HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Bogart Easement ) ( S5 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) o~ On this ..1..3- day of ~.. ,1922. befor Notary Public for the State 6f Montana, personall appeared known to me to be and who signed the foregoing instrument as Grantor to me that III e If had executed the same freely and and purposes t~erein expressed. --:> 1-)ct'f G c' \.... .~.. ,i f~ R E LEA S E AND SAT I S F ACT ION The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $480.69 as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipe line by the City of ~ozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem- ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Easement and Right-of-way Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer PiPe Linelld~tedt.h.e.. 9th day of April 1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana in Book 4 of Miscellaneous page 201 . The undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all covenants to be kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfac- tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all 1iabi1- ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each and all of the aforesaid covenants. Dated this I ~ day of /"'0...--.." ,./l/> '-4 ' 19 7.g....;.L I Ii ~j--k~ V-i!~ ",''r~ ) o 71 'J(J?hI" '7/'7 Lt . .' ,,--1 . ,-_LL. ".: ..... ... / C.< L 4..., I ~--..i... .... ~\ ; , U<f--t'l A1 ./ STATE OF MONTANA described in acknowledged for the uses the persons and voluntarily, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ~ . /'7//. ~ I 1 't.-c1AA'_ .. .//.....e _cd-,.-}..? c<...-r<- N tary Pub1~c for the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires <:2 /C, /;/-3 / ... 4 (I '~C' 201 EASEHEKT AND RIGHT-OF'-':'!AY AGEEEJ,ENT FOTt A SANITARY SEWER PIPELILE THIS AGREEI;fEln', Made and entered into this 9TH dAY of April A.D. 196-2-, by And between Elton L. '::nd C. Jv;,sy Bogart, and Lyle H. and Retty Mae Davis, pArties of the first part, hereini?fter called the Grantors, pnd THE CITY OF T]CJ;~EEAN, a municipC1l corporRt ion of the St::1te of Nor:t"np, in G;:;ll;->tin County, the p:rt;/ ()"~ the second p:'rt, hereinafter called the Gr~ntee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Gr::>nto1's ::>1'8 the leg"'l 1'ero1'd title owners 01' portions of the S~'i~, SK~, Section Twent:v-six (26), T12, HSE, LP.t!.'n:; WHEEi.EAS, the Crent.ef', in the exprdso of iLs po"rermd~'"lJtl1t'rjl~:, ,s muniripelity of the St"te of ront'na, proposes to const. t'l1ct and install 'c 2Anit,-ry sewer t.runk line to collect. and tr::>n~)port sewago and domestic wastes from various areas within the City of Boznman to the new sewage disposal plant site locnted in the SEh, NW~: and SJII"t:, ~ T;;' 1. ] "-,n.., Section 26, T13, R5E, r-:.P.M. wC'uld run Rcross the Grrcnto1's land; "nel 'iJ}-L1~~R:;AS, The Grcmtcp desires tc pcoui1'e from the (~r:'ntcrs, and the Grento1's are w:Uling to grant to the Gr:mtep ::1n 0psement and right-oi'- way across the .s.bove described property of the Gr':'ntors, 8nrl their heirs, executors, ~~dmiristrator::', succe::'sors 'Ond assiims, fer the purpose of inst;:111ing, operetin'o:, usinn;, rep"irino;, rcpl? ~in",:, main.ta in in,,,,; , and removing said s!'.niL'ry sewer pipeli.ne "_nd for such other rights of Access and :inci.dentp.1 1'i ghts RS Cl..re herejnp,fter described, coIl RS rlere- in:dter more part:Lculprly provided. NO~!j, THEREFCRS, in considerption of the S1)Tn of 50.00 in Ir'nd pdd -by Uw City of BOZem!'D, the receipt whereof if' hercby'cknowtedo:ed, B.nd in furtJ--ler cond_der'i.tion of the coven",ntsnd "p;reerr'ent,s.hetween the pArt- ies hereto, the Grcntors have granted, bargrd ned, sold, conve;red, a.nel confirmed, and b;r these presents do hereby e;r"nt, r';:1rr!<''in, sell, conve;y, ::nd confirm unto the said Gr'-tntee end its SUcceSfJON' end 22signs the following rights C1nd privileges forever: 1. ^ perpetu8l eCS8!nellt. c:C'rJ r-; ,,.r1t-o_f-l,r:,' -re, the T''J1''!''osP rf -;"12+,c:.-ll- ins, aD0r~tins, 'Jsin~, rcppirirg, repJqcin~, ~=intDinin~ and r~~ovjnIT ,~ s<Jn.tt."ry sevrer ripelinc And ."'pnurtenances t.hcrpto 11non 8,nd acro:,ss the above described properties of the Grantor~. -1- 4 ;., ^~ 2~2 . ' Tract A A s?nit.ry sewer e"lsement "nd riq,ht.-of-1;J:'Y lYln:{, within t.he ~)outh- west WU'i rter of the Southea st '11': rter (S:J~ SEJ;) of ?:ecticn 1"tfent:,'-six (26) TIS, P5E, h.P.~I. 2nd nore particularly de~cri.hed as ,~ thirt,~T (30) foot wide easement fifteen (15) feet on either side of the following described centerline: beginning "t '..' point on Gile east li;""e of the Soutrnrest Ccclart.cr cf I -- " ~ C') t- (c"[ I "To' 1) . . ,,' . 'r . . (.-,f ) , , t le ~ou:~.u.j,ea.~~u ~((.u~ruer ,.)l.:; 0~~ CI p.,~llU ,,-_.'esLlcn "....ren~.y-:.:1-X .c~,_.' ~":~':].Jl feint ljint; fift(~en (1:.) fl"et SouU".;esr,erl:; :'l,t ri::;[':':- ng1p=, to ::i,:h^'~;" right,-of-'!fP.i lin(~ of IntC:'r"~""te 9U "t ~~t"ti':'n 1531 + 1.,(.0'1 ."l1d }'dr.:: ~"hc easterly propert~i line of tha EILon L. ,"nl: C. L(1;'; ~k,:~",'t"nl L;;lc E. '.r:; Bcl~tj Las Dp'Ji;'i rrorert;,.'; thenr:e ncrtl:loJcd.c;rl~;; fif':'''':'ll (T'::)r'ect;'>>:.'L a.J'1d para.llel to t.he Southwesterly highwa.y dght-of-wa:y line of Interstate 90 ,olong p four thOUSAnd one hundred fifty-seven and five tenth~1 (~157. 5) feet redi.us ~urve to the left ? di:,t'n.~c of fcur h'l'1dl'ecl th:i. rt;) 8nd sixt}-nine hundredt.hs (430/9) i:'u't. rr:oC'':' or Ie:",,, to ' feint 01' t,erL,~r'..,:", r:,":<ld point s,,;inE_~ Ft right Arlgles to Ej_~~r:~v'''''Y "~'~J':.~.ricn 15',)/. + '7:. :;Lt'J tCi~,:.}tL(}I' w.:i. t 1) .? t err.re ,,:"',~'i ~:/ ri:;ht to er1t cr :", nd c ,~~ ~ur ~'!. ~ L :_'"'::~~..~ ~ ~:~~ 2t ,~'U~ t L'~:n ~ r::: "inYJ.3 t.l ,~' J..1- c:J t :icn of a ra.rl~ t. .... 2~ ~~\t)er r~,n ~~. d':~ i t i.cr; '., 1 ~ h i r:~~. (J J) feet. of vrid.t,h 'de ~,:j'L,- ":1'1;,. of ""Ii Cldjacenl; to the ('bove desc;rjbed eClsemenL C12 shoWTl on E:xhillit "A". 2. The perpetu?l right of ir:.gres:' ~T:d w!,ress roc and from ,,:oicJ tr':'ct of l?nd at ,11 retson....ble times for the purpcsp o~ inst~llin[, oper?tine, using, repa.iring, replc:' cin,; and m?intaining S' i::I s~nitor;yr seller pipeline and for the removing of same if "nd when desirpd by the Gr':;nLec, its succesC'ors ::nd I1ssit,'lls: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the "rove described right-of-lv3:)' Nith All the "rpurten?nces 2nd privileges IT.to the s?1d ':}:'?ntee and to itr,~ :;Fccpssors and 8.f.si;:;n.s forever. (eh (:~ C r:~:.: n i,~ 8 (~ 'h .~; rc b'v CC VC~l :~J..n t:::. 8.n c ? f;~~:~e e~::: :/Li L r: t 1~:? G'-r'~T 'L C 1'5 ? S fcllo'ds: l. That, 1.n connection with the installing, operc'ting, usinr>;, reppirint~, replacing, mpintaining and removing of s<,j.d sl1nitc r;y sewer pipeline it will replAce, at its :,ole eXYJen,se, <111 exisf,- ing fences, ditches And other nppurtenAn~es of SAid lrnd thAt may be disturbed by its oper?tion on ~ ~o11ditio11 equ~l to the condj '.,ion U:erecf exi.s:~ini, before ".J'id orel' tj.onsvrere 1:er;un, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably pcssihle. 2. Thctt, during operations involving excAv::tion, it \vill remove the topsoil froIT the trcn(~h pre" to a depth of one foot, 01" to the full depth of th8 topsoil, whic:hever is le~lfc ,.:'Oct citockpi1e s'id topsoil away from the site any l?rge rocks or surplus ex- ::::'lvated m'1teri,"'l or'n;y kind of debris that :nF;)' [[-"ve been ex)'o:;ed by the eXC2vaU.on Clnd. remajning -"fter brlckfilling is ~ompleted, "nd wiD leave the fi.nished ~urf2ce in substanti,'<Lly the seJlie; comiition th"t existed prior to the hee:inni.ng of operr'tio':1s excepL thr3t the surf?ce of b" c kfi.lled area 2 mAY be mouncLp(j ~ufficiently to prevent the format i.on of depre~':sion'i ",fler f"ind. settlement hrlS tpken pIece. 3. To install spid sanitary sewer pipeline at such P reasonClble d'?pth h'low the surfc:ce of the eArth ."S will N'r':rj+ norr.:<:l C'JJt- i.v.,~tion of tLt0 gro'UTlCi. L~. To operate, use P11d m',int"in siJid s:mit"ry sswer pireline in such Inrl.nner as will not hinder or prevent the prol.Jer ::u1t- ivati.on of the tr."ct through which this right-of-w8J i2 her'3by gr,'?nted. -2- 4 :.~~ 203 5. That upon completion of construction and installation of said sanitary sewer pipeline the~r~mtpe will pay to the gr'!ntor, in ~ddition to the above specified money ccnsider~tio~ for thi~ 8"semenL, the sum of one doll"r :ond nfty c~m,:" ('"Lt;)) rer lineal foot for the first one hundred (lOJ) feet', ;"n(l ore dolL'!" (~1.00) per lineal foot for the hal~nce of the footage crossing the property of the grantor as measured on the centerline of the right-of-way, for damege to the premises 2nd crops by virtue of rohe grantee's entry thereon. The pnyrnent herein specifi ed for damFlges :ond. crops shall con:o-titute full p"yment to the gr'.ntor for Hny such damage caused to the grantor's rremises an":' current cror~), a s"n incident to the initi."l canst, r,'ct~on pr--: -j n:"t911- Ation of the sanitary sewer riff,;liw~ anG ?PD1J'cter:"1"~~e". 6. In the event the ':, i~, ~3;-lould oecome neces,," r;" fo c the Gr:nt-,~e to reenter th", Gr8ntor,,' rrer:i:;,s" for [,he r:'lrf''''c of' r"::!:,,,,-i r-jy-',~, repl;:;ci.ng, nl,'1int"ini1"J~ or removil1'~ s"n-iL"r:r 2:"1/"::1' ripelin:,', UP Grrmtcc will rejJuturse tLc C;r:?n:~or2' I"<,rcc:ny'ct; ;:c] d:cn',JE" Gene to the Grantors' premises or crops. The Grnntor" hereby covenant ;md p~?rpc '.!i th the Grr'ntee '" ~ fcllo!c: 1. ThAt ,<>t no time 'trill thp} bliJd, c('r;st.r,,'~L, e"e~t, 0:' "pin- t,in Any peI'lI!?nEmt '3cruccure over or "'rove th" snl/1 f":nit,n1'; sewer r'i.pellne "lnJc'["S such st1'uctllre is built, consi:,1'ucted"nd re'int'lned in f>uch n mrmne1' t1;,gt it would not lnterfp!,c wi~,h the operl?tion, 113P, repelir, fLainl;enan,ce, repJ;lcpn,'~nt ,md r'1)r'(Y\A.1 of st"id "anitary sewer pj reline. 2. That the Grantee HIR:\, pe1~"rly llGld A,nd enjoy the rights and privileges herein g1'antGrl ',vi t!'lOut Any interrurtion by t,!lP Grt;ntoI's or their successor" 'In.''! ,"C'sje:n? 3. Th",t the~' helve been ]el"fully f'ei7,ed cJ' said premi,:,es; r,tl't th'7 helve ~"ood ri:;ht ,0:De l',":rful p.ui:,hcrit;"~,,, 2ell the s"..me and thpt U'1(;;/-o:nd thpir hd,!"s, "lxecuto1's, prl!':h" 2+-,1'pt,(T2, ~,1.; C8 0?, so .~~ Hnd :'l S si ;~~J. S, t' 1'1 ,~., II 1:.t"p. rrRnt pnc rl ~ fenj, t, h p t. ~ ~ :. c~ t, ('. ~8.,i0 n:"':~nr:i_s,:~? n.rr~~c r:,~irl. Gr,:.'1"t(~C, e.nd i~..:~, ~ ;~~p~'C:0r'~' ,;~nd 8~3i,,!~n::=. fcr0ve r., :~, 9':,~ ir1t:t t}l p 1.,~n^rfl; 1 cl~:,:j..rT~ (~~0 d er-"; rlr~ f) {' ~ 1..1 T...'~.~""-' """<~"t".l f: \;JhCIT!,'ceVI".,r. It l,P und8rstood",nd agreed by ;:md between the pprties hereto th,,?:c tbi,,; Agreement shell ]Y'O t':_nding uron the lJpir,,', exec'.l-1:,ors, pr11CLnL':tr2.tor:.:, successorn ano A;:,51,J~n~' of the G~,~~rr~Lo:.c3 r?nd UDorl ~l.le ~:ucc~(.)::,::~,',crc ,~,n.d ::L3~;_1 ~n~',' of the Gr"ntee. =I',: >~ITTT~=,:~ ,LiliF~C~~, the Gr'''r.~...,(}l"\:: }"[.:--vc ~hC.r81..;,-~-i~'C' ~>:.':;t t,l-~e.L.,~ ~,)I~~l<L~'- '~)n_:. "(;,<>1.: '-'1',(01 the G1''':nt,''Oe, The City (jf E'o'z,eI),8'1, :10"", h0r(mD~O ~3Ct i":.:' Lar.d., b~i "L2 1.1'i~'or ,~nd iss Clerk of ti,(~ CH,~' Con'rnic~sloP, c"eh tLe:'e'n;+,c' c~'-il=' '''utllOr:i7,.~d, ;md )-]'-'.8 cc-n::;f'd its corpord,e 8'201 1,0 Y'e A,ff",:.:.--1, ;011 ~:, !-J:i~ 9th d:"j of April _, l(ft 9 f~ . ':!ity >--, L ~/ /---'... ". ._'.,....... ..J .,_ ... ..... ," ./{I;,..,,~_ ....____~=-t~,~,~~':-/ r::lton 1. UOPJn't, (Y '1 .' ~ ,. . L...... .,~.,-L!2...._. ':~ ' I J,/ ~, -. T[(~" "i- f' j',,,,, 1l0""'r~, . '."',J ., co' ,LI../ L bo~ (cl'f)--<T>J~ ...... ,~...J,> !":~",:, .. "" ':',~~ ~f;, r- --.... '--.:->) 1 , . DIlLi ./'/ rkC ;(,\ d-;!.( cw Elett{l"ae D;>vi3 e, -3- - - 4 ~.~: 204 "~my OL }'''?If!' -^' J1.L l' -)~"7i\" [<yo I'(/~~J R. ,lerry J crow, )'.8,or ) .... .-)-<---:-)-' .c"',,- -;:) '#'. I' .' .' ...1......::J.o>.., '..... ~,-J,-..l. ".' .~. -.. ~-" .... -~" yerc=Z. herg, -,J_~,: Attor . .y STATE OF MONTANA ) ) 55 COUl'JTY OF GALLATIN ) ~ On -:,bi" p,l- day of Y)j~ , 1 j?L ~'dorn ~l(;, t!r; 'mde!'~.iCtn'?c! a Notar~;'- Pur-lie for t:1P SI,,'te of ront"n", rers()[l,'11ly appe''''',o;rJ !:H,cr LO''1>''rt and C. tay =Jo!nr+, and Lyle H. !J-'1vis and Getty Lae Davi" knolt{Jl to H'.S t.o be the person", described 1.n And who signed the; fe-,regoin' inC'trurr_cn':, as Grpntor;3 C'nd Rcknowledged to me tht,t the~y hC)d cxeclltcd tree "',"1Ine freely "nel voluntC'ril;y, for the uses And purpoo:0s therein expressed. IN 1tJITi'JE~:;S \'JHEFlLOF, , \ \ \ \ \ ~ 1111/ Jlf~~':ff;LEtJ'i'~.:2.l on the d2Y ...,\\...... .:"4,s "..-, ;. ''"'", 'iI ~......... ".,,~'" .i~ ~li~ "'-:. -......, "". .,,\ ":.:, '- \')\ , . ,., '\~ ~ --. ::. c- I have hereunto set m,:y llanO. and a..ffixed. m.~" and year in this Certificate first pbove written. ". . S L /-, L. ~.. "<.~;~~-:"""'" ...:~;:,/::,/ 'ii" I.- 0 r \!, to \ .\"", '11/. \\\,\\ "" ("'" 1'1. \. STArE OF MONTANA .I Pu'rlic for the St."te 0f ~';of1t'na Pesiciin7C': 30::em~m, r-:opJrnn:o Jy CormnE.?lon _-3}~1)'eS Ui<jk4i /:( /p~L ;: ) ) n:".; ) COUNTY OF GALLATIN On thi3 --1Q.lli- doy of April , F)('L, lefore me, the under- signed a f\;ota.r;y Public for the Stp,te of Non+,<>lJ", person~11y appeared H. HArry rJorrow and 'Srnp. V. Hardin:, h101m to "e to h" the ]";-'l.yo:, pnel Cler:, of trlc City CO'llr,j.:\,--:i on re:"rectivel~' 01' tLc ,:;H'.\i of P07cn-:on, whocoe nAmes C::.rc sutscr~h"d to the wH.hin instrmnenL '1nd acknowledgAd to me thot they exectited t'-Ie spme for ,gnd on behc,lf of said City. IN "VITr.JE~)S 1J{HEREOF, I b"ve hereunto t:et m;,r h8nd and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and ye"r in this Certificpte first nbove written. ) ."~' '. ~ , . . " " ~ 1 ~.~,' 11 " .' ! I , ! '; ~ I' .' ,~.\<;) J~. tJA' ...,,..... r.\ ..'..... ""'I.$' ',' . ,..J .'". . '.. ..,1\ ';;. -""ic~'~t?i!1;"-... (;;\\ -,~ , ,..., \""; \, <. . -\ . ':'.i\-eo-Cl~ : ~ . ',.1 "" " .: ~ .. ,J SEAL .. 't f '.;\. ", ,.- ~ ...:: , ...';..".............:,,'\'f ",- "..,,'; - OF',..,Q\~ \,,' .','" ,,\\ , 'llJ I"" 1\ \ \ \ ./ ./ ~)~,c-~ Notary Pur-lie rbr"'the St,:,~te o(Mon~N- , Hesiding i:'.t BOy,e,rilln, Ivont.,'!.na Ny Corrunic,sion E:xoire~:: August 17, 1969 INDEXED L </t ).{\:- .. . i'" l.' '1:',.j; PLATTED State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 88 Filed for record April 17 '1969 at 10: 35 A. M., and recorded In Book 4 of _ MI~S~ELLANEOo-S page201 CARL L. STUCKY Recorder. By .~--c",P;f?4' #t!aAi!.Jcef" Deputy Rt: City of Bozeman I" ! f//Jr 0/1 r;/~4-:- 'f-?tk- c?c>~..1;