HomeMy WebLinkAbout59- Zeta Nu Easement Agreement ... .. . . . au".... A<I-,,_M DI8 ao........., Made and ent.t:ed into this / 5 (5.. da.y of Kay A. I). 1'59, by and 1M___ the crn 01' BOIJDIAN, a municipal corporation of the Itate of JIOntana, 1n Gallatin County, party of the f1rst put, hereinafter called Grantor, and ZB'1'A. NU 01' lIGNA NO BOUSS CORPORATION, a MOntana corporation, baving its L ' ' . . priaaipal place of bua1ll... .t....."n, Gallatin County, Montana, party of the second part, here1after called Grant.., w X ~ .. . .8 T HI That for and 1. co.81derat,.t.oa of the .. of One Dollar and other 9004 and valuable consideration, in hanel paid by the Grant.., tbe J:8Cle1ptWhe:reof 1. hereby u1cnowled9ed, and in fwrt:her cenaidera- tion of the QOveltanta Ul4 ..,r...."t. lIetwe_ the putt.e hel'eto, tbe,t;lrantor, haa paa.e4, MI''1ataecl, 801d, COZlveyed, u<l cOQfiZ'Jltia4, and by the.apr...nts do.. ller.lWy grant, bar,ain, .ell, COD'f'8Y, .ad confirm wto the, said (lrant.. and ita succe..ora and ...1gns an enoroaobaent ...emeat1a the .a1d Granto~ alley between South 'freer Avenue an4 "outh W11180n Avenue for purpose. of conatructing and mainta1n11\9 ..retatniDIJ wall ad doo~.tep OIl the follow1ng 4e.crllMdtraet: of land. A stl'1p of land 1.1 f... in w1d1:h 11'1"1 wui: Of and adjacent to tbe rear of LO~ 1, Block ~~lf::~:jn~~'~;\f:tF1~-r;';t:r:;;;~~g at tbe aoutbwest cora.1' of aaid Lot 1, alao a strip of land 3..2 f..t 1D width lyiDg' west of aad adjacent to the ....al' of LOt 1, Block A, Alderson 1 . ......_t to .all'v1_ AcId! tion, said atr1p .tu;.ia9 20.25 f.et Worth of the south l1ne of au4 :Lot 1, and extend1119 RoE'th a eli_tee. oft. 4 f..t: * tot.ther with the"ri,h't of JA9l'... andatre.. to and from aaid tt'aetof l_d at all ,reaaoaahle..'t1aes for the PUl'Po... of con8truat- 11'19, _~llta1~ift9 .4 r."v1a9 __4 retainia, vall and doorstep. 'lhe .....-t he..au. 4JZ'ut:... shall be aoj eat to cancellation by eitber party 1:Mr8to upoa aiaety (90) days' writ'en aot1c8 'by the ,pal'ty" ClUIlael, :.~t the, .... to, thee1;her par'ty " otherwise, ..,14 .......t i. to I' n ,18 full force ad effect 1m1:11 cancelled. 'tha Grut.. CO..llut. ...<< .'1'''8 not to comm.1 t any waste, or: .uff.~ any ...,.t.O M~1 "ed;,_ saJ.dlanda ud .,r... to bold the _afttct', it., .uccttaaor. and a!llliqns, free and haZ'mle88 of and from any11ab111ty for 1aJury 'to aay person, perSOIlS, or corporat1on, Or a_age to pX'oHrt:( suffered. Oft sa1d tract of land or by reason of the Grant..,. us. p4 OGCNpuCY thereof, and heZ'eby specif1cally a,r.. to 1ad....1fy the or..ten:' ataiaat uy au.ah 11u1l1ty. Th1a Alre..t shall be 1>1ad11lf upoft the succe..or. ud ...1CJ1U1 of the pu1::1.. here'o. .. - . .' M' -.-J . ~;. .. IS 1f1'ft11UI lftmUOJ', the C1 tyof BOs_ 'ba. hereunto .et :Lts luu\d. 1ty ,1t. .Mayor an4 alerlc of theClty COIIIIl1s.1on, each. thel'eua.o duly au:thorlud, u4 'ball cauae4 its OO$'porate ..al to be .ff1JCed, ..d the ..14 COl'pora'tLcm. haa caused 1. ta , corpo:rate IlUla to be aubac=1bed an4 :Lt. corporate ..&1 to be .ffi,*, by 1t. proper 01f10.r8 tlle..eunto duly author1,ae4, both AS af 1;h. clay ud yeai' f1I'atu..e.tabefol'e w.r:1ttn. ATTBft I ~ ~. /~ erAc: .. crn~ ~ BY. -;' ~/yQ' '/',. <>-----~ ,/ Mayor By: SIGMA NU HOUSE eOUOIWfIOll cn1 ,w--t~ t., ,r..14e.t 'TAft OJ' MOnAD) ) ... County' of Gal1a~1n ) on 'thi,8../5 ~, ,day ofc.May 19S9! b~tq;e l1\~, "the.~d~rs1,nGf1' aaotHY 1'_JJ4 ,.y.._.....:~Ot_<<aa, pe,_a11YI"._84 JlllWal'd BrwUl an4 1.. G. lbadoaft, be_ to ..to be the JIlayor ad CleZ'k of the city CODal..lon r..pectively, of the City of 8OZ_, who.. lUUIe. .1'., 8\1bscJ:'lbed to the w1 tb.1n 1aatJ'\1DHlnt and ac1CJlowle"ged to .. that they _Muted the .... foX' ..4 OIl '.behalf of.aid Cl~y. .IN wtDBIS ......., 1 have h,er8\U\to ..1: 'I.BN' hand and affiae4 aY.Clltu::L&1 leal oa ~e day ... y.al' ;La thi. certifiaatafL...t above W1,!;to. ,'. STAll ()F JDftlARA) ) .s. CO\U1ty of GaUatu) on this /,j"f-.J 4a;yof _ 1959, b.fer. me, the undersigned, a.otary,Public: fC)~.tat. .iKontd., pC'.oaa11y appearea H. H. lIhitiei ]mow ~o me to be the ,re.ident of the oo:r:por.tlon that exeout.eti the wi th1D.t.aatJrUllfN\t, aact aoknowledged to me that suoh - cor.,porat-J.on exeautect ta. ..... ~ v fiirl IlOtary, "Qolt t,'. atate 0, Montana ....t.cl1n9 at Bouman, MOIltara. '" C~s.1OQ expire. u,"r" ,,-uTE or .cstdlll . 1I01AilY ruud~,' Il'MONTAMIC" RESIOING lIT BOIEMA , .. COMMISSIOM EXPIRES oct; U.1'III , _ I. UftH.1I'IIIJl1IW, I. have h.reua_o 8.t my' hand ,aa4 affixed. ,my IfOtm1l1 lekl _ tbe day and yeu: 11\ this Certificate first abOve wln~.. ~~ /J1-o;-<r ~~...... .otaxy PUbl1c or the.t~1;.,e , ~~ tI- ..a14.t.nt at 8Oaeaum, IIOni;_ ,,1 B:~PIRE5 OC1. ,A.' JI,f C~.aiOft aptr.. , .'\ CfOtt.tA\'i610li .