HomeMy WebLinkAbout443, 439, 441 E. Main 2016Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 6/4/2016 Modification Date: 9/16/2014 11:53:19 AM Time: 443.441439 Property Address: number E Main St Property Address: street 141 E Main St Historic Address: Bozeman City/Town: Site Number: Gallatin County Intl: Historic Name: Guy Burnell (William McAdow ?) Original Owner Private Current Ownership: The Western Cafe Current Property Name: Wimpys Palace LLC Owner: PO Box 232, Bozeman, MT Owner Address: Phone: Residence Historic Use: Restaurant, Office, Barber Shop Current Use: 1870-1874 Estimated Construction Date: Original Location Date Moved: WGS84UTM Reference 497614 Easting: 5058437 Northing: 12TUTM Zone: Legal Location PM: Montana 2 Township: South 6 Range: East SW 1/4 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 7Section Lot 3A Lots: Rouse Addition to Bozeman Addition: 1870/1889 Year of Addition: Bozeman, MT 7.5 minute topographic map USGS Quad Name: 2014 Date: Block F Blocks Other GPS Accuracy: 3-5 m GoogleEarth ProGPS Equipment: 24 SE corner of buildingUTM Location Pt: UTM Reference Site Name 443, 441, and 439 E Main St Property Address InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: Historic District: 02/11/2015 Date of this document: Scott L. Carpenter Form Prepared by: Address: Daytime Phone: InteResources Planning, Inc. 505 Bond St., Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406-587-9477 Yes NRHP Eligible Recommendation: MT SHPO USE ONLY Eligible for NRHP: □ yes □ no Criteria: □ A □ B □ C □ D Date: Evaluator: Comments: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 2 Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 3 Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman ARCHITECTYURAL DESCRIPTION See Additional Information Page Residential/Commercial Property Type: Stick Architectural Style:If Other, specify: Original: Single family residence Specific Property Type: unknown Architect:Architectural Firm: StateCity Town unkown Builder/Contractor:Company: StateCity Town Source of Information: T Plan (Side Facing) Architectural Form: Cross-gabled Roof Form: Single Stories: Wood frame Materials: Overall Dimensions: 28 feet (original w/out additions) North - South 36 feet (original w/out additons) East - West Two concrete block square additions to south façade. Rectangular gable roofed and shed roofed addition to north, with square projection on north elevation (east end). Total current dimensions, including additions and projections, 70 feet north-south, 44 feet east-west. Rear, northern most projection, off of northeast corner of building is of newer construction with shed roof and T-111 plywood. Projection InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Concisely, accurately, and completely describe the property and alterations with dates. Number the buildings and features to correlate with the Site Map. The building is a one-story commercial structure with a complex irregular plan consisting of an older gable-roofed residential building at the rear (north) with a flat-roof, concrete block commercial addition to the front (south). The original T-Shaped gabled-roofed buildings was constructed as a residence, but was altered to be a restaurant in the mid-twentieth century. The frame residential building is T-shape with intersecting gables. The current asymmetrical façade is a formed by two concrete block additions, added to the façade of the original building. The western concrete block unit has two small rooms with separate entrances, creating the spaces for 439 and 441 E. Main St. The western concrete block addition (with stepped parapet wall) occupies the space originally held by the front porch of the residence. The 439/441 block addition has a symmetrical front with two single entry doors with fixed transoms at the center, each flanked by lare 1/1 fixed windows. The concrete block unit that now fronts the Western Cave has two large fixed windows that flank a single entry door. The current façade covers the original wood-sided façade, location of bay window on left, and location of former porch leading to original entrance on right. The newer concrete block construction was added to the frame construction which was finished with Dutch-cove wood siding, as evident on east, north, and west elevations. The newer south foundation is of concrete. The façade of the concrete block units has a stepped parapet wall on the east, and a flat parapet wall on the west with terra cotta coping tiles. Concrete block of façade has bull-nose blocks at edges of doors and windows. Window frame and original Dutch-cove siding (window boarded) is visible in tight space between west elevation and building on adjacent property. Initial inspection of building suggests very little of original fabric is retained, however with closer inspection of structure, historical information, and placement of more recent additions on south and north, and buildings on adjacent property to west and east, indicates that much of the core and fabric of the original structure is hidden within. Stone and concrete. Foundation Main residence building has framed roof with intersecting and offset gables, covered with recent composition shingles. Two concrete block addition on south have flat built-up roofs. Roof Porches/Outbuildings MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 4 Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Many of the original windows on the wood-frame residence have been blocked and covered to create the more recent restaurant space. Some new windows have been added. Concrete block additions on south have fixed windows and wood-framed glass-doors. Fenestration: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 5 Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman The original structure of the McAdow house was completed prior to what is shown in the April 1875 photo (attached). Deeds for the sale of the property indicate that the lot or parcel on which the McAdow house was originally built (portions of which still stand today) was originally subdivided in April of 1870. The land was sold to P.W. McAdow and brother by D.E. Rose and wife in Noverber of 1871. It is not know if the original building was constructed by McAdow during 1871-1872, by Rose during 1870-1871, or was constructed prior to the subdivision of the area lots in April 1870. From this information, construction of the dwelling is estimated to be 1870-1874. Early maps and photos of the original residence building shows the same T-Shape with intersecting gable roofs, and a bay window on the west (east-west running) extension of the "T". First addition on north side of original T-Shape form appears on 1884 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map (sheet 3). The concrete block addition on left side of inside corner of T on south façade (439 E. Main St.) first appears on 1943 revision of the 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map (sheet 16), original residence porch is visible prior to construction of concrete block entry to Western Cafe and adjacent barber shop immediately to the west. The 1957/59 revision of the 1927 Sanborn Map shows both concrete block additions Polk City Directory for 1935, indicates the first reference for a restaurant at the subject property. Page 175 of that directory lists a Achsah M. Ranchor operator of "X-L Lunch." The 1940 City directory (pg. 170) lists the Pott's Cafe occupying the property. History of Property: See Additional Information Page InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 See Additional Information Page Birds Eye View Maps 1884 Bird’s Eye View of Bozeman, Mon., 1884, County Seat of Gallatin County, H. Well 443 (141) East Main, one-story L-Shape detached frame residence with bay window shows near corner of Church Ave. and Main St. Information Sources/Bibliography Sanborn Maps:Structure appears on these Bozeman Sanborn Maps: XNov 1884 XJan 1889 XJul 1890 XNov 1891 XJan 1904 XSep 1912 XSep 1927 XSep 1927/Rev Aug 1943 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 6 Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman City Sewer Hook-up Records City Water Hook-up RecordsDate Date See additional information below. City Directory + April 8, 1870: Rouse’s Addition, Bozeman, Montana, Platted. + Nov. 14, 1871: D.E. Rose & Wife (grantor) to P.W. McAdow & Bro. (grantee), DB H, pg. 393, 6 ft off of west side of Lot No. 2, Lot No. 3, and sixteen feet off of east side of Lot No. 4 in Block “F”, Rouse’s Addition. $49.00 (con't.) Deeds Sep 1927/Rev 1957 X XSep 1912/Rev Feb 1921 XSep 1927/Rev 1960 InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 7 Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: NRHP Eligibility:X Yes No XIndividually XContributing to Historic District Noncontributing to Historic District Associated with broad elements of history, significant persons in Bozeman historyArea of Significance: Townsite Phase (1864-1872), Village Phase (1873-1883)Period of Significance: See Additional Information PageStatement of Significance Building is one of the last remaining earliest residential structures in Bozeman, showing physical details of early historic design and construction of permanent resident. Property is also associated with William McAdow, a significant person related to the early settlement and development of Bozeman and Gallatin County's commercial development. NRHP Criteria:XA XB C D See Additional Information PageIntegrity (location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, association) Although the building has undergone some changes, the property retains elements of historic materials, workmanship, design, setting, workmanship, feeling and association to the early phases of Bozeman's development, justifying a recommendation for defining the property individually or as a contributing element of a potential historic district typifying Bozeman's commercial developments during the Village Phase. Although the original façade of the building is obscured by later 20th century additions, indications suggest that numerous architectural elements of the original design and construction exist within. A carefully planned restoration, based on historical architectural investigation, could be accomplished in order to present the earlier form of this important structure. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PAGE Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Bozeman Polk's City Directories & U.S. Census Records 1892-93, pg 103 S W Cook, blksmth, n s Main st, 2 w 2d av for res Ill [north side Main st, 2 bldgs (?) w of 2nd Ave (Church)](??) 1900, pg 142 Leal Davis, b.[oarder], 141 E. Main, student 1902, pg. 124 Will F. Davis, lawyer 141 E. Main, r[esidence] same (1900 US Census: William Davis, lawyer, owned/reside home on E. Mendenhall) (1880 US Census: Will F Davis, lawyer, living w/father Joseph Davis (lawyer) and sibs, no address pg 338 W.F. Davis, 141 E Main (listed under heading of “Lawyers”) 1904,pg 94 Leal Davis, b.[oarder], 141 E. Main, student Wm F. Davis, lawyer, 141 E Main, r same 1906, pg 176 Fred D. Schwietering, bartender for J. W. Edwards, r 141 E. Main 1908, pg 179 Raymond Young, laborer, b 141 E Main pg 49 Erick Astrlid, laborer, b 141 E. Main pg 112 David F. Kiggins, laborer r 141 E Main E. May Kiggins, bkpr R M Bell Tel Co, b 141 E Main Omas F F Kiggins, clk, b 141 E Main Ray C Kiggins, clk, Forristell & Heilman, b 141 E Main** (** same as D L Higgins in 1910 US Census) 1910, pg 54 E. L. Bidlack, carpenter w/ A. J. Svorkmoe, b 141 E Main pg 67 Charles Carty, hostler w/ Wm J. Fransham, b 141 E. Main 1912, pg. 110 Percy Lasher, driver w/ J. F. Donohue. Rms 141 E. Main pg. 117 Daniel McCoy, laborer, rms 141 E Main pg 112 Wilmer J. Maggard, packer Bozeman Milling Co, b 141 E. Main pg. 158 Walter M. Thomas, b 141 E. Main 1914, pg 97 Frank B Holt, teamster for Frank Kyle, b 141 E. Main James Ranchor, teamster, b 141 E Main 1916, pg. 49 Frank Bonn, student, b 141 E Main pg. 49 Fred Bonn, student, b 141 E Main pg 98 Saml P. Holt, r 141 E. Main pg 142 Mrs. Achsah Ranchor, r 141 E. Main 1918,Mrs. Schsah Ranchor Frank B. Holt, hostler William T. Bonn, student Fred L Bonn, student Frank B Bonn, student 1925, pg 79 Danl F Jones, clk N P Ry, h 443 E Main pg 94 Daisy Martin, domestic, r 443 E Main pg 94 Leona Martin, clk, r 443 E Main 1927,Nathan Callatine 1935, pg 175 Mrs. Achsah M. Ranchor, X-L Lunch 1940, pg 170 Pott's Cafe Deeds: (con't) + Jan. 29, 1892: William B. McAdow and Florence V. McAdow (wife)(grantor) to Stephen W. Cook (grantee), DB 18, pg. 354. 6 ft off of west side of Lot No. 2, Lot No. 3, and sixteen feet off of east side of Lot No. 4 in Block “F”, Rouse’s Addition. + May 2, 1894 Stephen W. Cook (grantor) to Will F. Davis (grantee), Deed Book xx, pg. 351. 6 ft off of west side of Lot No. 2, Lot No. 3, and sixteen feet off of east side of Lot No. 4 in Block “F”, Rouse’s Addition. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Façade Photo IRP_B3_115_111614_IRP01916.jpgExposure/File #: NorthFacing: FaçadeFeature: View to north from E. Main St. at façade of building. Auto Body Center (left) is on the adjacent property to the west (437 E. Main St.). Note brown shingled plane of gable roof of original property. Central door to Western Cafe is situated within the concrete block mass with stepped parapet wall, with central entry door flanked by two large fixed windows. That concrete block entry is built in place of original residence front porch and was constructed around 1955. The concrete block mass with two central doors with transoms (439 & 431 E. Main St.) flanked on sides by large fixed pane windows with full-width lights above. Description: 9/16/2014 11:53:19 AMTime: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_115_111614_IRP01918.jpg North West end of façade View to north from E. Main St. showing detail of concrete block unit (439/431 E. Main St.) built sometime before 1943, filling the interior angle of the original T-Shape corner of residence building. Note flanged glazed terra-cotta coping tiles on top of façade wall. Note south-facing roof face of east-west running gable portion of original residence building. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_115_111614_IRP01919.jpgExposure/File #:Time: NorthFacing: East end of façadeFeature: View to north from E. Main St. showing detail of concrete block addition to entrance of 443 E. Main St. This mass was built sometime before 1958. Note stepped parapet wall above this portion of façade. Description: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_114_110914_IRP1902.jpg South North (rear) elevation View to south from alley at rear of building. Note more modern projected addition on left with shed roof at far left. Note original intersecting gable roof lines and adjacent shed roof of early historic residence. Siding appears to be original Dutch-cove siding. Original window framed, now blocked, can be found in narrow passage between west edge of building and concrete block east wall of building on adjacent lot to the west. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_114_110914_IRP1973.jpg Northeast Façade and detail of original roof View to northeast from E. Main St. at façade with view of intersecting gable roof and portion of original gable end of façade of historic residence. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_162_071515_R0011457.jpgExposure/File #: NorthFacing: Roof detailFeature: View to north from building roof on south side of Main St. showing detail of intersecting gable roof lines (brown shingles) of original residence building and flat built-up roofs on two concrete block additions at south side of property. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_443EMain_chronology overlayExposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Aerial view (north at top) with overlay of building construction date sequence for property. Original "T" shaped intersecting gable roof building (red outline) 1871-1883. Green outline to north shows pre-1884 addition and possible 1884-1888 addition. Black flat roofs on south side of building are comprised of pre-1943 concrete block building on southwest corner and pre-1957 concrete block entrance addition on southeast. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Cropped copy of portion of 1957/59 revision of 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman (sheet 16) showing configuration of original and later additions of wood-frame residence building (yellow) and two small concrete block buildings to south (blue). Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Detail of cropped copy of portion of 1957/59 revision of 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman (sheet 16) showing configuration of original and later additions of wood-frame residence building (yellow) and two small concrete block buildings to south (blue). Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Reference Photo Exposure/File #: NortheastFacing: Original McAdow residence, corner Church and MainFeature: Copy of historic photo (dated April 1875), from E. Main St, view to northeast showing original wood framed T-shaped residence building at 443 E. Main St. (originally 141 E. Main St.). Note bay window and distinct gable end on façade that corresponds with architectural information gathered from this study. Description: Time: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Detail of 1884 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Bozeman (sheet 3)(north at top), showing location and configuration of residence building at 443 E. Main St. (red arrow) (formerly 141 E. Main St.). Note additions to north, added on to original "T" shaped structure. Note projection of bay window on west end of façade. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD USGS Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Portion of USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map, Bozeman, MT, 2014, scale 1:24,000 (red square indicates approximate location of property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD General Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman General Location Map Red shape denotes project boundary, red arrow indicates property location. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Detailed Location Photo-Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Detailed Location Map Red shape denotes subject property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Building Sketch Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 443.441439 E Main St Bozeman Property/Building Sketch Map InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477