HomeMy WebLinkAbout1880- Tracy, William Deed " J' '( I 'I' II - I 0:: .' c' ,.:, rTl Q ... ~ . .\:;" t"1 C<JI ao I.: .":3':;::: C<J ao:~ .;":;:;:.. f ~ II "" I I 't- ~ ,.., ~ "'::'. . .... ~.I '.. q I r ""l ~ "'~. \ .' e., .~ ~I ill ;-c 1 ~ · · "':. ;:c,. :: : i ~ -+-? I + ~ '"' I':::: ~ ~ Z <0 ~ ~~ ! J ~ Jl . : ~ a I ~ ~ ~ '1 -<. -.!>, ~. ~ E-; ~ "', .~' 1), . , - -, f7 ':;: l,..:t. . I-Y:-! - \: f-j . ':' \ 'I . ".. ~ 'i---- . - ~ i i ~ ')i ~i ~, ~" \ ~ ~ ~.. ~:. .~. ~ , nj ~ : -, ~,~ : l-'-, ::;, ~. '" ~ . ~ I ~~ ~~ I' I , .... - _______u___. _~ - .~ , ~ ? ~. - ~ , "~.,.. .... '" '- .."..,.. << ! '-- -- ................-. ~-- .-.- . ....- , - - --- -~.-.. ._--~.~"". -.-..----. - ~ - .. "\ r .. " .# I - ., .. -fIj 11 i'.<C' "~~. ..T.... ; (' \ ~,.; '!~I ;'., .. I I r:"\:: , .. . I":.. " i- . "j "j r'< , ....,,). ! .,~ ." , , -- .-, . . -r 11 and who eX.~.1t en tho t'oret;ol n~ i 11-' t ru- ._:....:..:. .-. -- .. ~". _, ,_..._on '.'_ ..__"....-..-..:..0.:......_. 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'granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said part of the second part, and to heirs and assigns, tC)J"evcr,_C___U"___i_ -- u.C....n___"L_____...___.n_ ., '''''. .~__,__'_,.. ... ___.. . _ _._____.._.,.,_._~,. ._.._ ....,~. "_'r'" t.,: ~_) ~,.,.,.,.i. ,.:..' ._~_L,___.___'_~_____... u ____...... ....__"____ ....._____ ___ . ......u______L- .....____-<_.....> ... ______.,.__ ...._____.___...__.__... _..____..___n_ ... ....-., . .---....---.------... .._-'_.._._----------------_.._,._._---- r- .. . ._ _ _'_ _.. . - - -. _u_ _.... n... .. ... _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ ,..... _ I - - ,,- .n - ':"- ~ - - - -'- - .. . _. _., - _.. - - _.... ._ . __.. ... _,_ - - - n. _ __ __/:...,!- ","'_ ". _., ~.~ .', _. _':.'", . 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"-fr> \.'1 ":~'"'1'.''' C"I..... ~"'). t'^t thereof; and also all the estate, rig-ht, title, interest,_ " ", .' ,.,....~ ,,'.',' . properLy possession, claim and denl~:Jl(1 wh:i1.soever, ;\s well in law asin eqnity, uf the said parLnn.of the first part, uf, in or tu the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. .,...,. .~ ..... .. . II;" ,'. 'ib. 'I"!>. 11 l' I I . I . , :r~::O: C,.;t'\iit. ~ljlt,iy. \1c.(l: ?:,:'Q'~!Y'j' a am SI1JgLl aI', tIe salc premIses, t .., unto the said part~ of the second part, and to::..n -'wirs and assigns forever. Jlu IJJ!IiifqQieSS !flJl!luI3'ie1t:rl/: the said part' .. of the first part ha" hereunto set hJ'ilCL and seal ,~the day :1lld year first above written. Sig'lli'd, sea/I'd alld ddmered ill the prcsolcc (!l II -x'*'.~***'* :~ SML. :~ _______._____________'_._______.__.______._,.......,. .... ,_ " -x,*** ~*.x, > I -x,*****,,- ) :~: SEAL :;:: .____ . ------------------------------ ******-x, _ Fl~K li}{US'J PRINTERS AND BI.Nf.)lq..:.~.