HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 97- Gillam, Daphne Deed , . t . t e e 179 PACE 8ti.2 fILM . QUIT CLAIM DEED Project No, 95-310, Parcel No, 5, County of Gallatin Designation South Third Widening Project For valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged and in hand paid, the undersigned, DAPHNE GILLAM as Trustee of the DAPHNE GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST under Trust Agreement dated 19 I/)Ji/ q3 and CON K. GILLAM as Trustee of the CON K, GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST under Trust Agreement dated /1 AlOJ/ 93 , 3285 South 3rd Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, do hereby remise, convey, release, and quit claim unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN a Political Subdivision of the State of Montana, P,O. Box 640, Hozeman, Montana 59771-0640, all of their right, title and interest in the real property in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, legally described as follows: A tract of land located in the SE 1/4 of Section 24, T.2S., R,5E" P,M.M., Gallatin County, Montana, and being further described as follows; Beginning at a point which bears S 00006' 18" E a distance of 247,50 feet from the N 1/16 SE 1/4 of Section 24, said point being the east 1/16 line of said Section 24; thence along said line S 00006' 18" E a distance of 1402.86 feet; thence S 89021 '00" W a distance of 50.00 feet; thence parallel with said 1/16 line N 00006'18" W a distance of 1403,34 feet; thence N 89035'20" E a distance of 50,00 feet to the point of the beginning, Said tract being 70,148 square feet along with and subject to any existing easements; AS SHOWN by Exhibit "A", consisting of one sheet, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Daphne Gillam Revocable Trust and the Con K, Gillam Revocable Trust shall have and retain right-of-way easements 60 feet in width at each of four separate locations for themselves, their successors and assigns, for ingress and egress at all times over, across, through and under the real property, together with the right to construct, reconstruct, operate, service, maintain, repair, replace and improve the ingress and egress to the real property provided Grantor may not disturb in any manner the travelled way and provided further the easement shall extend only to the existing or future paved surface, These four easements shall be located as follows: a, At the northerly edge of the granted real property coincidental with the existing driveway to the existing residence, provided that the right-of-way shall be utilized only for one residence. " b. At the southerly edge of the granted real property provided that when grantors desire to make use of the access easement, the width of the easement shall be reduced to thirty feet (30) in width on grantors' property if, and only if, there exists an additional like easement dedicated to the public thirty feet (30) wide or ..! " e e filM 179?ME 8d,i wider immediately adjacent to the south of the granted real property, c, Two additional access casements located to equally divide the total length of property frontage on South 3rd between the northerly and southerly lines of the granted property, ALSO EXCEPTING- AND RESERVING to grantors, their successors and assigns, however, all minerals and mineral rights including, but not limited to carboniferous and hydrocarbons, beneath the surface of the above described and conveyed premises, together with the right to extract the same, FURTHER EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the grantors, their successors and assigns all water, water rights, ditches, canals, irrigation systems, existing or as relocating, if any, includiD g but not limited to, water stock or shares, bonds, certificates, contracts and any and all other indicia, of water, water rights and ditch ownership, or any interest therein, appurtenant to the land described herein. [TITLE liAS NOT BEEN EXAMINED OR CERTIFIED BY THE PREPARER OF THIS DEED.] IN WITNESS HEREOF, DAPHNE GILLAM and CON K, GILLAM have set their hands r 4 --.--- this Bday of UYL.ij1" , 1997, / DAPHNE GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST CON K. GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST BY~~~ BY07;Z~ DAP GIL , Trustee CON K. GILLAM, Trustee STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss, County of Gallatin ) On this 144:!c'day of , 19q]-oefore me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of ontana, personally appeared DAPHNE GILLAM as Trustee of the DAPHNE GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST under the Trust Agreement dated NbYI1>>bi It'll ,qq 3 and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, ~nd acknowledged to me that she executed the same for and on behalf of the DAPHNE GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year above written. ~ '\\~ ~41 1ll 6- - (SEALJ<f}\. ,~~ .' .' j ; 1h t~ nl14 n.u~ " i;;; y t'f......J ',.' 0 otary PublIc for the State oJ Montana W ~ ,: <! 2! I Residing at Bozeman, MOr!f.a ,//1<;( t;/. '(, W, ' ~ " My Commission Expires 212f1---D---- '"*, .. <f) ~~ ~~JH ~~~ . . " . . i e e filM 179 PACE 804 ST A TE OF MONT ANA ) ) ss, County of Gallatin ) On this j4d:L day of , 19qJ--oefore me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of M tana, ersonally appeared CON K, GILLAM as Trustee of the &ON K. GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST under the Trust Agreement dated ov~mbe.r ,q r ICfQ ~ , and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on bchalf of the CON K, GILLAM REVOCABLE TRUST, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aHixed my Notarial Seal the day and year ahove written. . "1' ~~EAL) . . . . ~ I" 4!;" ;,. e-_ .0"\ fd1 '4, '~.~ _'Ii \. \~ ~ otary Public for the State of Montana .... ... : SEAL ':} Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires Lt --2-D -qg ~, 't, ',-r ,~,' -,l'i'O t~C'\; ", F .' , .. fiLM 179 PACE 80S EXHIBIT "A" , A TRACT OF' LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T,2S., R.SE.. P,M,M., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA, AND BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH BEARS S 00'06'18" E A DISTANCE OF 247.50 fEET FROM THE N1/16 SE1/4 OF SECTION 24, SAID POINT BEINe THE THE EAST 1/16 LINE OF SAID SECTION 24; THENCE ALONe SAID LINE S OO'Oe'10M E A DISTANCE OF 1402.00 FEET; THENCE S 09'21'00" W A DISTANCE OF :'0.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID 1/16 LINE N 00'06'10" W A DISTANCE OF 1403.34 FEET; THENCE N 89'35'20" E A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT BEING 70.148 SQ, FT. ALONG WITH AND SUBJECT TO ANY EXISTING EASEMENTS. HI/16 cen SCI/4 ~C. 24 [AST-'.<Sf UlO secn~ STREE:T --- I - --- UNe. sec. 2' CcdilicGte of $utYC)' I N~. 793 N 89.35'20" E P.O.B. 50.00' 20' 0'$ nHe:: 20' "'O( ROAO (A~f // ,. 1 ':.t- /: Co n0co ~~' . ~ol.: r .. 200' o /.' N V /' 0 ;:yv ".... ".... ~ Henll1-SOUIl1 1/16 '0 ~ UNC or ll1( SOt. ~ sec. 24 ,. . /. ~ ~ --< ,\,\'<.-0 ~ 'l\..~ ~,. Cl vi' ~~w~ "/,I J-: ~~co . ~".... IO/:io . b ~' p V> ~~~ / ' 0; AREA ../ ~ CROSS AREA: 70.l4a so, fT. Y' /~ 20' ,?; ~J , . ".- ./, :'1 /,' ., ~.1 ." ~I'-~ ~\c.\ :1..0 c,'\ 1- 0;)0 0\ ),'Q y..00.... ",-0- I S 09.21'00. W c,G c" I c.~ 50.00' 354845 TillS INS'l'RUl\lENT WAS FILED FOH HECOnn IN TIIIS OFFICE ON TIlE 24th DAY Of November , A.D., 1922.~__ OffICE OF COUNTY RECORDER) COUNTY OF GA LLATIN ) AT 4:10 P 1\1., AND WAS DULY IfECOHDED IN IlOOK 179 STATE OF MONTANA ) Of Deeds HECORI)S, PAGE 802 Fee $ 24,00 nr.Tlc, rr1artt! RECOHDEH. BY 15~ t. ~ DEPUTY - R'r; City of Bozeman Att: Robin Sullivan 59711-0640 PO Box 640 Bozeman, MT --~~ . .. .' e e C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN Project No. 95-310 Parcel No. 5 County of Gallatin Designation South Third Wideninq Prolect RIG H T o F WAY A G R E E MEN T Parcel From Station To Station Subdivision Section TS Ranqe 5 55+41.6 69+44.7 24 2S 5E List Names & Addresses of the Grantor, Con. Purchaser & Lessee Daphne Gillam Revocable Trust (~ interest) Con K. Gillam Revocable Trust (~ interest) Bozeman, Montana 59715 l. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYMENTS HEREIN SET FORTH AND THE SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS TO BE PERFORMED BY BOTH PARTIES HERETO AND WRITTEN IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES HERETO BIND THEMSELVES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS SHALL BE BINDING UPON EITHER PARTY AND THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON EXECUTION BY A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. 2. COMPENSATION FOR LAND, IMPROVEMENTS, AND DAMAGES AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "A" (List acres and/or sq. ft. and improvements in the taking. ) Land: 70,148 square feet Improvements: None Temporary construction permit: none 3. TOTAL COMPENSATION $24,150.00 4. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THE CITY SHALL MAKE THE FOLLOWING DISBURSEMENT OF PAYMENT. A warrant in the amount of $24,150.00 to be made payable to Daphne Gillam Revocable Trust and Con K. Gillam Revocable Trust and mailed to Con Gillam, 3285 South Third, Bozeman, MT 59715 5. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT all portions of the purchased area which are disturbed by construction of the South 3rd Improvements Project shall be graded and shaped leaving no holes, cleared of debris, reseeded and left in a good, workmanlike condition. 6. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT the abandoned railroad bed located in the purchased area shall be forever maintained at the existing or higher grade, unless permission to lower the grade lS given by the GRANTORS, their successors or assigns. 7. The Daphne Gillam Revocable Trust and the Con K. Gillam Revocable Trust shall have and retain right-of-way easements 60 feet in width at each of four separate locations for themselves, their successors and assigns, for ingress and egress at all times over, across, through and under the real property, together with the right to construct, reconstruct, operate, service, maintain, repair, replace and improve the ingress and egress to the real property provided GRANTOR may not disturb in any manner the travelled way and provided further the easement shall extend only to the existing or future paved surface. These four easements shall be located as follows: -1- ~ . e e Project No. 95-310 Parcel No. 5 (Continued from previous page) a. At the northerly edge of the granted real property coincidental with the existing driveway to the existing residence, provided that the right-of-way shall be utilized only for one residence. b. At the southerly edge of the granted real property provided that when grantors desire to make use of the access easement, the width of the easement shall be reduced to thirty feet (30) in width on grantors' property if, and only if, there exists an additional like easement dedicated to the public thirty feet (30) wide or wider immediately adjacent to the south of the granted real property. c. Two additional access easements located to equally divide the total length of property frontage on South 3rd between the northerly and southerly lines of the granted property. 8 . The South 3rd widening project for which bids were received and opened on June 12, 1997, shall be conducted and built In accordance with the approved plans, latest revision dated 5-19- 97. A copy of sheet 15 of 19 from the approved plans are attached as Exhibit "A" . NEGOTIATIONS BASED UPON THE APPROVED PLANS DATED: 5/19/97 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year as written below. APPROVAL V!~~r~(t'/~~ 7-14-97 of Bozeman (Date) 'I.< 7.1'f-"I7~~ 7i1t'f7 ri 9 Division (Date) 'Por ranto /(Da e) APPROVED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN (Date) GRANTORS LD. or SSN 7',7.8 ~5h- 'P'/?7' ::f7 7- '5"'( - oj' y / -2- I ~!i \ I I' \ 5 0216'~" ( ,~oo' '" ~ ..; "i '" I 96 U~ ~~ OJ I" jl ~ ~I C~ '" Ii!! I ''', ~ ~ ~ I ~ 8 ,I (G . 8. I : Cl \ ~ ~ : ~ I ~- I I ~;;...,,; \ I 1l;1l "'.. . I I!I ~~ '''''''. '. *, EQ ~l;l W I r- '1r" -... - ; ~~ c::. * I ~ ~o _ -- ...... ,...---' ) ~aZ:' ~;;l ::c ~ N 0216'50 " 15 .00 502'32'23"( 2632.95' q ~ . E'3 _ 2jz:::l:l...,s;: -iii I/l nO '-3 STORY 1I1IJ. 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