HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 E Main 1984 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY [Site Legal Description: Original Townsite Address: 17 East Main O nership:name: Robert C. Paynich & Robert BrA8ksma Private address: 17 East Main Roll a 82 Frame N 15 public / +'='1' �`i (i Historic Name: Tivoli Beer Hall L 1 � RARY .- common Name: Unknown ❑ estimated Date of Construction: 1880-81 IN documented I U Architect: lInknown -" -TT -" Builder- W. H. Beall J 1 1 Original Owner: Phil Skeehan Original Use Saloon and Lodgings• Present Use Ail1 4 V _— j�' Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title ❑ city directories 1 I ❑ plat records/maps ❑ sewer/water permits I . I i ❑ tax cards ❑ obituaries y ❑ building permit ❑ biographies ❑ Sanborn maps—dates: Z T Bibliography: Avant-Courier, September 2, 1880; > Q I September 30, 1880; October 2, 1880; February 10, 1881; March 3, 1881 ; December 29, 1881 ; April 20, 1882 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials.Discuss significant architectural features. This attached two-story commercial structure has a rectangular plan with a steep gable-roofed to flat overhand protecting the front entrance and sidewalk. The symmetrical facade (except for the off-center gable peak on the overhang) consists of front entrances with storefront windows on the street level and 1/1 double-hung windows with carved-stone, arched keystones. The cornice detail was created by corbeled brick and has carved stones at the corners and center of the cornice. The brick construction has been painted and the flat built-up roof lies perpendicular to the street. t -- HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,important events,and/or historical patterns associated with the structure/site and surrounding area lend the property significance. This-building is significant because of its associations -with Bozeman Is early economic development. Phil Skeehan, an early Bozeman saloon keeper built this structure in 1880-1882, slowed down by a shortage of bricks in 1881. Local builder and "architect" and Bozeman pioneer William 1I. Bealle was noted by the Avant-Courier as the supervising architect. In 1882, the Tivoli beer hall opened, by Rudolph Vogel and Fred Buchler. The Tivoli was a focal point for social activity for many years. This structure qualifies as a contributing element within a potential historic district due to its association with the commercial aspect of the V i I I age Phase of Bozeman 's historic/architectural development. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structure/site,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic integrity of this property has been retained due to the survival of materials and continuity of use, setting and location. INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structure/site may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name IAM€S p Mr�ONAl n AD�IT�S KC. Acreage: AM ES IT �T l�Rl'C Tr T Address: R. (). USGS Quad: Date: UTM's: i .,j Iw i o i,ro ILC+S OAT- 1. � �.5prve�o� bloc.l; i !L.t5A r COW[GF- 'f--ev5rx.tbu-e'