdivision or proposed subdivision guarantee with all current property ownership. 5. Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facilities and utilities and other related general information about proposed uses, adjacent land uses and the uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land both existing and proposed. This shall be in narrative and/or table formats. Provide the following supporting maps: existing land use map, See chapters 1,2 & 3 for required narrative. See chapter 1 for a list of the proposed relaxations. See chapter 1 for a listing of the project team contact information. See appendix A for title report. 307 Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 2 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: community plan land use designation map, city zoning map, neighborhood and entryway overlay map for property showing conditions within 200 feet of the project boundaries. 6. Overall land use ratios for: a. existing footprints of existing buildings and structures b. proposed buildings and structures c. driveways and parking areas d. streets, roads and alleys with areas of rights of way identified separately e. private open spaces for residential uses f. landscape areas g. city parkland 7. Overall project floor area ratio (FAR) and net residential density. 8. Development Schedule. If phasing is proposed, provide narrative clearly describing project phasing with the proposed phasing of all infrastructure, buildings, driveways and parking and landscaping. 9. Phasing Plan exhibit clearly showing all site and infrastructure improvement with phase boundaries including detailed limits of construction and approaches to mitigate any conflicts with phase boundaries and site safety and function. 10. Phasing table that shows phase area and data for each phase including: area in acres and square feet, lot area in acres and square feet, building foot print square feet, building floor area, FAR, street right of way, common opens space, landscaped area, PUD open space square feet and percentage of total, PUD performance points by type and parking space requirements. 11. Table of proposed buildings include phase information, footprint, gross square footage, stories, whether building is existing or proposed, and building use designations by building floor. 12. Colored aerial vicinity map within one-half mile of the site with project site and other significant community facilities, streets, trails, watercourses, railways, highways and other applicable features identified by name. 13. Overall site illustration in color showing all building foot prints, landscaped areas, site circulation including vehicular, bike, and pedestrian facilities. 14. Statements of objectives and conformance to city policy and plans: a. Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman Community Plan, provide specific land use goals and objectives in the Community Plan that are furthered by the proposed PUD; b. Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas and applicant’s intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD; c. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses; d. Description of rational behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant; e. The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable Community Design objectives and Criteria of Section 38.20.090.E, documentation pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use; the applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion; the Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section; any variance from the criterion shall be described; f. Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated; g. Statements of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g. - home/business, utilities, transportation fuel, waste recycling). 15. If not provided by subdivision application materials, physiographic data and summaries for: landforms and geology and soils; hydrology; vegetation; noxious weeds; wildlife and viewsheds. If the project is a brown field site, provide site history, data and copies of any environmental site See chapters 2,4 & 5 for requested information. NA NA NA See Site Plan See Site Plan See Site Plan See chapter 2 See chapter 2, project is not proposed to be a phased project. NA, not a phased project. Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 3 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: assessments that have been completed. An approved noxious weed management plan must be submitted. 16. Narrative descriptions of site access and overall utilities including an overview, parking, existing and proposed condition of the streets providing access to the site, proposed accesses to the site and utilities including water, sewer, storm drainage, solid waste, gas, electric and shallow franchise facilities. 17. Development and Design Guidelines per Section 38.20.070.D.2 BMC. 18. Comprehensive Signage Plan, if applicable. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net See chapter 4 for physical site conditions. Appendix D for Weed Management Plan. See chapter 5 NA, not a phased PUD See appendix C for sign plan. 309 SP1 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 1 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands) Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) SITE PLAN CHECKLIST PLAN REQUIREMENTS ALL INFORMATION AND ITEMS BELOW MUST BE ON THE SITE PLAN SHEETS AND NOT PRESENTED AS SEPARATE ATTACHMENTS, EXCEPT NARRATIVES, LEGAL DOCUMENTS, TRAFFIC STUDIES, STORMWATER, SEWER, WATER AND WETLAND REPORTS, IF PROVIDED. GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project narrative describing the project type, project intent, proposed use scope, size (dwelling units, building size, total number of and type of buildings, number of total parking spaces) and phasing discussion, if applicable. The narrative must include a response to the City’s conceptual or informal review comments. 2. Name of project/development. 3. Name and mailing address of developer and owner. 4. Name and mailing address of project team: engineer, architect, landscape architect, planner, etc. 5. Location of project/development by full street address/full legal description. 6. Location/vicinity map, including area within one-half mile of the site. 7. A construction route map showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. SITE PLAN DATA 8. Boundary line of property with dimensions. 9. Date of plan preparation and changes. 10. North point indicator. 11. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. 12. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet. 13. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use. 14. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage of the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures. b. Driveway circulation and parking areas. c. Landscaped areas. d. Private residential open space, provide boundary/ies and dimensions of each space provided (if residential requirement). Provide a summary total and calculation including all types of dwelling units identified by number of bedrooms and total open space required for each and provided for each. e. City Parkland. f. Other public lands (school sites, public access greenway corridors, trail corridors, etc.). See Chapter 1 of PUD. See Architectural Site Plan. See Chapter 1 of PUD. See Chapter 1 of PUD. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan and Figure 1 - Vicinity Map in PUD. See Civil Site Plan. See sheet 2 of the Civil Site Plans. See Architectural and Civil Site Plans. See Site Plans. See sheet 2 of the Civil Site Plans. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. NA NA Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 2 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 15. Addressing plan for multi-building developments, high density multi-household projects and/or nontraditional frontage/ access lots or building locations. Addressing plan must be coordinated with the Engineering Division and the Fire Department prior to application. 16. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total new and gross residential density and density per residential parcel. The density per parcel must be presented as net residential density per Section 38.42.2020 BMC. SITE PLAN DETAILS The location, identification and dimensions of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance outside the site boundary as specifically stated, exclusive of public rights-of-way. 17. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Director. 18. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, onsite and within 200 feet of the site. 19. Existing zoning onsite and within 200 feet of the site. 20. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet. The full width of the street including curb, gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches, intersections and street lighting must be shown for both sides of any street. 21. On site streets and rights of way. Including curb gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. 22. Ingress and egress points including access details. 23. Traffic flow on site. 24. Traffic flow off site. 25. Calculation of required parking. Must correlate with the areas shown on the building floor plans. All proposed reductions or adjustments must be clearly cited to the BMC and shown in the parking calculation. If part of a larger development with shared parking demonstrate adequate capacity in common parking area and overall parking calculation. Joint use and offsite parking require additional analysis and materials, see Sections 38.25.050 and 38.25.060 BMC. 26. All parking facilities, including parking spaces, driveway circulation aisles, drive accesses, covered and uncovered bicycle parking and bicycle rack type and details, compact spaces, ADA accessible spaces and motorcycle parking, on-street parking (delineated by a 24’ long under interrupted space(s) directly adjacent to the project site outside of site vision triangles and hydrant locations), number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed. 27. Parking facility details including curb, gutter, sidewalk, crosswalks, asphalt, striping, signage (compact, no parking, employee, electric vehicle, etc.) and fire lanes. Fire lane curb painting and signage locations and signage details must be clearly shown. 28. Required yards and setbacks, building footprint(s) and any proposed encroachments. Any yard or property line encroachments must be clearly shown and be noted with encroachment type e.g. awning, cantilever, lighting, eave, etc. 29. Utilities and utility rights of way and easements onsite and within 50 feet of the site, including: a. Electric. b. Natural gas. c. Telephone, cable, fiber and similar utilities. d. Water. e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm). Plans must show all locations of existing and new services showing the connection to the source/main, route to the building and the entrance location into the building. NA NA NA See Topography Survey and Civil Site Plan. See Figure 4 - Zoning Map. See Topography Survey. See Boundary Information Map, Topography Survey Map and Civil Site Plan. See Site Plans. See Architectural and Civil Site Plans for access and parking configuration. See chapter 5 of the narrative for discussion and figures of off site traffic flow. See Architectural Site Plan. Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 3 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 30. Locations of ground mounted equipment including HVAC equipment, condensers, generators or other accessory equipment. Screening details are required under building design. 31. Surface water onsite and within 150 feet of the site, including: a. Ponds, streams and irrigation ditches (include classifications be based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District; note classification of each feature on plans). b Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands (include classifications based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District, Army Corps of Engineers, or wetland delineation report; note classification of each feature on plans). Provide wetland delineation report to support boundary location. Wetland delineations must be in compliance with Section 38.30 BMC. c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100 year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis. d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Section 38.31 BMC. 32. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Division, or in compliance with Section 14 BMC storm drainage ordinance and best management practices manual adopted by the City. All surface stormwater facilities must demonstrate compliance with Section 38.23.080 BMC including providing cross sections identifying depth and slopes for each facility. 33. If off site common subdivision stormwater facilities are proposed to be used to support the site development the engineer must provide a capacity analysis to confirm that the stormwater capacity provided in the subdivision design is adequate to accommodate the project. 34. Stormwater maintenance plans prepared the designing engineer. 35. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate). b. The downstream conditions (developed available drainageways, etc.). c. Any downstream restrictions. 36. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features on site and within 50 feet of the site. 37. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict. 38. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to the designated ADA accessible route(s) including ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, signage and construction details of each and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance. A certification block must be provided on the plan sheets. 39. Fences, retaining or freestanding walls, railings and handrails, including typical details. 40. Permanent trash enclosure and recycling collection areas, including typical details including plan view, door details and elevations. 42. Construction management plan including construction period material staging, spoils location and construction trash enclosure location(s). A trash container type must be provided and detailed (40 yard roll off, fenced enclosure, etc.). If spoils storage is proposed, a timeline for removal must be provided. 43. Sidewalk, curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details. 44. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 45. Location and extent of street vision triangles including adjacent street intersections and all alley and driveway access points. Extend site vision triangles to the center of the street. See Architectural Site Plan. See Topography Survey, Civil Site Plan, and Wetland Delineation Plan. NA, no floodplain in vicinity See appendix H - Flood Hazard Analysis See Grading Plan and Drainage Plan. See Figure 8 - Existing Water Features. NA Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 4 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 46. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species. 47. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites onsite and within100 feet of the site. 48. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, shared use pathways, trails, etc. onsite and within a 200 feet of the site. PARKLAND AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING 49. If residential units are proposed, provide the required parkland for the development, including the parkland calculation per Chapter 38, Article 27 BMC (Park and Recreation Requirements) in a table format, see table format in the PLS form. 50. If cash in lieu is proposed provide the following:, a through calculation including the base parkland requirement and any net based upon maximum density; narrative addressing the findings the Commission must make to grant cash in lieu, and the appraisal per Section 38.27.030 BMC. If approved by the Commission payment may be made prior to final approval. 51. If parkland is proposed on or offsite a park plan must be submitted consistent with Section 38.41.060.A.16 BMC. 52. Source and amount of parkland credit to be used if previously provided. If parkland credit source is from a subdivision confirm the amount provided and provide detailed phase information as required in table format outlined in the PLS document. 53. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any affordable housing requirements of Section 38.43, BMC which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to the Section 38.43, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. If affordable housing is not being provided place that statement on the site plan sheets with the site data in item 14. LIGHTING DETAILS 54. Lighting plan and electrical site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. 55. A photometric lighting plan that contains a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type and extends the photometric information 10 feet past the property boundaries and rights of way. For fueling canopies a separate photometric plan is required to specifically analyze the light output underneath the drip line of the fuel canopy. The property boundary must be clearly shown on all photometric plans. 56. Details for all proposed exterior fixtures that are keyed to the fixtures noted in the lighting electrical plan and the photometric lighting plan. The detail must demonstrate compliance with full cut off requirements in Section 38.23.150. BUILDING DESIGN AND SIGNAGE 57. Front, rear and side elevations of all buildings, structures (accessory buildings, trash enclosures, car ports, etc.), fences and walls that match the topography of the site. Elevations must include the total height dimensions and roof pitches and be labeled by direction (N,S,E,W) for all structures. Show utility panels, gas meters, open stairways, exterior building mounted lighting and weather protection such as awnings and other projections from the exterior building walls. Building elevations must include all proposed exterior building materials for all structures depicted accurately and must be keyed to a color and materials palette. See the PLS form for more information on the color and material palette requirements. See Wetland Delineation Plan. See Appendix K - Montana Historical Society. NA NA NA NA NA See Lighting Plans in Architectural Plan set Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 5 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 58. A section through the building to confirm the floor to ceiling and floor to floor heights on the ground floor and the overall height of the building. If the building includes a tiered ground floor provide sections that show the entirety of the building. 59. Color and material palette keyed to building elevations. Include all exterior siding, trim, roofing, doors, windows, glazing, awnings, stairs, railings, trash enclosure materials, mechanical screening, and fencing. 60. Building floor plans with areas provided in square feet and proposed use denoted for each space. 61. Block frontage designation for each street frontage, if applicable. 62. Provide elevations and details of all ground mounted accessory equipment screening and rooftop mechanical screening. 63. Exterior signs if applicable. Include building frontage dimension(s) and maximum sign area calculation, provide sign dimensions and square footage of each. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for sign area compliance with Section 38.28 BMC. A sign permit must be obtained from the Building Division prior to installtion of any and all signs, addition design guidelines apply for signs within zoning overlay districts. LANDSCAPE PLAN A separate landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the site plan application unless the required landscape information can be included in a clear and uncluttered manner on a site plan with a scale where one inch equals 20 feet. ALL ITEMS REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION ARE REQUIRED TO BE ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN EVEN IF PROVIDED ELSEWHERE IN THE APPLICATION. LANDSCAPE PLAN INFORMATION MUST MATCH CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 64. Project name, street address, and lot and block description. 65. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan. Plan preparer shall be a state registered landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience in the state; or an individual with a degree in a related field (horticulture, botany, plant science, etc.) and at least five years of professional landscape design experience, of which two years have been in the state. 66. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot. 67. Existing and proposed grade that complies with maximum allowable slope and grade. 68. Retaining wall locations and details, if applicable. 69. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of drainage features. If a watercourse setback is present on the lot it must be shown with both zone 1 and zone 2 as described in Section 38.23.100 BMC. 70. Location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines (private shallow utilities and water and sewer), driveways and all sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot. Landscape plans must demonstrate a ten foot separation between all trees and utility mains. 71. Location of all pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters. 72. Show location of existing and/or proposed stormwater drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control including proposed landscaping and seeding as required by Section 38.23.080.H BMC. Landscape planting details and cross section must be provided for each facility. 73. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 74. Location and extent of street vision triangles. Vision triangles must extend to the center of adjacent streets. See Landscape Plans in appendix C 314 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 6 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 75. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing and identification of drought tolerant and/or native and adapted species. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated. 76. Size of planting at the time of installation and at maturity. 77. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces. 78. Street frontage landscaping. 79. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer zones (must designate zones 1 and 2) demonstrating compliance with watercourse setback planting plan requirements per Section 38.23.100 BMC unless previously provided during subdivision review landscape plan. 80. Location, height and material of proposed landscape screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours). 81. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction. Construction protection/mitigation details are required. 82. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features. 83. A description of proposed watering methods including any use of high efficiency irrigation technologies and best practice, source of irrigation water and estimated amount of water consumption broken down by vegetation type (e.g. turf, shrubs, trees) and total estimated water consumption. 84. Areas to be irrigated and type of proposed irrigation and the irrigation system design plan. 85. Tabulation of performance points earned by the plan per Section 38.26.060 BMC. STREETS AND TRAFFIC 86. Traffic study. Street, traffic, and access information required in Section 38.41.060.A.12 BMC or that the requirement is waived in writing by the Engineering Division prior to application submittal. Provide a copy of the waiver if granted. PAYBACK DISTRICTS, WATER AND WATER RIGHTS 87. The applicant must confirm if any payback districts are present on the site. If paybacks are present the applicant must provide the name of the payback district and the payment amount due prior to application submittal and present that amount for approval. Payment may be made prior to final approval. 88. Water rights information. If cash in lieu is proposed, a cash in lieu of water rights calculation and payment amount certified by the Engineering Division must be provided. Payment may be made prior to final approval. 89. If water wells are proposed, a letter from the Department of Natural Resources confirming their intent to issue a permit or exemption. CONCURRENT CONSTRUCTION 90. For eligible projects only, a separate written request to the Development Review Committee for site plan concurrent construction, if concurrent construction of on site or directly adjacent public infrastructure is proposed per Section 38.39.030.C.1 BMC. See Appendix F - Traffic Study. NA, based on City GIS mapping no payback districts located within project. See Appendix A for CIL calculation, no suitable water rights availible for transfer to City. NA See Appendix A. 315 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 7 of 7 Revision Date 5-31-17 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition), WR (if wetlands Other Forms: PLS (plans, specifications and naming protocols) 91. The concurrent construction request must be accompanied by a response to the items required in Section 38.39.030.C.1.c (1-4) BMC and a statement that the owner and developer agree that no occupancy, either temporary or final, may be issued until all on-site and off-site water, sewer and street or drive improvements are installed and accepted and approved as applicable by the City. Written approval from the Fire Department is required with the response to code items noted above. DEVIATIONS If the proposal includes a request for a deviation as outlined in Section 38.35.050 BMC the application must be accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce. 92. Either through the site plan requirement above or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to site requirements such as yards/setbacks, lot coverage, parking or other applicable standards. 93. Either through the building elevation requirement above or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to building construction such as height, second story additions, or other applicable standards. 94. For deviations in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay a deviation narrative must be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for deviation, to what extent and include a response to the following: a. How the modification is more historically appropriate for the building and site in question and the adjacent properties, as determined in Section 38.16.050 BMC than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of Chapter 38, BMC; b. How the modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; and c. How the modifications will assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. d. How the requested deviation will encourage restoration and rehabilitation activity that will contribute to the overall historic character of the community. If more than one deviation a response to the criteria must be provided for each deviation. 95. For deviations in the Entryway Corridor Overlay a deviation narrative shall be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for deviation, to what extent and include a response to the following: a. How the deviation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced by the existing standards; b. How the deviation will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Article 17, Chapter 38 BMC; and c. How the deviation will be consistent with the adopted design objectives (City of Bozeman Design Objectives Plan, 2005) for the particular entryway corridor If more than one deviation, a response to the criteria must be provided for each deviation. DEPARTURES 96. For departures, a departure narrative must be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for departure, the scope and extent of the plan proposed for departure and a response to the required departure criteria. If more than one departure, a summary and response to the criteria must be provided for each departure. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net NA NA NA NA NA WR Wetland Review Application WR Page 1 of 1 Revision Date 4-20-17 Required Forms: A1 Recommended Forms: Required Forms: WETLAND REVIEW REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS One set is required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets if the wetland review is independent of another review. If the wetland review is part of another type of application, such as a subdivision or site plan review, provide the number of sets and copies required by the primary application checklist. Complete and signed development review application form A1. Only if independent of another review. Plan sets that include all required items listed on the wetland checklist listed below. Standard application sets required plan sizes: Plans may be 24 x 36 inch or 11 x 17 inch or 8 1/2 x 11 inch in size depending on project type. Larger, more complex projects may require larger plans. STATUTE The following information must be submitted for all activities proposed in or adjacent to regulated wetland areas. Section 38.30 BMC includes the wetlands regulations for the City of Bozeman. The regulations provide specific guidelines and methods to identify whether an area is a wetland and to determine the boundary between wetlands and uplands. The city’s wetlands regulations apply to both wetlands with a direct hydrologic connections to “waters of the U.S.” and to isolated wetlands with no direct connection to a water of the U.S. and that exhibit positive wetland indicators for all three wetland parameters. APPLICATION FEE No fee required WETLAND REVIEW CHECKLIST 1. A description of the proposed activity. 2. A description of why avoidance and less damaging alternatives have been rejected, if applicable. 3. Wetland delineation report complying with the requirements of Section 38.30 BMC. 3. A site plan which shows the delineated wetland boundary, the property boundary, all existing and proposed structures, streets and hardscape including sidewalks and pathways, watercourses and drainage ways on and within 100 feet of the property. Include the date of preparation and any revisions and north point indicator. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. The wetland boundary must be keyed to a wetland delineation report. 4. The exact locations and specifications for all proposed regulated activities and the direct and indirect impact of such activities. 5. The source, type and method of transport and disposal of any fill materials to be used, and certification that he placement of fill material will not violate any applicable state or federal statutes and regulations. 6. Copies of any Section 404 wetland permits submitted or already obtained for the site. 7. Any historical information regarding wetland permitting or mitigation on the site. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net X X X See Appendix I - Wetlands for response to items 1 - 7 below. 1 317 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 6 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Chapter 1 - Introduction Legal Description Lot 1 Minor Subdivision No. 210; and Tract E-1 Certificate of Survey 1827. Location The Costco Bozeman Addition PUD is located in Bozeman, Montana within Lot 1 Minor Subdivision No. 210 and Tract E-1 Certificate of Survey 1827, in the East ½ of Section 35, and the Southeast ¼ of Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. The property is physically identified as the 18.41-acre parcel bounded by Catron Street (south), Catamount Street (north), Lot 2 Minor Subdivision No. 210 and Valley Center Road (east), and Cattail Creek Subdivision (west). Project Narrative Costco is a long-standing member of the Bozeman community, with the existing warehouse serving the community since September 1997. Costco is proud of the service and value they provide their 35,000 members at the at the Bozeman warehouse. Over the years the Bozeman Costco has grown into a regional draw -- servicing all of southwestern Montana and portions of Wyoming and Idaho. Many Costco members make hour plus long trips to shop at Costco. This coupled with the fact that the greater Bozeman area is growing at an incredible rate and the fact that Costco would like all their members in SW Montana to have the same benefits and services Costco provides in other newer markets and facilities, are some of the reasons Costco desires to perform an addition to their Bozeman warehouse. From a practical and operational standpoint, Costco’s current 126,000 sf warehouse in Bozeman is not large enough to hold the inventory that is needed to service their members. Along with that, the smaller warehouse does not have the space to provide some of the additional services that are typically provided, such as, multiple hearing and optical booths. All these things limit Costco from providing their members with all the benefits that a Costco Membership should provide. The following is a list of comments from the area managers as to why the building and parking additions are need: • Current warehouse size limits ability to provide members with all the benefits of their Costco membership; • Sales growth and inventory holding capabilities are significantly limited by current warehouse size; • Current parking is inadequate to service expanding member base and current shopping trends; • Current pharmacy design limits customer experience; 318 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 7 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • Hearing aid facilities are inadequate to service an expanding membership demographic; • As employee count continues to grow the existing breakroom and office facilities are inadequate; • Adding an exterior armor car pick-up area significantly increases safety for our employees, members, and armored employees; and • Need to enlarge chicken rotisserie area and separating the skewering process to add safety and efficiency to this process. As a means of comparison, when Costco constructs a new warehouse, it is typically between 150,000-166,000 sf. Many of Costco’s warehouses in Montana, Idaho and Utah are in this same range. Costco’s desire in Bozeman is to construct a 24,000 sf addition on the back of the existing building which would bring the warehouse to 150,000 sf. The inside of the facility would be upgraded with new energy efficient lights, coolers and freezers. New or expanded facilities would be added throughout the facility to bring added value to the members while also making the facility more efficient and cost effective to run and operate. In the long run, Costco wants to continue to be a valued member and partner in the Bozeman community. They are proud of the fact that they provide around 300 well-paying jobs while at the same time offering high quality products for an exceptional value to their members. Project specifics: • Costco purchases the 4.68 acre property north of the existing warehouse and annexes it into the City. • 24,000 sf addition to an existing 126,000 sf warehouse for a new total square footage of 150,000 sf. • 150 new parking stalls are added to the site. • Catamount Street is improved. • A new driveway is provided for the site that connects to Catamount Street and aligns with the existing driveway for Comfort Inn and Suites. • The public trail on the west side of the Costco property is extended to Catamount Street. • A trail along Valley Center Road and the neighboring stream is installed across the portion of property that Costco will own. • Pedestrian connectivity is provided in the new parking area and enhanced in the existing parking area. • The existing storm pond will be replaced by a two cell storm pond with a natural edge and Low Impact Development features. • Significant vegetation will be installed throughout the northern extents of the property to accommodate the building addition, parking lot, storm ponds and wetland enhancements. • Wetland impacts will be mitigated by participating in a wetland mitigation bank located in the upper Missouri watershed, permitted and in compliance with the US Army Corp of Engineers. 319 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 8 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • The existing watercourse on the north side of the existing warehouse will be realigned and permitted by the Corp of Engineers and Gallatin Conservation District. The realignment will consist of constructing 490 linear feet of new, naturally-meandering channel which will be revegetated with desirable wetland and upland plant species. • At the current time, Costco hopes to use the summer and fall of 2017 to gain approval of the City required land use permits. Winter of 2017-2018 will be used to gain approval of our construction permits. Construction is currently proposed for summer of 2018. No phasing is proposed. Proposed Relaxations The following is a listing of proposed relaxations from the Bozeman Unified Development Code (UBC) that are requested by the PUD. Relaxation No. 1 - Sec. 38.22.180.B. Limitations on size of retail stores Relaxation - The existing Costco warehouse building is approximately 126,297 sf in size, and was constructed prior to March 21, 2003. Therefore, per Sec. 38.22.180.B.3. of the UBC, the existing warehouse is considered a “development nonconformity”. The new building addition will add 24,000 sf to the warehouse for a total building size of 150,297 sf. Sec. 38.22.180.B., states, “No retail building, utilized by a single tenant, shall exceed 75,000 square feet”. Reason for Relaxation – As mentioned previously, Costco has a longstanding relationship in the community and currently operates from a building that predates the current code. As such, it has a legal, but non-conforming building that is 126,000 sf. The fact that Costco’s warehouse functions as a regional facility and the region is experiencing high growth is driving the need for a larger warehouse. They have outgrown their current facility and need to add on to it or build a new one so they can efficiently serve their members throughout the Bozeman/SW Montana area. Relaxation No. 2 - Sec. Maximum parking Relaxation - The proposed number of parking stalls, including the new parking adjacent to Catamount Street is 712 parking stalls. Sec., specifies that a project cannot provide spaces in excess of 125 percent of the minimum number. Based on Table 38.25.040-3 (Retail Store - 1 stall/300 sf of building), a minimum of 501 spaces are required, or a maximum of 626 spaces. Reason for Relaxation – Costco is a unique commercial business in terms of the nature of their product (bulk) and duration of their customer’s visits. Customer visits are frequently of a longer duration compared to many other smaller retailers, with customers often staying in the store for over an hour at a time. This cycle time means that parking stalls are not turning over as quickly as they do for other retailers like a typical grocery store. 320 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 9 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Although Costco could complete the project with 625 parking stalls and be compliant with code and save themselves development costs, they truly believe that more parking stalls are needed. Even if it costs them more money and they have to subject themselves to the more rigorous test of gaining approval of a code relaxation. Costco Wholesale is committed to providing sufficient parking on site to meet the development’s needs for several key reasons: • To maintain safe and efficient on-site operations and circulation; • To be a good neighbor and not negatively impact operations of adjacent businesses and on-street parking in residential areas; • To ensure that congestion, circulation, or parking constraints on their site do not negatively impact operations or safety on the surrounding transportation system. • To provide a high level of customer service for their members; and • To maintain successful business operations; For these reasons, the Costco development team has developed the proposed site plan with a recommended vehicle parking supply that will meet the expected needs for this site. While the proposed vehicle parking supply exceeds the City’s parking requirements of 1 parking stall per every 300 square-feet, it is in the City’s and Costco’s best interest to deviate from those guidelines, in this case so that safety and efficiency can maintained both on and off site. As can be seen from the proposed development site plan, a total of 150 new parking stalls are being added, which results in a total of 712 parking stalls. This equates to 4.75 stalls per 1,000 square feet of building area. The parking supply for the proposed Costco expansion and new driveway on Catamount Street improve on-site circulation and support Costco’s long standing experience with operational needs for their sites in general and this site in particular. The existing Billings, Bozeman , Helena, Kalispell, and Missoula Costco sites all have on site parking ratios that equate to 4.16 to 4.93/1,000 sf. Therefore, the proposed increase in parking stalls on-site with the Costco expansion is reasonable and consistent with their other Montana warehouses. Response to Conceptual Review Comments See Appendix A for responses to City's Design Review Board (DRB) and Development Review Committee (DRC) comments. Applicants of the Planned Unit Development Owner 1, Costco Wholesale for existing Costco parcel, Peter Kahn, VP Real Estate Development 999 Lake Drive Owner 2, Cutthroat Partners LLC for northern 4 acre parcel Costco is in the process of purchasing. Cutthroat Partners LLC 321 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 10 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Issaquah, WA 98027 425-313-6052 pkahn@costco.com 300 E Griffin Drive Bozeman, MT 59715 406-587-0702 dana@storydist.com Developer, Costco Wholesale, same as above Architect, MG2, (Architect) Steve Bullock 1101 2 nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101 206-962-6614 steve.bullock@mg2.com Civil Engineer, DOWL, (Civil Engineer) Clint Litle, PE 2090 Stadium Dr, Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-8834 clitle@dowl.com Landscape Architect Weisman Design Group (WDG, Landscape Architect) Dan Harvey 2329 E Madison St Seattle, WA 98112 206-322-1732 dan@wdginc.com Electrical Engineer TEI(Electrical Engineer) Hardy Widjaja 830 N Riverside Dr #200 Renton, WA 98057 425-970-3753 hwidjaja@tei-engineering.com Title Report See appendix A for a copy of the project title report. 322 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 11 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Chapter 2 – Site Conditions Land Use The proposed PUD is comprised on two parcels (see Figure #2): • South Parcel – Lot 1 Minor Subdivision No. 210 – 13.731 acres - Existing Costco warehouse with associated parking and landscaping improves which were constructed in 1997. • North Parcel – Tract E-1 Certificate of Survey 1827 – 4.68 acres - Currently a vacant parcel with no building or site improvements. The parcel is mowed for weed management, with no other agricultural use. This parcel will be developed with additional parking, storm pond and watercourse relocation improvements. Ultimately it will be combined with the southern Costco property to form one 18.4 acre parcel. 323 LAND USE MAP FIGURE 2 324 COMMUNITY PLAN NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 3 325 ZONING MAP FIGURE 4 326 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 15 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA The adjoining / surrounding land use is primarily commercial in nature and defined as follows. • North -- Motel • East – (3) Motels and a restaurant • South – Large retail commercial • West – Multi-Family apartment (residential) Zoning The current Costco parcel is zoned B-2 Community Business District (See Figure #4) and is in conformance with the City’s growth policy which has identified the property as Community Commercial Mixed Use. The area surrounding the Costco site is zoned B-1 neighborhood business district, B-2 community business district and R-O residential-office district. The 4.66 acre northern parcel, which Costco is in the process of purchasing, is located in the County. Costco initiated the annexation process and concurrent zoning and the City Commissioners have approved the annexation and established B-2 as the appropriate zoning. Further, they allowed Costco six months before recording the annexation and rezone to ensure that the results of the PUD would allow them to do what they intend to do with the property. Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor The Costco project is located within the Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor, as defined by the Bozeman Design Objectives Plan, February 14, 2005. The Costco PUD responds to the entryway objectives and guidelines as follows: Design Objectives Neighborhood • Consideration should be given to improvements that would either direct attention to the north or screen foreground views toward the south. Response: The proposed building addition will not direct attention to the north or block/screen views to the south. Because the addition just extends the building to the north and maintains its east/west extent it does not block any views to the south. Further, as I-90 wraps around Costco on the north and then the east, it is still over 1,250 feet away from Costco at its nearest point and there are six buildings located between the highway and Costco’s warehouse making it extremely difficult to see and diminishing any views from or to the highway. From the NW, which is the only place Motel to north of Costco on Catamount Street 327 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 16 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA that currently has any unobstructed views between I-90 and Costco, the distance is 2,000 feet or greater minimizing any view impacts. Site • The various industrial/storage yards on the south side of this corridor should be buffered. Response: Costco is not proposing any exterior storage yards • The city should have the State Highway Department add-City Center" signs to exit signs at North 7th and East Main. Response: This does not apply to Costco. Buildings • Because of the dramatic views of mountains, any buildings constructed should use muted color schemes. Response: The proposed building design is intended to raise the quality of design for the warehouse in an understated way. Our intent is to continue to use the muted natural color palette already use on the building • Consider properties that face the interstate in a more general way. For example. some of the guidelines in Chapter 3 that address architectural character and building details may be less relevant. Response: We are bringing the current legally established building more into compliance with the current Bozeman Design Objectives Plan particularly as it pertains to Building Character and Primary Building Entrance. Guidelines for Interstate 90 1. The highway edge should be primarily "natural" in character with native trees and related plantings at interchanges. Response: Costco’s property does not share an edge with the highway. 2. Provide site and building improvements to the side of the buildings that face the Interstate. • Buffer parking and service areas from the interstate. Response: Significant landscaping is proposed to buffer parking from adjacent roads and the interstate. • Consider providing an entrance feature on the sides of buildings that face the interstate. Response: One of Costco’s wall mounted sign faces the interstate providing wayfinding queues for potential customers that are not familiar with the site. • Screen mechanical equipment that can be viewed from above. 328 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 17 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Response: No new mechanical equipment can be viewed from above. 3. Reduce the visual impact of industrial operations. • Provide landscape buffers in areas of equipment and product storage. Response: There will be no external product or equipment storage. • Service areas that involve the transfer of goods should also be screened from view. Response: Costco’s receiving area is completely screened from the highway. Further, the receiving area is not an element of the existing building that is proposed to be changed with this addition. 329 ENTRYWAY CORRIDOR FIGURE 5 330 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 19 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Overall Project Floor Area Ratio Site Area = 800,854 square feet, Building Area = 150,297 square feet, FAR 1:5.33 Development Schedule The Costco PUD is a single phase project. Construction of improvements are proposed for April through November 2018. Overall Site Illustration See Appendix B for color illustration of the project site. 331 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 20 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Chapter 3– Statement and Conformance to City and Plans Applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan To maintain consistency with adjacent commercial land uses, the proposed building addition, parking lot and landscaping will be designed to maintain the existing commercial form and character of the Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor. The PUD shall also development pedestrian features to enhance connectively to the adjoining businesses utilizing internal sidewalks and boundary trails routed through private common space. Private open space will also be provided to address a watercourse relocation and low impact storm water treatment facilities. The Following is a summary of how PUD addresses the applicable Bozeman Community Plan Land Use Goals and Objectives Goal LU-1: Create a sense of place that varies throughout the City, efficiently provides public and private basic services and facilities in close proximity to where people live and work, and minimizes sprawl. Response: The Costco PUD is part of a regional service center in the Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor. The PUD will be developed consistent with the existing uses and the entryway plan maintaining and enhancing the existing sense of place of the corridor. Objective LU-1.1: The land use map and attendant policies shall be the official guide for the development of the City and shall be implemented through zoning regulations, capital improvements, subdivision regulations, coordination with other governmental entities, and other implementation strategies. Response: The land use and zoning within the proposed Costco PUD is in compliance with the adopted growth policy and the Bozeman Community Plan. This was also verified and validated with the Annexation and Rezone process. Objective LU-1.2: Review and revise regulatory standards and City policies to ensure that develop advances the vision, goals, and objectives of this plan, and sprawl, as defined in Appendix K, is discouraged. Response: The PUD is being permitted in compliance with current City, State and Federal requirements. Objective LU-1.3: Encourage positive citizen involvement in their neighborhood and community. Response: All PUD public hearings will be noticed per City standards. Objective LU-1.4: Provide for and support infill development and redevelopment which provides additional density of use while respecting the context of the existing development which surrounds it. Respect for context does not automatically prohibit difference in scale or design. Response: The Costco PUD is an infill project. The proposed building addition and added parking utilize an existing vacant parcel that is surrounded by 332 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 21 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA commercial and apartment style development. This parcel has several existing features that would make it difficult to develop as a standalone project. Such as, a 12” Northwestern Energy gas pipeline that bisects the property, wetlands and two watercourses. The proposed PUD will develop this vacate parcel to its highest and best use. Goal LU-2: Designate centers for commercial development rather than corridors to encourage cohesive neighborhood development in conjunction with non-motorized transportation options. Response: The Costco PUD is part of a regional service center comprised of large commercial enterprises which are not of a scale and nature appropriate for a neighborhood commercial area. By being a part of a large regional service center the PUD still provides transportation and infrastructure efficiency, while minimizing impacts on residential areas. Objective LU-2.1: Locate high density community scale service centers on a one mile radius, and neighborhood service centers on a one-half mile radius, to facilitate the efficient use of transportation and public services in providing employment, residential, and other essential uses. Response: See response to LU-2 above. Objective LU-2.2: Provide for a limited number of carefully sited regional service centers which are appropriately sized and serviced by adequate infrastructure. Response: As mentioned above the Costco PUD is part of a regional service center comprised of large commercial enterprises. The area has excellent transportation facilities with direct access to the North 19 th Avenue and I-90 interchange. The area is also well serviced by public and private municipal facilities. Goal LU-4: Sustainability, Natural Environment and Aesthetics – Ensure adequate review of individual and cumulative environmental and aesthetic effects of development to preserve the viewsheds, natural functions, and beauty which are a fundamental element of Bozeman’s character. Design and development in a quantifiably sustainable manner are desirable. Response: The Costco PUD will be reviewed and permitted in compliance with current City, State (MDEQ), Corp of Engineers and Conservation District requirements. Objective LU-4.1: Protect important wildlife habitats, and natural areas which provide for beneficial functions, such as floodplains. Response: Any impacts to environmentally sensitive areas within the PUD such as watercourse and wetlands will be permitted through the Army Corp of Engineers, MDEQ and the Conservation District. The northwest corner of the site will be a private common open space to facilitate a watercourse relocation and associated setback along with storm water treatment ponds. 333 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 22 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Objective LU-4.2: Protect the viewshed, including ridgelines, surrounding and within Bozeman to preserve the natural character and mountain setting which helps to make Bozeman unique. Response: The proposed building addition is similar in height to the adjacent motels, commercial buildings and apartment buildings and will not encroach into the view shed to any extent greater than the surrounding buildings. Objective LU-4.4: Review and revise the City’s regulations to encourage and support sustainability in new construction and rehabilitation or redevelopment of existing areas. Response: With the construction of their proposed addition Costco intends to use sustainable approaches for both their own benefit and for the community. Recycled steel will be used for the structure and much of the updated building envelope. Mechanical systems in the building and lighting on the site will be upgraded to low energy fixtures and incorporate energy monitoring and recovery to further conserve energy and meet this objective. Objective LU-4.6: All mixed use areas should be developed on a grid of connectivity, including streets, alleys, driveways, and parking areas that contain multimodal facilities and a high level of connectivity to adjacent development. Shared use, underground, or other structured parking is recommended to reduce surface parking area. Response: The Costco PUD is located within an area with an established grid transportation system. Objective LU-4.7: Stormwater systems should be designed using Low Impact Development principles. Response: The proposed PUD stormwater treatment system has implemented Low Impact Development features such as a multi-cell pond with a fore bay to retain the initial 0.5-inch of runoff and a mechanical device which will remove 80% of suspended solids (Contech CDS treatment unit or equal) to be located below the orifice structure at the pond discharge. This configuration will provide Existing motel to east of Costco of similar height and scale 334 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 23 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA superior treatment to a pond alone with solids removal in the pond and floatables and oil removal in the mechanical treatment unit. Objective LU-4.8: Promote the efficient use of water, energy, land, human resources, and natural resources and protect water supply quantity and quality. Response: As mentioned on LU 4.4 Costco intends on upgrading equipment in their building that allows for energy monitoring and heat recovery to minimize their use/waste of energy. Further, any upgraded equipment that uses water will use low flow technology minimize the use of water as a natural resource. Goal C-5: Public Landscaping and Architecture— Enhance the urban appearance and environment through the use of architectural excellence, landscaping, trees and open space. Objective C-5.1: Provide street trees in all public rights of way to establish a human scale to transportation corridors. Response: The existing portions of the PUD are fully landscaped with established mature street trees, shrubs and lawn areas. Any new streetscape areas will be landscaped consistent with the Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor standards. Objective C-5.4: Continue to develop the design guidelines to provide direction to naturalizing stormwater systems and integrating them into the landscape as an amenity Response: The PUD will relocate an existing watercourse located in the northwest corner of the project. The relocation has been designed to be curve linear with natural stream meanders. The relocation will be permitted through a 310 permit by the Conservation District. Goal ED-1: Promote and encourage the continued development of Bozeman as a vital economic center. Objective ED-1.1: Support business creation, retention, and expansion. Emphasize small businesses, ‘green’ businesses, and e-businesses. Response: The Costco PUD is the expansion of an existing business. The existing Costco warehouse was opened for business in 1997. Typical existing landscape island 335 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 24 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA 45 Statement of Proposed Ownership. The Costco PUD is being developed by Costco Wholesale Corporation. The property within the PUD will remain under sole ownership of the Costco Wholesale Corporation. It is the intent of the entity to improve the site as proposed in the Planned Unit Development. In conjunction with the development of the site Costco proposes to consolidate the two parcels of record through an exempt certificate of survey The private open space within the PUD will also remain under the sole ownership of Costco. The private open space within the PUD will be the pedestrian trails corridors along the west and east property lines of the property and the 1.6 acre watercourse / storm water area located at the northwest corner of the site. Costco will maintain the aforementioned trail corridors and water course areas. Estimate of Number of Employees Costco will employ between 300-350 employees with the completion of this project. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant The assumptions and choices of the Costco P.U.D. are to create a place that is consistent with the Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor, specific to the landscape and commercial character of the area. Since its inception the Interstate 90 Entryway Corridor and associated businesses (including Costco) has developed into an important regional service center that attracts thousands of business patrons to the Bozeman area every year, patrons that not only frequent the North 19 th Avenue businesses but the entire Bozeman business community. Because of this, the North 19th Avenue area has become a critical regional service center consistent with Objective LU-2.2 of the Bozeman Community Plan, which states “Provide for a limited number of carefully sited regional service centers which are appropriately sized and serviced by adequate infrastructure. Design Objectives and Criteria Section 38.20.090.E UDC E. Design objectives and PUD review criteria. 1. The city will determine compatibility of a project based upon the evidence presented during evaluation of the community design objectives and criteria of this chapter. 2. In addition to the criteria for all site plan and conditional use reviews, the following criteria will be used in evaluating all planned unit development applications. a. All development. All land uses within a proposed planned unit development shall be reviewed against, and comply with, the applicable objectives and criteria of the mandatory "all development" group. (1) Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? 336 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 25 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Response: It is the intent of this PUD to comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications with the exception of the two requested relaxations listed in Chapter 1 of this application. (2) Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? Response: Yes, the project will provide extensive landscaping and watercourse improvements. The current stream resembles more of a straight line irrigation ditch. Our proposal reestablishes the stream as a naturally meandering stream bed with associated native vegetation and wetland features. (3) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? Response: This PUD includes the existing Costco warehouse, circulation, parking, open space and landscape improvements. The PUD proposes improvements to these elements that will improve the efficiency, functionality, organization and cohesiveness of the site. (4) Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g., building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? Response: As mentioned above, this PUD includes the existing Costco warehouse and associated improvements. The project will improve energy efficiency by up-dating refrigeration and lighting facilities. (5) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? Response: N/A Existing watercourse to be realigned 337 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 26 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA (6) Park land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by section 38.27.020. Response: N/A (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points. Nonresidential developments within the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street corridor shall earn 30 points. Points may be earned in any combination of the following. The applicant shall select the combination of methods but the city may require documentation of performance, modifications to the configuration of open space, or other assurances that the options selected shall perform adequately. (b) Additional open space. (i) One point for each percent of the project area that is provided as non-public open space; or 1¼ points for each percent of the project area that is provided as publicly accessible open space. Response: The Costco PUD provides 2.8 acres of usable open space (excludes setbacks) located along the west property line, northwest and northeast corners of the property. The open space is access by public trails. The 2.8 acres of open space equals 15.90% of the net project area, generating 15.90 PUD performance points. (f) Inclusion of a low impact development plan (6 points) that includes the following: (i) On-site stormwater treatment systems that exceed the requirements of chapter 40, article 4, Stormwater, including but not limited to: incorporating drainage methods and technologies that treat, detain and/or infiltrate stormwater as close as possible to the source of run- off and the use of natural drainage systems across sites, rather than underground closed-pipe systems to the extent feasible. Natural drainage systems reduce the negative impacts of stormwater runoff by Existing open space along west property line 338 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 27 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA redesigning residential streets to take advantage of plants, trees, and soils to clean runoff and manage stormwater flows. Vegetated swales, stormwater cascades, and small wetland ponds allow soils to absorb water, slowing flows and filtering out many contaminants. Response: The storm system is designed to discharge directly into storm water treatment ponds located on the site adjacent to the building addition to minimize pipe flow and have storm water flow enter the natural system has quickly as possible. To enhance the storm water treatment characteristics of the natural system a mechanical device (Contech CDS treatment unit or equal) will be installed at the outlet from the storm ponds. The proposed system will remove 80% of the contaminates and will provide superior treatment. The combined pond / mechanical device system will provide for solids, floatables and oil removal. (ii) The low impact development plan shall be integrated with the snow storage and management plan. Response: Snow storage is proposed within and directly adjacent to the aforementioned storm water ponds. Providing for an integrated snow storage / drainage system. (iii) At least 75 percent of new planting should be chosen from the list of Drought Tolerant Plants & Xeriscaping in Montana (2010), produced by the Montana Nursery & Landscape Association, or approved/updated equivalent list approved by the City of Bozeman. Any species listed as noxious or invasive in the state shall be avoided. Response: Provided, see Landscape Plan for detailed design. (iv) Inclusion of weather-based irrigation controllers. Response: Provided, see Landscape Plan for detailed design. (v) Limitations in the covenants or design guidelines on the amount and type of sod permitted. Response: Provided, (no sod proposed) see Landscape Plan for detailed design. (g) Sustainable design and construction. (6 points) How do we document how many of these 6 points we get? (i) Covenants or design guidelines that include a commitment to design the majority of buildings to meet LEED certification requirements or approved equivalent certification approved by the City of Bozeman. Equivalent certification programs will also be considered during preliminary PUD review. 339 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 28 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Response: Being that the project is a building addition it is not practical to achieve LEED certification.. (ii) Energy use reduction. Residential covenants or design guidelines shall include a commitment to build third party certified homes, which meet guidelines that make them at least 20 percent more efficient than standard homes. Nonresidential covenants and design guidelines shall include a commitment to build and certify buildings that meet the EPA's Energy Star challenge or approved equivalent program. Equivalent programs will also be considered during Preliminary PUD review. Response: Because Costco is building the proposed addition and upgrading their existing warehouse for their own use they do not see the value in spending several hundred thousand dollars to officially certify or otherwise commission the building. However, they do agree that many components of LEED or other sustainable approaches are excellent business and development best practices. In most cases, when Costco builds a new building, that building can qualify as a LEED Certified or LEED Silver building because of the different systems, design approaches and construction practices that Costco employs. In this case, an addition to an existing warehouse, Costco intends to replace much of the older less energy efficient equipment with new energy star rated equipment. Another signature element of their energy reduction strategy are skylights and LED lighting fixtures. Due to the nature of the proposed building addition Costco will utilize a combination of skylights and LED fixtures to minimize their energy usage for lighting. Their overall building and energy management system will control the number of fixtures that are on based on the amount of light that is entering the warehouse through the skylights. The warehouse energy management system also monitors other equipment used throughout the warehouse to determine heating and cooling needs along with unusual usage patterns. (iii) Water use reduction. Covenants or design guidelines shall include a commitment to use EPA's WaterSense certified products for all kitchen, bathroom and irrigation hardware. Equivalent programs will also be considered during preliminary PUD review. Response: With the same approach as identified above, Costco is committed to installing systems and using products that reduce their water usage and overall cost to operate and maintain their facility. For this project Costco intends to implement a number of measures related to monitoring and reducing water use. First, they will install a water use and leak detection system called Apana. This system, which includes a number of flow meters installed around the site, allows 340 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 29 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Costco to monitor the water usage, and be able to identify when and where atypical usage or leaks are occurring for both the warehouse and landscaping irrigation. Further, all newly installed equipment that uses water, including a new drip irrigation system, will be low flow/low use equipment. (iv) Provision of solar, wind or other alternative energy sources or participation in an approved cash-in-lieu program. A coordinated and detailed plan on how the development will address this component shall be submitted. Response: No solar or other alternate energy sources proposed. (h) Integrated and coordinated way-finding measures beyond minimum requirements within the overall project. (4 points) Response: The up-dated parking / pedestrian circulation plan (see Site Plans) significantly improves pedestrian way-finding with the use of pedestrian sidewalks and crosswalks. (i) On-site recycling transfer station. (4 points) Response: No public on-site recycling proposed. However, Costco currently and will continue with the addition to recycle cardboard and biofuel by products. (j) Public transportation bus station or enhanced covered bus stop. (1 point per station or enhanced stop) Response: No public transportation proposed. (k) Streetscape improvements (6 points): Streetscape design features that exceed the minimum street standards including street furniture, pedestrian lighting, low-impact development techniques, on-street parking standards, crosswalks, landscape and planting, way- finding, public art or other design elements. Such elements must be installed as part of the street infrastructure. Existing Street Furniture in open space area 341 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 30 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Response: The existing and proposed streetscape improvements exceed the minimum street standards. See Landscape and Architectural Site Plans for existing and proposed landscaping, street furniture, sidewalks and crosswalks. (8) Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? Response: Yes, the project is an infill project integrated into existing development. Based on the PUD performance point narrative provided above, Table 3.1 below provides a summary of performance points earned by the Costco PUD Table 3.1 - Performance Points Given: PUD Point Calculation: Points Required = 20 Points 20 Points Calculate Number of Points Earned: Gross Area of PUD = 18.41 Acres Less Area Dedicated (Road & Utility Catamount) = 0.81 Acres Net Area (See Note #1) = 17.60 Acres Area of Open Space (see Note #2) West and NW Corner Open Space = 2.47 Acres NE Corner Open Space = 0.60 Acres Miscellaneous Open space Areas = 0.22 Acres Less Storm Water Ponds 0.49 Acres Total Open Space 2.80 Acres Open Space Percent of Net Area = 15.90% Points Earned = 15.90 Points Section 38.20.090.E.7 Design Objectives and Criteria, subsection (7) Performance requires "All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points." To fulfill this requirement the Costco PUD shall use the combination of the following items: (b) Additional open space. (i) One point for each percent of the project area that is provided as non-public open space. 342 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 31 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Table 3.1 - Performance Points (Continued) c. Commercial. Planned unit developments in commercial areas (B-1, B-2, B-3 and UMU zoning districts) may include either commercial or multi-household development, however adequate but controlled access to arterial streets is essential. Activities would include a broad range of retail and service establishments designed to serve consumer demands of the city area. (1) If the project contains any use intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, does it meet the requirements for adult businesses? Response: N/A (2) Is the project contiguous to an arterial street, and has adequate but controlled access been provided? (f) Inclusion of a low impact development. Points Earned = 2.00 Points Points Earned = 1.00 Points Points Earned = 1.00 Points Points Earned = 1.00 Points Points Earned = 1.00 Points Points Earned = 4.00 Points Points Earned = 1.00 Points Points Earned = 4.00 Points Total Points Earned = 30.90 Points (k) Streetscape improvements: Streetscape design features that exceed the minimum street standards including (g) Sustainable design and construction. (i) On-site storm water treatment systems that exceed the requirements of chapter 40, article 4, Storm water, including but not limited to: incorporating drainage methods and technologies that treat, detain and/or infiltrate storm water as close as possible to the source of run-off and the use of natural drainage systems across sites, rather than underground closed-pipe systems to the extent feasible. (ii) The low impact development plan shall be integrated with the snow storage and management plan. (iii) At least 75 percent of new planting should be chosen from the list of Drought Tolerant Plants & Xeriscaping in Montana (2010), produced by the Montana Nursery & Landscape Association, or approved/updated equivalent list approved by the City of Bozeman. Any species listed as noxious or invasive in the state shall be avoided. (iv) Inclusion of weather-based irrigation controllers. (ii) Energy use reduction. (iii) Water use reduction. (v) Limitations in the covenants or design guidelines on the amount and type of sod permitted. 343 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 32 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Response: Direct access to Catron Street (local) and Catamount Street (collector) are provided which then provide access to East Valley Center Dr. and 19 th (arterials). (3) Is the project on at least two acres of land? Response: Yes, 18.41 acres. (4) If the project contains two or more significant uses (for instance, retail, office, residential, hotel/motel and recreation), do the uses relate to each other in terms of location within the PUD, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, architectural design, utilization of common open space and facilities, etc.? Response: N/A, single use. (5) Is it compatible with and does it reflect the unique character of the surrounding area? Response: Yes, compatible with adjoining commercial and RO uses. (6) Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten spaces? Response: Yes, proposed site improvements (access, sidewalk & trail) will enhance vehicle and pedestrian connectively to adjoining land uses. (7) Does the project encourage infill, or does the project otherwise demonstrate compliance with the land use guidelines of the city growth policy? Response: Yes, The building addition is an infill project.. (8) Does the project provide for outdoor recreational areas (such as additional landscaped areas, open spaces, trails or picnic areas) for the use and enjoyment of those living in, working in or visiting the development? Response: Yes, The project will provide for the extension of two existing pedestrian trails (along east and west property lines) and will create an open space at the northwest corner of the property. 344 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 33 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Discussion of Land Use Conflicts The Costco PUD is an infill project that is zoned B-2, Community Business District (See Figure #4) and is in conformance with the City’s growth policy which has identified the property as Community Commercial Mixed Use. The adjoining / surrounding land use is primarily commercial in nature and defined as follows. • North -- Motel • East – (3) Motels and a restaurant • South – Large retail commercial • West – Multi-Family apartment (residential) Of these adjoining land uses the multi-family to the west is the only non-commercial use. To mitigate and or transition the land use from commercial to multi-family a densely landscaped (mature vegetation) open space is in place. This open space was created with the original warehouse construction in 1997. In addition, the multi-family units are off-set from the Costco PUD with the residential garages backing to the west property line of the PUD. Statement of Design Method to Reduce Energy Consumption Costco intends to incorporate several approaches into the proposed warehouse expansion to reduce their energy consumption. First, from a site improvement perspective, all the new light fixtures for the new parking area will be LED fixtures controlled by daylight sensors minimizing the amount of time site lighting is in use as well as the amount of energy needed to provide the required amount of coverage. Site lighting is also programed to provide a reduced level of “Security” lighting during non-business hours. This further reduces their energy needs. For the building, besides the extra space Costco needs to provide for the needs of their members, they have a significant need to update their mechanical systems within their building. New refrigeration equipment will be installed that represents the current technology for heat recovery, energy monitoring and equipment control. This equipment significantly reduces the energy consumption and need of a Costco warehouse. Apartments to west of PUD 345 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 34 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Chapter 4– Physical Site Conditions Topography / Landforms See Figure #6 – USGS Topography Map for off-site topography, see site plan in Appendix C for on-site topography. Topography within the project area is relatively flat, with elevations averaging 4,762 feet above mean sea level. The project area is bisected by an altered drainage course, flowing from south to north along the western boundary of the Costco store before turning northeast, and then discharging off site to the north near Catamount Street. The prominent wetland community in the project area (discussed below) is associated with this drainage and an adjacent storm water pond. One smaller wetland area exists in the field east of the drainage course. Vegetation The project area is within the Townsend Basin ecoregion of the Middle Rockies. This ecoregion is dominated by cropland, rangeland, and urban-suburban industrial activity. It is characterized by a broad, semiarid, nearly treeless, intermontane valley with floodplains, stream terraces, alluvial fans, and areas of treeless hills. The quaternary alluvium, alluvial fans, and Tertiary valley fill sediments support a foothills prairie ecosystem with a grama-needlegrass-wheatgrass vegetative community. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 10-19 inches per year, with an average of 90 to 140 frost-free days per year (EPA, 2012). Noxious Weeds A Noxious Weed Management plan has been prepared in conjunction with the Gallatin County Weed Department. The findings and recommended weed control measures are provided in Appendix D of this application. 346 COSTCO PUD BOZEMAN, MONTANA 406-586-8834 NOT TO SCALE USGS TOPO MAP FIGURE 6 347 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 36 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Wetlands See Figure #7 – Wetland Delineation for on-site wetland areas; see Figure #8 for existing adjacent off-site water features. DOWL conducted an on-site delineation of wetlands, drainages, and ditches within the area proposed for construction. The delineation was conducted according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 05-05: Ordinary High Water Mark Identification; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987); the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (USACE 2010); and Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States Version 7.0 (NRCS, 2010). Vegetation types within the project area are comprised of upland and wetland communities. Upland vegetation is more prominent in the field just south of Catamount Street. Hydrophytic vegetation dominated the plant communities along flowing water, ponded water, and in depressional areas. At the time of the field investigation, identification of upland vegetation was difficult due to recent mowing. Upland areas within the project area were primarily dominated by smooth brome (Bromus inermis, UPL), crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum, NL), Canadian thistle (Cirsium arvense, FACU), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, FACU), and unidentified grass species (Poa sp.). Ornamental shrub and tree species comprised the landscaped area immediately adjacent to the Costco parking lot. Dominant hydrophytic vegetation within the project area included reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea, FACW), broad-leaf cattail (Typha latifolia, OBL), creeping meadow-foxtail (Alopercus arundinaceus, FAC) Baltic rush (Juncus balticus, FACW), spearmint (Mentha arvensis, FACW), sedge species (Carex sp.), climbing nightshade (Solanum dulcamara, FAC), and sandbar willow (Salix interior, FACW). The project proposes to fill approximately 1.17 acres of jurisdictional wetland and realign the existing watercourse just north of the existing warehouse. The permitting of the wetland alteration will be through a 404 permit with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The wetland mitigation will be achieved by purchasing wetland bank credits through Eco-Asset Management, LLC at their Upper Missouri Mitigation Bank. The existing watercourse will be realigned and permitted under the aforementioned 404 permit and 310 permit with the Gallatin Conservation District. The realignment will consist of constructing 490 linear feet of new natural meandering channel which will be revegetated with desirable wetland and upland plant species. 348 COSTCO PUD BOZEMAN, MONTANA 406-586-8834 WETLAND DELINEATION FIGURE 7 349 EXISTING WATER FEATURES FIGURE 8 350 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 39 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Soils The NRCS Web Soil Survey for Gallatin County (NRCS, 2016) maps three units within the project area. Soil map units for the project area are illustrated on Figure 7 and 7A. • Blackdog silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes (50B) • Turner loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes (57B) • Blossberg loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (542A) Blackdog silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes (50B) Blackdog silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes (50B) is primarily comprised of Blackdog and similar soils with minor components of Meagher, Bowery, and Quagle soils. This unit is comprised of well-drained soils that typically occur on stream terraces. Depth to the water table is typically more than 80 inches, with a moderately high capability to transmit groundwater (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr). A typical profile is silt loam from 0 to 10 inches, silty clay loam from 10 to 19 inches, and silt loam from 19 to 60 inches. This unit is not classified as a hydric soil. Turner loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes (57B) Turner loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes (57B) is primarily comprised of Turner and similar soils, with minor components of Beaverton, Martinsdale, and Corbly soils. This unit is comprised of welldrained soils that typically occur on stream terraces. Depth to the water table is typically more than 80 inches, with a moderately high capability to transmit groundwater (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr). A typical profile is loam from 0 to 6 inches, clay loam from 6 to 26 inches, and very gravelly loamy sand from 26 to 60 inches. This unit is not classified as a hydric soil. Blossberg loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (542A) Blossberg loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (542A) are comprised mostly of Blossberg and similar soils with minor components of Bonebasin and Meadowcreek soils. This unit is comprised of poorly drained soils that typically occur on stream terraces. Depth to the water table is 12 to 24 inches, with a moderately high to high capability to transmit groundwater (0.20 to 1.98 in/hr). A typical profile is loam from 0 to 15 inches, sandy clay loam from 15 to 24 inches, and extremely gravelly loamy coarse sand from 24 to 60 inches. This unit is classified as a hydric soil. 351 SOIL SURVEY MAP FIGURE 9 352 COSTCO PUD BOZEMAN, MONTANA 406-586-8834 SOIL SURVEY TABLE FIGURE 9A 353 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 42 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Kleinfelder Inc. completed a field exploration program at the site in three phases in August, September, and October 2016. See appendix E for mapping and soil logs. The field exploration consisted of 14 borings located within the proposed parking lot and warehouse addition footprint and 6 hand auger excavations and 18 hand probes using a steel rod in and around the existing wetland and storm pond areas. Subsurface conditions encountered at the site generally consist of three soil layers: • Topsoil / Sod: Boring 1 and borings 9 through 14 encountered a 6- to 8-inch thick topsoil / sod layer. • Wetland Muck / Organics: Hand borings and probes advanced in the wetland and storm pond areas encountered about 1½ to 4½ feet of material consisting of organic matter and soft, wet silt and clay. • Sandy Lean Clay / Clayey Sand: Borings 9 through 14, located in the undeveloped area NE of the existing parking lot, encountered soft to firm, sandy lean clay / clayey sand underlying the topsoil / sod. These soils extended to a depth of about 4.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). • Braid Plain Alluvium: All borings at the site encountered native braid plain alluvium either immediately below existing pavement sections, or below the topsoil or sandy clay layer. The alluvium ranged from gravelly sand to sandy gravel, with variable fines content. Uncorrected N-values in this layer mostly ranged between 20 and 50 blows per foot, suggesting a medium dense to dense material, though blow counts may be somewhat overstated due to high gravel content. All proposed new foundations at the site are expected to be founded on this unit. Geology According to mapping completed by Vuke and others (2014) the Costco site is underlain by Braid Plain Alluvium, which consists of varying amounts of sand, gravels, and cobbles. According to Hill & Bartholomew (1999), the southwestern portion of Montana has the state’s highest degree of tectonism and the earthquake hazard map (Bartholomew and others 1988) designates the greatest hazard rating in the state of Montana to this region. However, it should be noted there has been very little seismic activity. Seismic design parameters for the site should be in accordance with the requirements of the 2012 edition of the International Building Code (IBC). Based on information obtained from the filed explorations, published geologic literature and maps, this site is classified as Site Class D, Stiff Soil, according to Section 1613.3.2 of 2012 IBC and Table 20.3-1 of ASCE 7-5. Groundwater Groundwater was observed in the borings at depths ranging from 6 to 11.5 feet below ground surface during drilling, which represents a late summer condition. On October 18, 2016, groundwater was observed at a depth of 5.5 feet below the ground surface in MW-1 and at a depth of 4.2 feet below pavement in MW-2. These depths roughly corresponded to the water level in the wetland and stormwater retention ponds at that time. The groundwater has been reported by local DOWL engineers and in prior geotechnical reports to be as shallow as 3 feet at times. 354 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 43 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Wildlife Species. Both mule and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus and virginianus, respectively) have been observed within the vicinity of the project. Ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) have been observed within the central scrub-shrub drainage area. Migratory bird use, particularly warblers, Pine Siskins (Carduelis pinus), American Robins (Turdus migratorius), and other short-distance migrants such as Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens and villosus, respectively) and Northern Common Flicker (Colaptes auratus), are likely high given the concentration of shrubs. There are no long-term fisheries within the property boundaries. It is possible that individual fish may swim up the watercourse from the Gallatin during the irrigation season, but leave the system as water is gradually decreased in the fall. Protective Measures. The shrub community at the northwest corner of the project will be partially displaced by the building addition and the added parking. The wetlands displaced will be mitigated by participating in a wetland bank. Two new storm water ponds will be constructed in the area and the watercourse will be realigned. In conjunction with the watercourse realignment a “watercourse planting plan” will be prepared per City and Conservation District requirements. View shed The Costco PUD will have minimal impacts on view shed because of proposed land use, existing topography and existing surrounding structures. Land Use – The proposed land use for the PUD is commercial. The proposed building addition is similar in height to the existing warehouse and adjacent motels, commercial buildings and apartment buildings and will not encroach into the view shed to any extent greater than the surrounding buildings. Topography – The Costco PUD planning area and the surrounding area for several miles is essentially flat. The PUD is not located on a prominent ridge or land feature. These facts, combined with the existing mature landscaping within the site will provide natural view shed breaks and should effectively mitigate any view shed issue created by the project. 355 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 44 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Chapter 5– Infrastructure The Costco PUD is located within the City Limits of Bozeman, Montana. The project proposes to utilize City of Bozeman and other public utility infrastructure to provide required services. Below is a brief summary of the service suppliers and availability; detailed evaluation of infrastructure is provided in subsequent chapters of this application. The Costco PUD is an in-fill project that is well serviced by existing community facilities and municipal utilities. The project is surrounded by existing City of Bozeman municipal infrastructure, Northwestern Energy electrical and natural gas, and various telecommunication facilities. The project will not require off-site utility extensions. Water As shown on Figure 10, the existing Costco warehouse is serviced by a looped 8” diameter water main providing potable and fire sprinkle service to the warehouse. The looped water main connects into 12” diameter water mains in Catron Street and along the east boundary of the site. The existing and proposed site has excellent connectivity to the City of Bozeman municipal water system which will provide a redundant, highly dependable water source for the project. No off-site water main extensions are proposed by the project. Water main improvements will be limited to the relocation of a portion of the existing 8” diameter looped water main on the north side of the existing warehouse. The water main will be relocated to be outside the building footprint of the proposed addition. Sanitary Sewer The existing Costco warehouse is serviced by an 8” diameter gravity sanitary sewer main. The gravity main connects into 10” diameter main along the east boundary of the site. No on-site or off-site sanitary sewer main extensions are proposed by the project. Sewer service connections to existing building are proposed to remain “as is” with no alterations. Storm Water The existing Costco warehouse is currently serviced by a gravity storm water collection system. The system collects and conveys roof and parking lot storm water into a storm water pond located just to the north of the existing warehouse. The storm water system will be modified to collect the additional roof and parking areas. A new multi-cell storm pond will be installed to provide storm water treatment and detention. In association with the project an existing watercourse along the north side of the existing warehouse will be realigned and a culvert along the south edge of Catamount Street will be installed. 356 COSTCO PUD BOZEMAN, MT 406-586-8834 EXISTING UTILITIES FIGURE 10 357 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 46 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Roads & Parking The current Costco warehouse is accessed by Catron Street along the south boundary of the site. Catron provides direct access to the collector / arterial street system with connection to Valley Center Road, North 19th Avenue and Interstate 90 to the east and North 27th Avenue to the west. It is anticipated that the project will be required to make the following transportation improvements (See Figure 10 – Transportation Improvements): • Complete the south half of Catamount Street along the north boundary of the project. The Catamount Street improvements will be either constructed by the project or funded by the project through payment of the projects “local share” of the City road project. • Install curb and gutter on Valley Center road along the project frontage. • Extend existing pedestrian trails along Valley Center Road and the west boundary of the PUD, within the project limits. Kittelson & Associates prepared a Transportation Impact Analysis for the project which is included in Appendix B of this application. Kittelson found that the Bozeman Costco expansion can be constructed and maintain acceptable operations at all of the study intersections and driveways. The additional trips generated by the expansion are minimal (e.g. less than 60 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour) and have a minimal impact on the traffic operations at the off-site study intersections. Additionally, a new driveway is proposed with the expansion on Catamount Street that will enhance the on-site circulation and traffic operations at the Costco driveways on Catron Street. Catron Street along south boundary of PUD South half of Catamount Street to be constructed 358 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 47 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA The proposed driveway on Catamount Street is anticipated to redistribute some of the site- generated trips away from the two driveways on Catron Drive. This redistribution of trips is projected to improve the traffic operations (less delay and lower volume-to-capacity ratio for southbound approach) at the Max Avenue/Catron Street intersection from background traffic conditions during the weekday p.m. and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. As customers learn more about the new connection to Catamount Street, it is anticipated that usage at this driveway will increase over time and continue to reduce the number of southbound left-turns at the Catron Drive/Max Avenue (East Costco Driveway) intersection. Additionally, the eastern parking area is being enhanced to improve on-site circulation with the connection to Catamount Street and to add 150 parking spaces to the overall site plan. These on- site improvements and new driveway at Catamount Street will provide a better experience for customers and ease some of the congestion issues at the existing Max Avenue/Catron Street intersection. Additional Traffic Supportive Figures Through the team’s discussion with the City and Design Review Board, it was determined that additional discussion should be provided on the new driveway on Catamount Street and how it will be used and what changes in travel patterns are anticipated with the new driveway in place via on-site circulation and usage at the existing two driveways on Catron Street. Additionally, an enhanced discussion on the proposed pedestrian facilities and activity level on-site was also requested. This section provides a summary discussion and supportive graphics on these items based on the findings from the Transportation Impact Study and assessment of the proposed site plan for Costco. 359 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 48 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • The proposed site provides a new driveway on Catamount Street, which is anticipated to reroute a significant number of trips to/from the other two existing driveways resulting in improved operations at the two existing driveways. Currently, 60% of the trips to/from Costco occur via the Catron Street and Max Avenue intersection. With the new driveway on Catamount Street, the Catron Street and Max Avenue intersection is projected to only have 37% of the trips use this intersection to access Costco. On the supportive graphic, the change in trip distribution patterns and resultant trip estimate is shown at the three driveways. 360 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 49 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • With the proposed expansion, Costco plans to increase its parking supply by 150 spaces, which includes an additional 130 spaces in the northeast area of the site. This northeast area of the site has a direct connection from the new driveway on Catamount Street, which will help with better utilization of this parking area. Additionally, the site near the main driveway and warehouse entrance is modified to encourage customers to parking the in the northeast and southeast areas of the site. These changes support the anticipated redistribution of trips to the new driveway on Catamount Street. 361 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 50 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • Customers at the main driveway on Catron Street are anticipated to experience long delay during the weekday PM peak hour. The long delay is mostly associated with the significant increase in traffic volumes on Catron Street and Max Avenue from other approved developments (e.g. Cattail Creek Phases 1, 2, 3, and the Gallatin Center) in the area. However, the vehicle delay at the new driveway on Catamount Street is anticipated to operate at LOS B or better during the weekday PM peak hour. The low delay and ease of entering/exiting the site via the new driveway on Catamount Street supports the anticipated redistribution of trips to this new driveway from the other two existing driveways.. 362 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 51 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • Customers at the main driveway on Catron Street are anticipated to experience long delay during the Saturday midday peak hour. The long delay is mostly associated with the significant increase in traffic volumes on Catron Street and Max Avenue from other approved developments (e.g. Cattail Creek Phases 1, 2, 3, and the Gallatin Center) in the area. However, the vehicle delay at the new driveway on Catamount Street is anticipated to operate at LOS B or better during the Saturday midday peak hour. The low delay and ease of entering/exiting the site via the new driveway on Catamount Street supports the anticipated redistribution of trips to this new driveway from the other two existing driveways. 363 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 52 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • As shown in the graphic, the 95 th percentile vehicle queue at the main driveway on Catron Street is projected to be less (175 feet) than under the existing (200 feet) and background (425 feet) conditions. As noted above, the long 95 th percentile queue length under background conditions is mostly due the significant increase in traffic volumes on Catron Street and Max Avenue from other approved developments (e.g. Cattail Creek Phases 1, 2, 3, and the Gallatin Center) in the area. The 95 th percentile vehicle queue length can be accommodated within the existing storage length. 364 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 53 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA • The proposed site plan for the Bozeman Costco expansion provides improved pedestrian facilities and more direct access between public pedestrian routes (e.g. sidewalks and public trail) and the warehouse. These improvements include: o Extensions and new crosswalk striping are added to the areas connecting to the public trails along the western edge of the site and the northeast edge of the site. o New sidewalk is added along the site frontage near the proposed new northern Costco driveway on Catamount Street. This sidewalk provides access from Catamount Street to the site. o A marked pedestrian crosswalk is added to the east Costco driveway and Catron Street on the western approach of the intersection. This crossing provides a connection between the Costco site and the Gallatin Center to the south of the site. o Reconfigured parking area in the southeast corner of the site reduces vehicle and pedestrian conflicts. o Modified main entrance area reduces conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians 365 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 54 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA o Moderate level of pedestrian activity occurs in front of the tire center, which has been enhanced with a wider sidewalk and new striping. Additionally, a Costco employee is stationed outside of the tire center to direct vehicles and pedestrians, so that conflicts are reduced in this pedestrian activity area. o There are several on-site crossing areas for pedestrians that will include marked crossings in the pavement to provide a visual cue to pedestrians to/from the public trail, parking areas, and Costco entrance. The combination of additional and improved pedestrian facilities and connections and reconfigured drive aisles within the site provide a safer and more enjoyable pedestrian experience, while providing a more functional and efficient network for vehicles to enter, exit and finding parking in the site. 366 COSTCO PUD BOZEMAN, MT 406-586-8834 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FIGURE 11 367 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 July 25, 2017 Page | 56 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA No other transportation mitigation is needed for this expansion. Our analysis methodology, pertinent findings, and recommendations are documented herein to support the above conclusions. Telephone Service Telephone service to the existing Costco warehouse is provided by CenturyLink. Local contact for CenturyLink is Paul Fendley: paul.fendley1@centurylink.com 406-585-2353 Electrical Service Electrical and natural gas service to the existing Costco warehouse is provided by Northwestern Energy. Local contact for CenturyLink is Cammy Dooley: cammy.dooley@northwestern.com 406-582-4680 368 Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments Pursuant to the City's Design Review Board (DRB) comments of May 24, 2017 the applicant responds as follows: DRB recommendations 1. Minimize defaulting to franchise architecture. Some of the examples of other Costcos (e.g., Gig Harbor) provided with the staff report demonstrate the level of character and quality that will be sought in Bozeman. Context sensitivity to the built and natural environment should be clearly integrated with the addition, landscaping, and any remodeling details. Response: Costco and MG2 are proposing a design for the Bozeman warehouse addition that is unique to Bozeman. The design of the building addition and the proposed site and façade enhancements take into account the neighborhood in which the warehouse is located in. Further, special care and effort has been taken to ensure that the proposal is compatible with the built and natural environment in which it is located. In reviewing the current warehouse, it is readily apparent that the entry canopy and its EIFS finish does not create a coordinated design with the remainder of the building which is different textures of CMU together with architectural metal panels for a change of color, texture and depth. Without completely rebuilding the entry canopy we intend to remove the EIFS siding system and replace it with a mix of CMU and architectural metal panels. These are the same materials, colors and textures that we intend to use on the building addition creating a coordinated design that ties the new together with the old (see attachment architectural plans). Along with the change of siding materials for the main entry canopy we intend to further emphasize and highlight the main entry for the building. This will be done by replacing the current roll-up doors with much larger sliding glass doors flanked on either side by glass roll-up doors. This will create a more inviting and open entry experience. The glazing also provides another level of texture and interest to the most important feature of the building, the main entrance. For all the newly developed portions of the site we are complying with all the current code standards and requirements related to landscaping, setbacks, pedestrian circulation and so on. For the existing portions of the site and parking lot, we are moving it towards compliance by adding additional pedestrian pathways. However, we are not planning to reconfigure the entire existing parking area and replace existing mature vegetation with immature vegetation to bring those areas into complete compliance (see architectural site plan). 2. Recognize that traffic flow and safety at the SE site access is a significant existing issue and will persist with the addition. Possible design solutions include a roundabout. Costco should reach out to City Engineering to consider options. Response: DOWL has contacted the City Engineering Office in regard to the intersection of Catron Street and Max Avenue. As an intersection of two local minor streets the 369 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 2 subject intersection is in compliance with City. Therefore no intersection improvements are warranted. Additionally, the proposed site provides a new driveway on Catamount Street, which is anticipated to reroute a significant number of trips to/from the other two existing driveways resulting in improved operations at the two existing driveways. Currently, 60% of the trips to/from Costco occur via the Catron Street and Max Avenue intersection. With the new driveway on Catamount Street, the Catron Street and Max Avenue intersection is projected to only have 37% of the trips use this intersection to access Costco. 3. Design the North elevation to address Catamount Street. Ensure compatibility with the existing/near-future diversity of structures and uses that are being developed to the north of the subject site to support an activated relationship with nearby uses and the greater community. Response: The north elevation of the building, which is the north wall of the proposed addition, will end up being over 230’ from Catamount St. Ornamental landscaping and parking stalls will occupy the intervening area on the eastern half of that façade. A re- channelized meandering stream, native plantings and a natural edged storm pond with Low Impact Design features will be adjacent to the western half of that façade (see attachment XX). Multiple colors and profiles of architectural metal panels, CMU and freestanding architectural structures are incorporated into the northern façade to provide additional depth and compatibility with the rest of the building. These features also make the northern elevation architecturally interesting and attractive without making it so prominent that customers are confused about where the front door is. 4. Ensure complete connection of pedestrian walkways from all four sides/corners of the site to the store entrance. Response: Pedestrian walkways have been strategically added throughout the existing and the proposed parking areas to provide safe and clear pedestrian from anywhere on the site to the front door (see attached architectural site plan). These pedestrian walkways also divide the parking field into roughly four distinct parking areas further breaking the site into smaller more definable areas. 5. Enhancement of the existing store facade including the entrance area is supported especially in order to foster continuity between the design of the addition and existing structures and to clearly distinguish that SE corner as a prominent building entrance to ensure adequate orientation and avoid confusion when people are navigating to get to the store. Response: We are proposing to enhance the current entry canopy which seems somewhat disparate to the design of the rest of the building. Our new proposal is to use a mix of CMU, architectural metal panels and glass that is currently used around the building or is part of the proposed addition. Our goal is ultimately to create a single coordinated design for the entire building. 370 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 3 6. Provide clearer and more direct direction for vehicle circulation, such as by extending the main north-south drive aisle to be the primary axis, and reducing the circulation (and parking) immediately adjacent to the building's eastern elevation. Response: The parking lot has been reconfigured since our meeting with the Design Board to straighten the main north/south driveway along the east side of the warehouse. This will simplify and clarify both pedestrian and vehicular movements along the east side of the warehouse to the front door of the warehouse. Additionally, the new driveway on Catamount Street provides an improved connection into the site and parking area on the northeast portion of the site. 7. Ensure that the wayfinding and landscaping are designed as adequate visual cues to support utilization of the North entrance and parking area. Response: Our current proposal for pedestrian and vehicular paths throughout the site together with our landscape plan provide many visual cues for wayfinding throughout the site. Particularly for funneling people to the front door. Additionally, there are several on-site crossing areas for pedestrians that will include marked crossings in the pavement to provide a visual cue to pedestrians to/from the public trail, parking areas, and Costco entrance. 8. Use of the Northern portion of the site and PUD requirements would be encouraged through provision of a usable landscaped outdoor space, such as a walkway integrated with a patio and seating instead of parking along the eastern elevation. Response: We have chosen to focus our efforts on an outdoor plaza and seating area closer to the front door. Focusing on the front door and its immediate surroundings further emphasizes the front door and supports our wayfinding efforts. 9. Utilize an appropriate level of sustainability-minded landscaping beyond minimum code conformance and in conjunction with PUD and COA requirements, including to provide buffering for pedestrian walkways. Response: The overall sustainability of the proposed landscape is achieved by: low water use landscaping, including native or adapted species; modifications to the irrigation system for water conservation; design of parking lot and circulation design of the organic stream corridor at the northwest corner; and naturally edged storm ponds. 10. A pedestrian connection from the entrance to the southern boundary and right-of-way, and with transition to a safe dedicated crossing to adjacent commercial development to the south is recommended. While some parking space redesign/reduction may be necessary to meet the code standards for the design of this connection, increasing the connectivity and attractiveness of the parking spaces furthest from the building entrance will help to offset such a design. Response: Incorporated into our site design, particularly through the existing southern parking lot is a new pedestrian path. Not only does this path provide a safe and protected walkway from a majority of the ADA stalls on site, but it also provides a safe and protected walkway to the property’s southern boundary and the public sidewalk along 371 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 4 that boundary. From there, pedestrians can navigate to the intersection of Catron and the main Costco driveway where a new crosswalk will be installed on the western approach of the intersection. This will provide the connection to the commercial development to the south requested in the note above. Pursuant to the City's Development Review Committee (DRC) comments of May 10, 2017 the applicant responds as follows: DRC recommendations PLANNING COMMENTS Planning Division, Rebecca Owens, rowens@bozeman.net, 406-582-2297 The following comments should be considered in preparation of the Preliminary PUD application. Please note that while the Development Review Committee (DRC) attempts to identify all major issues and concerns during Concept Plan and Pre-Application Plan review, additional comments or concerns may be identified during the next stage of the review process. All references are to the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC), primarily Chapter 38, and to the Bozeman Design Objectives Plan (DOP) unless otherwise indicated. Overall code provisions 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Response: Understood and so noted. 2. Various utility and public easements will be required, including for public pedestrian facilities on the property perimeter. Identification of existing, proposed/draft easements, mutual access agreements, etc., where applicable must be delineated in the PPUD application narrative, document index and drawings. Response: See Civil Site Plans for easements. Building The property as a Planned Unit Development with commercial and mixed use is subject to the Design Objectives Plan for Entryway Corridors (DOP). The applicants should review the development proposal against relevant sections of the Design Objectives Plan. The conceptual plan as proposed does not provide enough information to demonstrate conformance to the guidelines in regards to architectural design and diversity. Response: See Chapter 2 of the PPUD narrative entryway corridor discussion. City standards strictly discourage corporate identity architecture. The community has several examples of franchises which have successfully met corporate brand standards while also providing a diversity of designs within the city through variation in site- and neighborhood-context oriented details related to height, form, materials, landscaping, and compatibility with the architecture of nearby developments. 372 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 5 Staff is supportive of the additional massing with the condition that it must demonstrate higher quality design. Examples of opportunities to meet this requirement include: - Roof form. To offset the existing flat roof design, provide articulation of the roof form and details, and high quality roofing material. - Innovation. Consider utilization of roof space for a photovoltaic or green roof installation. - Massing. Provide vertical and horizontal modulation of the addition’s bulk to reduce the perceived mass and address large-scale retail requirements. - Transparency. Provide upper-level windows on the addition and as a retrofit to the existing entrance area. - Building details and materials. Incorporate a diversity of colors, material types, and textural details on the exterior walls that demonstrate compatibility with the local context. While existing primary use of EIFS for the exterior is acceptable, higher quality accent finishes are strongly encouraged and a new, contrasting material may be appropriate for the building addition, including for the purpose of reducing perceived massing. For example Costco has experience with brick, masonry, and wood and recycled metal material external skins. - Frontage and entrances. Strongly recommended to include fenestration features along the second story for street-level interest as well as interior daylighting. The subject site should meet double frontage design guidelines; while the primary frontage and building access will continue to face Catron Street, with the addition and completion of Catamount Street, the ‘rear’ side of the building creates frontage along the I-90 entryway corridor. Where within allowable height standards, the applicant should consider designs for the addition and for remodeling of the existing primary entrance at the southeastern front of the building that blend the new and existing elements with coordinated design. As the attached examples illustrate, potential opportunities for enhanced design quality include: pitched roof elements; columns or masonry canopy supports; a raised second story retrofit with windows above the existing building entrance; and a common- theme link between the front and rear of the building such as via open post and beam steel supports with accent lighting extending along the eastern elevation of the building between the two corners, - Screening. All mechanical equipment locations and screening methods and specification details must be shown on the final plans and elevations. Overall, the PPUD application should demonstrate employment of high quality and/or natural materials, apply innovative and sustainable design techniques that exceed code requirements and current Costco prototype design, and establish a relationship between the main Costco building, Costco addition and other buildings in the area. A final material samples and color board will be required. Response: Costco and their team believe that the proposed addition and site plan improvements demonstrate the use of an innovative design process and the application of high quality materials. - Roof form. Although the form of Costco’s warehouse and the function of how the warehouse operates limits the ability to make wholesale changes to the roof, we are proposing to expand and replicate some of the shed roofs that are located around the existing building with the new addition and to upgrade the tire center elevation. This is another measure that Costco is taking to make sure the building design is not a standard “Brand” approach and that it is tailored to specifically complement and enhance the current building design. Further, it is a design unique and special to Bozeman. - Innovation. A number of innovative approaches are being proposed with the subject improvement. These things range from site improvements, building structure improvements and equipment upgrades and improvements. LID (low impact development) approaches are being used with the site design. Architectural metal panels together with a recycled steel structure 373 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 6 address a sustainability approach that values using materials that are durable, beautiful and recyclable. A number of pieces of equipment used in the warehouse for refrigeration, product handling and preparation are to be upgraded to low energy usage models with power and water meters that indicate when and where usage is beyond what is normal so leaks can be fixed and operational procedures can be monitored and corrected. - Massing. CMU wainscoting, architectural metal panels of differing profiles and colors together with pilasters, roof features and sign panels have all be included into the design and coordinated to minimize the apparent mass of the building. - Transparency. The existing building has very little transparency/glazing. Our proposed design is bringing in a significant amount of glazing along the entry canopy to create a brighter and more inviting space. The glazing comes in the form of glass roll-up doors and window walls wrapping the entry canopy. - Building details and materials. The current building design is dated and in many cases seems to be washed out and faded. Our desire with the proposed building design is to blend some additional colors and materials with the existing CMU to create more texture and complimentary contrast. To that end, we are adding 2 different profiles of metal panel with 2 different colors. A third contrasting color will be used for trim and the building cornice. Existing mansard style roofs that create a “portal” at a number of the exit doors around the building will be replaced with a trellis feature that is more in keeping with the overall design while also moving away from the idea of highlighting the exit door(s). This architectural design element will also be used on the north elevation as a freestanding element that provides additional depth, relief and architectural interest on that façade. - Frontage and entrances. Considerable effort and attention has been given to redesigning both the main entry canopy and the proposed building addition. The priorities for this redesign include: making the entire building an integrated whole, adding more materials, colors, texture and contrast throughout the entire building design, incorporating more glazing into the entry canopy to create an inviting space that also provides strong wayfinding queues, provide architectural details along the north elevation that together with a lush landscape plan creates a rich façade along Catamount St. without taking away from the main entrance of the building. - Screening. A eight foot tall masonry block wall provides screening from the compactor in the NW corner of the building. This will remain. New mechanical equipment will be located within the building or on the room and will be screened from view by the parapet walls around the perimeter of the building. Connectivity The CPUD does not meet City standards for connectivity. 1. In general. The PUD must provide dedicated hard surface connectivity for pedestrians, such as elevated sidewalks with curbs, and including ADA accessibility, throughout the property. Link all parking areas to the primary entrance and ensure accessibility to open spaces and pathways both on- and off-property. Response: See site plans, additional internal parking area sidewalks and crosswalks have been added to provide enhanced internal pedestrian connectivity and linkage to adjoining land uses. 2. In general. Pedestrian facilities should be integrated into parking lot landscaping; this is preferred to facilities that are curbed next to the landscaping. Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities 374 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 7 3. In general. Surfacing of shared use pathways cannot be asphalt. They must be pervious pavers or moved out of water course (wc) setbacks. Such paths cannot be in zone 1 of a WC setback no matter what. Response: So noted, pathways will be a natural fines surface located in zone 2 of the water course setback. 4. In general. Provide ADA-compliant ramps and distinct pedestrian crossings at grade, such as with the material currently installed in front of the primary building entrance, across areas where raised sidewalks are not feasible (e.g., in front of the tire center) and across drive aisles where connections are established as follows. Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities. 5. Northwest section. Please review the attached comments from the Parks division as relates to location of a shared use path on the northwest portion of the site in addition to or in lieu of completing the western path to Catamount and identify the location for the proposed pedestrian facility in this location. Response: See response to Parks Division comment. 6. North and East. A continuous hardscape sidewalk between the building and parking is required along the entire northern and eastern elevations of the structure to facilitate access for pedestrians circulating from each parking section and pedestrian facility connection in the northern portion of the site to the building entrance in the southeast. At minimum, the sidewalk design must connect to: a. the northwest corner of the site via the shared use path connection, which also must be extended to Catamount Street; Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities. b. the north access sidewalk along Catamount; and Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities. c. the northeast corner of the site via the shared use path connection (aligned to use the shortest distance between them). Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities. 7. North. The pedestrian facility provided at the new northern vehicle entrance should be detached from the curb and provide a boulevard planting strip with associated landscaping. Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities. 8. South. A continuous hardscape path must be provided directly between the building’s entrance area and connect with the sidewalk adjacent to the southern portion of the site. In addition to providing connectivity, this requirement relates to the COA requirement to reduce the massing of parking fields. Response: See site plans enhanced pedestrian facilities. 375 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 8 9. Note that while 6b and 8 in the above comments are shown on the CPUD, their design must be adjusted to address other comments in this memo. Response: So noted. Stormwater 1. Per Sec.38.23.010.C. – General Standards, code allows a 4:1 maximum slope for all areas on site. This requirement and stormwater drainage and retention needs on the east side of the new parking area, specifically, may not be met by the proposed design. Please consult with project and City engineers and demonstrate conformance. Response: Design has been modified so all slopes are 4:1 of flatter. 2. Per Sec.38.23.100. – Watercourse setback, Zone 1 and Zone 2 watercourse setbacks must be delineated. No structures, fill material (other than that required for exempt uses), parking lot or other impervious surfaces or similar improvements can be located within required WC setbacks. See Exceptions, under (e) to determine what is allowed in the setback area. Response: Portions of the water course that are altered and have WC setbacks meet referenced UDC Section. 3. Per Sec.38.23.100.A.2.f – Setback planting, a watercourse setback planting plan is required to be shown on the landscaping plan, and plantings must support trail construction requirements for bank stability, etc. per Sec.38.23.100 and related Engineering requirements. Response: See Landscape Plan. 4. The applicant proposes to replace the existing stormwater retention pond with a two-cell storm pond with a natural edge and Low Impact Development (LID) features. Per the Design Objectives Plan, this element should be designed as a site amenity integrated with accessible green space and landscaping. In addition, Costco has experience designing and installing bioswales, rain gardens and similar on-site natural systems and is encouraged to utilize related techniques for this project. Refer to the attached samples. Response: The northwest corner of the site where the storm ponds are located is accessed by the extension of the west trail. Open Space 1. The applicant is strongly recommended to design an outdoor seating/dining area located near a primary entrance or natural area that would support the tendency for people, whether employees or patrons, to want to congregate and be outside during nice weather and as an extension of the existing indoor dining area. Specifically, there is an opportunity for open space activation in the northeast area of the northern parcel. This location should be connected with a parking area pedestrian facility from the northeast corner of the building and the shared use path to support both parking area and open space/trail access. 376 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 9 Response: With the redesign of the front entry we have decided incorporate an expanded plaza space similar to that described above. This will allow us to capitalize on a number of things. First, we are able to further emphasize and highlight the entry experience. Keeping the plaza at or near the front door allows it to be an amenity for everyone rather than locating it at the northeast corner of the building which would tend to limit its us to only the people that park in that area. We are also slightly reconfiguring the parking area at the plaza space which allows us to incorporate pedestrian walkways to the south and the east that have a direct connection to ADA parking stalls. This provides safer pedestrian circulation for everyone but especially handicapped individuals. Another benefit of having the plaza near the front door is that it allows us to continue to build upon the existing colored/textured concrete at the front door further identifying that as a special and pedestrian oriented area. 2. As also relates to connectivity requirements, the eastern elevation of the existing and new structure lacks pedestrian facilities. The area adjacent to the eastern foundation should be designed for ground- level activation, including: a sidewalk; foundation plantings and/or tree grate(s); bench(es); articulation of the wall area through the addition of cantilevered trusses or similar building details that enhance ground-level interest and which may provide weather protection; and planted containers. Response: We believe the submitted building, site and landscape designs address this concern. The pedestrian walkway, sidewalk, building design and newly added bicycle parking area along this façade address this concern. 3. The northern elevation of the proposed addition requires a sidewalk between the building and parking which should be designed with similar detail and activation; as a new structure, there is opportunity to create recessed sections of the exterior that accommodate plantings, artwork or small open spaces with benches and which address related comments about building massing and articulation. Response: Freestanding awnings, landscaping and a sidewalk have been added to the northern elevation. The entire northern parking area will allow pedestrians to filter from their cars onto a sidewalk along the northern edge of the building that provides clear wayfinding around the building to the front door, attractive architectural detailing, lush landscaping and occasional weather protection. 4. The existing open space plaza area along the primary entrance currently exists of hardscape that would benefit from features that soften the transition between the parking and building areas and which welcome members with a ‘front porch’ aesthetic similar to some newer Costco designs, like the facility in New Orleans. Response: We have added significant landscaping to the front entry plaza in an effort to soften the hardscape and create a welcoming entry experience. 5. The existing employee break area to the west of the building should be considered for improvements. Response: Aside from providing a clearer path to this small table and bench area, no changes are proposed. Landscaping and related site features 377 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 10 1. Per the DOP, Chapter 2.J. – Parking (page 31), a large parking area must be divided into a series of smaller lots to reduce the visual impacts. Landscape buffers that separate parking lots should be 15’ minimum width with a sidewalk and 12’ minimum width without a sidewalk. The proposed update to the existing parking field to the south an improvement to existing conditions and connectivity but must be designed to meet this requirement. A second location for parking aisle landscape buffering is recommended in the eastern or northern parking area; staff supports locating this element directly to the east of the proposed addition’s northeastern corner, where pedestrian circulation can connect the building to the shared use path along Valley Center Road and serve as safe pedestrian circulation from the parking spaces located farthest from the building’s entrance. Response: The proposed design has broken the parking lot up into 5 distinct areas with the incorporation of walkways and landscape into the new and existing parking lot. Where the new parking lot is proposed landscape beds dividing different parking areas meeting the standard above are proposed. In areas of the existing parking lot we have added walkways, landscaping or a combination of both to achieve the appearance of smaller lots. However, the minimum bed/buffer widths were not able to be provided. 2. Sec. 38.26.050.C.2.e –Parking lot landscaping. Any parking lot providing 15 or more parking spaces shall have a minimum of 20 square feet of landscape area within the parking lot for each off-street parking space in the lot provided as follows: (1) The interior parking lot landscaping shall be designed to facilitate, control and denote proper vehicular circulation patterns; (2) Internal parking lot landscaping provided shall be proportionately dispersed so as to define aisles and limit unbroken rows of parking to a maximum of 100 feet, with landscaped areas provided in an appropriate scale to the size of the parking lot; and (3) The minimum width and/or length of any parking lot landscaped area shall be eight feet. The proposed parking aisle immediately north of the addition does not comply with (2). Response: The proposed landscape plan documents compliance with this requirement. 3. Refer to watercourse setback requirements under Stormwater comments. Response: So noted, see site plans and landscape plans. 4. Each landscaping provision type and associated requirement it contributes to must be readily distinguished in the PPUD application and design guidelines. The existing and proposed conditions must cumulatively demonstrate superior conformance and performance for landscaping provisions, including as relates to: street trees in the right-of-way along the Catamount Street extension; trail/path facilities; mandatory parking area and on-site provisions and performance points per Article 26; performance provisions associated with the PUD and entryway corridor district; and stormwater features, which are encouraged to be integrated with landscaping as site amenities. Response: The proposed landscape plan coupled with the stream enhancement plan and the new natural edged stormwater ponds have been designed to be integrated into the design of the site as a whole and provide superior conformance and performance to typical code requirements. Lighting 1. A lighting plan was not submitted with the CPUD. The PPUD must including an updated site lighting plan for parking lot, exterior building, signage (if applicable), and wayfinding lighting. Specifically, 378 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 11 to meet PUD performance requirements, a unified high quality lighting design on par with the parking area and building lights demonstrated by the Gig Harbor Costco in the attached examples is recommended. Costco actively pursues high-efficiency LED lighting fixtures, which would be supported as an element of the lighting plan. The applicant is strongly encouraged to provide site- wide ground-level nighttime security lighting accents, such as shielded bollard fixtures, along pedestrian connections Please note that best practice in Bozeman for site lighting is a color temperature no greater than 30,000. Response: The submitted drawing package includes a site lighting plan which characterizes both proposed and existing conditions. All the new parking and building areas of the site will be equipped with new high efficiency LED lighting fixtures that comply with City code. Parking 1. The addition of new parking requires commensurate provision of ADA parking stalls. Design of such stalls in the existing lot does not appear to meet current code. Please consult with the Building Division to establish requirements for updating existing conditions and meeting accessible space minimums for the project on the whole. Response: So noted, see site plan for revised parking with ADA requirements. 2. Eliminate compact parking spaces that are dispersed. Code provisions require such spaces to be adjoined. Response: So noted, see site plan for revised parking with no parking stalls denoted as compact. Large-scale retail 1. Sec.38.22.180. – Large-scale retail. A requires large scale retail developments to ensure compatibility of uses; to prevent urban blight and decay; and to enhance the health, safety and general welfare of the residents living within the city. The subject proposal is a compatible use for its zoning and growth policy designation. The PPUD must clearly demonstrate that community design quality and values, well-being and function will be enhanced through the expansion of a large-scale retail building by addressing staff comments in this memo and the attached staff report, particularly as relates to: accessibility and connectivity; landscaping, open space and amenity provisions that offset the expanded building and parking scale, create buffering from adjacent uses, and support public health and social interactions; reinforcing and establishing a strong and attractive double frontage presence toward both the Catron and Catamount/I-90 pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas; and innovations for durability, efficiency, and on-site water management. Response: Costco is a growing and vibrant part of the Bozeman business community which is why they are proposing to complete an addition to their existing facility. The facility is crowded and getting in and out can sometimes be a chore. The proposed purchase of land, building and parking additions will address that problem by providing an entirely new way to access the site and growing the facility to address the current and projected demand. We understand the City’s desire to make sure that large scale retail buildings demonstrate the communities design values and consider its health and wellbeing. The effort made by Costco’s design team (their civil engineer, landscape architect and architect) to create a building and site design that meets Costco’s design standards as well as the City’s is significant. And, more importantly, Costco’s willingness to commitment additional resources to: enhance a low quality stream corridor, construct and enhance multiple 379 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 12 pedestrian paths, upgrade their existing building and site, ensure building and site improvements are significant and address both the Catron and Catamount street frontages. 2. Sec.38.22.180. – Large-scale retail. C.5 requires such a project to meet the City’s design criteria and development standards contained in Article 17 of Chapter 38, as relates to entryway corridor overlay district locations, and including the general design objectives and guidelines contained in the City’s Design Objectives Plan. Said design criteria and development standards shall be exceeded through design practices such as additional architectural detailing, exceptional landscape design, improved public spaces, use of renewable energy and/or recycled construction materials, and provisions for alternative modes of transportation. The review authority shall determine whether established design criteria and development standards have been exceeded based on a recommendation from the Design Review Board. Related comments addressing DOP requirements are incorporated with the prior responses. Response: We believe the proposed building and site improvements exceed the general design objectives and guidelines. Additional architectural detailing and exceptional landscape design is proposed. Public spaces and pedestrian walkways have been significantly improved over what is there now. With the internal upgrades that are proposed to equipment, Costco will be installing innovative meters/monitors that allow them to be as efficient as possible with their use of electricity, gas and water and even take advantage of heat recovery systems. 3. Sec.38.22.180. – Large-scale retail. C.6 requires adaptability for reuse/compartmentalization for future multi-tenant reuse, compartmentalized building systems, adaptable facades, multiple entrances, site design that complements multiple entrances, and modulation or division of the exterior and interior designs to define separate future uses. Please show and explain how this requirement will be met. Response: Although Costco projects strong growth for their facility in Bozeman for the foreseeable future, the open nature of their warehouse does lend itself to future adaptive reuse should that be required. In many other jurisdictions, where Costco has decided to build a new building, rather than construct an addition as they are here, they have quickly sold their old building for adaptive reuse to new owners. The self supporting steel structure lends itself to adding entrances where ever a future owner might want to add them. 4. Sec.28.22.180. A rehabilitation or redevelopment plan must be provided and approved by the review authority. Response: Costco’s current rehabilitation plan, if that were to happen, is to sell it as is to a similar retailer who will use it as is. Relaxations 1. Access. Per the response provided by Engineering, “As the proposed access onto Catamount is aligned with the drive access across Catamount, an access deviation request is not required for the proposed project,” a relaxation is not required for this project and may be removed from the list. Response: so noted, relaxation removed. 2. Building size. Sec.38.22.180.B.1 – Large-scale retail, limitations on size of retail stores. No retail building, utilized by a single tenant, shall exceed 75,000 square feet. This relaxation will be 380 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 13 considered by the review authority. This relaxation request is appropriate however the conceptual proposal does not fully address the requirements, as explained under the Large-scale retail comments provided in the prior section. With the proposed addition, the existing structure must be brought into current code and DOP conformance. Response: Costco believes, as we have demonstrated in our drawings and the previously articulated narrative, that the proposed relaxation to allow a 150,000 sf Costco warehouse meets Bozeman’s Design Objectives Plan 3. Parking. This relaxation will be considered by the review authority. Staff recommends that additional outdoor public amenities and green space be provided in lieu of parking on site. In addition, parking area landscaping design must be into conformance with current code and DOP requirements, such that the current configuration Response: Costco’s proposal includes a number of new outdoor public amenities and green/open space. Further, the parking lot, both existing and new has been brought into substantial compliance with the City’s requirements for parking lots. 4. The requested relaxations are generally found to be acceptable as proposed in the application materials, and upon demonstration in the PPUD that all requirements are met, including satisfaction of the code corrections and advisory comments provided here and in the DRB staff report. Response: So noted. PUD 1. The PUD must conform to the requirements of the Unified Development Code criteria. A PUD is a discretionary approval and the review authority must find that the overall development is superior to that offered by the basic existing zoning standards. See Section 38.20.030.A.4, BMC. The obligation to show a superior outcome is the responsibility of the applicant. Response: See Chapter 3 of the narrative for discussion 2. Provide draft development design guidelines. Please clearly identify what elements of the proposed guidelines will apply to the existing and proposed new sites/phases. Unless a specific reason is given to exclude elements applied to the existing site from being applied to the new site, the City will expect that the guidelines fully address the entire PUD. Response: The Costco Bozeman Addition PUD is a single phase project. The provided plans are the design guidelines. No future work is proposed or anticipated once this project is complete so no further Design Guidelines are required. The preliminary plan submittal shall identify the uses (retail, auto fueling, etc.) to be allowed on each lot, both as proposed and for potential future allowed uses. Response: The PUD proposes to consolidate the two (2) lots into a single lot through an exempt COS process. The PUD Narrative details existing and proposed uses. No new uses are proposed with this application. 381 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 14 3. The proposed guidelines shall include a section which clearly indicates portions that rely upon approval of the PUD, and identify a summary of items associated with relaxations and PUD performance. The City of Bozeman will rely upon the overall design standards required as part of the planned unit development application. The design standards may not be altered without consent of the City. Response: Does not apply. 4. A notice prepared by the City shall be filed concurrently with the amended subdivision plat for the PUD so that it will appear on title reports. It shall read substantially as follows: Lots within the Costco Annexation PUD are subject to specific design standards and restrictions on use. These standards may be found in [insert correct reference to design standard location]. Lot owners are advised that these are specific to Costco Annexation PUD and are in place of the general development standards of the City of Bozeman Zoning. If a development standard is not specifically established in the Costco Annexation PUD approval documents the general standards of the City apply. Modification of the special standards would require an amendment to the Costco Planned Unit Development. Modifications are strongly discouraged. It is the obligation of the lot owner to be fully informed as to these standards before beginning any home or site design process. Approval by the design review entity established in the covenants of the development does not bind the City of Bozeman to approve a construction plan. Response: So noted, notice will be filed with COS. 5. Formal applications for preliminary plan must be submitted within one calendar year of the date of the comment letter. Response: So noted 6. The applicant shall submit with the next, formal application for Preliminary PUD Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how they have responded to each of these comments. This narrative shall be in sufficient detail to direct the reviewer to the appropriate plat, plan, sheet, note, covenant, etc. in the submittal. Response: So noted Advisory Comments 1. Please review the attached DRB staff report for related comments and requirements, and set of design examples. The majority of examples are from existing Costco projects that have been identified as having attributes desirable to and compatible with Bozeman’s local context and design standards. The examples are recommended for consideration as improvements in the PUD application to address the City’s large-scale retail, PUD, and COA criteria. Bear in mind that the standards and best practices demonstrated by these examples will be provided to the DRB and applied with ADR (staff) review of ensuing applications. Response: The proposed entry canopy design upgrades include a significant amount of glazing as did Gig Harbor ultimately resulting in a building design that is warm and inviting and unique and special to Bozeman. 382 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 15 2. Next steps for the subject application review:  Design Review Board (DRB) consideration of the CPUD per Sec.38.19.040. [May 24, 2017] 3. Next steps following completion of this application review, including opportunities highlighted for recommended concurrent review include: Response: So noted for following steps.  Prepare and submit a PPUD application that clearly outlines all relaxation requests, provides draft guidelines and PUD performance point provisions, and incorporates modifications responsive to CPUD feedback, among other PPUD criteria. Also identify any requests for concurrent application review. Note that you may submit the PPUD prior to completion of the annexation, per communications with staff dated May 18, 2017.  Complete annexation and zoning designation for northern parcel. The applicant must execute all contingencies and terms of its Annexation Agreement with the City of Bozeman within 6 months of the receipt of the Annexation Agreement (September 10, 2017) or annexation approval shall be null and void.  The recorded contingencies of zoning approval state that the Ordinance for the Zone Map Amendment must not be approved until the Annexation Agreement is signed by the applicant and formally approved by the City Commission. If the Annexation Agreement is not approved, the Zone Map Amendment application is null and void.  Complete lot aggregation via subdivision exemption (once all parcels are under one ownership) on the northern parcel prior to applying for the FPUD.  Obtain approval by the Gallatin County Conservation, Army Corps and City of Bozeman for required wetlands permit approvals.  Prepare and submit a FPUD with site plan/CCOA. Must request concurrent construction for infrastructure improvements. ENGINEERING COMMENTS Engineering Division, Shawn Kohtz, P.E., skohtz@bozeman.net, 406-582-2288 Code Provisions 1. The applicant must provide a street easement to the City for the necessary Catamount Street improvements. The easement must extend from E. Valley Center Road to the current western property boundary of Costco. The easement must extend 50-feet from the centerline of Catamount Street consistent with a minor arterial street standard. This must be provided as a condition of annexation. Response: So noted and provided on Civil Site Plan. 2. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.23.180 states: the transfer of water rights or the payment of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights shall be provided. The applicant must contact the City Engineering Department (Brian Heaston) for an 383 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 16 analysis of CIL of water rights and pay CIL of water rights due prior to final PUD approval. Response: See Appendix A for CIL calculations. 3. As the watercourse along the northern project boundary will be relocated, the applicant must provide a flood hazard evaluation per Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) 38.39.010. The applicant is advised to contact the City’s Floodplain Administrator (Brian Heaston) to discuss evaluation requirements. Response: See Appendix H for Flood Hazard Analysis. 4. Stormwater detention or retention pond volume may only include volume above the seasonal high groundwater level to meet the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy Requirements. Response: So noted, see Appendix G for Storm Drainage Report. 5. The applicant’s geotechnical report recommended the use of building perimeter drains and radial pavement drains. These drains may not be routed to the proposed stormwater facilities unless capacity is designed in those facilities for the drains. Response: So noted, will be routed to water course. 6. BMC Section 38.25.020.M states: Snow removal storage areas shall be provided sufficient to store snow accumulation on site. Such areas shall not cause unsafe ingress/egress to the parking areas, shall not cause snow to be deposited on public rights-of-way, shall not include areas provided for required parking access and spaces, and shall not be placed in such a manner as to damage landscaping. Adequate snow storage areas must be designated outside the sight triangle but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). Response: See site plan for snow storage areas. Conditions of Approval 1. The project is located within the Bozeman Solvent Site, and groundwater under the project is contaminated with perchloroethylene (PCE). The existing irrigation well on the property must be removed from service and irrigation water must be provided from the City’s potable water system. Response: The existing site is irrigated by a irrigation well. The well will be abandoned per DNRC standards and the site will be irrigated by City water. See PUD narrative for discussion. Advisory Comments 384 Costco Bozeman Addition PPUD Response to DRB & DRC Conceptual Review Comments July 18, 2017 Page | 17 1. The City Engineering Department Informal review of this project, dated 10-12-16 is incorporated by reference. The applicant has addressed many of the items from that review with the current application materials. Several of the original comments have been reiterated for emphasis. Response: So noted. 2. It is assumed the applicant will aggregate the north and south lots into a single parcel after annexation. Please confirm. Response: Correct, lots will be aggregated into a single parcel. 3. As the proposed access onto Catamount is aligned with the drive access across Catamount, an access deviation request is not required for the proposed project. Response: So Noted. 4. The applicant must submit plans and specifications for water and sewer main extensions, streets, and storm water improvements, prepared and signed by a professional engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana, which must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer plans must also be approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The applicant must also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. Building permits will not be issued prior to City acceptance of the site infrastructure improvements unless all provisions set forth in Section 38.39.030.B or D of the Bozeman Municipal Code are met to allow for concurrent construction. Response: So noted on plan preparation. See Appendix A for letter requesting “Concurrent Construction”. ADDITIONAL DIVISION COMMENTS Building Division; Bob Risk brisk@bozeman.net 406-582-2377 1. Building permit applications and plans for review are now submitted to the Building Division electronically. To be sure that your plans are corrected formatted and organized, please review the submittal information on our website, http://www.bozeman.net/Departments/Fire/Building/Apply-for-Building-Permit, or contact our Permit Coordinator Ashley Koenig at 406-582-2371) for more information. 2. Handicap accessible parking required. An accessible path to an accessible building entrance from the parking areas must be provided. 385 H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP COSTCO WAREHOUSE ADDITION PRELIMINARY PUD / SITE PLAN 999 LAKE DRIVE ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL: (425) 313-8100 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION CIVIL SITE PLAN 5 LEGEND 386 H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAPCAP H- H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAP H-CAPCAP H- c c c c OPEN SPACE COSTCO WAREHOUSE ADDITION PRELIMINARY PUD / SITE PLAN 999 LAKE DRIVE ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL: (425) 313-8100 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION OPEN SPACE FIGURE 18 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 Transmittal 2090 Stadium Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Costco Bozeman Expansion 4522.11841.01 DATE: 3/8/2018 SUBJECT: PUD Narrative and re-use plan TRANSMITTAL ID: 00010 PURPOSE: For your use and distribution VIA: Info Exchange FROM NAME COMPANY EMAIL PHONE Zachary Lowe 2090 Stadium Drive Bozeman MT 59715 United States DOWL zlowe@dowl.com (406) 551-1451 TO NAME COMPANY EMAIL PHONE Tom Rogers 20 E Olive St PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 United States of America City of Bozeman Planning Dept TRogers@BOZEMAN.NET (406) 582-2268 REMARKS: Tom, Please find a link within this email to download the requested information re: the Costco Preliminary PUD application. Sincerely, Zach Lowe DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS QTY DATED TITLE NOTES 1 3/8/2018 PUD Performance Points and Re-use plan COPIES: Steve Bullock (MG2) Brian Dobry (MG2) 395 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 1 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Following is an updated narrative of the tabulated planned unit development (PUD) performance points for the Costco Addition Preliminary PUD application. Table 3.1 tabulates the performance points to be 38.5 points, which exceeds the requisite 30 points for a PUD in the North 19 th Avenue/Oak Street corridor. Design Objectives and Criteria Section 38.20.090.E UDC (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points. Nonresidential developments within the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street corridor shall earn 30 points. Points may be earned in any combination of the following. The applicant shall select the combination of methods but the city may require documentation of performance, modifications to the configuration of open space, or other assurances that the options selected shall perform adequately. (b) Additional open space. (i) One point for each percent of the project area that is provided as non- public open space; or 1¼ points for each percent of the project area that is provided as publicly accessible open space. Response: The Costco PUD provides 3.15 acres of usable open space (excluding setbacks) located along the west property line, northwest and northeast corners of the property. The open space is accessed by public trails. The 3.15 acres of open space equals 18.11% of the net project area. Points claimed for additional open space: 18.1 points. (f) Inclusion of a low impact development plan (6 points) that includes the following: (i) On-site stormwater treatment systems that exceed the requirements of chapter 40, article 4, Stormwater, including but not limited to: incorporating drainage methods and technologies that treat, detain and/or infiltrate stormwater as close as possible to the source of run- off and the use of natural drainage systems across sites, rather than underground closed-pipe systems to the extent feasible. Natural drainage systems reduce the negative impacts of stormwater runoff by redesigning residential streets to take advantage of plants, trees, and soils to clean runoff and manage stormwater flows. Vegetated swales, stormwater cascades, and small wetland ponds allow soils to absorb water, slowing flows and filtering out many contaminants. Response: The project selected Bioretention and Mechanical/Proprietary LID Best Management Practices (BMP) to provide a stormwater system that exceeds the requirements of chapter 40, article 4. In additional to the LID’s the system proposed contains a two-bay detention pond for final storage, treatment, and disposal. The bioretention will be provided in the parking islands and mechanical 396 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 2 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA treatment will be provided by a Contech CDS unit, or equal. The integration of these two technologies mean the design provides all removal processes listed in Table 4-1 of Montana Post-construction Storm Water BMP Design Guidance Manual, and offers redundancy. The water from the new impervious parking areas will first drain into the bioretention in the parking islands and then enter into underdrain system. It will flow through the underdrain piping to the CDS unit, finally entering the two-bay pond. Additionally, the existing stormwater piping will be hydraulically connected to the CDS unit via the bioretention underdrain piping providing mechanical treatment for almost the entire site. There are multiple bioretention islands limiting the drainage area for each and reducing the distance the stormwater travels prior to collection and treatment. Vegetation and soils in the islands will treat/filter the stormwater from the new impervious area and attenuate flows between the existing and new impervious drainage basins. This attenuation will maximize the ability of the new CDS unit to provide treatment to both the new and existing stormwater drainage. The treated stormwater will then discharge from the two-bay pond to an existing unnamed perennial stream. This multi-tiered approach exceeds minimum requirements and expands the improved treatment to the majority of the existing site and all the area of the proposed expansion. Points claimed for stormwater low-impact implementation: 2 points. (ii) The low impact development plan shall be integrated with the snow storage and management plan. Response: Snow storage is proposed within and directly adjacent to the aforementioned storm water ponds. Providing for an integrated snow storage/drainage system. Any snow stored on new impervious surface will be treated by the CDS unit and/or the bioretention islands. Points claimed for integration of snow storage areas with low-impact design storm drainage: 1 point. (iii) At least 75 percent of new planting should be chosen from the list of Drought Tolerant Plants & Xeriscaping in Montana (2010), produced by the Montana Nursery & Landscape Association, or approved/updated equivalent list approved by the City of Bozeman. Any species listed as noxious or invasive in the state shall be avoided. Response: Provided, see Landscape Plan for detailed design. Points claimed for drought-tolerant plant selection: 1 point. (iv) Inclusion of weather-based irrigation controllers. Response: Provided, see Landscape Plan for detailed design. Points claimed for weather-based irrigation controller: 1 point. 397 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 3 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA (v) Limitations in the covenants or design guidelines on the amount and type of sod permitted. Response: Provided, (no sod proposed) see Landscape Plan for detailed design. Points claimed for no sod in design: 1 point. (g) Sustainable design and construction. (6 points) (i) Covenants or design guidelines that include a commitment to design the majority of buildings to meet LEED certification requirements or approved equivalent certification approved by the City of Bozeman. Equivalent certification programs will also be considered during preliminary PUD review. Response: Being that the project is a building addition it is not practical to achieve LEED certification. Points claimed for LEED certification requirements: 0 points. (ii) Energy use reduction. Residential covenants or design guidelines shall include a commitment to build third party certified homes, which meet guidelines that make them at least 20 percent more efficient than standard homes. Nonresidential covenants and design guidelines shall include a commitment to build and certify buildings that meet the EPA's Energy Star challenge or approved equivalent program. Equivalent programs will also be considered during Preliminary PUD review. Response: Because Costco is building the proposed addition and upgrading their existing warehouse for their own use, they do not see the value in spending several hundred thousand dollars to officially certify or otherwise commission the building. However, they do agree that many components of LEED or other sustainable approaches are excellent business and development best practices. In most cases, when Costco builds a new building, that building can qualify as a LEED Certified or LEED Silver building because of the different systems, design approaches and construction practices that Costco employs. In this case, an addition to an existing warehouse, Costco intends to replace much of the older, less energy efficient equipment with new energy star rated equipment. Another signature element of their energy reduction strategy are to utilize existing skylights and new LED lighting fixtures. Due to the nature of the proposed building addition, Costco will utilize a combination of existing skylights and LED fixtures to minimize their energy usage for lighting. Their overall building and energy management system will control the number of fixtures that are on, based on the amount of light that is entering the warehouse through the skylights. The warehouse energy management system also monitors other equipment used throughout 398 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 4 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA the warehouse to determine heating and cooling needs along with unusual usage patterns. Points claimed for inclusion of energy reduction elements in design: 2 points (iii) Water use reduction. Covenants or design guidelines shall include a commitment to use EPA's WaterSense certified products for all kitchen, bathroom and irrigation hardware. Equivalent programs will also be considered during preliminary PUD review. Response: With the same approach as identified above, Costco is committed to installing systems and using products that reduce their water usage and overall cost to operate and maintain their facility. For this project, Costco intends to implement a number of measures related to monitoring and reducing water use. First, they will install a water use and leak detection system called Apana. This system, which includes a number of flow meters installed around the site, allows Costco to monitor the water usage, and be able to identify when and where atypical usage or leaks are occurring for both the warehouse and landscaping irrigation. Further, all newly-installed equipment that uses water, including a new drip irrigation system, will be low flow/low use equipment. Points claimed for inclusion of water use reduction elements in design: 2 points (iv) Provision of solar, wind or other alternative energy sources or participation in an approved cash-in-lieu program. A coordinated and detailed plan on how the development will address this component shall be submitted. Response: The existing building and proposed addition will be designed and constructed to accommodate solar panels on the roof. Costco has an internal team that assesses solar power options on a case-by- case basis; this store be ready to receive green energy upgrades without any retrofitting if it is selected. Points claimed for inclusion of alternative energy sources in design: 0.5 points (h) Integrated and coordinated way-finding measures beyond minimum requirements within the overall project. (4 points) Response: Three (3) wayfinding stations are proposed in this design which will illustrate the looped trail system around the Costco and Holiday Inn Express properties, as well as points of interest and destinations off-site that are connected with the established trail network. The wayfinding stations are shown on the Concept Site Plan (Sheet DD11-10) at the following locations: northwest corner of site where the trail intersects Catamount Street, the southwest corner of the site where the trail 399 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 5 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA intersects Catron Street, and at the pedestrian node on the east side of the project. The design team has been coordinating with the City Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) Director for sign placement and content. Additionally, the updated parking/pedestrian circulation plan significantly improves internal circulation, by discouraging motorized traffic around the store entrance with the use of over-sized pedestrian sidewalks with integrated planters and benches that direct patrons to the entrance of the store. Additionally, the store entrance will be reconfigured to provide more of a pedestrian-friendly plaza—reducing vehicular and pedestrian interactions. Points claimed for inclusion of wayfinding elements in design: 4 points. (i) On-site recycling transfer station. (4 points) Response: No public on-site recycling proposed. However, Costco currently and will continue with the addition to recycle cardboard and biofuel by- products. Points claimed for inclusion of on-site recycling in design: 0 points. (j) Public transportation bus station or enhanced covered bus stop. (1 point per station or enhanced stop) Response:. The design team has reached out to HRDC and the Streamline Bus program to see if they would be interested in a bus shelter on either (or both) of Catamount and Catron Streets. HRDC seems interested and is checking their master plan to determine if there is a need. Points claimed for inclusion of public transportation elements in design: 1 point. (k) Streetscape improvements (6 points): Streetscape design features that exceed the minimum street standards including street furniture, pedestrian lighting, low-impact development techniques, on-street parking standards, crosswalks, landscape and planting, way-finding, public art or other design elements. Such elements must be installed as part of the street infrastructure. Response: The existing and proposed streetscape improvements exceed the minimum street standards. Two (2) pedestrian nodes are proposed adjacent to Catron and Catamount Streets which include seating areas and tables. Two (2) wayfinding stations for the trail system are proposed at the northwest and southwest corners of the site within the Catron and Catamount Street rights-of- way. A crosswalk at the southeast corner of the site is proposed to help pedestrians navigate across Catron Street, and possibly a sheltered bus stop along Catamount and/or Catron. Additionally, the PUD will relocate the existing irrigation ditch adjacent to and within the Catamount Street ROW— adding sinuosity and enhanced riparian habitat along the roadway. Points claimed for streetscape improvements in design: 6 points 400 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 6 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Table 3.1, following, provides a summary of the 35.83 performance points earned by the Costco PUD described above. Table 3.1 - Performance Points 401 Bozeman Costco Addition – Preliminary Planned Unit Development CW#16-0115 March 8, 2018 Page | 7 DOWL, Bozeman MT MG2, Seattle WA Notes: 1. The portion of the project to be considered in determining the size of area to be provided for open space shall be the gross project area less areas dedicated and transferred to the public, and/or used to meet the park lands requirements of subsection E.2.a.(6) of this section. 2. The area provided for open space shall be exclusive of yard setbacks on individually owned lots and interior parking lot landscaping. 402 COSTCO BOZEMAN, MT XX OPEN SPACES FIGURE FIG. 1 CATRON ST VALLEY CENTER RD CATAMOUNT ST 403 v v EXIST. TIRE CENTER VALLEY CENTER ROAD DO NOT ENTER STOP DO NOT ENTER STOP CONCRETE PAD 22 6 HC VAN CATAMOUNT STREET 20 20 24 21 12 28 34 32 17 34 ENTRANCE PROPOSED ADDITION 24,000 S.F. COMPACTOR RECEIVING BALER TRENCH DRAIN EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING WATERWAY 60' 400' 64' EXISTING STREAM COURSE EXISTING WETLAND AREA (67,880 SQ. FT.) AREA OF WETLAND IMPACT (22,657 SQ. FT.) 25 STREAM CORRIDOR EASEMENT 32 EXISTING COSTCO PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED COSTCO PROPERTY LINE 29 26 12 32 20 4 EXISTING WELL VICINITY MAP SITE PROJECT ADDRESS: ZONING: JURISDICTION: SETBACKS: 25'-0" FRONT / 10'-0" REAR 8'-0" SIDE / 35'-0" FROM HIGH WATERLINE OF WATERWAY 50'-0" ALONG VALLEY CENTER RD BOZEMAN CITY - COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE B-2 COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT 2505 CATRON ST. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 LOCATION DATA THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED USING A SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY MULVANNY G2 ARCHITECTURE DATED 2/07/2000 BOUNDARIES INFORMATION: BUILDING DATA: BUILDING AREA ENCLOSED CANOPY TOTAL EXISTING BUILDING 150,297 SF 2,134 SF 118,963 SF TIRE CENTER 5,200 SF PARKING DATA: TOTAL PARKING HANDICAP STALLS 9' WIDE STALLS 10' WIDE STALLS NO. OF STALLS PER 1000 S.F. OF BUILDING AREA: JURISDICTION REQUIREMENT: 1 STALLS / 300 SQFT 647 STALLS 16 STALLS 663 STALLS 0 STALLS 4.62 STALLS ‹ MG2. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from MG2. COSTCO WHOLESALE CONCEPT RE-USE PLAN B O Z E M A N, M O N T A N A D E C E M B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 2505 CATRON ST. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 96-0900-12 DECEMBER 20, 2017 CONCEPT RE-USE PLAN DD11-09c 0 20' 40' 80' 1" = 40'-0" BOZEMAN # 96 SITE AREA: 18.39 ACRES (800,854 SF) ACCESSIBLE REQUIRED: 406 PARKING REQUIRED: 501 STALLS 11 STALLS 405 TO BE REMOVED 5 12 50' 18 6 HC 24' 18' 6'-9 1/2" 18' 24' EXTEND EXISTING PATH EXISTING WALKING PATH/TRAIL EXTEND EXISTING WALKING PATH TO CATAMOUNT - 8' WIDE EXISTING 4' CULVERT TO BE RELOCATED BY CITY 10 35 15 15 5 18' 6' 24' 18' 6 24 2 HC 2 HC 24' PROPOSED FIRE LANE (NO PARKING) 8 13 8' 26'-7" VIF WIDEN SIDEWALK & ADD STRIPING MIN 30' CLEAR EXTEND TRAIL TO CONNECT WITH EXISTING SNOW STORAGE BIORETENTION SWALE (TYP.) * EXISTING AMENITY SPACE TO REMAIN BIKE RACKS RELOCATED STREAM COURSE NEW WETLAND EDGE STORM POND NEW 4' CULVERT STORM POND 50'-0" NEW 4' CULVERT 30' STREAM SETBACK 6 HC FREE STANDING PRE-CAST PANELS IN RAISED LANDSCAPE BEDS LANDSCAPING CONCRETE BENCH LANDSCAPING CONCRETE BENCH LANDSCAPING CONCRETE BENCH FREE STANDING PRE-CAST CONCRETE PANEL, TYP. LANDSCAPING CONCRETE BENCH SWALE * PEDESTRIAN NODE PEDESTRIAN NODE PEDESTRIAN PLAZA PEDESTRIAN PLAZA PEDESTRIAN NODE PEDESTRIAN NODE TRAIL WAY-FINDING STATION TRAIL WAY-FINDING STATION TRAIL WAY-FINDING STATION POTENTIAL BUS STOP SWALE * SWALE * VICINITY MAP DURSTON RD. SITE BAXTER EAST RD. N. 19TH. PROJECT CTR. RD. VALLEY I-90 CLIENT: PROJECT ADDRESS: ZONING: EXISTING COSTCO SITE AREA: JURISDICTION: SETBACKS: 25'-0" FRONT / 10'-0" REAR 8'-0" SIDE / 35'-0" FROM HIGH WATERLINE OF WATERWAY 50'-0" ALONG VALLEY CENTER RD BOZEMAN CITY - COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE 13.72 ACRES (597,687 SF) B-2 COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT 2505 CATRON ST. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 LAKE DRIVE ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 PROJECT DATA BUILDING DATA: BUILDING AREA ENCLOSED CANOPY TOTAL EXISTING BUILDING 126,297 SF 2,134 SF 118,963 SF NOTES: EXISTING CONDITIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED. * BIO-RETENTION SWALE AND SNOW STORAGE AREA TIRE CENTER 5,200 SF NEW BUILDING ADDITION TOTAL BUILDING 150,297 SF 24,000 SF HC # # 495 STALLS 16 STALLS TOTAL PARKING 558 STALLS HANDICAP STALLS 9' WIDE STALLS 10' WIDE STALLS EXISTING PARKING: PARKING DATA: 47 STALLS HC # # # TOTAL PARKING HANDICAP STALLS 9' WIDE STALLS 10' WIDE STALLS PROPOSED # PARKING: NO. OF STALLS PER 1000 S.F. OF BUILDING AREA: JURISDICTION REQUIREMENT: 1 STALLS / 300 SQFT NET GAINED PARKING: 628 STALLS 16 STALLS 644 STALLS 0 STALLS 4.28 STALLS 86 STALLS © MG2. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from MG2. COSTCO WHOLESALE CONCEPT SITE PLAN - PUD B O Z E M A N, M O N T A N A M A R C H 7 , 2 0 1 8 2505 CATRON ST. BOZEMAN, MT 59718 96-0900-12 MARCH 7, 2018 CONCEPT SITE PLAN DD11-10 0 20' 40' 80' 1" = 40'-0" BOZEMAN # 96 PROPOSED COSTCO SITE AREA: 18.39 ACRES (800,854 SF) PROPOSED PURCHASE SITE AREA: 4.66 ACRES (203,167 SF) ACCESSIBLE REQUIRED: PARKING REQUIRED: 501 STALLS 11 STALLS 404 316 See Architectural Plan set. 313 See Appendix G - Storm Water Management Plan See Appendix H - Flood Hazard Analysis NA See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Construction Management Plan in appendix C. See Civil Site Details See Architectural Site Plan See Civil Site Plan. 312 See Architectural and Civil Site Plans. See Civil Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Boundary Information Map and Civil Site Plan. 311 NA 310 NA, not a phased project. See Architectural Site Plan. See Figure 1 - Vicinity Map See appendix B for color site illustration. See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See Chapter 3 See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See Landscape Plan in appendix C 308 299 See Architectural Plan set. 296 See Appendix G - Storm Water Management Plan See Appendix H - Flood Hazard Analysis NA See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Construction Management Plan in appendix C. See Civil Site Details See Architectural Site Plan See Civil Site Plan. 295 See Architectural and Civil Site Plans. See Civil Site Plan. See Architectural Site Plan. See Boundary Information Map and Civil Site Plan. 294 NA 293 NA, not a phased project. See Architectural Site Plan. See Figure 1 - Vicinity Map See appendix B for color site illustration. See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See Chapter 3 See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See chapter 3 See Landscape Plan in appendix C 291