HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Beyl Easement I' " R E LEA S E AND SAT I S F ACT ION The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $1.572.00 as full satisfaction for any and all damages to lands, premises and crops proximately caused by the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipe line by the City of Bozeman, Montana over and across lands and prem- ises of the undersigned described in that certain "Basement and Right-of-way Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer Pipe Line" dated the 6th day of August 1969 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana in Book 4 of Miscellaneous page 1803. The undersigned further acknowledges full and satisfactory performance of all covenants to be kept and performed by the City of Bozeman relating to replacement of all existing fences, ditches and improvements; the satisfac- tory restoration of the surface of trench areas and the installation of said sewer pipe line to depths permitting normal cultivation and hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Bozeman, Montana from any and all 1iabil- ity of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from the performance of each and all of the aforesaid covenants. <}o,-r:!!- Dated this Q{C/ day of L- jt:oPlb'1>f f3~ ~ , 1970. /~ B=?1P " - ./;~'/ ~~t":' 1 1 d , ,.- t ~:;~~~~ ~;:h ~e: '--~f7 -/ STATE OF MONTANA ) ( ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this 28th day of Septcribor, 1929- before me, the undersigned a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared '-"i.L.h "'.uJ. r, r tlnr ,oey1 known to me to be the persons de~-~ribed in.u~n~- wlioLo- s'ignedthe foregoing instrument as Grantor and acknowledged to me that They had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se'J my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this C~r'hficate f~0;t~ve written. ItUi-~ /J.";'//2/db;;7~-'" No ry Public for the State of Montana R siding at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires AUi,:ust Ib~ HJ72 \. /j i ;~c t80a' EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AGHE:EHENT FOR A SANITARY SE~illR PIPELINE THIS AGREEMENT, :/':Ade 0nd entered into t!-:.is 6th day of Augu~~_ A.D. 196~, by Md between Keith and Dorothy Beyl, pprties of the first part, hereinafter c?lled the Gr"mtors, and THE CITY OF "JOZET-:AN, a muni- cipal corporation of the State of Mont?na, in Gall~tin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Gr~ntee. WIT N E SSE T H : ~J}-rEHEA?), The GT'Hltors "1'8 the lCF;,""l record title OlrmeN; of portions of the Southwest QU!'Irter (swi) of Section Thirty-one (31) TIS, RbE, l::.P.M. 'end \',fl-m:nEAS, the Gy'antee, in the eXBrdse of its power"'nd authority ?s p municipality of the State of Yontna, proposes to construct and instAll B sanitary sewer trunk line to collect tnd tri1nsport sewege cend domest ic wastes from vclrious are:: s within the City 0[: Rozeman to the new sewClge di sposill plant site loc:oted i1'1 the SE~, mlf,' and SilL T\1V-::" l \O.l,} "-t' Sect ior> 2(J, T1S, R5E, 1-:.P.tJ_. would run "cross the Gr~mtor Lmdj 2nd ~~TE<;m;A2, The Gr;mtee desires to :{~clliY'e from the Gr;mt.GY's,'Tld the Gr':1ntorS'JY'e "dI1in?:; to grAnt to the Grantee ,m easerrpnt, ,"nrl r; 'o;ht-nf- WAy ";cro?:,, the pbove described propert.y of tho Grantors, And their hcj rcc, executors, Administrators, successors and assiV1s, for the purpose of jr;c;te.llin'";, oper:,tinr;, using, repdring, repl"cinp;, IT,,"jnt"inir>g, ar>d removing said srmitar;,: sewer pipeline and for such other rirhts AS are hereimlfter described, ,']11 as hereimfter more p<c(rticulerly provided. NO'd, THEFLEFORE, in consider:" Lion of the sum of $50.00 in h'md p".id by the City of Bozeman, the recei,pt whereof is hereby acknowledged, 2nd in further considerrltion of the covenants and egreements 'net\veen l,he pATt- ies hereto, t:1e Grentors have grrJrlted, b"rp;a.ined, sold, convesed, ;md (~o1lrirmed, ;ond b:' these presents do hereby griont, 1;-;:lrp,,'dn, sell,,:onve~i, ;end confirmi_:nto the s?i.rl Gr"ntee And its succeS,,5orc: ,::,nd assign:? tho following rigLt~3 ;:;wi pl'ivtle:i:es forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right-of -w"y for the pllrpose of install- ing, operating, using, repqiring, replacing, maintaining nnd removing a sRnitary sewer pipeline and appurtenances theret.o upon and::'cross the above described property of the Grantors, lying within tl~e Southwest 01]~"f-,," (".;") (-J' ",~.~f-l'O~ 'i'\.~~t,. r:~'" (?1) 'i']C' Dr.'" I' D I,' ",...,.-1 !rare '.;,:, /~,I. ..,1'..'. L--",;"~ ,'_I... L.~",,\......v ,IL .1..'..........l.. -'.,) ..I!J.'"" __" ". , J..,.~.J, ",i.,J, ..... *~ "', , ",_. 1. _,_~ v . -' (" 1-' dF''=' . ,'\-, .vi -" " '-'.' ~~ T (3") !'. t ",; rl '" "O~"'" _L ."C'f- c,c'- (1 ,-; " J..8rt .L..lLLar.J .. ."..c r l ...C,. cLo '_' ur,J..~ l.>J '-' .,. ee '" _L ,., e 03" '..,u '_' L l.>, 1_., ,,!,..L ~..' i feet on either side of the following described centerline: -1- '1 f ,,~r. t804 Beginning ''It a point on the west line of said Section Thirty-one which bears North 00 05' East snd one thouf'pnd one hundred seventy and three-tenths (1170.3) feet from the Southwest cornP,r of spid Section Thirt;y--one (31); thence at an angle of One hundred twelve degrees, fifty-five minutes (1120 55') to the right'1nd bearing South sixt.y seven degrees East (S 670 00' E) a distance of sixty nine (69) feet to a point on the northeasterly line of the Northern PRcifis RAilway Compeny right- of-way and being the true point of beginning; thence continuinR; South sixty seven degrees East (S 670 E) a dist.H1ce of One thcu~anc fmlr hun- dred fjfty two (11..52') feet to a point which lies nv"? hurdred n:i nety five and four-tenths (595.1..) feet northerly of the ;'outh line of "'.~dc. Section Thirty-one (31); thence South eights nine degrees twenty r'~vc minutes East (S 89" 25'E) parallel to and five hundred ninety-five end four-tenth~ (595.1.) f":ct dist!'int northerly from the south linn (;1' sClid Section Thirty-one (1) a distance of seventy (70) feet to the easterly line of the Beyl property together with a tempor:::!'y right to enter !:Jnri occupy during construction !lnd inst"ll~tion of 1'>. Sa.nit,.,.ry Sewer, nn additioTIFl thirty (30) feet of width, lying northerly end n.djacen t, to the abov() de~cribed easement as shOlm on the att.1c:hPrl ExhiLLt B. 2. The perpetual right of ingress And egres;' to and from ::':eld tr,"10t of 18nd at 811 reasonable times for the purpo~)e of inst,011ing, operating, using, repairing, replncing Cl.nd mnint,pining S9.id SAnitary sewer pipeline and for t.he removing of same if ;:end when desired by the GrAntee, its SUGC8S30rs and assigns: TO HAVE A..~D TO HOLD the above descrihed right-of-wfl.;,T with all the a.ppurten?nces And privileges unto the s~id Gr"'lntee and to its successors and .'1ssigns forever. The Gr;mtee hereby coven"nts <1nd agrees with the Gr"ntcrs Af, .rollows: 1. ThAt, in connection with the installing, oper'1.ting, using, repairing, repl.<>cing, maint;<ining and removin~ of said sanit"'ry sewer pl.r;8l1.i1fo it Hill replAc<?, et it2 sole eXper1se~ pI::' 8xj.sti~,s f('nc;,~s, d'j r.<~LF:~':~5 n..,nd otri,:2r .~;,pt111...t.l~:~:rL,~:rI.ce,s oi' said Innd th8.t n::<~? 1".~c d::,~~t1]rb"r'?d its oper.atlon on a c~ndition equC11 to the condition thereof existing before s;;1id operations were begun, or as near thereto as sh'l11 be reasonably possible. 2. That, during opentions involving exc"v:1.tion, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a. depth of one feot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil away from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated m<'1teriF.ll or any kind of debris that may have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after bt3.ckfilling is completed, and will leave the finished surfAce in substantie.lly the same condition thAt existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formAtion of depressions after final settle- ment hI'! s tClken place. 3. To install said sa.nit~ry sewer pipeline at such ,'.) r8a~on3ble dept.h below the surface of the earth as ,,nIl permit norm0.1:::ultivqt,ion of the ground. 4. To operate, use and maintain said sanitar;v sewer pipeline in such manner as will not hind ere Or prevent the proper cultivation of the tr'<:t thro'..1zh "[!-;~;.ch th:.G ri...zht-of-w<>y 's herpbJ' i"":J'ont"'d. 5. That. 'upon completion of construction e.nd inst.Al1'Jtion of said s,::mit:'1ry sewer pipeLLne thp, gr;mtee will pay to the gr?ntor, in addition to the above specified mone;y consideretion for this easement, the sum of one dolle r And fifty cents ($1. 50) per lineal foot for the fir;-.t one hundred (100) feet .and one dollar (~~l.OO) per lineal foot for the b3.1ance of the footage cro:"sing the property of the grantor as mell.sured on t.he centerline of the right-of-way, for dAmage to the premises And crops by virtue of the grantee's ent.ry t.hereon. The p;eyment herei.n specified for danl''lges and crops sh:1~n constitute full pnyment to ths -2- i~ i'.~i: j.805 gran tor for "my such damage caused to the grant.or's premises Clnd current crops, 88 an incident to the initia.l construction ,md inst.?llati.on of the 58.nit8ry sewer pipeline and appurten::Jnces. 6. In the event that it should become nesessary for the Gr.'1nteo to rnenter the GrA_ntors premises for the purpose of rep? iring, reI'l::Jsing, wdnt-3ining or removing sanitary sewer pipeline, the G:nntee will reirE- burse the Gr".ntors for fln~T actupl damAge done to th(' Grc"Dtorpf premises or c: raps. The Grantors hereby covenant and agree with the Gr?ntee as follows: 1. Thpt at no time will they build, con'Jtruct., erect or main- t8.in 3ny permanent structure over or above the said sani tery sewer pipeline ,mlef,s such structure is built, conf'trncted And m!'lintnined in rnwh a m~'!lner tha.t it would not interfere with the operation, use, repair, maintenance, replacement And removal of said sanitary sewer pipeline. 2. Thet the Gr,".ntee mC'y peacpbly holJ and r.onjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without 2t1JT interrupt.ion b.y thE' Grantors or their successors and assigns. 3. ThAt they have been lCJ.wfully seized of said premises j thAt they have good right and h.wful authority to sell t.he same and tha.t they And their heirs, executors, Rdministrators, succeSf30rs and assigns, shall warrant pnd defend the title to said premises tmto said Gr'-'.ntee, And its successors<md as,signs forever, against the lawful claim ."md demAnd of all persons whomsoever. IN 'NITI\1ESS WHEREOF, the Grpntors h'1ve hereunto set their hAnds And the Grnntee, The City of Bozeman, has hereunto set its hand, ty its Nayor and its Clerk of the City Corrunission, each thereunto duly -9uthorized, and has CAused its corporate seal to be Affixed, all on this 6th deW of Augus t ,196~. ~"'j, . ..1.-'. ( ..~L_tJ--<T A~- OOHOTHY BE '--/2 ? ~:#l~_/ ATms'!!': . '. ~ .... .. .. ~ - .. ... , CITY OF/B(y,JElf;ld'f' / ~~ .?i C:-'. A'" 0~).. '7 ERNA V. ! [,AJ;INU, Clerko.f the Cit;y Cotrmission _"-d~[r--- APPH0-V"]~B:' J , - -:> .,./ :---~-' ~,,) I 'i3ro:E~>~R~, /~~i~t.)Ati1f~W-L -3- i ._ 'i . :j r\'G~ 1806 iii ; II t.' ~j1'I\TE OF HONTANA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this ttf dry of ~ ' 19AL rw.forc me, the undersisned a Not.ary Public for the Sr,pte of }'~ont~nrt, persoJ'1'llly <'flpear'ed KeiU'j And Doroth;y Beyl known to me to be the perp.ons described In''r:d 'tJho signed the foregoinG instrlJJnent 8S Gr"'ntors And nclmo\>J'ledged to me thn.-:- the;:, had executed the same freely "nd volunt~rii~n, :Cor the lJses'1nd Pt'''poses therein expressed. IN~'IITNESS WHEHEOF, I hAve hereunto set rny h<:rd ,"nJ ~n'ixcd :',2 NR;t'.ari~,.J'I,seal on the dny and year 1n this Certif:icate fircot ,'OLove .,',\\, "') "I; ,'Vff(t 'f)t 4!'!1. /'.>, ...' --. \. ~, , . ,,"/":.' ~..\ ,.,~.... .,- ':'$.;' .,' '- ~", ',,' 0 \ I " r\'\ "'. 7: :" \\\,"" ~ ", ;...s. ; - ' . ...~E:\'L...:.l~} .~ ....,..~.... I: ,,\~,,\_~ .."...~':" :,1 (- t:~ '.I " .'1..... , J ! \ ~ l' i \ 1 \ \ \ " \ '. STATE OF M.ONTAj\jA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF' GALLATIN ) On thip L day of /'.-v~ , 191)2-, before me, the undersigned a Notary Pub1ic7~ the St'1te of Hont"mJ, personA11Y'1IJpeared R. Harry Eorrow and Ernie V. Harding, knmm to ;:',e to be the r.,p~'or p.nd Clerk of the City Corn.:rdssion respect.ive1:T, of the City of PC7,err,al1, \,rhose nAmes pre subs~ribed to the within in:::tnL'T.ent -,nd ;'1,,:knowJedged to me th'1t they executed the same for Rnd on bchelf of ~aj,l City. IN \iITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notar:iR1 SeR1 on the day And yeer in this Certificate first ?Love writ ten. " '. - \::<::.'. -" :7: ....'\ (, " : \ '. t " . ! ,) ~ t ! I I '.- ~, '! .. ~f"",""~~.~;.._ - 'J I ~ .; ...,--.. " . ':. :''':"'."" .c: ..-;,'..'1 fr .... . . :: , , S E;\ L .,.: .-". i: ,:<11.' 'f ...'.~'\ ~~. ~'.'8i-~~"""",../,\'" ~, .,...- ~.' . ,-' Ko ry Puche or the R 'd' t ~ .~ . Sl In,:,,, .,L\O,z,er.Tl::l1, /on, ana L~7 Cornrrnsslcn :'x[.'lres /.s; /~7~ i', f). , -~. A;) INDEXED ~';:'~........, PLATTED .) r,'C!~c of Mont., County of Gallatin. sa Flied for record August 7 , 1969 .9. t____..' 11: 50-.!..M.. and recorded In Book 4 of J MI~C~~EO U.S. page-la03 _... CARL L. STUCKY Recorder. By~.a:.epa~~,At.~# Deputy Rt: City of Bozeman r . Plat numbered: 4 Film - 1803-A, and filed -L.-