HomeMy WebLinkAbout322 W Mendenhall 1984 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY Y � Site# � •� Legal Description: Tracy's 1st Blk D/Lots 32 and 33 Address: 322 [lest Mendenhall Ownership:name: Fred J go'1 . private C pubnc address: 322 Vest Mendenhall Roll# 81 Frame a 12 - - ---�Y'--" Historic Name: Unknown Common Name: Unknown estimated Date of Construction: 1869 documented iI Architect: Unknown Builder: Unknown Original Owner: Nelson Story ] L _ _ i. _ Original Use: Residence 1\' f r t 4 , L_� y !'r' Present Use: Residence Research Sources: abstract of title 7— city directories ! plat records/maps tract sewer/water permits ❑ tax cards C obituaries building permit ❑ biographies I t IV' Sanborn maps—dates- :SE Bibliography: I Department of Sanitation Gallatin Century of Progress (Burlingame, '-r T 1964) ; Avant-Courier-April 4, 1872; 1884 K -3 ► Birdseye, Leesons, Beall Scrapbook; Avant- , a,, ,,..• r_.__.•_ .a, � 'Sr Courier-Octoher 1 • 'larch 9 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structurd/s�9, �n rRra aggCor�l%fe A WIN-grigJ49$earance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials. Discuss significant architectural features. This detached one-story single-family residence has a square plan with a gable roof supported by two metal posts over the front door. The symmetrical facade features fixed and casment windows and glass block panels on both sides of the entrance. The frame construction is finished in cement asbestos shingles and sits on a concrete foundation. The gable roof is covered with asphalt shingles and lies parallel to the street. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify hove the persons,important events,and-or nistorcal patterns assoc ated mth she s:r,c, and surrounding area lend the property significance. This property is significant because the residence is associated with a person important in Bozeman history, Nelson Story. This modest house, the oldest extant residence known in Bozeman, was built by Nelson Store, an early Bozeman pioneer T.,ho ?,as perhaps the test known and wealthiest of the early settlers. Born in 1832 in Ohio, re began freighting and sell':.g goods in the early 1660s in Montana. He held contracts with the federal government to supply meat and other goods for federal forts in Montana. In 1869, he settled in Bozeman and built this house for his family. After 20 years of an accumulating fortune, he built a mansion more reflective of his status in 1888 now demolished on the site of the present day Willson Junior High School. He also built 2 business blocks , 2-12 East Main and 33- 39 East Main. This house was moved from its original location at the north- east corner of ''lain and Tracy site to the southeast corner of Tracy and Babcock in 1889-1890 and its present site in 1914 to make way for the federal post office building. This structure is a neutral element within a potential historic district. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structure/site,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic integrity of this property has not been retained due to change in original design and materials. INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structure/site may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name DAMES R. MCDONALD ARCHITECTS P.C. Acreage: Address: �I33 USGS Quad: Date MISSOULA, MONTANA 59807 UTM's• AUG 1984 r--'