HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 10- Gallatin Valley Electric Railway Deed r.. I." III iLl"~ ULI; , J'an e 2 P4 ,(?LL4 t : ~ r j ~~ ....,' . .,' ." .- ir t'Le 1 1" I t 1. ,", . J",et C, y;: ~) " ('3.r ---.-,.--.- ,\ j 2 0,0 ou;~ ],o?""d or'e P'lOl) sand y! irJ 'mdy'ed a~'(J ~ e !~. , 'be -tv/e e~' " 3 GA~ .)i-\.'1'11.'1 'JA],] ,};y LJ-EVi'-:h r'i~IH1AY I 8 ( 01"1' 0 Y", , i (', t1 (1,0 [\'. .~. j 2' p 0_ 4 a 1:.' (;}:,i ~,i +: j, ~l fi l.ll'!uer 1 !e J ::,ws 0" -t',-,r' st:-( i e of (If'. ta !1,1, j 1 Y'e part::: dr, I 5 of tiLe fi1~st rart l anti C.L'.1'r Oi }.iOL:hi,iJ." \.), '~iU A, .... , '(> r:frt" C"~ ,.( , ti t,>l(' ~ (:-: C l)!: Ct }"}urt, Vi I 'j_T}: S f)J<~'.J.'H : 7 T llAT l 'v1' lEh};AS I on t1lf' l~! tl: ,-t'-<.~" 0, ~ r :.:1::>- J 1010, ti,f' part~' of H thp, }t1"et, part l-'~'OpO ~1ed. t.o said tiEcond p"l.!"ty t\'at 1'G1" +-0. i r I U '11U +'l.tal C onye niE;!l_t (, ""rd ~-('l'eft t, said s e ( 0 ~, Ii ,- Cl r t :'" SbC1Jld ( o r,.'r", "I 10 t, G f::~ ,::'L i.. c~ fir f, t TJarty t:'l(' fol1o\tiinc demr:;_-hed "ea] f._' l3 t a f e sj",llated 11 l.n -t)1e C i t~' 0 f 1:0 ~er'1cP't l CO\U1+~' r~ ...r. r~aJ13tjr, R+cltf () ..(~ 0!' t ,i :.,\ .. - . l 12 to-vd t : 13 AIJ -f' t';a t liar t. j on of~' "'I? Ol c. (ef'tC'~.ery s Hva ted and 1 ~ti n C 0., 14 wes "',er} , of a s t!'f"ar~ k!10\"m as . ',", (reek, a~ ~ >:~'l E.{l"'e aI'!"earr 1.,_ . H) 11p01'1 .~, ';'.(, () ffj c jell ~1 a l' of t' '.e- l i ; "; o:r :: () t:: (',,.,' ;_'P' , ,.,"j t ': for 1-i 0 Hi con-t,ains 49!tOOths of cl acre, mort-: or l€s/::'i ard ' . :a: exc "at',-e 17 the,'efot' , said rart:v of tl'c first pa"t c"Ol'Jd ( OY"_'f:-y, l.'"'fr 18 r:r.OOc.t21"d snLi'i( i(1':+, deed +-0 S c( i d fief ond pap+~r +"!E' p1'opert~r 19 herf')jnafter l,-'ore rart:i ctllarl~." de sc r jr..ed j 20 Aii~) VI ]'Tt}I;AS on t.he 14tL da~.r o~' June, 1910, t',e -Soard of 21 :;) i 'J' e c + (, Y'S of 6;,( lei pHrt~. 0"';" t: ~lB fir'sf nc.r+ :::1 t P. yr1 F f t, t r~ [~ .;.:. ........ " 1 q') tJ-:e..'pof 'r;elu, at of ~'1f~ office +' the ( OY!Ol.r'an~r].t tvo 0'< 1 c t 1< .;,~ 0., 2B P. .. t' sa i ct di:i)', un::tn i1'101.1 f': ~,. adop ted. t !,f' feLL ov;ir, c~ re f' 0"1); t ion: . 0_. 24 J-iJ<,SOJJVE}) b;' t "'..C Board of' 1)1 reet,or s tlr':at ir order to exredite tLe 1"-\1,~ ~":j, r f: S ~~ 0:' t e ( orpora t ion i~' c 1.'1~.J. ir. J, 1'1 f..~ r i p:l'rt, z of 25 wa~! anu lotatir:g its Baid Tine of ra i 1 '1<;:-:1." l i1 j S fOT t"'0 rest interest " sa iei (Ol'pO ra t. ien t v: a t t '-'of-; V j ( e - Pr e ~, ide!1 t a'" "' 0., l, 21:1 Sec?""etu''';'/ l)e and. t:le;' are: e1'eb.'l allt.~lo-r'i2Jed to exe( 1"tr in the , lJdl"e of t,!i.t ( oT'lpal,y t ",lid deliver -t' u ::.-. ;' , :~ ':! ~ 'do. :...\ - l "(. t,: ')-". f. OD f~ fr ern. 27 WQ'" ri".:"t B o f ,,:&~' 0" (,rivjlei~f;S r. ~.~ (, e s ~;i:l, ::,~.~/ fe,>- ,::- ( 0 Y'~' f- r 1:( +. :i 0 n of t 1~,t~ " ine o:f r~j. i Iv1a;/ 0 f said cornpan;v urf 'ow 01""H~rE'a~ tE:T' 21'3 r:h,'\ "'i. l'e J.cqFi1"ed, or i L I \ I' 0 C e s ~, of' aC(lFiJ'er,ont, ar:u in W1,1.(..'1. -real property, or easements, or r j (<'lit s 0"'" r'l.~ i vile re s therej:r: 2tl arc ap;reed to l,e r~ i ve n, coOd and E1 u ff i f i f Yi t. a('eds of , 0)-: 'rE"r_-:l. t'.C C l' 0 Or' ~,<11C;: ~'ir'h ts {) f' Vi.3. ~." 0 Jl r~ivilEr,es i1' t"lC n,-vr€ of +1.;e ao C Or:1j) a 1'!,:/" . 31 a2 an - ~2~ 1 1-\;'01:1 'i':Ji'J!] ']i'(}P}: ~ ~ ,,--.,--:..,~ -'t' <...,~... ~ r,~ ,-,f' ~ :,e, <c,'''''' ('-" ()Yle (<!t'] (Ie)) 'I v, . j" ' ," ,l , ..i.. ~ \. ~) L .. ,., --'- \. ",,'.. 1.,.4,. V .t, ..~ L.. ....' .... ~,. ',~ . ..' ..1 ,~...,., \, ' ,. lIiI " 2 Do1"]"r I"n -~-lc'>'CI r""I"d anu' 0+'-''-'1' 'I:T~]""'\.-'l€ (:or'c~(ip.""a+-]'O'l<" ""-'0' "" .(:1. _ , &' C,o\-,.1. \, ,L ':4.., Il ,'.'~'''',' '.I ct.., ;.,_.;..f., ~...;..J. ,.,,""" .1, ).l..~II...:', ,.A.';',. 3 pur<<uallt to avt;'Or)"t\' C()~l ',irlCa. jr "'.'"'i''' """'''Ol''+jo'' "~"d r;"irt" 1_ " ';' . '.'~ j~.. c:<..,,~.. '._.~ It... \."-" "',",- ~ '.. II- ,..L, ,.', '0 -'_, ...i,..'I....., 1:-C.". 4 of +-'1(' fi1'S+ purt hap. +-l,jfj d.a~' SOJ.C~, assigned, tr:;t~lsf€rred a.fld [) (01;Y~:V(1(.l to t.he said I1a~ 0f +"p second. fd,y't I "c 1"": - ,I:'J'" - (j dew....jred real est.cd,e flt1:1)ate in -'-he Count;, of Ci-a::J.ati"', 7 State of ontana, 1,o-vdt: H A strip of Lwd, sixt', feet of unif'oJ"'-' ,,,;,illt"-I) ~'e~,:~::.i }hlTt !) or t"',o,t tJ'-"ct of' -Ial'd ,:::i"qa+ed 1"11'11/ _"t,'d r'>"'iIl" 1':ehvpl"'\ B1,-.tk ... 1- ........ j J ~ _' ,.A........ ....., I. '.' .,., 'J I..; . ''''.... " ',~ ..J '-" 1.- t,;.J ~ ,',..' ~. .... ,.'., . ., ,. , ' .-. 10 1I~:l! HOU~let~: f)econ" Addi-l-,i:);l and };lO(K "2,", l:Jectric'-reirhts lJ AdcU.tion, d.S 51;0'11'1 OJ1 v", "":r:<.H'o.edlt",p of +.'2 C1 ";' 0-' ~ (:. ::">':)-''', 12 G' ]1' t'l~ l t" '" -I-',"e C' '(. t '. f' 'j" "~"P"'C'-' m . dH.,a, .1.. -OU11..,.,) LOn'_,d.,,:;l~ oal.t S ,:rl~) O~. ..d,nd. '-.1., .ore la IVJ.l'"til \]ia1~1".7 des{'-"i1'~d ',p:'! f'OllO\''::: +n_"I;f-o ~ ..... J. . .,~ . ',........ ,. '~. ,r",'" {..... ," ., .' ~ J '.. .....,. H, :I.e:.dnninr: 'it t'~e :10r+,:W:eE;-'- (orre1' \):!' ",,::driP,:o,,1;~ "2" - - Hi of Ad.id l1}ae(t-r'i, Hf'i ,--"t.s Add~7i~nl1 ,:"ct '~.' rir~,::,: t,'-pnu' I.'H'l+ 3.!'d Hi coinctdent wi_t' the north line 01' said last mentioned Block "21L 17 a dtstaDcc of 4~)2 ff'et x~:ka 'XlKlKf. X:icxK:&i.' WdhO<!J: b!ll.:tlI.1X~?, 18 nell{)I-" th(~r1( e -'0T~>' ~:k!K!lt~ 'k~~ XU];, Xetx.:k:k~;:i: 'X~l'.}<' ld:~~.J cii st:.Hl(;e 19 of' "'1"Xtv -f>"""t - +-1"'''1'(' P '''Ie'''+- a-- Y'd O":"r"]1 e1 -to !- ",. ",., ';,1 1"'--"'-">, ' ~ ,~.'" .. i::I _~ I.r .Lv\,._ , ,. ....liI:.., .. 1/ "'J~' ',,' l'\',A C""" ' ,'. . ..~" ,""I.,{...I..' ,J.I.....1 ',,~ ..i...a..I,,\\,. 20 G:f' sa:,d Jncc~~ "2" \;L d.i star~(c of 452 feet ~-0 +-t"f:' ea.st, line of 21 C>'1),~('..1-, AVF:l'11e "01'...'1'1- +'--1.""( C> "'011+-"'" ,"'O,n,-- <,.:,.:;,t 1 ,~+ """'-""'l"oned }.- ... ~ ,', ... v.......L ._ ~" I.) "n' _, ". _' ' ~ J. 1.... I.. . ". ." .4. ~ .,1. .. ~ ~ : j.,.~ 1,,,",,, .1_ l_ ". ",," jo,..1 , , ~.' - .;. ., j,' 22 east 'l.ine a dist.ance of' si.xt.~r feet to '~~t' plac(' of :-~'i",:inrdr::c; 2;) "on",,-:.,4'-'l"1,,-r ~,,~ '.'....f"f-' of 0 c",,;, (),-,P '(r'" "'Orf' 0-" -\P"'.s .....' ~.... <;...-&. ._, _.J" . '. {.' ~ " _ ("4 ~ ._,'. '" . f,J ,:.... . '-I.. - '" , ...... 1 . , ". ....;.. .. . ~ . 2,1 '1"01 ~L""l'[I.'P ""1"~' - " -! 1_ n ,., c'1')" 0'1'1 ;:.'r ';"" (. +- (-.n f'''' P 1" + .,'." C> r p d' t xm P 1.\ + '" .. ~1.J .l.. ~.J., \. ,,\I ',' ~"'" _), _', .:t L i. ....\. I." _ _ c:).I. (.4 '. _ L,., ,., ,,,,' L, _ ",." ., ,. <, ~, . .I........ ,._.~ ,.;.... ,.' ',...rl.,:,~ L ~ "',,'~) 25 ,nit a1,Y\lJ'1'i'<->11C\.Y'!t es ~'-'e''''~'lpl+-''. ""plor'p'i"'(C 0'1' if' ':I.)'"'"' WiSecl'-';'E'r- ...... I, So..... ...r ..~' '.,' " ',.' ...... ,., .1. J.. . .,. ~... y + ,,\..... \-, _ J. <....:.... ,,', & (.,.1 ,. ~ C "".' . ,.:.-' J.." .l. ' . 26 taini!1f~,oind the r(~ve-"sion ~lnCL reveJ'f;)ions, re:1ainjc;:- dt:d. re- -~ :27 :"1(A.in.(ie}~t!, ~['~r:'i:.S, i~:)s~~)e~ d,!L,:,j 1':',:r'o~:"i+s +.:.-'J::."'leo2~." ":~'~"~.:~ ,.,~J..s.o a.~!,.l .t_,::~~c 28, " t '. '" -" ." ' ff' t t)' t "i c. . ,~ ". -,' ". t )]' (, -, ','1"" t " ",., p. ~ 1" 0 '! ",' ;:" d C, ,d .,t.._, ,1..1" .' ,,_,c., 1.." ,_t r.,S- ,I.. "pL~. '., c.O",,6~,)S, n, (_,,,,1m ..lD 2\J denT.lvld' ,,,"l"'-+-<C'O€'T""r .~'" ",'ell J'Y> "~V',,<, I"n e('1111"t'll Of' .,,-, c'''I'--I ,,r,:~j, tv. I.A. '......,~ . ~.:, , '~"'Ii.:! \1''' .'_-'-, ,.,.J...'.~"; ,.4....~ ,.\.~ .'. .'"., '~O, .11- '.,~ .~,~" '.....t. :30 ... -f" t. ., '+ +.f'" +, ' " " ' -oar,,'.' 0,-,'1(" !lr' -_, par." 0>' l 11: O-"_O-.-:.e saJIj, :!.Ter:lsef arr,l HI +- 1 t' . f' " t" .. t . . " ever:,r par, arlU par(.e~"e:r(~o. I '/','1' "P ;,~r~'pl'r"en~.n'1, es, "'-'~'0'''':11~C H2 'I l' , . ,. t LOV).0~Ie"~"', '.'n 1. "-'ne, - , J.' f~ f"1:,( (et~f~().)-IE ;.1.t':C1 ;J.f.~::~: ,~."''I-.~~~, .. (" '\'"t~ ~ ,,(') a3 ( ~) ~ s ~ ~.1 ,'.\. ( t, d. I ~ r. ,i. p P 'r I) p t 1 ; ~i -J J :"r n~;j, j" n i >t i r., i-.'l. ~' "J 0 T\ f' r" ;:'1 .J. e _". -j.i ~"~ ~:I 0 ,"" J i r: r:) :: ,,:- I~~i'i l\/~1.:T (j"'fP'1r''', .::t:O_vlr~ a.~-:G. 3.C"l'~Oep S ,~'t ~. d f'+Y"ir (11-- -"", r so ., . ........: ......~ ( onvp'rPd. 1 ~\) .'{j\.Vl.~ AL;l) TO E01,D (All a.r'd 8 i r ,~~'ul;,:1, r ; _. I" c,".\ D,..re, ne' 1 i c""',,,d - , 2 an-: cieec"i."ecl rrel'1i~~es, <- 0 ("e +.'lC.... v:i. 1"'1 t~_f" ar1~urtenar.l. e'3 , ')Y'to 3 +,~1e said ~"a.r.ty of . , secnr:d part, j j !:.' S1'( (eSS01~f d. 'r-~,;",'l 3. S S 4" ~..l"r~F .. .,ct" 4 -r............"'t:)..~r. '"to'" And. t-'-,c SEiid rart.;r c f +'(' fi"'st I) ~1..rt. , dnd its ",. v ~ ",.' \. ~,' ,. . 5 s ~ 1, C ~ e ~':: ':,:':' ~~~ ~:1> r' :;\." d aAsj.?:flP (j4--h@1'F~1) k-;Jve ,12d' ": "' " .~ .. . ; ~ 1 ~ 1:":"'(' ~ "'<'!"f"',: ,-., {) r/:':~ r"'(it ;',i ~'~ .'.. d. r".d. ,Ie fend ",:,1,) f' -~ i ~~~'~ t. , .;.itlf> ,1 ,,". C. i_ n +'~rE' st ., ,,-. ',tr:i_ to I 7 t '; (1 said ]'reJ'lises, :,;tXL'. t i_e qv ie t <t;cl p E' d. C e a"'. 1 e po E r",e ~3 i (~ ~ ~ H V'(~ -'~f; of' j unto t,', e s. ~}" 5, (1 ncl.r+,v of t:f' see onei part, ite 1.,i (, f~ s- !l sors :.,tr';~.~. i.1.ssie:.""f;, :-;t r;a i r: 8 t t, -, _ f'i ;J.c<-f'. ;3,'d 1ef'(i~ e>f +~lC 10 p ;,1."" +- ," of ~ - ;P first I1ar-!:"1 ;:l "~l 11 J lr: C1. e'T,,tp1"\--: I F-' )'~ ~~: (1 ~"': 0' r~f:' r ~,~ OY'l ~) 11 l,.~ 0""'.: ~-'.O '!-~ "'f,.;r8"'>" 1 ,1 v.;f'v. r~, ~l ~: r (. ~: ai ;lli,n [; () "",!.. to -I ' ;- t" f; S;~t; -; (-~ . ( .:_ ,:}. J. rr~ 12 III \.I'J'lfEf;; W;~};H:EO}' t- :If' said r~rt:,' 0-' t:~f- f; -"''' t ;'cl:!'t . . ..I. J...J. 1B h~s '''~ereun +,0 (;;;~used its ( 01' po-('a te r1_::.L:"~' CtYld :' e ::to] tn l"~p a ::I'Ll :1\. e d 14 1'"\'"1:1. i t~ '{.', e-p'r~:~' id8:1t :::trci ~,-: f? C T~ e +:' a '~~ 't I :i1' l:r a 1)j- '-; C -,~ i z ed i.~~ t. -', i ~, 15 -~., ~:J ~ ., , '~F: (1.,1"1" _c:-, Cl ",Fe 2io.::." ('1 T 0 "'T~.~ \.:r1' i -I t~; r. . I '-'l. i..",~ Hi _4~~~..fj~i;;;~~ 17 ~ ^ p., ~--.~ 'IR . --..._.,_._".~...... "'r._~~""".. ,~_..........._,.~'......._..-__._,,~_ I A;!'/j':r: ~~ I~~' : . ~ \ \:j ( (' _po.,:,. idf'v' -':-. I ~ ('; '\:; \;', . I , 19 I __ _'_~L~"",',,!l,'I)' '" I ~.. f.... ( "!.~ e t,a "J,""~.r tI 20 I 21 II 2~ ::m 24 25 2fi 27 28 2!J ao HI ;)2 nn 1 Std.t:e r'1~ "Onta:1,1, I ) ., .J. ) S s. 2 C 01. ~ ~.~, t ~,'~ () f. (i-aJ J ({ t t:: I ) 3 ~ ..~ 4 0'" 1'lj '" 7t~ d""' tdt,T j r +"P '"ea.... "V: j, '~" f.' tc er; ~lund r!'.1d _ _ _"_h >-' -. . '. --~--'!A-- ~-<'~4t/ {~~~~, ,.' ..' ~ . 5 an(1 tn"-- ""',)'1' ,...,.,---{&*--Fl.....-~~f.1;";~f '.:t i (,;,-", j )~.,':""1 "'! ,," t,1". -!. ~ (".'l I . ...... ".,. , '... ,..' ..,' . '1.... Ie ,,' ". ,'..'" ,"'-1." .'. _'___'~ ,.L...... .~'l.-.,' L tl S+ate aforesaid, :persor~cl.:l '.r .:.tp l:' e a r",d H. f,. :c,') ell "1'-, rl ( ]., 01 Cl I.l. - ~.'. ~.. . _K-_-=--<--~r~,,- l-:o -?--,",--oL -:-", h:- 7 A:Jc.te"son, ";I' ~Ii' e-p1'es1der~+. a. ~.1 ct ~"'( reti;.1..r::..r, "r" ~ s -!: . e (, "1"' j iT ~~ 1. ~:,.r , ^ H 0:'_ (Od,l J ,-{ tin ~ral1e:.r Elec;' -;i( p',;( j 1 v' 'ot:' I f:;(' ( c1'I'cr"at: ton '\" ; t~ e r: ,;~l r'; e !J iF s1 gned +,0 ~, i "~f" V"r'.i. +, .) ], i r~ ...;.., L'+-y1I1l\"\"1{,~,:+ ".~ ~'~ C1 it. ~':'c\ If:-J.C'fct tn l'f'~ ~<; .- " ..- ." ,.-....-,. '- , 10 ~ '.,~ -4,. p<:.'!..1d CO?""Iw"ation exec l1tecl +-,l:e e ~'.~':: e . ~~ . 11 II. \7I'';'WoSf~ \';Oi:REO:b' I \:<.1. ve tlE: l' e lJ"_ ~', () se4" .., ,"\" ~ :.: a!',1(i. c< : '_~1 12 ;.I.~:'nxed '/1.~,:r nota Y' i , ~, pa: i.be eLl. cl:>'L "-f'd: "1 ~"\ .. i ~: , e r tU i. I::\, +; e -- J_ ~_ HJ :f.". i :'l:' ~~ 4:, ~'OY~' V'iY'i L l.e!:, /1 ct 14 __~'~:A~':N~ . . ...~..~-cy-~~~_._.__.- ~-~ :,ct.ar'" })l."t"'nl1.c ror t.},~e 15 8 t.a. ~, ~~ ..',.... ; ~ Y' +,,'l ,- ::, I 1"\(' ~., i ~,ir:f~ j,t .........i. F (~: /~ f' ~'1 i":;., ":'~., .. I()- ~',--- .-~~-~- - ~ .. CX'id -~e s .1,'" ccr,Ene S 10 '1 17 ?It d;" "'., t;l~~" lB, 191'1.. "'<_1'._~__{.-: ..l>- . It! 19 20 ~1 n 2B 24 25 26 27 28 20 130 al 132 13a