HomeMy WebLinkAbout611 W Main 1985 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY Legal Description: Tracy's First , Lots 15 and 16/Blk F M Address: 611 West Plain Ownership:name: Gene Cook — Donald Turner private address: 611 West slain Roll ry 81 Frame N 23 LL_R?blic �1 ;i r�V w�Ij ,i t �, Historic Name: Unknown Common Name' Unknown I ❑ estimated !`! Date of Construction: 4 • 1914 k documented 1 Architect: Unknown Builder. Unknown. Original Owner ,''% #lei Vellin er 'f t Original Use: Residence Present Use* R Research Sources: i I I 7 abstract of title r city directories I ' El plat records/maps ,}—; sewerlwaler permits 1 I 1 I i El tax cards obituaries -•t ❑ building permit ❑ biographies 1 i Sanborn maps—dales: 1'�27 J Bibliography: i ` I Department of Sanitation .La b 6 Cft - - Location map or building plan with arrow north- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structurelsite,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials.Discuss significant architectural features. This detachedone-and-one-half story single-family residence has a rectangular plan with a recessed front porch across the width supported by pairs of square tapered columns on a brick base. The symmetrical facade has an off-center front entrance and fixed and 1/1 double-hung windows. There is also a pari of symmetric 1 bay windows on either side of the house. The frame construction is finished in shingles over the original siding and rests on a concrete foundation. The gable roof is covered with pink asphalt shingles and features a central gabled dormer and exposed rafters. There is an exterior brick chimney. The axis of the roof is parallel to the street. The general condition of this house is slightly run-down. i HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,important events,and/or historical patterns associated with the structurelsite and surrounding area lend the property significance. Research in Lhe sources consulted in this survey has not yielded any significant historical information concerning persons or events associated with this property. i This structure Is a r>eu-tra-I el-ement within a potential historic district. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structurelsite,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic Integrity of this property has been retained due to the survival of original design and continuity of use, setting and location. i INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structurelsite may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: FORM PREPARED BY: _ - )AMES R. VIC.DONALD ARCHITECTS P.C. Acreage:— - -- - Name.. - -- - - - Address: p. 0. EO.X 8163 USGS Quad:— - - f. I VONTANA 59807 UTM's_ — - Date: RFNVK ED A. Cohen �• ,� . ^r. r�jontana JUl_Y- Ef.CE"•9BER 1985 611 W . Main 1985 revision Matt Cohen , surveyor A fine example of the Bungalow style despite the present aluminum siding , this house was probably built by Elmer L . Bartholomew , the most important of the identified early 20th century builders in the district . The house is especially impor- tant as one of the few remaining historically significant buildings on the north side of W . Main St . , which is today largely a high speed commercial strip . The house was probably built for income producing purp.oses by the Henry Hellinger estate . Hellinger is listed in the 1912- 13 city directory as living at 103 W . Beall St . In 1916 his widow , Mary Hellinger , was still living there . The sewer permit date of 1914 probably reflects the date of construction . By 1927 Louis B . Siefert , a farmer of no apparent relation to Lou F . Siefert , a prolific builder in the district in the 1930 ' s , bought and occupied the house . Some of the several very similar houses built by Bartholomew in the district include 504 W . Main St . , 519 W . Babcock St . , and 705 S . 6th Ave . Bibliography Application for Sewer Connection , July 9 , 1914 , Henry Hellinger Est . ( crossed out , with " Lou Siefert" written in ) . Application for Water Service , same . Sanborn Maps , 1912 ( house not shown ) ; 1927 ( house shown . ) City directories : 1912- 13 , p . 95 ; 1916- 17 , p . 94 ; 1927 , pp . 130 , 183 .