HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- Curtis Easement >,..."",-",..~~lw Rt: City of Bozeman r::Ls:.;,i~:r:.,.. 1, F IL\l <'; " ;1,95 ' Y''';I ~ V M ....\...1: i'I.,,", ....... " state of M,ont., County of Gallatin. ss Filed for rec~'rd__~~_."""Jj~c~_tp.bEU:....15m_____' 1972 aL._J_~_Q5~".P....."M.. and n~corC:ed in BooI.( ___,~2_, ,_.oy.., _" """. "M, IS, C,' ~~~""A,N"_~,.g,u~,'P"?,,,g,,e,_".,'~, 9,5 ____'_cA..RI,.__L.~TUCK;I".,~.._R~cr.(\('.('r. ~V~~ t:t:,~<l\Wty RELEASE OF EASEMENT AN EASEMENT over the south five (5) feet of Lot Seven (7) and the north five (5) feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block Three (3) of Westridge, a Subdi- vision of a portion of the Northerly Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nineteen (19), in Township Two (2) South of Range Six (6) East of the M. P. M., having been previously dedicated to the public for the purpose of ingress to and egress from East Part situate in said Subdi visionl and upon receipt of a deed from George M. Curtisl III and Julie V. Curtisl for an easement over and across the south ten (10) feet of Lot Eight (8); and it being the desire of The City of Bozeman to release the easement above described over and across the south five (5) feet of Lot Seven and the north five (5) feet of Lot Eight (8); NOW~ THEREFORE, in consideration of the easement granted by George M. Curtisl III and Julie V. Curtis over the south ten (10) feet of Lot Eight (8) as hereinabove described, the easement heretofore dedicated to the public over and across the south five (5) feet of Lot Seven (7) and the north five (5) feet of Lot Eight (8) as both lots are hereinabove described is hereby released to the present owners of said lots, George M. Curtis, III and Julie V. Curtis, and said lots ar..eireedfrom the burden of such easement. DA~\ij~ ~his 13th day of December" 1972. . ''''.. 0. ."'., "..1 , ~ . " ~ " ~I ATTEST,:-:::' · ",'/' S:~)'. /, :,;)' ~..:~ ~ /"; ~~;V~ ~~t~;;f~(~k of the,G4,~~ ~P~~~'Q'n 'if' "p"'!"''I!':1.l\o,J.'i' () f'., ,.. 0' .~., ' STATE OF MONTANA) ) ss. ) THE CITY OF BOZEMA . By County of Gallatin 'U' /- 4"t: On this 13thday of necember,. 1972, before me, Rt;)bert F. Keyes , a Notary PublIc for the State of Montanal personally appeared William E. Grabow and Erna V. Harding known to me to be the Mayor and the Clerk of the City Commission respectively of The City of Bozeman that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that The City of Bozeman executed the same. /~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hJeu to set my h d and affixed my official seal the day and year in this cert fic Qf ':.s a,.bov written. \', IiI,' ( : .\ I, I .. ,'j " < > I '; t-H1;t{ u' ~ "1 or e tate 0 ontana ~:; ~':or.f.)1.. ~ It> Residlllg a.t B.ozemar:1 Montana _ " , '.j '? t \.. 3 My CommlsslOn expires c; -/ J-7 L/ /,,,. (""" (;f ,f,' ,~ ,...- " '\ . . . I WARRANTY DEED . . ' fIL~~ 1? r;<~~ a94 GALLATIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION FORM NO.3 ForValueReceived GEORGE M. CURTIS, III and JUliE V. CURTIS, husband and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, the grantors ,do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a body politic and corporate, 00 Q.. :::s ES 00 ~ ~ Z ~ > ~ ~ easement over and across the the grantee ,the fOllowing/described premises, in.Gal1ati.n__________County, Montana, to wit: An easement over and across the south ten (10) feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block Three (3) of Westridge, a Subdivision of a portion of the Northerly Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nineteen (19), Township Two (2) South, Range Six (6) East, M. P. M., according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Hecorder of Gallatin County, Montana, which easement shall be for the purpose of pro- viding the public with ingress to and egress from East Park which has been heretofore dedicated as a portion of said Subdivision. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premiRes, with their appurtenanceR unto the said Grantee , its heirs and assigns forever, And the said Grantor s do hereby covenant to and with the Raid Grantee , that the y arEthe owner s in fee simple of Raid premises; that they are free from all incumbrances and that t he y will warrant and defend the Rame from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated: Octobe;~:,:E~1t t ?,AlrED . ' .. ~."~ '-""'-''''"f'~'.~':~~t '..... STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Gallatin On this /:5-- r- day of October, 1972, before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared GEORGE M. CUHTIS, III and JU liE V. CURTIS, husband and wife, '. )' :' 'j,. ~ ,_ I,,: r . . , !... , ~"..!.' ! ../" '" " ~'r kno~fi't'o mf!,t? ~~il\,e ~erson s whose'nameS are su!;isl;rib'l'<;1'to 'the~ witl\& ihstrument, and acknowledged to me that'. . \, " ,\ i :ihey// executed the same. '~" " "\, ~ :;... " ,/.' ., ,.c:~~:::..~~:L;~:{~~ <.~._:~.~~'~~'.u .,_ Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman . ,Montana" M .. . 4---:7<,:,_ <' )'- 19-) j' y comrrllSSlOn explres-".____,.<m,o.,;t.,.__,.__..,mu,.____ ____, ,(". ("---" III i ( r G~~~~~~. ~~rtis,(\i\t'..( ,;' / ,,' // /; ,,'-/' '--:\.~<::.. ..[i...C... [.' ~ <.. ._{. (./., I" ~~.-...- ---.<-::jillie ~.VCurtis-- " ~....\ STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Gallatin: I hereby certify that this instrument was filed fo1' record at the request of at 3: 00 JBiltilQCJjB o'clock Pm., this 15 day of De cern be r , 1'972 ' in my office, and duly recorded in Book 17 of Deeds at page 394 CARL L. STUCKY By~d'd;.~____ Deputy. Fees $ --- Mail to: City of Bozeman