HomeMy WebLinkAbout316 N Tracy 1985 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY Site# '�- Legal Description: Beall's 2nd Lots 12 and 13/Bl!., D Address: 316 North Tracy Ownership:name: Townes & Peters ❑ private address: 300 North Willson Roll# 23 Frame# 8A- public � Historic Name- link-nown f i / If i'. i . Unknown — •- - T r Common Name: ❑ estimaf)ed Date of Construction: 1 R41-.1 011*1_ JD documented I Architect: Unknown r I ' Builder_ Unknown Unknown- Original Owner:-___ r i T Original Use Present Use: Residence ; Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title ❑ city directories ❑ plat records/maps sewerlwater permits A ❑ tax cards ❑ obituaries � ❑ building g permit ❑ biographies 1 G Sanborn maps—date8: 1904 L 4 Bibliography: Department of Sanitation Location map or building plan with arrow north. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials.Discuss significant architectural features. IZ? This detached one-and-one-half story single-family residence has ,4n irregular plan with a shed-roofed-ff6nt porch, wrap-around front and sides. The one-bay facade is asymmetrical and consis s of an off-center front entrance with fixed an 1/1 double-hung windows. The frame co-nslruction is finished in nILL .. beveled sidin with wood trim and rests on a _rubbl� foundation. The gable roof is covered with shingles and features boxed, overhanging eaves and 3�,—ri­✓o central brick chimneys The axis of the roof is perpendicular to the street, 1 HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,important events,and/or historical patterns associated with the structure/site and surrounding area lend the property significance. 1985 Revision 316 N. Tracy Ave. Matt Cohen The Damerell Houses is an excellent example of a turn of the century pattern book house that appears to retain full integrity. It was built between 1900 and 1904 for Edward W. Demerall, a rancher. After his death in the 19201s, his wife, Albertena Damerell, continued to live here into the 19401s. The house is especially impressive due to its location next to another large, very significant house, 322 N. Tracy. Bibliography Application for Sewer Connection: June 5, 1916, Damerell Sanborn Maps: 1891, 1904 City Directories: 1900; 1904-5, p. 93; 1910-11, P. 76; 1912-13, P. 71; 1916-17, p. 70; 1927, p. 50; 1953, P. 50; 1935-6, p. 53; 1940, p. 49; 1942, P. 50. Bird's Eye Views: 1898 (house not shown) This structure qualifies as a contributing element within a potential historic district due to its association with the residential aspect of the Civic Phase of Bozeman 's historic/architectural development. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structure/site,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic integrity of this property has been retained due to the survival of original design and materials and continuity of use, setting and location. INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structure/site may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name�A�'.'�€S—R—hiC B{��}�p— f HI�EETS—P Awe,(ir f Address: €.�.�j USGS Quad: Date�;����aLA— '-��1 { ` UTM's: -- - AUG 1984 P N 316 North Tracy Avenue This detached one and a half story single family residence has an irregular plan, a shed roofed wrap around front porch with turned rails and five circular posts, and features bay windows facing south and west. A one story addition is to the east. The one bay facade is asymmetric and consists of an off-center recessed front wood and glass entry, with first floor: (3)(1/1)(1)(1/1) windows; second floor: (1/1 ,1/1 ,1/1) windows; third floor: octagonal window. The wood frame construction is clad in beveled siding, corner boards, a fish scale wood shingles in the gable, and rests on a rubble foundation. The addition is clad in same. The gable roof is covered by asphalt shingles, has gabled dormers facing north and south, a shed roof over the addition to the east, boxed eaves, features a globe finial at its apex, and has two central brick chimneys -one with a metal addition. The main axis of the roof is perpendicular to the street. Outbuildings include a new garage to the east, with a gable roof, frame construction, and not yet clad. Foundation? Z�s- 5fy—%sQ C-1 zvoo Historic District Worksheet Address 31 (o N(�)2� � ExVrior Type TWO S 0Rq Plan <— �a� 134'1 Porch k)1�-AOOLKUD '�v�5-r 4-k)� s �J- I vI-jj+ 64 i-�7-D (2O J Lt 41 Lwz6p ;:�PrDE,-ropvGc� qqL -t-! V waop t�--&VWCn, C AGC F&ac-.�- 1/1 t Features r3au wik)3Dows Additions 5�V�Jg44GE091��S`t"6p L)6- Facade TypefS M (Z t CQ L Entry ✓LC&&,-5-D w o 0o po&-L UL��Zpyt� s FLA�IU-P 6 Y 3 PONE SdBI lA.2-tC W INPD�-' Windows P*-64V w►nJco,-- pie-TuaE 2Z Construction �D Cladding CtAP3ok(2,0{ J-R►M IM3f4CWMD PAnVU1 AT-Tz�p Foundation Roof Type �� Lv- �,,,I T(-�- �b2n��r2 Ct ►2ti s��„/�. Covering S+�fV(��-.E Features 1�1 NIPc2 'f�F MOQ� Chimneys C-(7A1TTZ-t_ w1-t-4 ML:ra-t- �MC)I n nrJ Misc. Outbuildings v Cw L EPA- Landscape Ndtxl-'- N.-IV4e"P Notes LCNCel t o-t ,tj I nr -P P6p.G4 AA)y Sipe G'2AV`Cl��