HomeMy WebLinkAbout407 S Tracy 1985 il . . fANA HISTORICAL AND _ ARit.,HI I EC I ORAL INVENTORY Site# Lec al Description:. Fairview Block 11 Lots -4—anc- -5 - # Address_ 407 South Traci Ov. iership:name:oomph--_CuUen -—C. pnwale address: Roll # Frame# ❑ Cubhc 407 South Tracy, Bozeman Montana Historic Name: **now r , — -- - Common Name: p Unknown �4yPt ' 1 I LO ❑ estimated } Dale of Construction,--1G oocumenle'', Unknown Architect �ns�r�e r��� V Builder:---- — AMa*a te MetzA;;Wer—permit K Original Owner,_--_ Residence _— 9--- - original Use:----Residence 1 Present Use:--Residence i — --- Research Sources: -- ❑ abstract of title ❑ city directories ❑ plat recordslmaps �' sewerlw:ater permits ❑ tax cards ❑ obituaries ! ❑ building permit ❑ biographies �Sanborn maps—dales Bibliography: Department of Sanitation Sewer Permit, Maria Metzger, (in files as 411 South Tracy) Location map or building plan with arrow north. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials. Discuss significant architectural features. This one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a rectangular plan II with a full open front porch under a gable roof and having a rubble-stone solid railing. The one-bay facade is symmetrical and consists of ,a front entrance with 10/1 , 9/1 , and 18/1 double-hung windows. The frame construction is finished in beveled siding with river rock on the chimney and porch. There is a shed-roofed bay window next to the fireplace on the side of the structure. The foundation is concrete covered with stucco 1 and the gable roof is covered with grey asphalt shingles. The axis of the main roof is parallel to the street with a front-facing gabled porch. Outbuildings include a garage. I I 1 t ■ ■i� ' I I �� 1 1 I J 1 I 1 ■ L! j _ } ■' N I 1 ■ ' _ 1 1 — I ■ I = I I I I I� 1 + I 1 h I I 1 I :! I �1 �l 1 ■ � I 1 1 I_ s; I . ■ 1 ' CAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,important events,andlor historical patterns associated with the structurelsile o ounding area lend the property significance. Research has not yielded any significant historical information concerning persons or events associated with this property. This structure qualifies as a contributing element within a potential historic district due to its association with the residential aspect of the Progressive Phase of Bozeman 's historic/architectural development. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structurelsite,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the d property. The historic integrity of this property has been retained due to the survival of original design and materials and continuity of use, setting and location. . r _ I INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structure/site may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: JAMES R. MCDONALD ARCHITECTS P.C, Acreage Name - -P. C. LUX 8163 USGS Quad'.__ Address* - r U'JLA, NiONTANA 59807 UTM's' Date: - - MG 1984 s��ut��;�,,., r. r,oh,en - _ _ � .. a �. t a ., i r i 407 S. -Tracy I One of a group of three impressive Bungalows, this well-preserved house, which displays an impressive cobblestone porch apron and similar exterior chimney, was probably built by Guy A. Ensinger, a local builder. The house is of primary significance based on its individual architectural f merits. I If in fact, this group of three Bungalows was built by Guy Ensinger, they certainly represent the most ambitious and most notable examples of that builder' s work in the city. The original owner was apparently Fred B. Williams, listed as the Treasurer of the Willson Co. Dry Goods Store (see 101 E. Main) in 1916, and later an insurance salesman. Willson lived here from 1916, on into the 1940' s Bibliograpiiy City Directories: 1916-17; 1927; 1935-6; 1940. I r m I • r _ � �. f� 1 � rY !r 1 y, �C •• - �� ,trl� Wien t-,Id that Ih�•rr 1� I. 1, .I,� �, j�. >�� 1,110• ' sc..11i�il,r�r,;. ;f lltl)111111111; fur ullt' tl'I)1)pK, �, lvLUR111 �„ �' Ilt 1tll�'l' wo dollo Ills MoNI"0 I rrr r--r----------------------rr----------------_---- If'l!1111111o' lilt 11t11'CI1 11, 1!112, - !1I 'I�1ll�l I11116'I!11 1111 G'nllllll'1d11 I111 -•r----T"""1-�+�+ssrw�s*�-"- t11 -Id "'Ilnh g(linµ• Into NIrx• � n 1 ultc'(1 stulus, 0)1 1"(+• tiff., t'mbar, o was tolwlt I Ou April I, nt Ihc, time of Ill(, Vfill Crtlz .ton. Mr. Wilson restored 111! ;o, and cm Sept.enLber !l, 1914, Iiged hi;; nt,ilk and }l pin 4i;tE'ci h October 21, 1915, when the C. Conference was in Session, n h ��� •••,"'may \ thereafter. e again reh � lored I Ibargo oil aninitlllltion ilad gulls ' ied to everyone in Mexico but ,7;1 and his followers. This was to aid the irreconcilable Car- against Wilson's old ally, Villa.. � What Mexico Bought z •ing the fiscal year 191.4, Mexico sed of ifs $750,I10Q worth of fges. 5,500 pounds of dynamite, �= I pounds of gunpowder. $488.0110 of firearms, and $69,000 worth ar explosives. Duri:lg the fiscal ~� 915, the Mexicans were supplied i3,000,000 worth of American Iges, 2,400,000 pounds of dyna- 6,000 pounds of �impowder, (Hill worth of firearms, and �11 B,- I rth of other explosives. Un April a ti- ^hen the Mexican sit- was � acute. 320.000 rounds nunition left Laredc., 'Texas. con- Home t Car and on April 14, aA Splendid New r ch from Dog lloitglas. Arizona stat.- � � 'he State Department has issued hit to the de facto governmen- sico to pass 1.000,000 rounds of On South Tracy ve. 1 irm ammunition across the line _- 1 is Prieta, during the next few j The ammunition is new en route OWNED BY FRED B. WILLIAMS AND BUILT UNDER p border.' These are two in- s which were reported by the � CONTRACT BY W. C. SMITH. Z r and there is no telling how _ 4 more escaped notice. 1 1 the matter of 1)re pared.less. the ''rhe attractive exterior is shown ill the above 1 ratic party has permitted 14Iex photo, but a picture could not do justice to the / have plenty of ammunition to + I interior. All 'modern features have been in nierican soldiers. A few months f eluded, a. high class of material was used and t 'pow, President.Nilson can visit 1 lington tiationa.l Cemetery, just = the woi•kmaiiship is excellent. It is an honor to i iy Washington, where a number the owner and a credit to the contractor. 1 .in white headstones will bear We are proud"•to'have furnished the material 1 1 testimony to the accuracy of for this'hom•e. 1 caal rifles and ammunition in the : 1 1 of a Mexican banditry which 1 �• _ / led his official recognition and 1 1 ;tine support." - Kenyon-Noble Lumber coo vole raise of .0 cents a 1 n sugar beets granted by L 1 NNIestern Sugar company means 320 West Main 1 1 i million dollars more tll•_In the �. �.. .-_--------- ---- acts call for will be paid out to + armers by the sugar cotnpclny - 1e 1116 crop, I Hail Insurance a* Actual Cost! r FHOURN RHU RRM 1 Ilh i irf)t)il iLlialile C, llli' 1� c�.�.,� �,,,.,a�. �" � 11 l�. �> . z.-.- MIONTANA HISTORICAL AND — ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY Site# ; r� Legal Description: Fairview Black 1/ l ate -4=anr1=5•. �• r>'r 1 ` r . t Address, 407 Sc��th Trac O,r:-rership:name—s-P,-0— — u -Teti -I J C create address: Roll # Frame# L� subhc 407 South Tracy, Bozeman Montana I Historic Name: 4Jftknown-% W//,, P!N - _ Unknown Common Name: 191 5— 11Y/,;T I p ❑ estimated Date of Construction: 1 C oocumeme� ArchilecY Unknown fin- 6761 r� —_� Builde^ rFd l^l/1' tGtl11J5 I KOriginal Owner � '� '1"1et a -perms t) O C� Original Use. Residence Present use: Residence Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title ❑ city directories 1 ❑ plat records/maps sewer/v:ater permits —'-- — ❑ tax cards ❑ obituaries r ❑ building permit ❑ biographies EX Sanborn maps—dales- 1927 Bibliography: Department of Sanitation Sewer Permit, Maria Metzger, (in files as Location map or building plan with arrow north. ' 411 South Tracy) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials. Discuss significant architectural features. l This one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a rectangular plan l with a full open front porch under a gable roof and having a rubble-stone , solid railing. The one-bay facade is symmetrical and consists of ,a j front entrance with 1.0/1 , 9/1 , and 18/1 double-hung windows. The frame I • construction is finished in beveled siding with river rock on the chimney and porch. There is a shed-roofed bay window next to the fireplace on the Xi.,,i-tide of the structure. The foundation is concrete covered with stucco and the gable roof is covered with grey asphalt shingles. The axis of the main roof is parallel to the street with a front-facing gabled porch. Outbuildings include a garage. l I