HomeMy WebLinkAbout70- Bogart Easement .I' R E LEA S E AND SAT I S F ACT ION The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $954.93 as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipe line by the City of Bozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem- ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Easement and Right-of-way Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer Pipe Line" dated the ~ day of April 1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana in Book 4 of Miscellaneous page~. The undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all covenants to be kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfac- tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all liabil- ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each and all of the aforesaid covenants. /f:-&'- (r { Dated this .'- day of~/{ /{r-- , 1970. ~:_-l1:~-zC....lj trCL-y{-- Elton L. Bogart ' ',',.) ~: (,....jt . ~, OF":' ,I / STATE OF MONTANA C. ,Jf1ay Bogar.y ) ( ss COUNTY OF GALLAT~N~ On this P!..- day of ~, 19~ before me, the undersigned a N~J. .7 y ~u lic fl) the~te t Montana, personally appeared 6LC12L... -L-~-!~-'-- . d.~--_. known to me to be the persons describ a in and~o si ed the foregoing instrument as Grantor and acknowledged to me that 7ft&J had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purpose~ein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Notarial Seal on the day and year in ,(., ary Pu ic or the State of Montana 6siding at Bozeman, MO~ My Commission Expires /.5j /tj',lt Rt: City Qf B.o.zeman " 4 I'.' INDEXED '. i~'~{'> r'" Q -- t - I':::') PLAT1:ED L. - -- State of Mont., County of Gallatin. ss Filed for record April 17 ,"'969 at 10:55 A. M..and recorded in Book 4 of MIE:;CELLANSOUS pag-----.?.l7 _~~ARL L. STUCKY Recorc'er. By ,..,,...-; ?-C,/e;:d' : Deputy EASEMENT AND R.IGHT-oF-~'lAY AGEEEMENl' FOR A ;::A\JITAHY SE'{Er~ PIPELINE THIS AGRE}i~K-sNT, H'lde 2nd entered into this ~ day of .AP.ril A. D. 1969 , by and bp:,....-r~pn BHon L. &: C. t':rt~- Bogart, pt-'rtl% of +,};~ first, pArt, hereinafter c"lled the Gr:mtors, and T!-L,~ CIT';- G~' r.'C?Sr/A!\, 8. munici.pCll corpor.t ion oC' the 3tAte of flontnnp, .:.n Gallt,tin :>ur.t;;;, thp r~rt: 0~ the second pprt, horein2fGor cnlled the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : '.If!fSREM:, The GNmtorc"'rf~ the lege,l recerd tit]", cw"ers cC' rer'ticr, of the ~n,f~, SEh, Sedion Twent;y~"i.x (?t), 1'1~~, H5i~, t-LP.F. ,md HHEEEAS, the Grantee, in t,he pxerci Sf~ of its power pnd ;=mthorHy ::3 s a IIl1micipality of the State of t<'iont:::>na, propof.es to construct and instf111 p s,'mitary sewer trunk line to collect "nd tran2port sewAge ;md domestic wastes from vprlm;s are""t" within the Cit.;y of BozemAn to the new se'rr<'Jge disposp.l pllnt site locaten ir: the SE~, NVl;l'1nd ci'dJ;, 'lEI 1\ ~ 4., Section 2(;, TIS, H5E, ~:.P.L. would run Clcross the Gr<'JnLor l"n(~; and. -;!lCfiliAE:, tLe Grantee desires to pcquire fl'omU,c Granc.ors, and Lhe Gr;:1ntors are ,rilling to grant to the Grantee ",'n easerr.ent A.nd right-of- wPy ~cross the above described proporty of the Gr~ntcrs, and their heirE, pxecutors, ,,-,dministr,'''tors, succes~,or3 and assi~'T's, for the pt: rpo,'p of installing, operating, u::iin,3:, repairing, repl,,"cing, maintainini~, and. removing saldsRniter;y sewer pipeline and for such other :rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter descri~ed, ell as here- in8fter more perticularly provided. I~01d, l'HEHEFOm~, in consider,ction of the sum of!'50.0D in hend p;:1jd by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whFlreof is here~y Pckn0111cdn;c!d,"nd in further consider.c,.-t,ion of the covenents ;:md agreements beh.,een the pa.rties hereto, the Grantors hAve granted, bargfoined., se ld, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grant, barg,olin, sell, convey, ;:md confirm unto the said Gr::mtee p,nd its S,JCCeS2GrS ":1d 82dgn" the foll(""ir:ll,~ ri.,!r:t~ a.r.d nrivile",es fDrever: -1- 217 oJ , . .' 4 !":r 218 1. A perpetun.l easenent and ri/?;ht-of-wpy for the purpo~;e of instt:'11- ing, operating, using, rep'''iring, replacing:, maintaining and removing p scmitC'ry sewer pipeline and appurtenances thereto 1]pol""nd across the ~bove described properties of the Grantors. Trclct B A spnitgry sewer egsement and right-of-way lyinr; wi thin ~;h8 North- west Quarter of the ,sOlltheast i-.;ucrter of Section Twenty-six (26), TIS, R5E, k.P.M. pnd more particularly described 2S ~n easement thirty (30) feet in width, fifteen (15) feet either side of the :f011m-:ing descrir'ed c 8!". t 1; r 1 in e . Beginning at a point on the easterly line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section Twenty-six (26), said point being bra hundred (200) feet distance northerly Rt right RT'rrles froc the centerlin"" of th8 mc>.in track of the ~;orthe>"n P~cific P~'ilr('ad; thence North 53" 44' Hest t'.lonp; Lhe northerl:T right-of-l'1"a;v ] ine 0f the Eorthern P~cific Railro::Jd n distance of l;';ip:ht.ccn end fort}-three hundredths (18.I.3) feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 00 45' East p?rallel to "Dd fifteen (15) feet. westerly of the e?st line of the said Northl-Jest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter B. distance of Nine hundred four :Jnd ninety-three hundredths (904.93) feet to the northerly line of the satd B0g;art property and being the sOl]therly line of the G:"llatin County rond right-of-WAY, together with ? terrporary right to ent.er :md occupy during construction and instpllation of a s?nitary sewer pn prlditi,onal thirty (30) feet of width westerly of and adjC'cent. to the ?h0ve described e"semen+' "I" shown on Exhihit ":3". 2. The perpetuel ri.~ht of ingress ;:md e'7,rer"s to"nd from scid tr:'ct of land ,,,t :~ll repsonable times for the r1~rpcse of instplling, opera.tjng, 1]sin;<;, repairing, replacing and TT1ooinTopinin;; said sBnHBr:: sewer Dipehne 2nd for the relT,oving of s"me if:'nd when desi:r-ed hy the Gr"ntce, its s'l~cesSOr's?nd assi<?;ns; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right-of-wa.y 1>lith all the "ppurtenances clOd privileges lmto the seiri Gn.ntee~nd to it.s S11ccessors and assigns forever. The Gr~ntee herehy covenAnts and agrees with the Gr?ntor? ~s fa 110;\ls : 1. That, in C0nnection with the inst;',lling, operAtina;, udng repairi ng, reple,cing, maintAining and removing of sRid s"nitary ~f~wer pipeline it will replAce, at its sole expense, all exist- ing fences, ditches and other Pfpurtenances of :caid lanel thnt may 1"0 difturbed by its operation on a condition enuB1 t.o the condition thereof exjsting hefore SAid oDer::.,tions were ]:Jcr;un, or as near thereto as shall be reas0nably possible. 2. TrIiot, durinp; operations involving excpvation, it will remove the topc;ot] fron t.he trench {'re;:) to a dept.h oJ' one foot, or to the full dept.h of the topsoil, whichever is less, "nd rotockpile said topsoil awn.y from the ::,i te 'my l!lrge rocks or surplus exca.- vrited mlt.erial or any kind of debris that may h,9ve been exposed hy the excavntion and remainin~ after backfilling is completed, C))lr l:r~:!.l le"'lTA the fini sheri s'Jrfpce 'in Sllhst'nti?llV ~),,,, Q,,'l'" coridi Uon that exist.ed rrioI' tc t,)V~ 1-;e:~:ir",inq c f n[Jer" t. icn r: excent. t.hat. the suI'fpcp of backfilled are"" mt::'7 t'e mmmded .51]ffJdentl y to prevent the formation of depressions :ofter fin,col r'etLler:,ent. her: taken place. ..----------. -2- .. . ~. . . .. J 4 ; '~~ 219 3. To instpll said sanitary sewer ptpeline at s'Jch~' reAsonable depth below the surfF'ce of the e;:1rth "2 will permit norn"l cult- iVAtion of the R;round. 4. To oper;:!.te, use and maint"dn sRid s:mit"ry sewer pipelil'1P in such manner :,s will not hinder or Drever,t tre proper cult- iVAtion of the tr"'ct throuq;h Hhich this rir:h+,-oT_1,.U'l:'" is hereby gr.'1nted. 5. That upon completion of construction ar:d installAtion of said sanitary sevIer pipeline the gr'?ntee \'iill ~c/ '>:) ':,}'s.!:r~nt.c t', .~~. :~,cJ'J.:~~~-L="~:' '~.'c.:, f,.,l:-:.e ~:~,;c've ':P:':.':,._~,L,:'; c:(~, ;L.cn(:',~ . -1(.:::> ';; ~" !'". easement, the SOOl of one nol12r'md fift;y cent:: (:;\1.50) per lineal foot for the first one hundred (100) feet and one dol19r ($1.00) reI' lir,c?l foot for the bpl<m-::;e of the rcot,'18e crossing ~he pt'cp- ert;) l,f the,:,r"n~J:r' '-. ~o r:',e"sl;rcd or: U,c c;2nt:/,rliu:~ c1' thC' r,~ " cf-:tIny, for darrage tc Lhf-; rrp:;~5.ses ~.nl:'~, cro~~)s 'IJ__C'tJPC G~:. I~:'le grpn- tee's enLcy thereon. T:;c pi1Y:;ien!~ Lecoin spc;sified for d2nleg8s 'mci cerors shpll constitute full p8;yment to the gr~'nLor for 7'n:" such dQmg~e ci1used to the grantor's premises 2nd current crops, 2S Rn incident to the intial construction and instRll"tion of the sani- t,"ry se'rIer pipeline 'md appurtenances. 6. In the event that it should hecome T'er~Pf,:""r:' for U,8 Gr"'ntee to reenter [',he Grantors' premiroes for +,he j)\;rpose c1' re;::?ir:Lu;" rerlpc;ing, rr::,"'intaining or rer:.oving ~a,nit8r;:i 2ewer pi.peline, '"he Gr"ntee will rcim'curse the Gr"ntors' fer "'1";;: 2c;hwl c:,,,,r"se done t.o the Gc'mtors' fre:Ei~cs or c:rops. The G;'~nt()I'S hereby coven:mt 2nd Agree \'il Lh the Gr;mtee IlS fellows,: 1. Th,qt r,t no tirr,e will they rU110, cOY'<::tr'lct, '2r8-::;(; or I""::'nt?:;n pny permAnent struct,ure over or "rO'lP the 8'1' c: S"",': ~,"ry 2"",,"'1' 'l.~ir:eli.:.'iS :Jn18=-:,:::~ :,,:;';lch SL~'''I:l2.t.l..J.r'c i~) 1-' 1.il.~." -.~';:"~"'1,::~I.. ":''',:::~;',~c>d P.::'-:'c~" r;'''......!~~:c!,~.~~_ in such a menneI' that it would not interfere with the operation, use, reppir, maintenence, replacement ),nel rel'1ov"l of said s<J.ni,t::ry se','ier pipeline. 2. T)',"L the Grantee IL"'j' pe':cel1:;c hobg,y] enjo; tLe ri'ht~, Ar:cl rr'i vih~pe:: herein ,,:ranted '1\'.ithout 1ny intel'r'~ption oy t.he Gr0"LGf's or their suceesson3 and assigns. 3. Tl'18t tbey have been lawfull;,;, ;'e'i'led of s'.d_d prerr5ses; tlFt they have good rir;ht "nd l?wful"nthorlt;v to sell the same and that they And their heirs, executor2, 'H:lministrptor=' , 2ucce,:2.0l'Ci ,<'nd assigns, shall warrant And defend the title to said pn~rr,ises unLo said Grantee, and its succe~:isors and assigns forever, Against the l~wful cl~i~ :?nd demand of all persons whomsoever. E, is understood And agreed by 2nd tetween the pl1rtic~i hereto tl12t thL:. i\greenent shell \:,e binding upon the heirs, execukll's, r:dmin:Lstr'ltocs, successors and assigns of the GrAntors and upon the succes~ors and assigns of the GrenLee. IN vJITNESS WHEREOF, The Grantors have hereunto set their hands and se2L" "nd the GN'ntee, The Cit;,/ of Doc"ern"r;, hns hereunto set its h"-:l';,C::, i0iJ '.1.j-(.I:"'"' a:l\-( . ~~ :';~'''~'L ~,} ".:.> '"""':: ~, ..-,<:,~:',~';.~~',~,c:,:~'.~_(::~'.., ~~,} C~,';.'.-:','~,)nt.,c. (1uly (~lrt..hor.iIjGd, Bnd hr~"S Ct?,lJ,sed "j, LS corl.)or,~'~,te seal to t:e af"fixed, ,~11 on this 9th dry of April' 196~. -3- ~~. ' .. ", j ! I , -1 ! I'r 220 . . " . ',-) t_~,. O~.L)~ l, ~ 1. B bprt 0- (t) /'.< l.m' /)( ir--..::..;.L/ (' '"j,., I- ,/ c. rv:a y E c.c." >'it ~I f. . 1 \'.J j NI'TES"T ': """ ~:( -:" ' ,:}~r<~.:,~' , ~ 't ~~f' ~ J' -' U. ',;--' //. ' "")-/ ~ 'E\.:.. ~~;..I.;."..}!:.fi'l.~.~.:..' ng<: ";?::".c -< './ "," ...... ":l ,,' c,lt;r.k"~P 'tq~:"'l.cn.ty Commission II- ~ .... 11- .~ . . "t- . " APpnOVrD: ROZLEAN ( . /"j'-Z,.() b"'i : J r~m" m- r..~ ~ Ben ...". Berg, f,' ~- STATE OF MONTANA ) )s? COUNTY OF GALLATIiJ ) On thi." 1Ft! d"yof Y7JMd ,196L before )"'"(e, the lmder- signed a NotAry Puhlic for the State of ~';()nro~Ona, person;:)ll:\T appeAred Elton Bog."'rt C'md C. hay Bos;nrt known to me to be the persons described in and who signed the foregoing instrwr,ent ,',s Grp.ntors and A8knowledged to me the.t they had executed the SAlLe freely ~nd volunt"!rily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. II'-! (tiWrr::3S l/n-!EFillOF, T hC'lve here~,~to set m;' )~"ni anc.! 8~'f'ixsr' f-;. N(ltflrr,:i,~l Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first ,"Ibove :-~~~~~~;",~ " ..oJ . ..'. \\'\ "~ , "} ..,A.. :.... ,..": .,1 -',1/ .......-\: ..-- ........ ,,# ~ ".. . .\..... . jl6. . ~ t:~ Co L"',: ' ~ .~ '. S E J\ L' ...:.\::- f ";......,.... d\~..... lltl...../,.\' ... ........// "4.,. ......... ,c." ," '11. Ii 0'" ~, , . II J 1/1 I I r ' ,I , ~ \ ; ", " '; " " . Not Y Publj.c for the of Eo~t'n~ }(:esidin0 Q~, 3o:~em~n, !')~nt[ma L t<y Commls:'aon LxpHes~ /-:;; /y~ STATE OF !''lONTANA ) \ ) :::. s COUFrY OF GALLATIN ) On t his 10th April 1()('9 hp-f'("rr"...,n C]~.", , '. 7 '_' '.."'_'.; ,,' ,_, l: r.:;;, t,", II... undersigned a Notar'y Public for the Stl"t,e of }]ont8nB, permnCJlly "'ppc-"1'ed H. Harry J.'.orro'd and ErnC1 V. HArding, knowTI to Yr.e to be the Mayor end Clerk of the City Commission respecti vel;y of the City of Bozeman, ,.;hose n",'n"iCS 8.1'e subscribed to the within instrument ?nr] acknowledged to me thAt they executed the SC1me for and on beh:'lf of said City. dny of IN \:JITl'jl!~SS ~r}i{~':~l{:~;Cr, ~i ~:,;lVC :~'~.~r~~llr.:~C set J.. }),'~;rH.~ :~1rvJ affluYC:C my not::ripl ~3e8J on the day end ;year in this Cert if i.cate first nbove written. ,. \ ~ Pt "~r:f!, , r.- 'f ...,....~.), 1\;' ,J'~f/,,,,. It '1~' ,K." r'.."iI~ ......I~ .....".... "" . "'_ <J" ~ ;.,,-. ... <f ^ '" " ", ~, -;._ '-:::!' ".' ...,0 \ " \~ - ......" ';-{:: . -....: e.-.c... .' : "~ .: ' i -: ., '"'EAl .. ? -:. t..".. ~ "f/l .... ; :..... A.'. ..- i' ~..'" .........., -<' 1"".'..'~t..'" 1.t(~ " ,; ~ i..~ "'" "" ..."' 't// 0 r ~~\ ~ \ \;"'\. I'J''''Illll\\\\\\'I ~ Nota Public for.~he s:""..t.e of l"'ont:',v' Repiding at Bozeml"n, Mont2na My Commission Expirer; 17 Augl,lst 196.2_ ?//IT eJ,y r;;~ -L.- tf~ ;::i/M - i'-It:)-~