HomeMy WebLinkAbout303 S Tracy 1985 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL INVEN,rORY1 Site Y - rf Legal Description:Al riercnn'S Acid it i nn B 1 nrk G_ Address: 303 Smith Traces__ Ownership:name:CharlPs I . WhPdt At I na Tripmstra ❑ private address: Roll k 36 Frame N 13 public .103 South Tracy Historic Name• -� Qw_n /6f I Common Name: Unknown L1 7 ❑ estimate(' Date of Construction' 191-2=1-927 ❑ documente" Architect, Unknown Builder Unknown cu ss 7 C �C��SS Original Owner Unknown Original Use- Residence 'J " Present use: Residence Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title ❑ city direclorles ❑ plat records/maps ❑ sewer/water permits J tax cards ❑ obituaries ❑ building permit ❑ biographies 91 Sanborn maps—dales: 1.890 1 1 91 904 ,191 2,1 927 Bibliography: Department of Sanitation Sewer Permit 1905, J.W. Iristee Location map or building plan with arrow north. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structurelsite,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials. Discuss significant architectural features. This detached one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a square plan in the Bungalow Style. There is a recessed corner porch on the asym- metrical two-bay facade with a central paneled front entrance flanked by a combination of fixed and 1/1 doublehung windows. The upper half-story has a central sliding-sash window. The frame construction is finished in horizontal wood siding and the gable roof is covered with asphalt shingles . It has bracketed overhanging eaves and lies perpendicular to the street. 1 c is R 1 _ ,■ of % 1 — ' r / 1 ■ L7 --■ R7-■1 ■� I 1 J� Im I L ' l 1..�' yr• 14 I ■ Y. 1 1 a m 1 i ■ 1 ■ ■1 r HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,Important events,and/or historical patterns associated with the structurelsite and surrounding area lend the property significance. Research in the sources consulted in this survey do not yield any signi- ficant historical information concerning persons or events connected with this property. Significance: This structure qualifies as a contributing element within a potential historic district due to its association with the residential aspect of the Progressive phase of Bozeman' s historic/architectural development. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structure/site,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the I property. The historic integrity of this property has been retained due to the survival of original design and continuity of use , and location. I INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structurelsite may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None 1 i d FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: i Name .DAMES R MCDoNAI p ARCHITFCTs Pc Acreage- i Address* P_ fl_ R_OX R1 ti� USGS Quad Date:_.MISS.OLIL.A.,_ANTANA 59207 1UTM's: - r1atthew A• wren .1ULY-pECFN?2ER 1985 _ � � _ "' • - ,. .� ' �� N� �/ 1 II I h �, � 303 S..Tracy This broad-gabled, well-preserved Bungalow was probably built by Don M. Langohr, who was employed in the family florist business, which was prominent in Bozeman. Michael Langohr, founder of the business, lived at 315 S. Tracy through much of the earTy`20th century, the house where Don Longohr grew up. This house replaced an earlier one on this site which was in the Langohr family. Bibliography Application for Sewer Connection, May 17, 1905, J. W. Christie (Lousie Langohr)- owner, J.W. Christie-agent. City Directories: 1916-17, p. 110; 1927, �.90; 1933, p.176. Sanborn Maps: 1912, 1927. '1' �. ' - �; MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL INVEN-rORY Site r;..- Legal Description:A1 fiprSnn r C Addi t i pn,_R 1 nrk G _ _ Address Ownership:name:('har1PS L_ Wheat Iona Tripm-,tra ❑ private address: Roll N 36 Frame N 13 ❑ public 3M South Tracy Historic Name: -URk4+Bwp I Common Name- Unknown El estimates Date of Construction: 91 1-927 ❑ documented Architect: Unknown I .r1 Builder Unknown C 1 1JS C LC�-r1 ss Original Owner- Original k1Y6Wn �i, �i. ��7.✓I�!'�' ( , \ l - ^ • � Original Use- Residence Present Use: Residence Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title ❑ city directorles I ❑ plat recordsimaps ❑ sewerlwater permits I ;ZJ tax cards ❑ obituaries ❑ building permit ❑ biographies (1 Z Sanborn maps—dates:I Sgn 1 291 ,�904 1912 1 9 27 Bibliography: Department of Sanitation I i Sewer Permit 1905, J.W. tristee Location map or building plan with arrow north. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, i noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials. Discuss significant architectural features. l This detached one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a square plan in the Bungalow Style. There is a recessed corner porch on the asym- metrical two-bay facade with a central paneled front entrance flanked by a .combination of fixed and 1/1 doublehung windows. The upper half-story has a central s'H-di-n - #s window. The frame construction is finished in horizontal wood siding and the gable roof is covered with asphalt shingles . It has bracketed overhanging eaves and lies per endicular to the street. `:X J ww�' C�L!V� -l'�'•,/''�{��''irNv�-'�� �. �� 1 E'er`-V 1 t�.>z,n -1Q,•�-u.-�,r.�• '� � p�„--�,.�,,.-a.c�df1-r�-`4 '�" Q GI ct�LLy,•, b� �,� r.�l,�'l c4