HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Bounting Easement , R E LEA S E AND SAT I S F ACT ION The' ti'-ria-ersigned hereby acknOWledges receipt of the sum of $ 350 .00 as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipe line by the City of Bozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem- ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Easement and Right-of-way Agreement For a sanitary Sewer Pipe Line" dated the 23rd day of July 1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana in Book 4 of Miscellaneous page 1799. The undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all covenants to be kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfae- tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all liabil- ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each and all of the aforesaid covenants. Dated this I A 111- day of JPvut1~y J. , 19 7if . ~d,l3 ~ Robert A. Bounting i1~~ ~ . ') v~ J {.. d: ~. ( "j ;L,'-C(>1'>l~ Katherine Bounting ~i/ ) ( ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN~ On this ~ day of ~ , lr,1/ before me, the u~ersigned ? ~O~;;dl~,.&#J;~~~~~_~ontana, person~~~~n a~~e:~e~ol(~!Et1:~ ~r:ons d~~ibed in and who s1gned the foregoing instrument as Grantor and acknowledged to me that ~tf had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. STATE OF MONTANA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Notarial Seal on the day and year y hand and affixed my ieate first :~ve written. V~ff No y Public for the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Mo~na My Commission Expires 1'~/~415/'/~/7f~ " " ",I 1 i\S~ 1799 EASEl-lENT AND RIGHT....oF-TtIAY AGREEHENT FOR A SANITARY SEWER PIPELlrffi THIS AGREEMENT, M"de and entered -Lnto this 23rd dAY of July A.D. 19h~, by :'lnd between Robert A. ':Ind KRtherjr:e BOl.inLing, p"rties of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantors, 2nd THE CITY OF BOZEHAN, !J municipal corporation of the St!'\te of Hont"nR, in G-111ptin County, the pprty of the fsecon,d p-",rt, hereinc:,fLer ,::''),L10d the G-rnnt,(',e. WIT N E SSE T H : TI'lHEREAS, The GrAntor~ Are the leg."l record ti.tle owners of portions of the Southwest Qu,'l.rter (SH,U of Sedior Thirty-cnc (31) ':'1;:-:" R()~, h.P.M. and t1HEREAS, the Grantee, in the exerci,se of its power and n'.lthority af, :-1, rmmicipality of the StAte of Honta,nR, proposes to construct"nd install 1-), sanit8ry sewer trunk line to collect Rod tr<"nsport SP-wa.ge md domestic wastes from Vi'1riOU5 are,'18 within the City of 8ozem.<'!n t.o the new sewp~e disposal pl~nt site loc~ted i~ ~he C'~ ' ....)~~I i~, NpJ, "nd S!'ll ~v 4~ r,., l \. 10. ~ 4., NJEI 1. . ~... Sedion 26, TIS, R5E, M.P.ri. v[Quld rlln"CrOf'2 the Grn,ntor l"'nd; ""d WHEREAS, the Gr~~ntee de~-.Lre~ to ~.,.~o.1.r:"re froT':: :J;C' Ci-r:~fi+~.or;:~, ,-:1.nd -~/he GrAntors are willing to grClnt to the GrAntee em easement an(: right.-of- wa,y ;;'I.cross the above described propert;r of the GrAntors, Clnd their heirs, execut.ors, administr"tors, :uccessors and Assigns, for the p'.,~- pOEe of instalb.ng, oper"ting, using, rep:=d.ring, repl"cii:i~, m"'inte',i.n:Lng, ,,,,nct removing s,aid sanitary sewer pipeline C'nci for c':ich other rights of access And incidental rights as ,'lrp. herei.nsfter des('rHed, 1'11 "" hereinAfter more pA.rticul,:1rlj" provided. NOH, THEREFORE, in consideretion of the sum of :$50.00 in h'md ppid b:)i the City of BozemAn, the receipt whereof is hereby ::,cknowledc!,ed, ,':.nd ,in further considerAtion of the covenantf' and ?,f!reements between the, p2..rtie~':; hereto, the Grmtors hRve gr;>nted, b")rg~ined, r:~oJ.d, conveyed, 2nd confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grpnt, b"rgain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors a,nd assigns the follovrinis r.Lf'ht.s "nd pr; vile'-3e"~crF~vAr: 1. A perpetuAl easement '1nd right-of-,-J',"Y for the plrpo:ce oi' inst,~,lli.ng, operatinr:,:, udng, re:r,~j d.ng, repl'lcing, mnSnt'3ining And removing 'J, sanitery sewer pipeline nnd ,'-1ppnrten"lnces t.hereto upon "nd across the above described property of the Gr"..ntcrs within the S,outhW8st (~uerter (SW~) of Section Thirty-one (31), T1S, tl.6E, l-1.P.E., 2nd more part.icuJ,,,rl;)' described CIS A. t.h:irty (30) feet wide ensement fifteen (15) feet on eHher side of the follow'in,,?:: des,cril,ed cent.erlj,ne: -1- (~ i\~f t800 Beginning At :'1 point five hundred ni nety-fi ve Rnd four-tenthP (595.1.) feet Nort,h of the South line of said Section Thirty-one end ~;even hundred (700) feet Westerl;r of the South Qu,"Irt.er corner (S~) of .se~tion Thlrty- one, seid beginning point bein?, on the West lj;tf; of the Po~:ert A. 'Jnd Katherine . Bounting property':1S recorded in Book 11.;2 of Decd2 of G::<ll'Jtin County, plO'ge 413; thence e'lsterl;y five hundred ninet;::-;ive ~n:! four-tent.hs (595.L.) feet north of,'Ond p3!':ollel to the snuth Ene of :,''''cj 3ecUon Thirty-one ~. distAnce of three hlmdred C~))) feet to '" point cf' ternl'lnus OD the East line of the Robert A. 'lnd Kather:,ne D. Daunting propertJT tIS rt;corded Ln Book 142 of Deeds of Gallgtin COlmty, pp.ge 413; top;ether with '" tempOr?r;}T right to enter?nd occur:" daring cO)"ldruction nnd in"'t"ll- at'ion of 1], S,m:Lt~r;r :Jewer, ;on 8dd-it,ion"1 Lhirt-,y (J') f(~et 0f 'NiMh, ly:Ln!~ norLherl;Y'1nd !~.dJacer.t to t,he '1DOVe df~scr,;,I"ed eC)seL:r'"nT,,~,: ~.hm':n on the ,3ttached Exhibit A. ;:. The perpetual right of' ingress and egress to nnd from sa'"d trad of lahd at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repa iring, replacing tmd rr:rdnt'l.ining said so::nit3ry sewer r,; peline 2nd for the rem0vin;:~ of sane jf ~nd when de:-: r'ed b;/ the Grpntee, it s S,lJCCPS:3or::: and ~s[~igns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Above described right-oi-way v,rith ,"Jl the appurten3nces ,",nd privileges unto the said Grentee and to its Sllccessors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and "lgrees w'iLh the Grrmtorf; as follows: 1. Thqt, in connection \Jith the installing, operpting, uf:ing, repairing, repl&cinS, ffiP:tntaining and removi.n:~ of s~id bAn-Lt'1.ry ::,ewer pipeline it .fill repl,'lce, ,"it its sole expense, 811 eXLst- ing fen88s, ditches and other appurtenAn88s of s~id 1Rnd thnt may 'be disturbed by it::, operption on " condition e0\121 to the condition thereof existing before ~'Jid orer~ti,on~ were beglJn, or as near thereto RS sh21l be rensonebly pORs~tle. 2. That, during operations, involving exc'lVption, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to e, depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, and stock- pile sai.d topsoil away from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated niClterisl or C1.ny kind of debris that rEflY h,we been exposed by the excavation p.nd remaining after backfilling if, completed, and will leave the finished surfp.ce . n 511t;stantially the f,arne condition that existed prior to the r'eginning oJ oper- <JUans except thn,t the surf." ce of l;ackfi lled ;;;reRS may be mOlmded suIficiently to prevent the formation of depressions Rfter final settlement has t'3ken place. 3. To iost,"'11 said sanH,p.ry sewer pipeline p t ~'uch ,~ rensonahle depth below the surfece of the eArth -'1S will peI1llH norn.T11 8ulti- vetion of the gronnd. it. To opernte, Uf:e and m?int2in SAid c:rmitsTY coewer pipfcline in such mRnner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultiv2tion of the tr,<,ct through vthich this right-of-way if; hereby granted. -2- <1 i :\Gf 1801 \ ~ 5. ThAt upon completion of construction qnd install~tion of said s,"1nitaFY sewer pipe line the Grant.ee will p"y to the Gr"'ntor, in addition to the above specified money considered,Lon for thi~ eAsement, the sum of one doll "IT Clnd fift~T cents (;tt1.50) per line~l foot for the firEt one hlmdred (100) feet and one doll~r rul.OO) per line~l foot for the b0lance 01 the foot?ge crossing the property of the grantor qS ~eF1sured on the centerline of the ribhr,-of-way, for d?rr,"ge to the premises and crops by virtue of the grC'ntee's entrJ' tbereon. The pF1yment hereLn ~recified for dAm::;r:e~ Rnd crop" 8h"'11 con~'tituLe full TF"';\'Tlient "J) Lher:r"'nLol' for [Ony Euch d('l,ffi,<>ge ctJu:;ed to the gr?ntor' ~-, prenif',es"'nd current crops, 1"3 an incident to the initi'31 '~on"tr,-L>t,io" "nd in<'t;o11p- bon of Lhe s,"!nitAry ~;ewer pipeline'1nd ApplJrtp.r1nnces, 6. In the event that it should become necessary for the Gr~ntee to reenter the Grantors' premises for ~,he p\TpOSe of rep~ iring, replpc:ng, m,"int"!~ning or rr;novin.ii s'1nL"C'~' sewer pipe1.;nc, Lhe Grantee Hill reirnbur~'e the Gr~:1tor~' for <on;; "ctlJ"l dp;;"rlgc done to the Grantors' prcn.ises or cropf. Thf; Grantors hereby covenant "'ndqgree w:.th the Grmtee PS follows: 1. That Clt no time wi 11 they build, con~)truct, erect or El",Ln- tAin ,my permcment structure OYer or ,?bove the ssjd sF1:1itary sewer pipeline ,mless such structure ie' built, construc:ted And m8int"'ined in such A mAnner th.gt it would not j,nterfere 1trith the operntion, use, repAir, mc:inten2nce, repl'Jcement .?nd remoY,"!l of said sanitRry sewer pipeline. 2. Th"1L the Grantee mAY pea~?rl:: hold "nr] enjoy the rights and pri vile;es hf~reil'1 gr.snted wi th01Jt 1"1'1;>" interr\;ption ry the Grl'ntors or their s.uccessors And a.ssi?,n~'. ~. Th"',t t.hc-J' ;Fve }lpe" 1.:owf-,:11y :::('izer] o ,f' .""lid nr('rTJi.,e~"; t,h"t they have good right and lawful Ruthority to sell l.he same and that they and their heirs, executors, administr,?tors, successors and assigns, she,ll warrant and defend the title to said pren'ises 1mto said Grpntee, and its successors <>,nd assigns forever, ,:,.g.',inst, the L"!,wful cl'1im and demand of D11 perc:ons WhOTrE08ver. It is understood and agreed by and between the pArties hereto that Lhis Agreement shall be binding upon the heir~~, executors,'1dm.i.nistrCltors, successors, And assigns of the Grantors 2nd upon the successors 'ind assisns of the Grantee. IN vrITNESS WHEREOF, the Gr:-1ntors, h3ve rlPre1mto set. their h,?nd::: and seal .gnd the Gro,ntee, The City of Bo/,emen, hC1S hereunto set its h;:;nd, by its Hayor 2nd its Clerk of the City Conmd.ssion, e"1ch thereunt':J dul~i ~uthorized, and has caused ;itf; corporate s8,"!1 to [-;egffixed, 311 on thi.2 24th day of July 196~. u{../.u-'fa. r8 ~-Z:-J ROBBRT A. BOUNTING \ ~. \ '., !!\a~"e GQ~ KATHEHUIE roUNTING .J CITY ,?!7mE}~AN Bx I~~/~, :.!2zi (/'--T~ j"- /'-:: c!"--- R. iIAHRY MOR, W, t-:ayor \ -3- \ ~"-"\, . ~, ~ '~, .' ; r'), ~',~' V ~ ; ;,," ',. .~> I,. ,'I ':, ~, " ,:. "t . ;~,.. ',~ j' ,.~'..... . ' ATril:Q{i"~ , " ,', tf ~,,:\ :,:r~.r, :;....IJ;~ \ \ \', '"'''" . \ \ l >) , , , 'j 1 f ':r 1;802 APPHOVED: \~::> J:"/;::;' " ~EiZ;t~-1 i~ERC;,it;t'~r:ii:f7 STATE OF MONTANA ) ) AS COUNTY OF GALLATIN) On this .:J1t1 day of July , l1h 9 bef0re rr:e, th", under- signed a Notary Public for th'2 .5t,,'1te of Jv;ontp.w', Der~or,'" 1 Ly Appe'1red Robert A. and KCl therine I30unting known to m!" t.o t;8 the perocn:o deE'cribed in"nd who signed the foregoing iost run.ent. ]El Grgnt.or~ and acknowledged to me thC1t they held executed the ~,ame f1.'8el;,/ nnd voluntnr~l.ly, for the u~~es and purposes therein expre~c;ed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h!.lve my.N(!)t~rial SeAl on the dAY 2nd ~bCl';e,~ w-:flt.t~n. ") ". .;" ". I. () " . ~. . '" .{~! .) hereunto set my hAnd and affixed yerr in this Certific~te fir0t ",.', 1.\ , ~/ /-1 ///.-/'/ ,,' / / " / tt. "7~7:,L "., ' ,~:2,/~-f/:~___ Nota " Public fdr the SU1t.e of ~':ont-3MJ Residin,';'lt BozemAn, LO~Jm.c; . , .. ~. ! - ~c.' Jv;y Comr;nSS:LOn l~,xrlre",.;i-?J/? /7t:"7 "or r",--: /\ r?,' .,i ". f,. , ' r-,-.""" 0 ""'""'"'J . ":.. . ~ '. . , .~ . . " ' ' , ,;' I" ~ " '": ser'-Aim" '0 l;'MONT ANA \ j )ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On thif: 24th d?y of July , 1)6~, before me the lmder- signed a NotAry Public for the St?te of Vont"nn, perf'onrlll~~' 3ppW'Terl R. Harry ~.orrow and Erne V. H8rd ing, knG'dn tr me t.o 1;e the M"yor "nc: Clerk of the Cit.y Cormnhsion !'e"pectLvel~, of' t.he Cjt)' of Bo/prrC!n, who[,:,e n,)roeS'lr8 subscrihed to the wi thin inst.rurr;p,nt ,,"nc] "cknowJedged to me that they executed the same for and on hehalf of said CUy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I he.ve hereunto set my h'1nd And "'ffixed rr,y NotariAl Seal on the day and year in this Certific~te first above written. ~ I ' j 1/ , I j I , F' ...~~ I ~ I ,J " .. '';l J "\. I~, ,..'. ~ .". '.', \..~) \:. > ' I . . ~ . ; . , I,;. il,i';': ;,~~,~ ,~...' ~'\~:'I J 'j t; ,,' ;~ .: ,(' \ ','" ,< I '.... ,,;'c~, \,-' <.. ',- '~ {...: C:---;:ino- ;;] ....:=.~~ r. "<:~:;:;,','"f ~:' :~~\:::/ ' , '!ll{\\\\l,'...." Not, Y Pur> ic or the Stnte of ~':ontJnn R"esiding At Bozernan" }~~O'lrlA , ~ ~' n . . r . /"'7/"<:2 'Y )'.J' 'uommlSS],On ,!..xrnres ~,~ /. (~~ n t-; {)~'"'i , ". ."". 'I INDEXED """".~~- " f'lATfED (vnie ~f MQ!1t., Countv of Gallatin. 88 Flied for record Au~ust 7 69 at \~~ ~:~~'Ttn~K~co"<,ed In Book 4 ~'C ~~L~, ~o/us , p~g" \~99 Rt: City of Bozeman Recorder. B~?-CCC0/<<. ~/n...e~ Deputy Plat numbered: 4 Film - 1799-A, and filed -h-