HomeMy WebLinkAbout36 E Main 1985 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND T ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY Site ~- Legal Description- Original Townsite, Lots 9 and @ 15 ' of 10/Blk A Address: 36 East Main Ownership:name: Owenhouse Hardware ❑ private address: Box 1187 Roll# 77 Frame N 30 ❑ public Historic Name U-llkf1Q'<n — _ I I ' S9 �0,� Common Name: Unknown L� [7 1 , r� ❑ estimated Date of Construction: 1891-1904 M documented U Architect-._ Unknown f• T _T t TIT Builder: — Unknown ! OriginalOwner:- I I Original Use: Hardware & Buggies i' J_11 L 1 Present Use, Hardware Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title I city directories I i ❑ plat records/maps ❑ sewer/water permits LLJ ,� l ❑ tax cards ❑ obituaries 1 J_l. M __� �_ I I ❑ building permit ❑ biographies IS Sanborn maps—dales' 1904 -- — LL Bibliography: Q l. . 1 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials.Discuss significant architectural features. This attached two-story commercial structure has two rectangular sections , each with a different storefront. The brick structure is stuccoed on both storefronts , and one of the storefront is further emphasized with concrete block fascia trim and cornice trim. Windows in both fronts are sliding sash, one store having larger windows than the other. Street level store- fronts are of storefront windows , one inset under a nameboard framing facade, and the other flush with a wide decorative band above the windows separating the upper level . The axis of the roof is perpendicular to the street. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,important events,and/or historical patterns associated with the structure/site and surrounding area lend the property significance. Research In the sources consulted in this survey has not yielded any significant historical information concerning persons or events associated with this property. This structure is a neutral element within a potential historic district. I INTEGRITY. Assess the degree to which the structure/site,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic integrity of this property has not been retained due to change In original design and materials. INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structurelsite may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name JAMES R L DONAI n UGIJIT�GTc�o P.G. Acreage:. Address: P BOX e"JG3 USGSQuad: Date: MISSQULA,J'- QUTANA 59EO7 UTWs: - -y AUG IN4 REVISED Matthew A. Cohen BnTt. -,,,n, Montana Jill 11 11"er1t�•7rr7 i nna i 1 ` ! � 1 •�� � .( y "":fir " r irwi�i,.�,,,,.. .. �s �^ 1.:. tr tit w Kk � ►, i' gl �� �� -1 IL '{ .,1 r'" �.rt;�•� IIII L- .'. r ;alh�4 lri� �Tr�IIII�� ,q P. , •tom► n �; �� ', bk 36 E. Main 1985 revision Matt Cohen, surveyor The Owenhouse-Ace Hardware Co. originally founded in 1880 by F.L. Benepe and located in the Benepe Building (104 W. Main) , is presently housed in the ground floors of two buildings, and is fronted by three facades , two of which date to the 1950' s, and the other, to 1983. (For the purpose of this inventory, this form will address the eastern building, and the eastern half of the building next to it on the west. The inventory form for 36-361/2 E. Main includes the other half of that western building, which shares a 1950 facade with the next building to the West - see attached photograph. ) The remodeled facade of the east building is a significant example of mid-20th century commercial facade design, and is especially important as one of the last designs of local architect Fred F. Willson, whose extremely prolific, 46-year career in Bozeman ended in 1956, at his death. In 1901 or 1902, the Story family built a commercial block here to lease to the Benepe-Owenhouse Company (the name of F.L. Benepe' s firm beginning in 1893) , which may have been seeking a more central location. Original historic fabric of this building that survives include interior cast iron structural posts with molded capitals, tall 4/4 sash windows on the rear (south) wall , and a painted sign on the west wall , now visible only from the alley, that reads: "Owenhouse Hardware Co. " The building was sold to the Owenhouse Company in 1946, becoming the first of the numerous Story properties in Bozeman to leave the family ownership. Around 1955, Fred Willson was hired to redesign the facade of the building. According to Louis Spain, the present design of large, salmon colored glazed tiles framed by a darker, fluted border, was chosen only after Willson patiently drew up several design options. Willson chose a veneer of Minnesota granite to border the storefront at the sidewalk because he felt that "a hardware store should have a solid foundation" (Louis Spain, interview, 9/4/85) . The store expanded to the west in 1983, occupying the ground floor of the east half of the adjacent building to the west. Because of the Woolworth Co. ' s remodeling of 1950 however, only the west half of this building is fronted by Woolworth' s Art Deco style facade (see 36-361/2 E. Main) . According to Louis Spain, this building (though probably only the east half) was used as a mortuary, jewelry shop, bridal shop, and just before Owenhouse' s occupancy, the Coast to Coast store. In 1983, the Owenhouse Co. hired local architects Mattson, Prugh & Lenon to come up with a design that would add continuity to the incongruous three facades which fronted the newly expanded store. The Minnesota granite from Willson' s design was continued along the newly expanded full length of the base of the store, a simple, Post-Modern' facade which has a veneer of polished stone was installed between the Fred Willson and the F.W. Woolworth facades, and wide, projecting black bands were installed above the storefronts, defining the extent of the present Owenhouse-Ace Hardware Co. Bibliography Louis Spain, interview, 9/4/85 Application for Sewer Connection, April 15, 1902, Nelson Story Sr. , 36 E. Main Fred F. Willson Job List: 1946, job #4689 - "Alteration to Owenhouse Building. " 1949, job #4907 - "Owenhouse Hardware Co. Store Front. " 1950, job #5008 - "Owenhouse Hardware Co. Store Building Fire Damage - Contract Job. " 1950, job #5013 - "Owenhouse Hardware Co. - Fire Damage Second Floor. " 1953, job #5309 - "Owenhouse Hardware Co. Front. " I I