HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 70- Gallatin Trust and Savings Bank Deed .. .~ -. > .. .! ~ " '." , ~ ,'" ()~3 ~ OJ;,,., 'f tJ If,'';:''' =a DEED OF TRUSTEE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That GALLATIN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, a Montana Banking Corporation, of Bozeman, Montana, acting pursuant to and by virtue of the powers in it vested by Deed to it by ANNIE M. FIGGINS dated the 28th day of October, 1966, and recorded in Book 152 of Deeds at page 483 of the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, and a Declaration of Trust as to the premises thereby conveyed, dated the 1st day of November, 1966, and every other power and authority unto it hereunto enabling, together with the consideration expressed in that certain Trust Agreement, in hand paid unto the Trustee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has REMISED, RELEASED and QUIT-CLAIMED, and does REMISE, RELEASE and forever QUIT":Cr.AIM unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Montana municipal corporation, and to its successors and assigns, forever, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: . A tract of land in the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter (SWt NW~), of Section Nineteen (19), Township Two (2) South, Range Six (6) East, Mon~- r anli Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, and described as follows: o .. Beginning at a point whic.th~ ~~"'~t o~~~~'ttte~ and along the North line of oS aid Southwest one-quarter~(SW\, NW\), a distance of 1,011.09 feet, and South 10 13' 30" West, a distance "f 210.75 feet from the West one-sixteenth (W 1/16) corner of said Section Nineteen (19). o Thence South 89 06' East, parallel to the north line of said Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter (SW\ NW\), a distance of 257.03 feet. Thence South. a distance of 95.60 feet. o Thence North 70 30' 35" West, a distance of 274.36 feet to the east line of Graf's 3rd Addition to the City of Bozeman. Thence North 100 13' 30" East on and along said east line, a distance of 9.25 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.3137 acres. Warranty deed to satisfy Park requirements of platting of Block One (1), Tract "A" Graf's 3rd Addition. , (and being a part of the premises conveyed to it by said Annie Figgins l by the above recited deed.) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, forever. INWITNESS WHEREOF, the said GALLATIN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, a M@rit'al!u~. ,Banking Corporation, TRUSTEE as aforesaid, has caused these IP::es;~ttt's.,t:o'.be executed by its duly authorized officers this 9th _'.--~~~~;"~~~~'~'~!"'~tparY . A.D., 1970. :-,,>,::,.<'~ ('. f" 0 /) " ....;~;;,..\, GALLATIN TRUST AND. SAVINGS BANK : "/i"\.\' r ,. '(/.. ",.;r ", a Montana.;,corporat~?p. ___ . ',' ". ., t,U 1e;, , . O':i c,' /' / / .., :, "~ ;,:,;', . '<":"-J. .j; .j~ : _./"'__. .... Y' Y p:.. .::,::-, . .'. 'i 'I () 1 ;' ,.:-- " ( .' hi . ~ '>', . ..... .~ /;/ I , \'.i' '. ...J ") .... ..~. : B . .,/ //;--:'., ~. . ......... ....... ,.~~ :>..' " ..''', '. ,.'"", . ,'" ......... : _" y . " .~,t, t;!:t:t! .... , ,., L-" , /A-t_l!/;" ..... .;' "') vice-preSignt'c:C:;.--~ '. "'. . '..,_...1 ('......>~\t! v ' If r """. ..... (I " . IHI " l 1\ \;,. -'-- .,,,.~....~~ \ '/\. .....'" ....,.... STATE OF MONTANA ) v : s s. County of Gallatin ) On this 9th day of February A.D., 1970, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public tor the State of Montana, personally appeared Brrce B i~ ' known to me to be the Vice:.President 0 GA!2 TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, a Montana corporation, , " ".-", ~-. '" . . Ii; '" . .. . . 'I, '1 .~., ;:G4 11,.._' .) I"l,il ".Ii of Bozeman, Montana, and acknowledged to me that he executed the with- in instrument for and on behalf of said Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. '; , ")"" ,',' "''''''''1,, " / /)"J. (, " L:' ,;./ / ,,~ ?, If c C ,;"',,",:' ~ h~\=it-r:8'-'" I ((. .. 2Ul UZ-" ,,',', :,...."......~<p\ '. Nota y Pu l.C for the State ot Montana ,: '~..<..,"\ ~ R { A (....\~~ ":;' ; Residin~ a~ Bozeman, Montana : .:.>:-<-" 'i. .,.: .-r. .~ My Comml.SSl.on Expires 4-15-72 : :....0 ..." "J.:'~:: ;: l r, ~. i"J J.~\ ...~..,. :~. " '. ., . I .' I"",\<..:t i".. ~:; .~ . ' , !,"~" ";' . 'l ~ .. .' 'I ,0 \~ ' ". ... - .,.. *,,1'1'" ;;.!, ,'..j, 1 , ), . -::.~ ~~ ..~...~"\"'f"r~,~,'^'tI.".. ~ ..;:" " , r.- ...... ". t') '-.: ,,' ..,. '" (J"" ',.' . " , , . 1" \. ~ i4!r'I'ltH\""\"" ~NDEXED V / 15~.r',1fJ~'~~.1,J: - i ,',," _~ n., PLATTED v State of Mont.. County of Gallatin. S8 Filed for record Fe bruary 13 70 t 2. 30 P . 6 ' 19 a . .-----..!.M.. and recorded In Book of ~ DEEDS 863 CARL L. STUCKY _ ',>~_ ',. "', "p~~e~ Reco.de.. Ily ~ a-$' .c.?~,t'a'C~DePlltY Rt: City of Bozeman -2- . (, E rn I r I CAT E ,If (. ,.;EY ., A T PACT F LA/,ll l~' THE S'rl~ ()F ~J~~ , ,'..E 1" I :> " '", " " . " , . , . . . . . ALL AT I', ;( _ ~ ;T '( . l,Ao: "iT "'.,., -- I l I WESTRIDGE I EAST I I PARK I lOfl09 to W flt6 NW 1/4 SEe 19 T 2 SR6E S eq. 06' E: - -1_~5_ t ---;ry----- - 117 .9 21962 LOT 8 ge ".9' ""c- o . / / I -b.. 0 0, I I I N ~ / 01 LOT 0 9 j:: - W/ PARK ~I :I: c. ..... C .0 ::J . CALE , ~ = 5()' <{ rf) I() N 0 I I,/) . / ~ o o~ 9 Q:" 0 C\J I fI1 ;/ U) / I L... <{ / I cr (!) " "':YO I S 89006' E <990 -- __9. 06, 10 257,03 0':>0. LOT op /' PARK 13,665 sa FT . / 0 I; 2743 <..0 r- ::> " 6 <..0 0 7003 (J) (J) O'3S' ,J b ::;i: I I'f I eN --~-~_._~............... ;. T A;T (}i'- L"~w ", T ',I[ SOt Jl" !W[ST ' .,[-; APT[" If" T T ':ornmE:; r '1[-, A ,~ [,~ ,) "".~ ,,~'l :, (H- 'f..eT' " , LIT! r, f ' T ( ~.J"\~ S! 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C[ '-'_L T T TII[ fI,"- L I:r F '3 .I Au I T I ..'N T (1 THE :1;( OF <OZE"M. "'Ii. '.CL ! ,\ ," T l~ I '.(; I I /1 '," . ""T "'1\; MID "L,iN .., A I AS: '_I rJ., " I" A'",r- ...,,- ,':0:: T T Ir c.. ~ , . 'iE ;~" I , F \ I'. j " " , (.> ',T A I' I . In ,\ ~ . , fl,i~.. Ar T Y i:: o TI ',ATI?') :..~ {K ~ ~ r:. ~.. , ' I.:' T 'F LAT '-1 r- L.,~; ; t':- I ' , .". j. I \ r'''. r I ~,1 J ,:, A" . : ION. " C['1 ! F I ~~AT': I, 'L L .' , I " I ~. A'L . " ! '.' , " T ,r I f, r' f" . ,1 f, A, I '; r , I ',i .f v .:;r~ ,'f" ! r. v f '" II . ~ \' . - H , V'.. , f I ,1\ 'T, ,,~ " II I, ::?~" -, I' f' :A" i , 1" . " ( " ~ .. , ..A . T ,.: ;'T ,\ ,U,[ .1 f.f' , - A I '.r' , t' fl.:, A, ' 'IPL .., . , , , , \ . , " , ! .-- ..",. '-- . - l ~ ., ,- . f . I....i2 .:Z.,:.-L _ _ ,-1 ~ / __' I ^ ' I.i! I, :') I ~ ' ~, .. '" I ^ ~ l. ( I " ~, ,^ ~ t I. . '- lot , '.. -- !U~ ! '( .. .. ...1,.f~ - - . .. . . ., ~ ., l' to 't., ; ~ #""Jr'~'