HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-04 THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 4, 2001 1. Call to Order - 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - January 18 and February 7, 2000, and January 30, April 20, May 7, May 14, Ma 21 &1..'..:.':'24 d M 29 2001 y , ..9.:V\:::::.::",:.. an ay , 4. Consent Items - a. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Utility Easement - Nancy Characklis - 7-foot-wide easement in vacated eastlwest alley in Block 19, Capitol Hill Addition, adjacent to the east 75 feet of Lot 19 b. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Utility Easement - Joseph A. Sorensen - 7-foot-wide easement in vacated east/west alley in Block 19, Capitol Hill Addition, adjacent to the west 75 feet of Lot 19 c. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Utility Easement - Richard K. and Melody M. Zajdel - 7-foot-wide easement in vacated east/west alley in Block 19, Capitol Hill Addition, adjacent to Lot 18 d. Acknowledge execution of Mutual Access Easement and Agreement between Richard K. & Melody M. Zajdel and Joseph A. Sorensen - use of vacated eastlwest alley in Block 19, Capitol Hill Addition, as common driveway e. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 5. Ordinance No. 1538 - changing the names of various streets, including streets within the Durston Meadows Subdivision and Harvest Creek Subdivision, the old Highland Boulevard and the new Oak Street (AK) Motion and vote to finally adopt 6. Ordinance No. 1540 - vacating east/west alley in Block 19, Capitol Hill Addition, lying between the north/south alley and South 6th Avenue (AK) Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption 7. Concept plan review - Madison Place (allow construction of 60-unit condominium project at southwest corner of intersection of Durston Road and Michael Grove Avenue) (1-0124) (JM) Conduct review; forward comments City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2305 (TOO 582-2301). Page 1 of 2 8. Discussion - FVI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 9. 7:00 p.m. Public hearing - Major Site Plan with Certificate of Appropriateness - Osco Drug for David and Lou Ann Wallin - allow demolition of existing automobile dealership and construction of drug store on Lot 1 and portion of Lot 2, Kirk's Subdivision No.3 (1800 West Main Street) (Z-01043) (JM) Open and continue to July 9, to give advisory bodies an opportunity to review revised site plans 10. Public hearing - Certificate of Appropriateness - to allow for expansion of existing garage in rear yard setback, construction of 19-foot by 24-foot addition with porches to connect house and garage, and new sidewalks and entrance landing, with deviations from Sections 18.18.050, 18.50.060.C. and 18.50.060, Bozeman Municipal Code, to allow height of garage which encroaches 20 feet into required 20-foot rear yard setback to be increased by 4 feet, allow side porch addition to encroach 6 feet into required 15-foot corner side yard setback and allow concrete walkway with steps and landing area to extend more than 5 feet into required 15-foot corner side yard setback on Lots 7-10, Block 15, Capitol Hill Addition - Scott and Lori Lawson, 405 West Cleveland Street (Z-01038) (Derek S) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 11 . Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit with Certificate of Appropriateness - Allied Engineering for Gallatin Center Limited Partnership - allow construction of 8,584-square- foot restaurant which serves liquor on Lot 4, Gallatin Center Subdivision Planned Unit Development, Phase I (Johnny Carino's Restaurant, 2159 Burke Street) (Z-01046) (Jeff M) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 12. Executive session re litigation 13. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 2 of 2