HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 56- Allsop, Elmer & Margaret Deed
":.. \" .. ".
. .
THIS I~IDENTURE, ~ade the 1st day of September, A.D. 1950, be-
tween .C:;ZRA ALLSOP and CORA A. ALLSOP, husband and wife, ELMBR E.:.
AL.LSOP ane: MARGARET II. ALLSOP, husband and wife, I\IAEY A. S'rUBL.A:R, a
widow, JOSEPHINE M . FONK, a v'lidow, CLIFFORD E. HALL:.i;SY and J\:AYBELL~
}U~LL'::::SY, husband andwifo, LLOYD JUSTICE and i'.1AYE LOUISJ~ JUS'rIC~,
hus band and wife, I\lARGAH:t:T SCHREIBER, a ma rried woman in her own
right, Kii;RMI'r A. BRANT and rrHELMA M. BHANT, husband and wife,
l:'YHON l,I. WESTLAKE and AURAD. WES'I'LAKE, husband and wife, as joint
tenants with right of survivorship, all of Bozeman, Gallatin County,
Montana, the parties of the first part, and THE Cl'l'Y OP BO!.~J;r,:AN, a
Y'1Unicipal corporation in Gallatin County, Montana, the party of the
second part,
~ / "\ 'f'IIAl' Wl:E:r:~:3 'tLc-p1:t~~' \)f' '~he -:rtt:-:t - r,rt B..rc -e',rne!'3 of pro-
I 'lii perty on the west side of North Third Avenue between Villard Street
I" /~ and Short street in 'rhe Ci ty of Bozeman, Galla tin County, Montana,
- and are desirous of having an adequate alley at the rear or west of
their respective properties; and
( \ W:aEH.8AS, in the platting of Karp's Addition to 'l'he City of
~\jBozeman a strip of ground ten (10) feet in width was set aside and
l\~// dedica ted to 'l'he City of Bozeman .for alley purposes along the east
side of Block Four (4) of said Karp's Addition, which adjoins the
respective properties of the parties of the first part herein
named; and
oJ{. 7",qrln. P/UUl:.5S'./ZS "'IV' INrl/t.f",n
v'H-L~REAS, in consideration of the benefits and advantages to
accrue to the parties of the first part herein named, the said
\,' parties of the first par~have and did enter into an agreement with
\ The City of Bozeman, dated April 1 , 1950, agreeiD~; to transfer
b(! and convey unto The City ,of B~zeman by ~uit Claim ~eed or Deeds
I' the west ten (10) feet of thelr respectlve propertles for alley
purposes, to the end that saj d wes t ten (10) feet and the eas t ten
(10) foet 01' Block Four (L~) of said Earp's Addi tion, as aforement ioned,
would provide an adequate alley, twenty (20) feet in wtd"th, -between.
said Block Four (4) of Karp's Addition and their respective proper-
'rH&3FORE, in cons ideration of the premises and the sum of One
,__, Dollar CJ;1. 00), lawful money of the United States, in hand paid to
l/ \ the parties of the first part by the party of the second part, the
I b~'J receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first
, 1 part do hereby convey, remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto
\,/ the said party of the second part and to its successors and assigns,
, the following described real estate situate in The City of j::,ozem8Il,
County of Gallatin, state of Montana; till O&IltO bcihb a jJvJ. tit7rr-e1-'
~r rC3pcctive 1-'.l.u1Jert:ie~:
" I.. III .. .
. .
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of
the No rtheas t Quarter of the Northeas t Quarter (NE-~"NEt) of
Sec ti on Twelve (12) in 'fownship 'Two (2) South, Range Five
(5),East, M.P.M. included within the follmvine; metes and
bounds, to wi t: Conunencing at a point in the wes t line
of Third Avenue North in The City of Bozeman, Montffila 480
feet north of the intersection of the south line of said quarter of
quarter section, wi th the west line of suid 'l'hird Avenue
North; thence running west 155 feet; thence south 75 feet,
parallel with the west line of said Third Avenue North;
/ thence east 155 feet to the west line of said '.rhird Ave-
\' nue North; thence north along the said wast line of said
Third ii venue North 75 feet to the p lace of bee;irming, the
same being the property of Ezra Allsop and Cora A. Allsop,
husband a nd wife.
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of
the Northeast ~uarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEtNEt) of
Section Twelve (12) in Township 1wo (2) South, Range Five
~ r /'J (5) East, M.P.K. included within the fOllowinG metes and
,,/ .; -' ....' v" bounds, to wi t: COmInencing at a point in the wes t line of
,.I. 751' Third Avenue North in the City of :Sozema'1, I;~ontana, 555
.' <. feet north of the intersection of the south line of said
" quarter of quarter section with the west line of said Third
" Avenue North; thence running west 155 feet; thence south
150 feet, parallel wi th the wes t line of said Third A venue
North; thence east 155 feet to the west line of said Third
Avenue North; thence north along the said west line of said
Third Avenue North, 150 feet to the place of bep'innin0', the
same being the property of ii:lmorS. Allsop anr: Itargaret M.
_~'_""_...,._ 4. 11 g lip, hll <;1 h!:1 '0(1- ~ :Qd...w:i-~~~,,-"-,-_. _
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of
the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast '-,:.uarter (NE-tN&:U of
See tion 'rwel ve (12) in 'rovmship 'fwo (2) South, Range Five
(5) 1i:ast, E.P.M.. included within the following metes and
bounds, to wit: Connnencing at a point on the west line of
Third Avenue North in the C1 ty of Boz em an , Montana, 605
feet north of the intersection of said south line of said
quarter of quarter section, wi th the west line of said Third
Avenue North; thence running west 155 feet; thence south 50
feet pa,rallel with the west line of said Third Avenue North;
thence east 155 feet to the west line of said Third Avenue
North 50 feet to the point of beginning, the same being the
property of Mary A. Stublar, a widow.
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of
the Northeas t Quarter of the ITortheas t ;~uarter (N~;}~-N.!i:+') of
38ction Twelve (12) in 'l'oVl,nship Two (2) South, :aange j.;ive
(5) East, 1\1.P.M. included within the following :metes and
bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point in the west line of
Third Avenue North in the City of Bozeman, 605 feet north
of the intersection of said west line with the south line
of said quarter of quarter section, thence running west 155
feet; thence north 150 feet; thence east IS5 feet to the
west line of Third Avenue North; thence south along said
west line 150 feet to the place of beginning, the same being
the property of Josephine M. Fonk, a widow.
. . . , .
. . .
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of
the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE!NEi) of
Section Tw'elve ( 12) in Township Two ( 2) Sou th, Range Five
<'5) East, M.P.M. included within the following metes and
bounds, to wi t: The north sixty (60) feet of that portion
-r-z~ I of the Border Tract included in the followi~1 metes and
___ ,{ <I.'''''' .,"teA,' ' . bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point on the west line of
/:)' ">, '/ '",\
\ I. ';;" Third Avenue North in the City of Bozeman, 605 feet north
~ _ ,;b.,J
-~ ,-" ~,1 of the intersection of said west line with the south line of
i 5:" I said quarter of quarter sectionj thence running west 155
~(...\ feetj thence north 150 feetj thence east 155 feet, to the
I '
west line of said Third Avenue North; thence south along
said west line 150 feet to the place of beginning, the same
being the property of Clifford E. Hallesy and Maybelle
Hallesy, ~usband and wife.
The west ten (10) feet off of all tllat portion of
the Northeast ~uarter of the Northe ast Quarter (NEi-NEi) of
Section Twelve ( 12) in Township Two ( 2) South, Range Five
(5) ,bas t, 11'1. P.. M. included within the following metes and
bounds, to vITi t : Commencing at a point 707 feet north of
the Northwest corner of the intersection of West Beall
Street and Third Avenue North, in the City of Bozeman, Mon-
tana; running thence west 155 feetj thence north 70 feet;
thence east 155 feet, more or less, to the west line of
said Third Avenue North, to the place of beginning, the
sa."Tle being tile property of Lloyd Justice and Maye Louise
Justice, husband and wife.
__ ',.,"'-,,_.-.,-_______.._', __"_ ~ ,~b-9W~_~.t,_ t ~l1..~Ll o,..L,t.E! ~~.._ 0 ~'t~of all -ehb. t port i 0:;1 0 l'
the Northeas t "uarter of the Northeas t ""uarter (H:i~}"i~Ll_) of
q, 4: 4
See tioD 'rwe1ve (12) in Township Two (2) Sou th, Range Five
(5) 8ast, NI.P..M. included within the followirg metes and
bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point on the wes t line
of Third Avenue North in the Oi ty of Bozeman, l'ilontana, at
the Northwest corner of the property once owned by Gladys
Mayball, said point being 41+0 feet south from the north line
of said quarter of quarter section; thence west 155 feet;
thence north 38 feet; thence east 155 feet to the west line
of said Third Avenue North, thence south al ong the west 11ne
of said Third Avenue North 38 feet to the point of beginning,
this being a tract thirty-eight (38) feet by one hWldred
fifty-five (155) feet, with improvements, Border 'fract, City
of Bozeman, MontanaJ the same being the property of T\'largaret
Schreiber, a married woman in her own right.
ALSO, the west ten (lJ) fee t of l' of all that portion
of the Northeast ~uarter of the Northeast ~.uarter (N',J,-,' )
~-i}~ .:.\J:!.;~;'
of.s cO' c t::L on '1\1 e 1 ve ( 12 ) in Township Tvm ( 2) South, Hant; e
1"i ve (.5) j~as t, lVi.P.N'.. included wi thin the following mete s
and bounds, to wi t : Commencing at a stake set on the west
side of' 'fhird Avenue North in the City of Bozeman, Montana,
which is 264 feet south of Peach Street, in said CitYj
thenc e sou th 96 feet, which is the true poL,-t of begi~l~-lingj
thence west along the south line of the real c~;tate ovmed
by and standing on the records of Galla tin County in the
name of Myron M. Westlake and Aura D. Nestlake, a distance
of 155 feetj thence north ten (10) feet; thence east 155
feat to the west line of Third Avenue North in said Ci ty
of Bozeman, Montana, thence south along the west line of
said street ten (10) feet to the place of beginning, the
same being the prope rty of Margaret Schreiber, a marri ed
woman in her own right.
III . "" . . io.. III .....,.
ALSO, the wes t ten (10) feet off of all that portIon
of the Northeast (~uarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE-}NE-!)
of Section Twelve (12) in Township Two (2) South, RanGe
Fi ve (5) Eas t, M. P. IV:. included wi thin the followinp; metes
a:'ld bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point on the west line
of Third Avenue North, in the City of Bozeman, Montana, 428
feet south from the North line of said quarter of quarter
section; thence west 135 feet; thence north 38 l' eet; thence
east IS5 feet, to the west lit1e of said Third A venl1e North;
thence south along the said west line of said l'hird Avenue
North 38 feet to the place of beginning; said tract being
38 feet frontage on the west side of Third Avenue North and
exten<ling west 1.05 feet; si tuated in the County of Gall'J.tin,
StD_te 0 l' Montana, the same being theurope rty of I,;argal'et
Schreiber, a married woman in her own right.
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of the
Northeast-iuarter of the Northeast .~.uarter (lJElNE~) of
Section Twelve (12) in Township Two (2) South, Range Five
(5) i~ast, M.P.lV[. included within the following metes and
bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point on the west line
of Third Avenue North in the Ci ty of Bozeman, I.:ontana, at
the Northwest corner of the property once owned by Gladys
l\1aybell, said point being 4li_0 feet south from the porth line
of said quarter of quarter section; thence west 155 feet;
thence north 38 feet; thence east 155 feet to the wes t line
of said Third Avenue North, thence South along the west line
of said Third Avenue North 38 feet to the point of beginnine;,
this being a tract thirty-eiGht (3d) feet by one Hundred
fifty-five (1.55) feet, with imprOV8r.1e:lts, :~ol'der 'Cract, City
'~"'"W_____,_..,...ofEQz,ernan-,Moll.t_aJ._~'".:t"he_s.liUlitl_b~ing theprofl:J rty of Kermit A.
Brant a'l-d 'rhelma M. Brant, husband and wife.
ALSO, the west ten (10) feet off of all that portion
of the Northeast ~uarter of the Northeast ~uarter (N~iN~~)
of Section Twelve (12) in Township 'l'wo (2) South, Hanr;e
Five (5) East, M.P.lvI. included wi thin the following; metes
and -oounds, to wit: Commencing at a stalm set on the west
side of rrhird .'..venue North in the City of Bozeman, Montana,
which is 264 feet souih of Peach Street, in said City;
thence south 96 feet, which is the true point of becinning;
thence west along the south line of the real estate OWl ed
by and standing on the records of Gallatin County in the
name of Myron M. Westlake and Aura D. Nestlake, a distance
of 155 feet; thence north ten (10) feet; thence east 155
feet to the west line of Third Avenue North in said City
of Bozeman, Montana, thence south along the west line of
said street ten (10) feet to the place of beGinning, the
same being the prope rty of Kermit A. Brant and Thelma M.
Brant, hus band and wife.
ALSO, the west ten (10) feet off of all that portion
of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeas t Quarter (IiE~~NEk)
of Section Twelve (12) in Township Two (2) South, Range
Five (5) East, M.P.Iv:. included \vithin the followin,[,'; metes
and bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point on the west line
of Third Avenue North, in the City of bozeman, IvIontiJJ1a, ~.2B
fee t south from the North line of s aid quarter of quarter
section; thence west155 feet; thence north 38 feet; thence
east 155 feet, to the west line of said Third Avenue North;
thence south along the said west line of said ~hird Avenue
North 38 feet to the place of beginning; said tract being 38
fee t frontage on the wes t :3 ide of 'rhird Avenue North and
- . . k . . ~ ~
. .
extending \"Iest 155 feet; situated in the County of Gallatin,
state of Montana, the same being the property of Kermit A.
Brant and Thelma M. Brant, husband and wife.
The west ten (10) feet off of all that portion of the
Northeast ~uarter of the Northeast c.uarter (N.~iNEt) of
Section Twelve (12) in Township Two (2) South, Range Five
(5) Bast, IVl.P.M. included within the following metes 8...'1d
bounds, to wi t : Commencing at a stake set on the west side
of Third Avenue North in the City of Bozeman, Montana, ~ich
1s 26Lj.. feet so uth of peam S treot in s sid c icy, thence south
t~o feet to the Southeast (SE) corner 01' the lot or tract of
land 011\T11ed by Myron M. Wes tlake and Aura D. Wes tlake, WJ:l idl
is the true point of beginning; thence west alone the south
line of the real estate now owned by and standing upon the
reco rds of Galla tin County, Montana, in the name of said
Myron M. Westlake and Aura D. Westlake a distance of 155 feet;
thence south 56 feet; thence east 155 feet, ro the west line
of Third Avenue North in the said City of Bozeman; thence
north along the west line of said street, 56 feet to the
place of beginning, the same being the pro perty of Myron M.
Westlake and Aura D. Westlake, as joint te mn ts with r i gh t 0 f
survi vorship.
~ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances
' thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and
remainder, ren ts, issues, and profi ts thereof; and also all the e s-
ta te , ric~ht , ti tle, in t e re s t , property, possession, claim and demand
mlatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the
, fir,~1;;part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel
"'.. ---'..'"~--"':f'il'e-r eo f ~------ ---" ,n " ----, '", ,-,~.~-- -- ._.~ -- - ',---- ,--~ "-', ."-, ,-, -
TO HAVE AND TO HOI,D, all and singular the said premises, with
the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its s ucce sso rs
and assigns forever.
'rhis conveyance is for a oonsideratlon of less than ;:1>100.00
and as such does not require any United States revenue stamps.
IN, WI'rNESS ~HU<':REOF, the parties of the first part have hereunto
set their hands and seals the day and year firs t above writ ten.
~ (S,8A[, )
zra Allsop
a (SEAL)
Cora A. A
etrnw e ( Slli\..L )
Elmer ji:.
YrJ ==^" ~(S~AL)
~[a are TT. Allsop
%~ cvJiJ;/Q!JSfC\LJ
M, LL Stub ar __
k' of; I
_ ~i' ~ Jr,'" (Ji-i.<J!-._( SEAL J
Jo ep ine 1\1. Ponk
" <r ... ~ . . -" -
.- .
. .
~~.. (SEAL)
_~_hu.~v~ (SJAL)
;aye Louise lJ.istice
~-&."kJ ( SEAL)
. rgare Schreiber
( SE.t,L)
~/{ SEAL)
3.L: ,',./ .,.c:~Jf ';y~,t;:
, ~. , _ /; ~ ;' ,;: ." ",', ' ,,' C<i II
. ~,,'.. -"---- . -' .-., " ~~ -------~-; ~j~~lc~'J'>.~)
f I ( S3AL)
Aura D. Westlake
. ss
County of Gallatin)
On this 1st day of Sep tember, 1950, before me, the undersigre d,
a Notary Publrc-fOr the State of Montana, pe rsonally appeared EZRA
to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within and
foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me, each of them respect-
ively, that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix my Notarial
Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above writ ten.
~~. /~
No a 1.fub c for the S t~e of Mon-
tana. Residing at Bozeman, Mont ana.
My Commission ~xpires Au~. 12, 195?-
From the Desk of
s. D. Waldorf
City Enqineer
/Yt1~ ,'-
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