HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- A.D.A. Inc. Development Realtors Easement and Right of way Agreement for Storm Sewer Pipeline
dUOK. 22. rJAGE 65
~;!;A5ElIcENT AND j1.IGHT-OF-',JAY AGl-lEH~HbNT FOE ~)TOF(J< SE-!v1~l': ?IPE LI!IJE:.
THIS AGT1'J<;EI,1BNT, ]V;a,cle and en",cred into L'li" .,',th I)"~' oC F'ebrunry
A.D., 1965, b;y ;:mn oet\'Teen A.I).A. Inc. Development ;(E"'<LtOl'~, :':oz;man, j"'0I1c,'''na
part~ of the first par::', hereinafLer' called the Grantor~, nnei THE crr:- OF
BOZEl/iAN, 8 municipaJ_ corporat.ion of the St;n,e of j0ontana, in GeJllA!;Ul Count;:/,
the p,:wty of V:e second part., hereinefter cnlled the Grant$P'._
"JHEREAC'---"""" ---, .,,'. ---"-
, ~:J ..,1. LJ, Tl~_II("!,,L.,\_,. \
lee:11.1 rec~,9" m'ir1er s'OI"::OTt:ions
o:f the Universil..Y SulxlivL,ion particulnrlj Lol~! ll_"'ui L, 01' F'loel( : of ;'sid ~:;u-
~ J......
div i~3ion.
itJHEREAS, the Grimtee, in the ~cxerci8f~ of its pO\'Jer "no ClutllO.I'it,v ace
rnunici!lfd.-LC,y of the SLAte of IiJ.on0i'ma, proposef3 Lo construct tmei insL'll
a conCI'ete pipe ~;t:,o('m se',;)r on and i:;crOC'~i 101..8 11 &. 12. Block ", Univer~;iL'\'
'sllhclivic;-io(J Anei hl Lhc course of :;uch conc't,i'llCT,ion And m;-lint~enar:ce Qn 8f'::;e-
menlo, i s de~ired which ,_._.
would run across the Grantors
land; and
JiHEFEAS, the Grt:mLee uf'sires to nc()ui.ce from "he GrRntors , t"DC; [,he Gr::Hlt,Or!~
,,'illin?: Lo ':::rant toc.he Gruntec an easernenl, ,':nd ri;ht,-of-\,;a;y ec('os:~ the above dcs-
cribed propert.y of the Grantol'2-, and
their _ heir~:, executors ,'dr.,-Lni s trn Lor~;,
succe,-i:;ors tm6 a::sign:', for the purpose of installin';, operavLw;, usin':;, repairin::;,
replpcin,-r, Hlc:intainirllr, :'T,d rcrnovin:c: sairl _~ ",(,C-rm 2':0'"pr nil'?
, ;"Jl'~ fDr
~:lwh OU!I'T rl,)H,~o of ,'l,CCf's:s f"tflQ incicienLf-'l rii;hLS a~; ,'iC8 hcreirvd'ter de~,Gril.)eC1,
all as hereinafter more p~rticularly provided.
Nmv, THEHEFOlm, in consideration of the stUn of No in hand pRid by
the Ci of Bozeman, the r;,ceipt~lhereof is hereb~! acknoHlcdged, anci. in furUl8r
consielern L:Lon of the covenunts ;:md agreement. s betll:een U"le p;:n't-Les her to, the
Grantor'.j I1t:Jf,."! ly'allced, bargaineG, ,,;old, conve;yed, cmd coni'inlwd, ami by UleS('~
presents ~ hereby !:,r.':lnt, bargain, sell, convey, ,cmd confirm unto the said
Grantee anci its successors and assigns the follO\"rinr; rights and privi.lel';es forever:
1. A perpetual e;;sement end ri:;ht-of-.,;:?,:y for Lhe pUr]X)f,e ofi_nst.alline:,
"Qeratini~, usin,g, repniring, replacing, m2intainini: and removin!~ il concr'et~
''i::,orm SI';Viet' pipe line thereto upon and across the above described property
1e Ce::mtor ,said e;,lsemen Land ri,,:,,ht-of-way t.o consist of a strip of land
)0 feet in "vi_lith l;yin'!, 2Dd bein;:: further q.eserily;(j herein
(UGh 22 PAGE 66
UTILITY EA:';:~l-:E:;'l'
For' ,')!,OJ'I': :>?';Jer~::
A.D.A., :Inc.
'1'0 C; -j t :~' 0 f Boz rrlPJl, Ho~! t,:g,n ,"
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1.1; Ll,f:?ncc n0:+,!":_~C',,t(~rl_: ,rjlonp' c.1F_' Sed lot, U_ne Lo die north'Jf'cLer'1,\/ cOl'ner
of ':j_Ii 1:)::, '-'-; 2r.-nE, ''c'''st'T1:c' :c-loyCt-'" 1n" 1i::2cc'::Jn' ':oioL"" 11 -
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nort-.Ih,T\,:r.:5L~.:;}"".l~/ corrLc~r of .Le) I,'.. .Ll. ,::-..LfJ) rJr~ltl.'. ~111e ~'(\ll.=,.,.. (";('(""..1,:>;.. (),:l [-"::::\"11<: loL
12; rl::oy,c ,e,lon::: the norc-,n\'iest'f' linp of c:JLr. 10:, L' I~() (> Doinl, W!'I.i_c"j, l~ feet.
" ri,!)lt,CIT"~.lc::: to 3nj_d COllilf,on line of lot:'.: J1 :::n<; ]/;c-,h":, '"JE' ~"o1.lt,h","'::i/:;1'l n" ""'] Jc!
tI~ ,.rtd 1~ i'1'C: r,: i""t,:_',n I:, norTJE':cster1:,' from til(:~ south,;c:,t.crl:i line of c'tJj.c~ lot 1.;;
co L,i"J,e e'I0UI-,[JI,:ri"t/;r1y lin(~ of 33iu 10 G J2; tlv;nce c'Jon;?<:::d_(j <3nu i,hc,"1s.ter'l J.i':e Lc
!:,fl(:; cTU [,[,';,"1sl_>_1' :~ornCr of Jot L'..
22 PAGE 68
, aOOK
The Gr:cntoJ_ s hereby cov,;n,mIJf' ;,nd',[')'eeL Irit.ht.he Grant-cc ro,; J'c11001::':
L ThaI. at, no time ,ill they build, con~;LJ'ucL, erect, or ;:c::\.LnLairr cUl"
pe-nflanenL sLructure ov,~r or :lbove the sp hi storm 2""';cr aiDe. line
un.l.e:::,c- :ouch ftrucT,Ul'C is built, cons,r,~'w~te(' fin< rn~'inL.'linu: L', c.nch ,,_
n:F',nnfT thaL~ it would not interfere ",:1 t,h C,}:o" oner';. Lion, W~e ,:'cpPll',
j(.o;inc,,,nancc, ~'eplpcs,enL 2nd rJ)f;ovel of s2i,d :"Gor,,: ,,"'1"p1" Dipe lin,,~
~. ThClt the G1'nnG8C (;1':'.1 peace:cbLv hn16 FLnd pn.Jo.~,
1e,c:o hereir:;lan IJ eu ',;it bout ani in terl'upt ion
::,l":e11' CUCC'.:;~:f':or,", .'md "'''''t~i,/1f;.
i:.h',-;: .' i7:, L 8 rilL p! 'L vi-
l~;k: GJrllll~or::' or'
J. Thet. the Grantors are laclfully seizen of said premises, thaG
:;n t,}',eir heirs, executorf;, aemini~;t.lrP torf, successors
and C1ssign:o:, sh'::ll v'.',<1.i'I'ant ,o;n',: riefenr;!. the tiLle t.,o s'liu prf%i::,,;:_' unto
s,gici Gj"antee, ,,-'mt its :::'llcceSSOY'E' ;:md Cl3si:c;ns fo:'evf-';:-', i'liu'insG thr;l,'O.-f'ul
claim and c.emand of ;311 per-,lons \'Jhomsoever.
It is underSLood and agreed by and belween the pnrties heretolhaL this
Agreemerlt ~';hall be binding upon the heirs, execul~ors, ;:d_minist,ralor-~_i, ciucce,_;sors
FlI1d F'ssi,o:nf; of t,he Grantors and upon "he ~:iuccessors an(i A:",~';i,:snu of t,he GrAntee.
IN '!TrI\iE;:iS \vl-J:Ef!EOF, the Grantor L hav8
scal__,;nd the Grantee, The City of Bozeman, has
]Va,Yo_" and its Cleek of the Cii~y Commission, each
hilS cau:",ed :Li~s COJT)01cll~e se,l1 to De affixed, all
Hnr c. h , 1)':>5.
he-,'eunto ~iel, theirhnnd__
heY'elmto f':et :It,2, heme:
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22 P/~GE 69
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_ . On thi ri / /., d;4;\7 0 f /'1 d r (.,It
Fubllc for th~,:; of t1tJdf-elkt{...
,1965 befo.:'c me, the umiersL!npo " j\lotr':c;y
, personnlly appearea .
Me.: j(I//let- j),IC/er-SOli ?/,;IC/ f( tl. / pI; 1<, /}&{, kt'/~
kno'rJn I~o ml:; La 'ee the person S descr1.bed, In and -',"iliO Sl "!lpcc.he forc,C;O,LYl;: In,si.;ru-
Iilcnt es Cr;mGor1- 2nd a ckno";led~~i:ci to me tilat ~ hac; pxccuc,p'j [,hE; "arr;e feeel~'l
and voluni.;arily, fo l' the use::: and purposes c;H'rcin eXfl1'8sc:eci.
IN ,JITNT,;SS iiHEiiEOF, I have hereun to seL m:i h,"'nc~_ enci effixed rLJ f\)o[,er.i_al
,..'~(;;c"'l'(irt (:,}-;e o,n,y ;'c,nti :y(-;ar in chis Certificate fil'3l; al)ove viritr,en.
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Public for
r';ont'1l1A, Ee:::idi,n? ac. I'o-:elTan,
Jl-iy Corurn:ls:::i_on ExooLres ) Jd'I",g/'f )( (7 19p /'
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On this rl-/ dp,y of AIr) J , 1 ~" rwfoc(; nIe, U,e under':",igned,
Notary Public; for t.he SLAte of fi1ont"nn, peJ'Eonnlly appea'eci p" IIARR. y
HoRRcll..! and [J?YA V, JlIiR/JI/YS- , l<::nmm [,0 me to be the }1,,J,yor ('nel
Clerk of the Ci,ty ConuniSciion respectively, of the C:ity of Bozeman, whose naJnPs
are subscribed t.o the within instnunent. and ackno'rrleclged to me that the:/ execlll~ec;
i.;he same for ami on belplf of ::'iAid Cit;y.
IN ,nnmSi3 ,,~IEn.EOF, I have hereunto set Iii,\, hand ::Jlld affixed Hi;Y Notar:i_al
Se;:;l on the ci",y ,~inCI .yeDT in Lhir: Certific2 t,G first above 1^'ritten.
; ,~
kt/:, P'" 't.fl'~~ i ,;(,!-- ;.". .' 't.~~~t/, ,
. 1,,0 a~:v u") l" ,or \.> 1e , t,,-1 ,C o~ r"or!cc',na
h.esidiw; at., Bozenan, Montana
l!;~! Conunh;sion cxpires.Ji..N t"i~''; ;:<t.7 /Ji'/7
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. . April 26 , 1965
State of Mont., County of Gallatin. as. Filed for record . h5
at 2: 20 P ., M.. and recorded in Book - 3 '~A ~~~ L . ..t:'~I~eputy
CARLL. STUCKY Recorder, B~~~
Rt: City of Bozeman