HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 97- Haynes Photo Shop Memorabilia Deed . ,,. -. .' RECElvrn i,/ll\n 'I !" 'i'1i'~'1) , ','''j r United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE POBox ] 68 Yellowstone National Park IN REPLY REFER TO, Wyoming 82190 HI817(YELL) !l.n ~R) 1 1991_ , ,f .. Mr. James Goehrung Neighborhood Coordinator and Grants Person City of Bozeman P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, Montana 59771 Dear Me. Goehrung: On behalf of the National Park Service, I wish to thank you for your role in Yellowstone's acquisition of artifacts from the Haynes warehouse in Bozeman. This donation is particularly meaningful for us since the Haynes family played such a prominent role in Yellowstone history and contributed so much valuable documentation of the park through their photographs. Your willingness to meet with Museum of the Rockies' Curator Steve Jackson and our Curator Susan Kraft on January 31, 1997 was greatly appreciated. I would like to commend the City of Bozeman for allowing area museum staff to select items before auctioning the contents of the building at 801 North Wallace. Yellowstone's collection of museum objects, photographs, rare books, manuscripts, and pamphlets depends on such generosity. In addition to serving as important sources of information on Yellowstone's cultural and natural history, these items can become part of museum exhibits in the park which are enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year. Enclosed is a Deed of Gift for you to use in completing the City's donation. Please review the form, and sign and date it in the space provided for "Donor Signature." Please check that your signature is visible on both copies, retain the bottom copy for your records, and return the original, top copy to our curator in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. We are most grateful for your gift and your interest in Yellowstone National Park. Sincerely, ,fJ;~ Michael V. Finley Superintendent Enclosure -- ~ ~ ",' UNITE:D STATE:S DE:PARTME:NT OF ;THE IN1'ERIOR FOR NPS USE ONLY. - NATIONAL.. PARK SE:RVICE ACCESSION NUMBER DEED OF GIFT YI::LL-1S20 NAME OF DONOR(S) TELEPHONE NUMBER (Give Area Code) ('ln~}) ')-P')-"3l,Q 'tlr J m H' Go ,,1. ',,_ "" ",' /;"'" " , '.. . a, e,"j 8l!runq ADDRESS (Numb..r, Street, City, State and Zip Code) Ci,tv of Bozeman , ,.f. P. O. Box -S,1O .' Do;~eilla.n, '1ontana ~-)(n71 Whereos the Notionol Pork Service is dedicoted to the preservotion ond protection o~ objects significont to the interpretation of National Parks throughout the United States, IIwe do hereby unconditionally donote to the Notional Park Service, for its unrestricted use, the item(s) listed below. I/We olso stote thot the subject donotion is my/our personal property free ond clear, to dispose of in any manner which I/we moy determine. I/We olso acknowledge actual delivery of the item(s) listed below to the Notional Park Service. DON~R(S) S~~RE (Ple9se use ball point pen) / ( / Ii /' --' j'/' '7"- I "-~_- /' ',...~.-........... .'" ~ , ''''''~ ' ,."Y"L,.,,---. ~~".~ ( :.'" J '-. /' ( I '~) '-c. ( l'- iVI /1 DESCRIPTION OF OBJECTS CONDITION VALUE* 1 r,1ot.ion ;,)icturG tripo.:j, 35111m C;003 1 Peto\1chinr.- and spottina outfit Good-Fair 1 Siqn about Old Faithful Geyser ~,10del Poor :I rIPS (Haynes Photo ~;hop) YNP automobile liscence Fair plates 1 ~1anua] for personnel, Haynes Photo Shops Fair J Blank albura (,'is sold in Hayne~ Shops) Excellent 2 Buttons, 50th anniversary of '{NP Cood 33 Assorted qlass and film holders Good-Pair 10 Prlntin'1 blocks (mounted & unrl'\ounted) Good-Pair 1 L:mbo",sinn plate (jood .1 Box, covered with cloth, lined for holdinq film Fair ;11ates .1 Cardboa rd box delivered to Haynes ::,:;tuc1 ios, Ine., ),'air Yellolt.'stone 1 Sirm f'ro:n Haynes Photo Sho.p, "Park Vil::,\1ls" Rair The National Pork Service hereby gratefully acknowledges the receipt of the item(s) listed above. SIGNATURE I DATE Superintendent I TITLE ,. PARK Yellowstone National ParJ{ D E Box 16~:, Yellow~3tone Eational Park, WI S21S()-Olc>0 A DR S5 · GIFTS TO THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AS CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS, HOWEVER, IT IS THE DONOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE APPRAISALS TO SUPPORT DEDUCTIONS. (S~~ IRS Pamphlet 561) Fo,", 10,-830 (11'77) (DONOR COpy)